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Last active March 27, 2021 09:13
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A pseudo code for Truncation Operation. Heavily inspired from pagmo, all credits to Dario Izzo and team. I do think there are some mistakes in the original implementation, I have yet to discuss this with the author. Cheers
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <armadillo>
* @brief Code heavily inspired from Pagmo. All credits to Dario Izzo.
double archiveSize = 10;
// Possibly make it a inner class???
template<typename MatType>
class DistanceSorter
explicit DistanceSorter(
const std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> &neighborIndices,
const std::vector<MatType> &solutionSet)
: _neighborIndices(neighborIndices),
_solutionSet(solutionSet) {}
bool operator()(size_t idxA, size_t idxB)
{ //..sanity check
size_t currNeighbor; // The ith neighbor
double distA = 0.;
double distB = 0.;
// The condition from the paper
while(currNeighbor < _neighborIndices[0].size() && distA == distB)
distA = arma::distance( //Distance of A to its "i"th neighbor
distB = arma::distance( //Distance of B to its "i"th neighbor
// Return idxA if distA < distB
return distA < distB;
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> &_neighborIndices;
std::vector<MatType> &_solutionSet;
// The size of archive now is numNonDominated
template<typename MatType>
void Truncate(std::vector<MatType>& archive, std::vector<MatType>& solutionSet)
//! Matrix with dynamic size because it re-adjusts
//! for deleted individuals
// neighborIndices[i][j] => index of jth closest neighbor of i
std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > neighborIndices;
size_t numNonDominated = archive.size();
for (size_t i : archiveSize)
{ //Cache distance of individual i from others
arma::vec distances(archiveSize);
for (size_t j : archiveSize)
distances[i][j] = arma::norm(archive[i] - archive[j]);
//Store the indices of the nearest neighbors for individual i
std::vector<size_t> archiveIndices(numNonDominated);
// This is both the meat of the algorithm and the bottleneck.
while (archive.size() > archiveSize)
{ // Choose the individual which has the least distance to neighbor.
size_t idxToRemove = *(std::min_element(
archiveIndices.begin(), archiveIndices.end(),
DistanceSorter(neighborIndices, solutionSet)));
// delete that point from archive and solution set.
archiveIndices.erase(archiveIndices.begin() + idxToRemove);
archive.erase(archive.begin() + idxToRemove);
solutionSet(solutionSet.begin() + idxToRemove);
// Time to readjust indices
for (size_t i : neighborIndices.size())
for (size_t j : neighborIndices.size())
if (neighborIndices[i][j] == idxToRemove)
{ // Jth neighbor of I is the index to remove
archive[i].erase(archive.begin() + j);
neighborIndices[i].erase(neighborIndices.begin() + j);
j--; // To account for the deletion.
else if (neighborIndices[i][j] > idxToRemove)
{ //Index value decreased by 1 because of deletion.
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