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Last active October 21, 2017 02:49
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JavaScript Tips Tab: Solution
// List of JavaScript tips
var tipsList = [
"Don't forget the <span class='code'>var</span> keyword when assigning a variable's value for the first time.",
"<span class='code'>undefined</span>, <span class='code'>null</span>, <span class='code'>0</span>, <span class='code'>false</span>, <span class='code'>NaN</span>, and <span class='code'>''</span> (empty string) are all falsy.",
"Declare a function with<br/> <span class='code-block'>function <em>myFunctionName</em>() { <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;...<br> }</span>",
"<span class='code'>if</span>/<span class='code'>else</span> statements look like <br/> <span class='code-block'>if (<em>condition</em>) { <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;...<br/>} else { <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;...<br/>}",
"You can return the result of a function into a variable with <span class='code'>return</span>:<br><span class='code-block'>function timesFive(inputNumber) {<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;return inputNumber * 5; <br>}<br>console.log(timesFive(6));<br>// Output: 30</span> ",
"The <span class='code'>&&</span> operator means both things must be true: <br/> <span class='code-block'> true && true = true<br>true && false = false<br>false && false = false</span>",
"The <span class='code'>||</span> operator means either can be true: <br/> <span class='code-block'> true || true = true<br>true || false = true<br>false || false = false</span>",
"A <span class='code'>for</span> has three condtions: a start condition, a stop condition, and an iterator: <br> <span class='code-block'>for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) { <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;...<br>}</span>",
"To interpolate a variable into a string, use the <span class='code'>+</span> operator, like this: <br> <span class='code-block'>var myName = 'Jon';<br/> 'Hello, my name is ' + myName;</span>",
"To generate a random number, use JavaScript's built in function <span class='code'>Math.random()</span>.",
"Arrays hold lists of data. You can access any of the list items by using bracket notation, like this: <br> <span class='code-block'>var myArray = ['pears', 'asparagus', 'bananas'];<br>myArray[1]; // asparagus</span>"
// Tip Limit counter
var tipLimit = 3;
// Generate a number
function generateNumber() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * tipsList.length);
// Generate a tip:
// 1. Get random number from generateNumber()
// 2. Use the random number to get the tip from the array
// 3. Show the tip
function generateTip() {
var tip = tipsList[generateNumber()];
var tipElement = document.querySelector('.js-tip');
var tipLimitCount = document.querySelector('.tip-limit-count');
tipElement.innerHTML = tip;
tipLimitCount.innerHTML = tipLimit;
// Tip button click
// 1. Select the tip button
// 2. Add a click event listener
// 3. When the button is clicked:
// 3a. Subtract 1 from the tipLimit
// 3b. If the tipLimit is still above or equal to 0, generate a new tip
// 3c. If not, change the button text and look
function onTipButtonClick() {
var tipButton = document.querySelector('.tip-button');
tipButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
tipLimit = tipLimit - 1;
if (tipLimit >= 0) {
if (tipLimit === 0) {
tipButton.innerHTML = 'See you in another tab!';
// Get the first tip
Copy link

what is wrong with this code why is it not working:
`// List of JavaScript tips
var tipsList = [
"Don't forget the var keyword when assigning a variable's value for the first time.",

"<span class='code'>undefined</span>, <span class='code'>null</span>, <span class='code'>0</span>, <span class='code'>false</span>, <span class='code'>NaN</span>, and <span class='code'>''</span> (empty string) are all falsy.",

"Declare a function with<br/> <span class='code-block'>function <em>myFunctionName</em>() { <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;...<br> }</span>",

"<span class='code'>if</span>/<span class='code'>else</span> statements look like <br/> <span class='code-block'>if (<em>condition</em>) { <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;...<br/>} else { <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;...<br/>}",

"You can return the result of a function into a variable with <span class='code'>return</span>:<br><span class='code-block'>function timesFive(inputNumber) {<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;return inputNumber * 5; <br>}<br>console.log(timesFive(6));<br>// Output: 30</span> ",

"The <span class='code'>&&</span> operator means both things must be true: <br/> <span class='code-block'> true && true = true<br>true && false = false<br>false && false = false</span>",

"The <span class='code'>||</span> operator means either can be true: <br/> <span class='code-block'> true || true = true<br>true || false = true<br>false || false = false</span>",

"A <span class='code'>for</span> has three condtions: a start condition, a stop condition, and an iterator: <br> <span class='code-block'>for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) { <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;...<br>}</span>",

"To interpolate a variable into a string, use the <span class='code'>+</span> operator, like this: <br> <span class='code-block'>var myName = 'Jon';<br/> 'Hello, my name is ' + myName;</span>",

"To generate a random number, use JavaScript's built in function <span class='code'>Math.random()</span>.",

"Arrays hold lists of data. You can access any of the list items by using bracket notation, like this: <br> <span class='code-block'>var myArray = ['pears', 'asparagus', 'bananas'];<br>myArray[1]; // asparagus</span>"


// Tip Limit counter
var tipLimit = 3;

// Generate a number
function generateNumber() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * tipsList.length);

// Generate a tip:
// 1. Get random number from generateNumber()
// 2. Use the random number to get the tip from the array
// 3. Show the tip
function generateTip() {
var tip = tipsList[generateNumber()];
var tipElement = document.querrySelector('.js-tip');
var tipLimitCount = document.querrySelector('.tip-limit-count');

tipElement.innerHTML = tip;
tipLimitCount.innerHTML = tipLimit;


// Tip button click
// 1. Select the tip button
// 2. Add a click event listener
// 3. When the button is clicked:
// 3a. Subtract 1 from the tipLimit
// 3b. If the tipLimit is still above or equal to 0, generate a new tip
// 3c. If not, change the button text and look
function onTipButtonClick() {
var tipButton = document.querySelector('.tip-button');
tipButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
tipLimit = tipLimit - 1;
if (tipLimit >= 0) {

  if (tipLimit === 0) {
    tipButton.innerHTML = 'See you in another tab!';



// Get the first tip

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var tipElement = document.querrySelector('.js-tip');
var tipLimitCount = document.querrySelector('.tip-limit-count');

@hasanfares you have a typo in "querySelector". It's "query" not "querry".

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