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Created February 28, 2011 19:24
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issue rendering partial to side_body for all pages#
# provide a default array for collecting CSS for sections
css = []
# if 'sections' is passed in as a local_assigns, all of this is ignored.
if local_assigns[:sections].blank?
# always have a title
sections = [{:yield => :body_content_title, :fallback => page_title, :title => true}]
# append sections from this page. do |s, part|
# we have some default yields, body_content_left and body_content_right
# these map to 'body' and 'side_body' fields in default Refinery.
section = {:fallback => part.body}
section[:yield] = case (title_symbol = part.title.to_s.gsub(/\ /, '').underscore.to_sym)
when :body then :body_content_left
when :side_body then :body_content_right
else title_symbol
# add section to the list unless we were specifically requested not to.
# otherwise, add css saying it's been removed.
unless (local_assigns[:hide_sections]||=[]).include?(section[:yield])
s << section
css << "no_#{section[:yield]}"
end unless @page.nil? or
# Ensure that even without we still have body_content_left and body_content_right
all_yields = sections.collect{|s| s[:yield]}
sections << {:yield => :body_content_left} unless all_yields.include?(:body_content_left)
sections << {:yield => :body_content_right} unless all_yields.include?(:body_content_right)
# you can add more sections to the list using something like this:
# sections |= [{:yield => :something_else, :fallback => another_method, :id => 'something'}]
sections.each do |section|
section[:html] = yield(section[:yield]) if section[:yield].present?
if section[:html].blank? and !local_assigns[:show_empty_sections] and
!local_assigns[:remove_automatic_sections] and section.keys.include?(:fallback) and
section[:html] = raw(section[:fallback])
dom_id = section[:id] || section[:yield]
if section[:html].present?
if section[:title]
section[:html] = "<h1 id='#{dom_id}'>#{section[:html]}</h1>"
section[:html] = "<section id='#{dom_id}'>#{section[:html]}</section>"
css << "no_#{dom_id}"
<section id='body_content'<%= " class='#{css.join(' ')}'" if css.present? %>>
<%= raw{|section| section[:html]}.join("\n") -%>
<%= render :partial => '/shared/draft_page_message' unless @page.nil? or -%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%= render :partial => "/shared/html_tag" %>
<% site_bar = render(:partial => "/shared/site_bar", :locals => {:head => true}) -%>
<%= render :partial => "/shared/head" %>
<a id="backtotop" name="backtotop"></a>
<div id="wrap">
<%= site_bar -%>
<%= render :partial => "/shared/ie6check" if request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /MSIE/ -%>
<div id="page_container">
<%= render :partial => "/shared/header" -%>
<section id='page'>
<%= yield %>
<div class="spacer" style="clear:both;">&nbsp;</div>
<%= render :partial => "/shared/footer" -%>
<%= render :partial => "/shared/javascripts" %>
</div> <!-- end WRAP div -->
<% content_for :body_content_right do %>
<%= raw @page[:side_body] %>
<%= render :partial => "/shared/body_content_right" %>
<% end %>
<%= render :partial => "/shared/content_page" %>
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