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Created May 23, 2014 12:49
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What is a "task" and a "target" in Grunt configuration?

What's a target?

Demystifying tasks and targets

Here, we have the basics of any Gruntfile.

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    // tasks will go here. A "task" is run by a grunt "plugin"

Defining a task

Let's say we want to run one task:

  • jshint: to lint our javascripts

Here is how we would define it (without any options or files yet):

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    jshint: {}, // this is where the `jshint` task configuration will go

Install the plugins... to run the tasks

Before we add options and specify the files we want to lint, we need to install the plugins that will actually run our task.

In the command line run:

npm install grunt-contrib-jshint --save-dev

This will install the plugin in node_modules (the --save-dev part adds it to devDependencies in your project's package.json file).

Load the plugins (to run the tasks)

Now we need to add grunt.loadNpmTasks() for our task:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    jshint: {}

  // Right here!

Technically, Grunt describes these as "Grunt plugins" (even though it's loadNpmTasks, not loadNpmPlugins), and you can only load one at a time (despite loadNpmTasks being plural). I digress....

Configuration the tasks

To simplify, I'll leave out the "wrapper" code here

To properly specify the actual options and files to run against, Grunt convention is to define targets inside each task. It's easiest to understand by way of example.

Step by step:

Define a task:

  // This is a task
  jshint: {},

Add some task-level options:

jshint: {
  options: {...} // <= here


jshint: {
  options: {},
  files: {} // <= don't put "files" here, explained below

There are a few Grunt plugins that allow this, but generally defining files at the task-level is bad practice, and often won't work anyway. Just make sure you read the docs for how to configure the plugin and you'll be fine.

DO THIS instead.

jshint: {
  options: {},
  // this is a target
  dev: {
    files: {} 
  // this is a target
  prod: {
    files: {}

Task and target options

Why have both task and target level options?

  • task-level options: this is a convenience that allows you to specify "common" options that should be used on all targets.
  • target-level options: offer a way to override task level options, or to specify options that only apply to a given target.

Needless to say, both task and target options are, well, optional.

Here is how our task would look if we decked it out with options at all levels:

jshint: {
  // These options are NOT inside any of our targets. 
  // e.g. these are "task-level" options
  options: {
    jshintrc: '.jshintrc' // each target will use this
  dev: {
    options: {
      // only the dev target will use this
      reporter: 'checkstyle'
    files: {...} 
  prod: {
    options: {
      // only the prod target will use this
      force: true,
    files: {...}

In other words, in the previous example:

  • jshint is the task
  • dev is a target
  • prod is a target
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basarat commented Sep 7, 2014

Really wish they had gone with :

jshint: {
  defaults: {
    jshintrc: '.jshintrc' // each target will use this
  dev: {
    reporter: 'checkstyle',
    files: {...} 
  prod: {
    force: true,
    files: {...}

Then we wouldn't have the task vs. target complexity in every single plugin out there.

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