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Created October 4, 2016 17:25
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Hello, and thanks for contributing to <%= name %>!


There are three main goals in this document, depending on the nature of your pr:

  • description: please tell us about your pr
  • checklist: please review the checklist that is most closly related to your pr
  • contributors list: you're one of us now, please add yourself to package.json and let the world know!

The following sections provide more detail on each.

Improve this document

Please don't hesitate to ask questions for clarification, or to make suggestions (or a pull request) to improve this document.


To help the project's maintainers and community to quickly understand the nature of your pull requeset, please create a description that incorporates the following elements:

  • [] what is accomplished by the pr
  • [] if there is something potentially controversial in your pr, please take a moment to tell us about your choices


Please use the checklist that is most closely related to your pr (you only need to use one checklist, and you can skip items that aren't applicable or don't make sense):

Fixing typos


Bug Fix

  • All existing unit tests are still passing (if applicable)
  • Add new passing unit tests to cover the code introduced by your pr
  • Update the readme (see readme advice)
  • Update or add any necessary API documentation
  • Add your info to the contributors array in package.json!

New Feature

  • If this is a big feature with breaking changes, consider opening an issue to discuss first. This is completely up to you, but please keep in mind that your pr might not be accepted.
  • Run unit tests to ensure all existing tests are still passing
  • Add new passing unit tests to cover the code introduced by your pr
  • Update the readme (see readme advice)
  • Add your info to the contributors array in package.json!

Thanks for contributing!

Readme advice

Please review this section if you are updating readme documentation.

Readme template

This project uses verb for documentation. Verb generates the project's readme documentation from the template in the root of this project.

Make all documentation changes in, and please do not edit the directly, or your changes might accidentally get overwritten.

Code comments

Please add code comments (following the same style as existing comments) to describe any code changes or new code introduced by your pull request.

Optionally build the readme

Any changes made and/or code comments will be automatically incorporated into the README documentation the next time verb is run.

We can take care of building the documentation for you when we merge in your changes, or feel free to run verb yourself. Whatever you prefer is fine with us.

package.json contributors

Add yourself!

When adding your information to the contributors array in package.json, please use the following format (provide your name at minimum, the other fields are optional):

full name <> (


// -- package.json --
  "name": "<%= name %>",
  "contributors": [
    "Brian Woodward <> (",
    "Jon Schlinkert <> (",

(If a contributors array does not already exist, please feel free to add one wherever you want, and congratulations on being the first to contribute!)

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