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Created November 5, 2015 19:53
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Common-Lisp alife simulation "soup"
(require 'cl-ppcre)
(require 'vecto)
(require 'hunchentoot)
(defpackage :soup
(:use :cl-ppcre :common-lisp :vecto :hunchentoot :flexi-streams)
(:export :start-soup))
(in-package :soup)
;; world is a 2d, square, array.
;; world-language.
(defun make-world (size)
(make-array (list size size) :initial-element nil))
(defun world-size (world)
(array-dimension world 0))
(defun world-ref (world x y)
(let* ((size (world-size world))
(x (mod x size))
(y (mod y size)))
(aref world x y)))
(defun (setf world-ref) (value world x y)
(let* ((size (world-size world))
(x (mod x size))
(y (mod y size)))
(setf (aref world x y) value)))
(defconstant +A 0)
(defconstant +G 1)
(defconstant +C 2)
(defconstant +T 3)
(defun char->gene (char)
(case char
(#\A 0)
(#\G 1)
(#\C 2)
(#\T 3)))
(defun gene->char (gene)
(case gene
(0 #\A)
(1 #\G)
(2 #\C)
(3 #\T)))
(defun pair->string (n)
(let ((str (make-array 0 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
(vector-push-extend (gene->char (ash n -2)) str)
(vector-push-extend (gene->char (logand n 3)) str)
(defconstant +AA 00) ;; push A
(defconstant +AG 01) ;; ... G
(defconstant +AC 02) ;; ... C
(defconstant +AT 03) ;; ... T
(defconstant +GA 04) ;; dup
(defconstant +GG 05) ;; drop
(defconstant +GC 06) ;; swap
(defconstant +GT 07) ;; gt
(defconstant +CA 08) ;; skip/occupied
(defconstant +CG 09) ;; skip/=
(defconstant +CC 10) ;; nop
(defconstant +CT 11) ;; multiply
(defconstant +TA 12) ;; eat
(defconstant +TG 13) ;; hump
(defconstant +TC 14) ;; move
(defconstant +TT 15) ;; die
(defun random-gene ()
(random 4))
(defun random-pair ()
(random 16))
;; stack
(defconstant +STACK-SIZE+ 10)
(defclass stack ()
((s :initform '()
:accessor stack)))
(defmethod stack-push (value (stack stack))
(if (> (length (stack stack)) (1- +STACK-SIZE+))
(setf (car (stack stack)) value)
(stack stack))
(push value (stack stack))))
(defmethod stack-pop ((stack stack))
(if (> (length (stack stack)) 0)
(pop (stack stack))
(defmethod stack-size ((stack stack))
(length (stack stack)))
;; creature.
(defclass creature ()
((genome :initarg :genome
:accessor creature-genome)
(pc :initarg :pc
:initform 0
:accessor creature-pc)
(ni :initform nil
:accessor creature-ni)
(stack :initform (make-instance 'stack)
:initarg :stack
:accessor creature-stack)))
;; genome.
(defun make-genome (size)
(make-array size :element-type '(mod 16)))
(defun list->genome (list)
(let ((genome (make-genome (length list))))
(loop for i from 0 to (1- (length list))
(setf (aref genome i) (nth i list)))
(defun genome-length (genome)
(length genome))
(defun genome-instr (genome pc)
(aref genome pc))
(defun genome-length (genome)
(array-dimension genome 0))
(defun string->genome (string)
(when (not (zerop (mod (length string) 2)))
(error "genome must be in pairs."))
(list->genome (loop for i from 0 to (1- (/ (length string) 2))
as j = (* i 2)
collect (let ((c1 (aref string j))
(c2 (aref string (1+ j))))
(logior (ash (char->gene c1) 2)
(char->gene c2))))))
(defun genome-reproduce (genome1 genome2)
(let ((ng (make-genome (min (genome-length genome1)
(genome-length genome2)))))
for g1 from 0 to (1- (genome-length genome1))
for g2 from 0 to (1- (genome-length genome2))
do (setf (aref ng g1)
(let ((r (random 1000)))
((< r 400) (genome-instr genome1 g1))
((< r 800) (genome-instr genome2 g2))
((< r 950) (random-pair))
(t (logxor (genome-instr genome1 g1)
(genome-instr genome2 g2)))))))
(defmethod creature-reproduce ((c1 creature) (c2 creature))
(make-instance 'creature
:genome (genome-reproduce
(creature-genome c1)
(creature-genome c2))))
;; only really used for debugging.
(defun genome->list (genome)
(loop for g from 0 to (1- (genome-length genome))
collect (pair->string (genome-instr genome g))))
(defun just-died? ()
(= (random 1000) 42))
(defun battle-weight (delta)
(* 40 (/ delta +STACK-SIZE+)))
(defun battle (creature1 creature2)
(let* ((l1 (stack-size (creature-stack creature1)))
(l2 (stack-size (creature-stack creature2)))
(d (- l1 l2))
(w (battle-weight d))
(r (random 100)))
(> r (+ 50 w))))
(defun multiply-successfulp ()
(> (random 100) 80))
;; locations
(defstruct location x y)
(defun offspring-location (location)
(make-location :x (1+ (location-x location))
:y (1+ (location-y location))))
(defun world-null! (world location)
(setf (world-ref world (location-x location) (location-y location)) nil))
(defmethod creature-set-pc ((creature creature) pc)
(setf (creature-pc creature)
(mod pc (genome-length (creature-genome creature)))))
(defmethod creature-inc-pc ((creature creature))
(creature-set-pc creature
(1+ (creature-pc creature))))
(defmethod creature-skip-pc ((creature creature))
(creature-set-pc creature
(+ 2 (creature-pc creature))))
(defmethod creature-current-instruction ((creature creature))
(genome-instr (creature-genome creature)
(creature-pc creature)))
(defun creature-die (world location)
(world-null! world location))
(defun creature-stack-push (creature value)
(stack-push value (creature-stack creature)))
(defun cpc++ (c) (creature-inc-pc c))
(defun cpcskp (c) (creature-skip-pc c))
(defun cpush (c v) (creature-stack-push c v))
(defun cpop (c) (stack-pop (creature-stack c)))
(defun gene->location (gene location)
(let ((x (location-x location))
(y (location-y location)))
(make-location :x (+ x (case gene
(0 0)
(1 1)
(2 0)
(3 -1)))
:y (+ y (case gene
(0 -1)
(1 0)
(2 1)
(3 0))))))
(defun location-occupiedp (world location)
(null (world-ref world (location-x location) (location-y location))))
(defun location-occupiedp* (world creature location)
(gene->location (cpop creature) location)))
(defun run-creature! (world x y)
(let* ((location (make-location :x x :y y))
(c (world-ref world (location-x location) (location-y location))))
(if (not (null c))
(let ((gene (if (null (creature-ni c))
(creature-current-instruction c)
(progn ;; gross handing for GT (pop & exec)
(let ((ni (creature-ni c)))
(setf (creature-ni c) nil)
(cpc++ c)
(if (just-died?)
(world-null! world location)
(case gene
;; push instructions
(0 (cpush c +A) (cpc++ c))
(1 (cpush c +G) (cpc++ c))
(2 (cpush c +C) (cpc++ c))
(3 (cpush c +T) (cpc++ c))
;; stack instructions
;; DUP
(4 (let ((v (cpop c))) (cpush c v) (cpush c v)) (cpc++ c))
(5 (cpop c) (cpc++ c))
(6 (let ((x (cpop c))
(y (cpop c)))
(cpush c y)
(cpush c x)
(cpc++ c)))
(7 (let ((x (cpop c))
(y (cpop c)))
(setf (creature-ni c)
(logior (ash x 2) y))
(cpc++ c)))
(8 (if (location-occupiedp* world c location)
(cpc++ c)
(cpcskp c)))
(9 (if (= (cpop c) (cpop c))
(cpcskp c)
(cpc++ c)))
;; NOP
(10 (cpc++ c))
(11 (let* ((nl (gene->location (cpop c) location))
(x (location-x nl))
(y (location-y nl)))
(when (and (null (world-ref world x y))
(setf (world-ref world x y)
(make-instance 'creature
:genome (creature-genome c))))))
;; EAT
(12 (let* ((nl (gene->location (cpop c) location))
(x (location-x nl))
(y (location-y nl))
(neighbour (world-ref world x y)))
(when (not (null neighbour))
(if (battle c neighbour)
(world-null! world nl)
(world-null! world location)))))
(13 (let* ((nl (gene->location (cpop c) location))
(x (location-x nl))
(y (location-y nl))
(neighbour (world-ref world x y))
(ol (offspring-location location)))
(if neighbour
(setf (world-ref world (location-x ol)
(location-y ol))
(creature-reproduce c neighbour)))))
(14 (let* ((nl (gene->location (cpop c) location))
(x (location-x nl))
(y (location-y nl))
(neighbour (world-ref world x y)))
(when (null neighbour)
(world-null! world location)
(setf (world-ref world x y) c))))
(15 (world-null! world location)))))
(defun run-world! (world)
(let ((ws (world-size world)))
(loop for x from 0 to ws
do (loop for y from 0 to ws do
(run-creature! world x y))))
(defun spawn-creature! (world genome)
(let ((ws (world-size world)))
(setf (world-ref world (random ws)
(random ws))
(make-instance 'creature
:genome (string->genome genome)))))
(defun creature->color (creature)
(let ((genome (creature-genome creature))
(r 0)
(g 0)
(b 0))
(loop for x from 0 to (1- (genome-length genome))
(let ((instr (genome-instr genome x)))
(setf r (* instr 3.1415)
g (* instr 5.6345)
b (* instr 4.9321))))
(values (mod r 1.0) (mod g 1.0) (mod b 1.0))))
(defun world->png (world file)
(let ((ws (world-size world)))
(with-canvas (:width (* ws 2) :height (* ws 2))
(set-rgb-fill 1 1 1)
(set-line-width 2)
(set-line-cap :round)
for x from 0 to ws
(loop for y from 0 to ws
(let ((c (world-ref world x y))
(x (* x 2))
(y (* y 2)))
(when c
(multiple-value-bind (r g b) (creature->color c)
(set-rgb-stroke r g b))
(move-to x y)
(line-to x y)
(save-png file))))
(defun world->png-string (world)
(let* ((stream (flexi-streams:make-in-memory-output-stream))
(ws (world-size world)))
(with-canvas (:width (* ws 2) :height (* ws 2))
(set-rgb-fill 1 1 1)
(set-line-width 2)
(set-line-cap :round)
for x from 0 to ws
(loop for y from 0 to ws
(let ((c (world-ref world x y))
(x (* x 2))
(y (* y 2)))
(when c
(multiple-value-bind (r g b) (creature->color c)
(set-rgb-stroke r g b))
(move-to x y)
(line-to x y)
(save-png-stream stream))
(get-output-stream-sequence stream))))
(defun spawn-random-creature! (world)
(let ((ws (world-size world)))
(setf (world-ref world (random ws)
(random ws))
(make-instance 'creature
(make-array 10 :initial-contents (loop for x from 0 to 9 collect (random 16)))))))
;;; web-server
(defvar *acceptor* nil)
(defvar *world* (make-world 200))
(defun valid-genomep (genome)
(if (scan "^([AGCT]{2}){1,16}$"genome)
(define-easy-handler (spawn-handler :uri "/spawn") (genome)
(if (valid-genomep genome)
(spawn-creature! *world* genome)
"Creature submitted")
"Invalid creature."))
(defvar *crunch-generations* 100)
(defvar *world-png-image* (world->png-string *world*))
(define-easy-handler (world-handler :uri "/world") ()
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "image/png")
(defvar *crunching-thread* nil)
(defun start-soup ()
(setf *crunching-thread*
(sb-thread:make-thread (lambda ()
(sleep 2)
(dotimes (n *crunch-generations*)
(run-world! *world*))
(setf *world-png-image*
(world->png-string *world*))))))
(hunchentoot:start (make-instance 'hunchentoot:acceptor :port 4242)))
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