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Created August 16, 2011 14:53
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function Format-Columns {
# Formats incoming data to columns.
# It works similarly as Format-Wide but it works vertically. Format-Wide outputs
# the data row by row, but Format-Columns outputs them column by column.
#.Parameter Property
# Name of property to get from the object.
# It may be
# -- string - name of property.
# -- scriptblock
# -- hashtable with keys 'Expression' (value is string=property name or scriptblock)
# and 'FormatString' (used in -f operator)
#.Parameter Column
# Count of columns
#.Parameter Autosize
# Determines if count of columns is computed automatically.
#.Parameter MaxColumn
# Maximal count of columns if Autosize is specified
#.Parameter InputObject
# Data to display
# PS> 1..150 | Format-Columns -Autosize
# PS> Format-Columns -Col 3 -Input 1..130
# PS> Get-Process | Format-Columns -prop @{Expression='Handles'; FormatString='{0:00000}'} -auto
# PS> Get-Process | Format-Columns -prop {$_.Handles} -auto
# Name: Get-Columns
# Author: stej,
# Lastedit: 2010-01-18
# Version 0.3 - 2010-01-18
# - fixed for Posh ISE
# Version 0.2 - 2010-01-14
# - added MaxColumn
# - fixed bug - displaying collection of 1 item was incorrect
# Version 0.1 - 2010-01-06
begin { $values = @() }
process { $values += $InputObject }
end {
function ProcessValues {
$ret = $values
$p = $Property
if ($p -is [Hashtable]) {
$exp = $p.Expression
if ($exp) {
if ($exp -is [string]) { $ret = $ret | % { $_.($exp) } }
elseif ($exp -is [scriptblock]) { $ret = $ret | % { & $exp $_} }
else { throw 'Invalid Expression value' }
if ($p.FormatString) {
if ($p.FormatString -is [string]) { $ret = $ret | % { $p.FormatString -f $_ } }
else { throw 'Invalid format string' }
elseif ($p -is [scriptblock]) { $ret = $ret | % { & $p $_} }
elseif ($p -is [string]) { $ret = $ret | % { $_.$p } }
elseif ($p -ne $null) { throw 'Invalid -property type' }
# in case there were some numbers, objects, etc., convert them to string
$ret | % { $_.ToString() }
function Base($i) { [Math]::Floor($i) }
function Max($i1, $i2) { [Math]::Max($i1, $i2) }
if (!$Column) { $Autosize = $true }
$values = ProcessValues
$valuesCount = @($values).Count
if ($valuesCount -eq 1) {
$values | Out-Host
# from some reason the console host doesn't use the last column and writes to new line
$consoleWidth = `
if (gi variable:psise -ea silentlycontinue) { $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width }
else { $Host.UI.RawUI.maxWindowSize.Width -1; }
$spaceWidthBetweenCols = 2
# get length of the longest string
$values | % -Begin { [int]$maxLength = -1 } -Process { $maxLength = Max $maxLength $_.Length }
# get count of columns if not provided
if ($Autosize) {
$Column = Max (Base ($consoleWidth/($maxLength+$spaceWidthBetweenCols))) 1
$remainingSpace = $consoleWidth - $Column*($maxLength+$spaceWidthBetweenCols);
if ($remainingSpace -ge $maxLength) {
if ($MaxColumn -and $MaxColumn -lt $Column) {
Write-Debug "Columns corrected to $MaxColumn (original: $Column)"
$Column = $MaxColumn
$countOfRows = [Math]::Ceiling($valuesCount / $Column)
$maxPossibleLength = Base ($consoleWidth / $Column)
# cut too long values, considers count of columns and space between them
$values = $values | % {
if ($_.length -gt $maxPossibleLength) { $_.Remove($maxPossibleLength-2) + '..' }
else { $_ }
#add empty values so that the values fill rectangle (2 dim array) without space
if ($Column -gt 1) {
$values += (@('') * ($countOfRows*$Column - $valuesCount))
# in case there is only one item, make it array
$values = @($values)
now we have values like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ''
and we want to display them like this:
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 ''
$formatString = (1..$Column | %{"{$($_-1),-$maxPossibleLength}"}) -join ''
1..$countOfRows | % {
$r = $_-1
$line = @(1..$Column | % { $values[$r + ($_-1)*$countOfRows]} )
$formatString -f $line | Out-Host
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