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Last active January 2, 2016 16:59
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  • Save jonorossi/8333504 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jonorossi/8333504 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bullseye Coverage - XML coverage file parsing (extracted from an in-house tool written several years ago)
// Files:
// * CoverageDetails.cs - CoverageDetails has a bunch of simple attributes read from the coverage file, and some simple structs and enums
// * CoveredObject - base class of the next three classes
// * CoveredProject - a collection of modules
// * CoveredModule - a collection of functions
// * CoveredFunction - holds coverage information about the function
// * ReportHelper - some utility methods
// After running the binary coverage file through covxml with the --file argument
// construct the model using an XmlDocument object
// Create one set of these models
CoverageDetails details = new CoverageDetails(xmlDocument);
CoveredProject project = new CoveredProject("name here", details);
// Add your modules to the project model, you'll need to load each module up from separate coverage files
project.AddModule(xmlDocument, "moduleName");
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml;
namespace Tsd.Tools.Build.TsdCover.Models
public class CoverageDetails
public Version CoverageVersion { get; private set; }
public Version ReportVersion { get; private set; }
public CoverageDetails(XmlDocument document)
// <!-- BullseyeCoverage 7.13.25 Windows License xxxx -->
Regex version = new Regex(@"<!-- BullseyeCoverage (?<match>\d+\.\d+\.\d+) Windows License .*? -->");
Match versionMatch = version.Match(document.InnerXml);
if (versionMatch.Groups["match"] != null)
CoverageVersion = new Version(versionMatch.Groups["match"].Value);
//ReportVersion = new Version(Application.ProductVersion);
public enum CoveredCoditionalSequence
public enum CoveredKind
public class Probe
public int Line;
public int Column;
public CoveredKind Kind;
public CoveredCoditionalSequence Covered;
public struct Metrics
public int FunctionsCovered;
public int FunctionsTotal;
public int ConditionalsCovered;
public int ConditionalsTotal;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml;
namespace Tsd.Tools.Build.TsdCover.Models
public class CoveredFunction : CoveredObject
public string SourceFile { get; set; }
public override int ConditionalsCovered
int coveredConditionals = 0;
foreach (Probe probe in Probes)
if ((probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Decision) || (probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Condition))
if ((probe.Covered == CoveredCoditionalSequence.False) || (probe.Covered == CoveredCoditionalSequence.True))
else if (probe.Covered == CoveredCoditionalSequence.Full)
coveredConditionals += 2;
else if ((probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Try) || (probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Catch) || (probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Switch))
if (!(probe.Covered == CoveredCoditionalSequence.None))
return coveredConditionals;
public override int ConditionalsTotal
int countConditionals = 0;
foreach (Probe probe in Probes)
if ((probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Decision) || (probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Condition))
countConditionals += 2;
else if ((probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Try) || (probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Catch) || (probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Switch))
return countConditionals;
public override int FunctionsCovered
int coveredFunctions = 0;
foreach (Probe probe in Probes)
if (probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Function)
if (probe.Covered == CoveredCoditionalSequence.Full)
return coveredFunctions;
public override int FunctionsTotal
int countFunctions = 0;
foreach (Probe probe in Probes)
if (probe.Kind == CoveredKind.Function)
return countFunctions;
public List<Probe> Probes { get; set; }
public CoveredFunction(XmlNode node, string path, string sourcefile)
SourceFile = sourcefile;
Path = path;
Probes = new List<Probe>();
// Parse node
if (node.Name.ToLower() == "fn")
if (node.Attributes["name"] != null)
Name = node.Attributes["name"].Value;
if (node.Attributes != null)
Metrics m;
m.FunctionsTotal = 0;
if (node.Attributes["fn_total"] != null)
int.TryParse(node.Attributes["fn_total"].Value, out m.FunctionsTotal);
m.FunctionsCovered = 0;
if (node.Attributes["fn_cov"] != null)
int.TryParse(node.Attributes["fn_cov"].Value, out m.FunctionsCovered);
m.ConditionalsTotal = 0;
if (node.Attributes["cd_total"] != null)
int.TryParse(node.Attributes["cd_total"].Value, out m.ConditionalsTotal);
m.ConditionalsCovered = 0;
if (node.Attributes["cd_cov"] != null)
int.TryParse(node.Attributes["cd_cov"].Value, out m.ConditionalsCovered);
Metrics = m;
foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes)
if (child.Name.ToLower() == "probe")
Probe newProbe = new Probe();
if (child.Attributes["line"] != null)
int.TryParse(child.Attributes["line"].Value, out newProbe.Line);
if (child.Attributes["column"] != null)
int.TryParse(child.Attributes["column"].Value, out newProbe.Column);
if (child.Attributes["event"] != null)
if (child.Attributes["event"].Value.ToLower() == "full")
newProbe.Covered = CoveredCoditionalSequence.Full;
else if (child.Attributes["event"].Value.ToLower() == "false")
newProbe.Covered = CoveredCoditionalSequence.False;
else if (child.Attributes["event"].Value.ToLower() == "true")
newProbe.Covered = CoveredCoditionalSequence.True;
newProbe.Covered = CoveredCoditionalSequence.None;
if (child.Attributes["kind"] != null)
if (child.Attributes["kind"].Value.ToLower() == "decision")
newProbe.Kind = CoveredKind.Decision;
else if (child.Attributes["kind"].Value.ToLower() == "condition")
newProbe.Kind = CoveredKind.Condition;
else if (child.Attributes["kind"].Value.ToLower() == "function")
newProbe.Kind = CoveredKind.Function;
else if (child.Attributes["kind"].Value.ToLower() == "try")
newProbe.Kind = CoveredKind.Try;
else if (child.Attributes["kind"].Value.ToLower() == "catch")
newProbe.Kind = CoveredKind.Catch;
else if (child.Attributes["kind"].Value.ToLower() == "switch-label")
newProbe.Kind = CoveredKind.Switch;
else if (child.Attributes["kind"].Value.ToLower() == "constant")
newProbe.Kind = CoveredKind.Constant;
Console.WriteLine("[WARNING] Unsupported Probe Kind for Function: {0} = ({2}) [{1}]", Name, sourcefile, child.Attributes["kind"].Value.ToLower());
/// <summary>
/// Append Coverage information to the Function. (Adds the metrics if the functions match)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="function"></param>
public void AppendCoverage(CoveredFunction function)
if ((function.Name.ToLower() == Name.ToLower()) && (function.Path.ToLower() == Path.ToLower()))
// Check all Probes
foreach (Probe probe in function.Probes)
bool found = false;
foreach (Probe probeExists in Probes)
if ((probeExists.Line == probe.Line) &&
(probeExists.Kind == probe.Kind) &&
(probeExists.Column == probe.Column))
found = true;
if (probeExists.Covered < probe.Covered)
probeExists.Covered = probe.Covered;
if (!found)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml;
namespace Tsd.Tools.Build.TsdCover.Models
public class CoveredModule : CoveredObject
public List<CoveredFunction> Functions { get; set; }
public override int ConditionalsCovered
int countCovered = 0;
foreach (CoveredFunction function in Functions)
countCovered += function.ConditionalsCovered;
return countCovered;
public override int ConditionalsTotal
int countTotal = 0;
foreach (CoveredFunction function in Functions)
countTotal += function.ConditionalsTotal;
return countTotal;
public override int FunctionsCovered
int countCovered = 0;
foreach (CoveredFunction function in Functions)
countCovered += function.FunctionsCovered;
return countCovered;
public override int FunctionsTotal
int countTotal = 0;
foreach (CoveredFunction function in Functions)
countTotal += function.FunctionsTotal;
return countTotal;
public CoveredModule(XmlNode node, string name, string path)
Name = name;
Path = path;
Functions = new List<CoveredFunction>();
foreach (XmlNode srcchild in node.ChildNodes)
if (srcchild.Name.ToLower() == "src")
string sourceName = "";
if (srcchild.Attributes["name"] != null)
sourceName = srcchild.Attributes["name"].Value;
foreach (XmlNode child in srcchild.ChildNodes)
if (child.Name.ToLower() == "fn")
CoveredFunction function = new CoveredFunction(child, Path + "\\" + Name, sourceName);
/// <summary>
/// Append Coverage information to a Function in the module that matches.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="function"></param>
public void AppendFunction(CoveredFunction function)
foreach (CoveredFunction coveredFunction in Functions)
if ((function.Name.ToLower() == coveredFunction.Name.ToLower()) && (function.Path.ToLower() == coveredFunction.Path.ToLower()))
namespace Tsd.Tools.Build.TsdCover.Models
public abstract class CoveredObject
public virtual int FunctionsCovered { get; set; }
public virtual int FunctionsTotal { get; set; }
public virtual int ConditionalsCovered { get; set; }
public virtual int ConditionalsTotal { get; set; }
public virtual Metrics Metrics
Metrics metrics;
metrics.FunctionsCovered = FunctionsCovered;
metrics.FunctionsTotal = FunctionsTotal;
metrics.ConditionalsCovered = ConditionalsCovered;
metrics.ConditionalsTotal = ConditionalsTotal;
return metrics;
FunctionsCovered = value.FunctionsCovered;
FunctionsTotal = value.FunctionsTotal;
ConditionalsCovered = value.ConditionalsCovered;
ConditionalsTotal = value.ConditionalsTotal;
public string Name { get; internal set; }
public virtual string Path { get; internal set; }
public virtual float FunctionsPercentCovered
if (FunctionsTotal == 0)
return 100;
return ((float)FunctionsCovered / (float)FunctionsTotal) * 100;
public virtual float ConditionalsPercentCovered
if (ConditionalsTotal == 0)
return 100;
return ((float)ConditionalsCovered / (float)ConditionalsTotal) * 100;
/// <summary>
/// Add Metrics to the Existing Metrics.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="metrics"></param>
public void AddMetrics(Metrics metrics)
FunctionsCovered += metrics.FunctionsCovered;
FunctionsTotal += metrics.FunctionsTotal;
ConditionalsCovered += metrics.ConditionalsCovered;
ConditionalsTotal += metrics.ConditionalsTotal;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml;
namespace Tsd.Tools.Build.TsdCover.Models
public class CoveredProject : CoveredObject
public List<CoveredModule> Modules { get; set; }
public CoverageDetails Details { get; set; }
public override int FunctionsCovered
int count = 0;
foreach (CoveredModule module in Modules)
count += module.FunctionsCovered;
return count;
public override int FunctionsTotal
int count = 0;
foreach (CoveredModule o in Modules)
count += o.FunctionsTotal;
return count;
public override int ConditionalsCovered
int count = 0;
foreach (CoveredModule o in Modules)
count += o.ConditionalsCovered;
return count;
public override int ConditionalsTotal
int count = 0;
foreach (CoveredModule o in Modules)
count += o.ConditionalsTotal;
return count;
public CoveredProject(string name, CoverageDetails details)
Name = name;
Modules = new List<CoveredModule>();
Details = details;
/// <summary>
/// Add a module to the Project.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file">Xml Data</param>
/// <param name="moduleName"></param>
public void AddModule(string file, string moduleName)
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
AddModule(document, moduleName);
/// <summary>
/// Add a module to the Project.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="document"></param>
/// <param name="moduleName"></param>
public void AddModule(XmlDocument document, string moduleName)
XmlNode sourceNode = ReportHelper.FindSourceNode(document);
if (sourceNode != null)
AddModules(sourceNode, "..\\..", moduleName);
/// <summary>
/// Add multiple modules to the Project.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node"></param>
/// <param name="parentPath"></param>
/// <param name="moduleName"></param>
private void AddModules(XmlNode node, string parentPath, string moduleName)
if (node == null)
CoveredModule temp;
string path = parentPath;
if (path != "")
path += "\\";
if (((node.Name.ToLower() == "folder")) && (node.Attributes["name"] != null))
path += node.Attributes["name"].Value;
if (moduleName == node.Attributes["name"].Value)
temp = new CoveredModule(node, node.Attributes["name"].Value, path);
if (node.Attributes != null)
Metrics m;
m.FunctionsTotal = 0;
if (node.Attributes["fn_total"] != null)
int.TryParse(node.Attributes["fn_total"].Value, out m.FunctionsTotal);
m.FunctionsCovered = 0;
if (node.Attributes["fn_cov"] != null)
int.TryParse(node.Attributes["fn_cov"].Value, out m.FunctionsCovered);
m.ConditionalsTotal = 0;
if (node.Attributes["cd_total"] != null)
int.TryParse(node.Attributes["cd_total"].Value, out m.ConditionalsTotal);
m.ConditionalsCovered = 0;
if (node.Attributes["cd_cov"] != null)
int.TryParse(node.Attributes["cd_cov"].Value, out m.ConditionalsCovered);
temp.FunctionsCovered = m.FunctionsCovered;
temp.FunctionsTotal = m.FunctionsTotal;
temp.ConditionalsCovered = m.ConditionalsCovered;
temp.ConditionalsTotal = m.ConditionalsTotal;
if (ReportHelper.HasSourceNodes(node))
// No deeper then project
foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes)
if (child.Name.ToLower() == "folder")
AddModules(child, path, moduleName);
/// <summary>
/// Append Coverage information to an object in the project that matches.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="module"></param>
private void AppendObject(CoveredModule module)
// Check if the object exists (Full Path Check)
CoveredObject found = null;
foreach (CoveredModule o in Modules)
if (o.Path.ToLower() == module.Path.ToLower())
found = o;
if (found == null)
private static void OutputTeamCityServiceMessages(IEnumerable<ModuleCoverage> modules)
int methodTotal = modules.Sum(x => x.MethodTotal);
int methodCovered = modules.Sum(x => x.MethodCovered);
int branchTotal = modules.Sum(x => x.BranchTotal);
int branchCovered = modules.Sum(x => x.BranchCovered);
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageM' value='{0}']", methodTotal > 0 ? methodCovered * 100.0 / methodTotal : 0);
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageAbsMCovered' value='{0}']", methodCovered);
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageAbsMTotal' value='{0}']", methodTotal);
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageB' value='{0}']", branchTotal > 0 ? branchCovered * 100.0 / branchTotal : 0);
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageAbsBCovered' value='{0}']", branchCovered);
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageAbsBTotal' value='{0}']", branchTotal);
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageL' value='100']");
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageAbsLCovered' value='1']");
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageAbsLTotal' value='1']");
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageC' value='100']");
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageAbsCCovered' value='1']");
Console.WriteLine("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='CodeCoverageAbsCTotal' value='1']");
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace Tsd.Tools.Build.TsdCover
public static class ReportHelper
public static XmlNode FindSourceNode(XmlNode root)
// Is this a Folder?
if (root.Name.ToLower() == "folder")
// Is this in a .. Folder
if ((root.Attributes["name"] != null) && (root.Attributes["name"].Value.ToLower() == ".."))
// Last Folder thats ..
foreach (XmlNode node in root.ChildNodes)
// Include Directory is considered a seperate Node.
if ((node.Attributes["name"] != null) && (node.Attributes["name"].Value.ToLower() != "..") && (node.Attributes["name"].Value.ToLower() != "include"))
return root;
XmlNode check;
foreach (XmlNode node in root.ChildNodes)
check = FindSourceNode(node);
if (check != null)
return check;
return null;
public static XmlNode FindIncludeNode(XmlNode root)
// Is this a Folder?
if (root.Name.ToLower() == "folder")
// Is this in a .. Folder
if ((root.Attributes["name"] != null) && (root.Attributes["name"].Value.ToLower() == "include"))
// First "include" folder
return root;
XmlNode check;
foreach (XmlNode node in root.ChildNodes)
check = FindIncludeNode(node);
if (check != null)
return check;
return null;
public static bool IsTestNamed(string name)
if (Regex.IsMatch(name, @"(UnitTests|.*?\.UnitTests|.*?_test)", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
return true;
return false;
public static bool HasSourceNodes(XmlNode node)
foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes)
if (child.Name.ToLower() == "src")
return true;
return false;
public static string CovToXml(string file)
Process proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "covxml";
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "--file \"" + file + "\"";
proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
while (!proc.HasExited)
return data.ToString();
catch (Win32Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Error converting Coverage file, ensure covxml is on the PATH.");
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