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Created May 6, 2021 21:43
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Use Yelp's Detect-Secrets to find API keys, passwords, AWS access keys, or high entropy strings in EC2 User Data
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install --upgrade awscli
pip3 install --upgrade boto3
pip3 install --upgrade detect-secrets
import json
import boto3
import os
import time
import base64
scanFile = "./data-sample.json"
resultsFile = "./scan-result.json"
scanCommand = "detect-secrets scan " + scanFile + " > " + resultsFile
ec2 = boto3.client("ec2")
# Paginate through Running and Stopped EC2 Instances
paginator = ec2.get_paginator("describe_instances")
for page in paginator.paginate(Filters=[{'Name': 'instance-state-name','Values': ['running','stopped']}]):
for r in page["Reservations"]:
for i in r["Instances"]:
instanceId = str(i["InstanceId"])
response = ec2.describe_instance_attribute(Attribute="userData",InstanceId=instanceId)
idata = response["UserData"]["Value"]
except Exception as e:
if str(e) == "'Value'":
userdata = base64.b64decode(idata)
with open(scanFile, 'w') as writejson:
json.dump({"value": str(userdata)}, writejson, indent=2, default=str)
# execute command
# read the results file
with open(resultsFile, 'r') as readjson:
data = json.load(readjson)
# if results is an empty dict then there are no secrets found!
if str(data["results"]) == "{}":
# this is a passing check
print('All good for ' + instanceId)
# this is a failing check - we won't actually parse the full payload of potential secrets
secretType = str(data["results"]["data-sample.json"][0]["type"])
print('Not good for ' + instanceId + ' at least one secret has been found of the type ' + secretType)
# clear out memory and prevent duplicates from being cached
os.system("rm " + scanFile)
os.system("rm " + resultsFile)
del userdata
del writejson
del readjson
del data
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