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Created May 5, 2016 00:28
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Add Taxonomy Term to a Node's Breadcrumb in Drupal 8
// src/Breadcrumbs.php
namespace Drupal\modulename;
use Drupal\Core\Breadcrumb\BreadcrumbBuilderInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Breadcrumb\Breadcrumb;
use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
* Class Breadcrumbs.
* @package Drupal\modulename
class Breadcrumbs implements BreadcrumbBuilderInterface {
use StringTranslationTrait;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function applies(RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
return $route_match->getRouteName() == 'entity.node.canonical'
&& $route_match->getParameter('node') instanceof NodeInterface;;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function build(RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
$node = $route_match->getParameter('node');
$breadcrumb = new Breadcrumb();
// By setting a "cache context" to the "url", each requested URL gets it's own cache.
// This way a single breadcrumb isn't cached for all pages on the site.
// By adding "cache tags" for this specific node, the cache is invalidated when the node is edited.
// Add "Home" breadcrumb link.
$breadcrumb->addLink(Link::createFromRoute($this->t('Home'), '<front>'));
// Given we have a taxonomy term reference field named "field_section", and that field has data,
// Add that term as a breadcrumb link.
if (!empty($node->field_section->entity)) {
return $breadcrumb;
class: Drupal\modulename\Breadcrumbs
- { name: breadcrumb_builder, priority: 100 }
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jonpugh commented May 5, 2016

I needed to take a taxonomy term from a node and add it to the breadcrumbs.

After a painful crash course in Drupal 8 Services and BreadcrumbBuilder, along with an unexpected ride through learning cache contexts and tags, I finally got this to work properly... I think.

The trickiest parts were the caches stuff, so I made sure to add some comments to explain what I think is happening.

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Hi, I am a new of drupal, how can I implement your code?

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RishiKulshreshtha commented Jun 19, 2017

@olmas-git, @jonpugh has already provided the whole module in this gist. In case if you need a ready made bundle you can use my module which is built using the same code or I would suggest you to go with HOOK_preprocess_breadcrumb

Add this in your YOURTHEME.theme

 * Implements HOOK_preprocess_breadcrumb().
function YOURTHEME_preprocess_breadcrumb(&$variables) {
  if (($node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node')) && $variables['breadcrumb']) {
    $breadcrumb = &$variables['breadcrumb'];
    if (!empty($node->field_tags->entity)) {
      $term_url = $node->field_tags->entity->toLink();
      $node_url = array_pop($breadcrumb);
      array_push($breadcrumb, $term_url);
      array_push($breadcrumb, $node_url);
      // Implementing Cache.
      $variables['#cache']['contexts'][] = "url.path";
      $variables['#cache']['tags'][] = "node:{$node->nid->value}";

For more information, follow

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mfrosch commented Jun 19, 2017

If you also want the parents you can replace

    if (!empty($node->field_section->entity)) {


    if (!empty($node->field_section->entity)) {
      $term = $node->field_section->entity;
      $storage = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')
      $parents = $storage->loadParents($term->id());

      if (!empty($parents)) {
        foreach ($parents as $index => $parent) {


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int-ua commented Dec 3, 2020

Thank you all, here is a slightly more parametrized theme code version for non-node entities with taxonomy parents:

 * Implements hook_system_breadcrumb_alter().
function THEMENAME_preprocess_breadcrumb(array &$vars) {
  // proper taxonomy breadcrumbs for Commerce Products through field_category
  $entity_type = 'commerce_product'; // TODO: change or verify
  $taxonomy_field_name = 'field_category'; // TODO: change or verify

  if (($entity = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter($entity_type)) && $vars['breadcrumb']) {
    $cache_tag = "{$entity_type}:{$entity->product_id->value}"; // TODO: change or verify

    $breadcrumb = &$vars['breadcrumb'];
    if (!empty($entity->$taxonomy_field_name->entity)) {
      $node_url = array_pop($breadcrumb);

      $term = $entity->$taxonomy_field_name->entity;
      $storage = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')
      $parents = $storage->loadParents($term->id());
      if (!empty($parents)) {
        foreach ($parents as $index => $parent) {
          array_push($breadcrumb, $parent->toLink());
      array_push($breadcrumb, $term->toLink());

      array_push($breadcrumb, $node_url);

      // Implementing Cache.
      $vars['#cache']['contexts'][] = "url.path";
      $vars['#cache']['tags'][] = $cache_tag;

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bohotina commented Feb 6, 2021

If you also want the parents you can replace

    if (!empty($node->field_section->entity)) {


    if (!empty($node->field_section->entity)) {
      $term = $node->field_section->entity;
      $storage = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')
      $parents = $storage->loadParents($term->id());

      if (!empty($parents)) {
        foreach ($parents as $index => $parent) {


How would can I implement this solution to show the parents but using the YOURTHEME.theme preprocess function instead of the module? Thank you in advance.

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