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Created March 10, 2020 11:11
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import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
from poliastro.core.hyper import hyp2f1b
from poliastro.core.stumpff import c2, c3
from poliastro.core.util import cross, norm
from ._jit import jit
def vallado(k, r0, r, tof, short, numiter, rtol):
r"""Solves the Lambert's problem.
The algorithm returns the initial velocity vector and the final one, these are
computed by the following expresions:
.. math::
\vec{v_{o}} &= \frac{1}{g}(\vec{r} - f\vec{r_{0}}) \\
\vec{v} &= \frac{1}{g}(\dot{g}\vec{r} - \vec{r_{0}})
Therefore, the lagrange coefficients need to be computed. For the case of
Lamber's problem, they can be expressed by terms of the initial and final vector:
.. math::
f = 1 -\frac{y}{r_{o}} \\
g = A\sqrt{\frac{y}{\mu}} \\
\dot{g} = 1 - \frac{y}{r} \\
Where y(z) is a function that depends on the :py:mod:`poliastro.core.stumpff` coefficients:
.. math::
y = r_{o} + r + A\frac{zS(z)-1}{\sqrt{C(z)}} \\
A = \sin{(\Delta \nu)}\sqrt{\frac{rr_{o}}{1 - \cos{(\Delta \nu)}}}
The value of z to evaluate the stump functions is solved by applying a Numerical method to
the following equation:
.. math::
z_{i+1} = z_{i} - \frac{F(z_{i})}{F{}'(z_{i})}
Function F(z) to the expression:
.. math::
F(z) = \left [\frac{y(z)}{C(z)} \right ]^{\frac{3}{2}}S(z) + A\sqrt{y(z)} - \sqrt{\mu}\Delta t
k: float
Gravitational Parameter
r0: ~np.array
Initial position vector
r: ~np.array
Final position vector
tof: ~float
Time of flight
numiter: int
Number of iterations to
rtol: int
Number of revolutions
v0: ~np.array
Initial velocity vector
v: ~np.array
Final velocity vector
>>> from poliastro.core.iod import vallado
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from poliastro.bodies import Earth
>>> k =**3 / u.s**2)
>>> r1 = np.array([5000, 10000, 2100])* #Initial position vector
>>> r2 = np.array([-14600, 2500, 7000])* #Final position vector
>>> tof = 3600*u.s #Time of fligh
>>> v1, v2 = vallado(k.value, r1.value, r2.value, tof.value, short=True, numiter=35, rtol=1e-8)
>>> v1 = v1* / u.s
>>> v2 = v2* / u.s
>>> print(v1, v2)
[-5.99249499 1.92536673 3.24563805] km / s [-3.31245847 -4.196619 -0.38528907] km / s
This procedure can be found in section 5.3 of Curtis, with all the
theoretical description of the problem. Analytical example can be found
in the same book under name Example 5.2.
if short:
t_m = +1
t_m = -1
norm_r0 =, r0) ** 0.5
norm_r =, r) ** 0.5
norm_r0_times_norm_r = norm_r0 * norm_r
norm_r0_plus_norm_r = norm_r0 + norm_r
cos_dnu =, r) / norm_r0_times_norm_r
A = t_m * (norm_r * norm_r0 * (1 + cos_dnu)) ** 0.5
if A == 0.0:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot compute orbit, phase angle is 180 degrees")
psi = 0.0
psi_low = -4 * np.pi ** 2
psi_up = 4 * np.pi ** 2
count = 0
while count < numiter:
y = norm_r0_plus_norm_r + A * (psi * c3(psi) - 1) / c2(psi) ** 0.5
if A > 0.0:
# Readjust xi_low until y > 0.0
# Translated directly from Vallado
while y < 0.0:
psi_low = psi
psi = (
* (1.0 / c3(psi))
* (1.0 - norm_r0_times_norm_r * np.sqrt(c2(psi)) / A)
y = norm_r0_plus_norm_r + A * (psi * c3(psi) - 1) / c2(psi) ** 0.5
xi = np.sqrt(y / c2(psi))
tof_new = (xi ** 3 * c3(psi) + A * np.sqrt(y)) / np.sqrt(k)
# Convergence check
if np.abs((tof_new - tof) / tof) < rtol:
count += 1
# Bisection check
condition = tof_new <= tof
psi_low = psi_low + (psi - psi_low) * condition
psi_up = psi_up + (psi - psi_up) * (not condition)
psi = (psi_up + psi_low) / 2
raise RuntimeError("Maximum number of iterations reached")
f = 1 - y / norm_r0
g = A * np.sqrt(y / k)
gdot = 1 - y / norm_r
v0 = (r - f * r0) / g
v = (gdot * r - r0) / g
return v0, v
def izzo(k, r1, r2, tof, M, numiter, rtol):
""" Aplies izzo algorithm to solve Lambert's problem.
k: float
Gravitational Constant
r1: ~numpy.array
Initial position vector
r2: ~numpy.array
Final position vector
tof: float
Time of flight between both positions
M: int
Number of revolutions
numiter: int
Numbert of iterations
rtol: float
Error tolerance
v1: ~numpy.array
Initial velocity vector
v2: ~numpy.array
Final velocity vector
# Check preconditions
assert tof > 0
assert k > 0
# Check collinearity of r1 and r2
if np.all(cross(r1, r2) == 0):
raise ValueError("Lambert solution cannot be computed for collinear vectors")
# Chord
c = r2 - r1
c_norm, r1_norm, r2_norm = norm(c), norm(r1), norm(r2)
# Semiperimeter
s = (r1_norm + r2_norm + c_norm) * 0.5
# Versors
i_r1, i_r2 = r1 / r1_norm, r2 / r2_norm
i_h = cross(i_r1, i_r2)
i_h = i_h / norm(i_h) # Fixed from paper
# Geometry of the problem
ll = np.sqrt(1 - min(1.0, c_norm / s))
if i_h[2] < 0:
ll = -ll
i_h = -i_h
i_t1, i_t2 = cross(i_h, i_r1), cross(i_h, i_r2) # Fixed from paper
# Non dimensional time of flight
T = np.sqrt(2 * k / s ** 3) * tof
# Find solutions
xy = _find_xy(ll, T, M, numiter, rtol)
# Reconstruct
gamma = np.sqrt(k * s / 2)
rho = (r1_norm - r2_norm) / c_norm
sigma = np.sqrt(1 - rho ** 2)
for x, y in xy:
V_r1, V_r2, V_t1, V_t2 = _reconstruct(
x, y, r1_norm, r2_norm, ll, gamma, rho, sigma
v1 = V_r1 * i_r1 + V_t1 * i_t1
v2 = V_r2 * i_r2 + V_t2 * i_t2
yield v1, v2
def _reconstruct(x, y, r1, r2, ll, gamma, rho, sigma):
"""Reconstruct solution velocity vectors.
V_r1 = gamma * ((ll * y - x) - rho * (ll * y + x)) / r1
V_r2 = -gamma * ((ll * y - x) + rho * (ll * y + x)) / r2
V_t1 = gamma * sigma * (y + ll * x) / r1
V_t2 = gamma * sigma * (y + ll * x) / r2
return [V_r1, V_r2, V_t1, V_t2]
def _find_xy(ll, T, M, numiter, rtol):
"""Computes all x, y for given number of revolutions.
# For abs(ll) == 1 the derivative is not continuous
assert abs(ll) < 1
assert T > 0 # Mistake on original paper
M_max = np.floor(T / pi)
T_00 = np.arccos(ll) + ll * np.sqrt(1 - ll ** 2) # T_xM
# Refine maximum number of revolutions if necessary
if T < T_00 + M_max * pi and M_max > 0:
_, T_min = _compute_T_min(ll, M_max, numiter, rtol)
if T < T_min:
M_max -= 1
# Check if a feasible solution exist for the given number of revolutions
# This departs from the original paper in that we do not compute all solutions
if M > M_max:
raise ValueError("No feasible solution, try lower M")
# Initial guess
for x_0 in _initial_guess(T, ll, M):
# Start Householder iterations from x_0 and find x, y
x = _householder(x_0, T, ll, M, rtol, numiter)
y = _compute_y(x, ll)
yield x, y
def _compute_y(x, ll):
"""Computes y.
return np.sqrt(1 - ll ** 2 * (1 - x ** 2))
def _compute_psi(x, y, ll):
"""Computes psi.
"The auxiliary angle psi is computed using Eq.(17) by the appropriate
inverse function"
if -1 <= x < 1:
# Elliptic motion
# Use arc cosine to avoid numerical errors
return np.arccos(x * y + ll * (1 - x ** 2))
elif x > 1:
# Hyperbolic motion
# The hyperbolic sine is bijective
return np.arcsinh((y - x * ll) * np.sqrt(x ** 2 - 1))
# Parabolic motion
return 0.0
def _tof_equation(x, T0, ll, M):
"""Time of flight equation.
return _tof_equation_y(x, _compute_y(x, ll), T0, ll, M)
def _tof_equation_y(x, y, T0, ll, M):
"""Time of flight equation with externally computated y.
if M == 0 and np.sqrt(0.6) < x < np.sqrt(1.4):
eta = y - ll * x
S_1 = (1 - ll - x * eta) * 0.5
Q = 4 / 3 * hyp2f1b(S_1)
T_ = (eta ** 3 * Q + 4 * ll * eta) * 0.5
psi = _compute_psi(x, y, ll)
T_ = np.divide(
np.divide(psi + M * pi, np.sqrt(np.abs(1 - x ** 2))) - x + ll * y,
(1 - x ** 2),
return T_ - T0
def _tof_equation_p(x, y, T, ll):
# TODO: What about derivatives when x approaches 1?
return (3 * T * x - 2 + 2 * ll ** 3 * x / y) / (1 - x ** 2)
def _tof_equation_p2(x, y, T, dT, ll):
return (3 * T + 5 * x * dT + 2 * (1 - ll ** 2) * ll ** 3 / y ** 3) / (1 - x ** 2)
def _tof_equation_p3(x, y, _, dT, ddT, ll):
return (7 * x * ddT + 8 * dT - 6 * (1 - ll ** 2) * ll ** 5 * x / y ** 5) / (
1 - x ** 2
def _compute_T_min(ll, M, numiter, rtol):
"""Compute minimum T.
if ll == 1:
x_T_min = 0.0
T_min = _tof_equation(x_T_min, 0.0, ll, M)
if M == 0:
x_T_min = np.inf
T_min = 0.0
# Set x_i > 0 to avoid problems at ll = -1
x_i = 0.1
T_i = _tof_equation(x_i, 0.0, ll, M)
x_T_min = _halley(x_i, T_i, ll, rtol, numiter)
T_min = _tof_equation(x_T_min, 0.0, ll, M)
return [x_T_min, T_min]
def _initial_guess(T, ll, M):
"""Initial guess.
if M == 0:
# Single revolution
T_0 = np.arccos(ll) + ll * np.sqrt(1 - ll ** 2) + M * pi # Equation 19
T_1 = 2 * (1 - ll ** 3) / 3 # Equation 21
if T >= T_0:
x_0 = (T_0 / T) ** (2 / 3) - 1
elif T < T_1:
x_0 = 5 / 2 * T_1 / T * (T_1 - T) / (1 - ll ** 5) + 1
# This is the real condition, which is not exactly equivalent
# elif T_1 < T < T_0
x_0 = (T_0 / T) ** (np.log2(T_1 / T_0)) - 1
return [x_0]
# Multiple revolution
x_0l = (((M * pi + pi) / (8 * T)) ** (2 / 3) - 1) / (
((M * pi + pi) / (8 * T)) ** (2 / 3) + 1
x_0r = (((8 * T) / (M * pi)) ** (2 / 3) - 1) / (
((8 * T) / (M * pi)) ** (2 / 3) + 1
return [x_0l, x_0r]
def _halley(p0, T0, ll, tol, maxiter):
"""Find a minimum of time of flight equation using the Halley method.
This function is private because it assumes a calling convention specific to
this module and is not really reusable.
for ii in range(maxiter):
y = _compute_y(p0, ll)
fder = _tof_equation_p(p0, y, T0, ll)
fder2 = _tof_equation_p2(p0, y, T0, fder, ll)
if fder2 == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Derivative was zero")
fder3 = _tof_equation_p3(p0, y, T0, fder, fder2, ll)
# Halley step (cubic)
p = p0 - 2 * fder * fder2 / (2 * fder2 ** 2 - fder * fder3)
if abs(p - p0) < tol:
return p
p0 = p
raise RuntimeError("Failed to converge")
def _householder(p0, T0, ll, M, tol, maxiter):
"""Find a zero of time of flight equation using the Householder method.
This function is private because it assumes a calling convention specific to
this module and is not really reusable.
for ii in range(maxiter):
y = _compute_y(p0, ll)
fval = _tof_equation_y(p0, y, T0, ll, M)
T = fval + T0
fder = _tof_equation_p(p0, y, T, ll)
fder2 = _tof_equation_p2(p0, y, T, fder, ll)
fder3 = _tof_equation_p3(p0, y, T, fder, fder2, ll)
# Householder step (quartic)
p = p0 - fval * (
(fder ** 2 - fval * fder2 / 2)
/ (fder * (fder ** 2 - fval * fder2) + fder3 * fval ** 2 / 6)
if abs(p - p0) < tol:
return p
p0 = p
raise RuntimeError("Failed to converge")
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