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Last active March 28, 2024 15:33
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from time import sleep
import mouse
import sys
def main():
int(sys.argv[1]), # x
int(sys.argv[2]), # y
int(sys.argv[3]), # w
int(sys.argv[4]), # h
int(sys.argv[5]), # dev
int(sys.argv[6])) # s
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pyautogui
import os, subprocess
from time import sleep
from random import randint, choice
from math import ceil
from tools import remove_dups, draw_points
from multiprocessing import Process
CWD = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
pyautogui.MINIMUM_DURATION = 0.01
def real_click():
'''This function clicks the mouse with realistic errors:
occasional accidental right click
occasional double click
occasional no click
if randint(1, 19) != 1:
sleep(93 / randint(83,201))
tmp_rand = randint(1, 3)
if tmp_rand == 1:
#double click
sleep(randint(43, 113) / 1000)
elif tmp_rand == 2: = 'right')
def move_to_img(img_name, deviation, speed):
This function takes the name of an input image (excluding file extension)
and moves the mouse to a random pixel on that image.
This advanced function saves the xdotool commands to a temporary file
'' in ./tmp/ then executes them from the shell to give clean curves
This function is very slow because it must identify the image first. It is
highly recommended to find the coordinates of the image in a separate thread
and feed this into the move() function
loc = list(pyautogui.locateAllOnScreen(CWD + '/img/' + img_name + '.png'))
init_pos = pyautogui.position()
if loc:
loc = choice(loc)
#pick a random one from the list of all occurrences. If there is one occurence, choose that one
if loc:
x_bounds = loc[0] + randint(0, loc[2])
y_bounds = loc[1] + randint(0, loc[3])
if speed == 0:
os.system('xdotool mousemove ' + str(x_bounds) + ' ' + str(y_bounds))
sleep(randint(2,9) / 100)
move(mouse_bez(init_pos, (x_bounds, y_bounds), deviation, speed))
return True
print("Can't find location")
return False
def move_to_area(x, y, width, height, deviation, speed):
Arguments same as pyautogui.locateAllOnScreen format: x and y are top left corner
This advanced function saves the xdotool commands to a temporary file
'' in ./tmp/ then executes them from the shell to give clean curves
init_pos = pyautogui.position()
x_coord = x + randint(0, width)
y_coord = y + randint(0, height)
move(mouse_bez(init_pos, (x_coord, y_coord), deviation, speed), False, False)
def pascal_row(n):
# This returns the nth row of Pascal's Triangle
result = [1]
x, numerator = 1, n
for denominator in range(1, n//2+1):
# print(numerator,denominator,x)
x *= numerator
x /= denominator
numerator -= 1
if n&1 == 0:
# n is even
return result
def make_bezier(xys):
# xys should be a sequence of 2-tuples (Bezier control points)
n = len(xys)
combinations = pascal_row(n - 1)
def bezier(ts):
# This uses the generalized formula for bezier curves
result = []
for t in ts:
tpowers = (t**i for i in range(n))
upowers = reversed([(1-t)**i for i in range(n)])
coefs = [c*a*b for c, a, b in zip(combinations, tpowers, upowers)]
list(sum([coef*p for coef, p in zip(coefs, ps)]) for ps in zip(*xys)))
return result
return bezier
def mouse_bez(init_pos, fin_pos, deviation, speed):
Takes init_pos and fin_pos as a 2-tuple representing xy coordinates
variation is a 2-tuple representing the
max distance from fin_pos of control point for x and y respectively
speed is an int multiplier for speed. The lower, the faster. 1 is fastest.
#time parameter
ts = [t/(speed * 100.0) for t in range(speed * 101)]
#bezier centre control points between (deviation / 2) and (deviaion) of travel distance, plus or minus at random
control_1 = (init_pos[0] + choice((-1, 1)) * abs(ceil(fin_pos[0]) - ceil(init_pos[0])) * 0.01 * randint(deviation / 2, deviation),
init_pos[1] + choice((-1, 1)) * abs(ceil(fin_pos[1]) - ceil(init_pos[1])) * 0.01 * randint(deviation / 2, deviation)
control_2 = (init_pos[0] + choice((-1, 1)) * abs(ceil(fin_pos[0]) - ceil(init_pos[0])) * 0.01 * randint(deviation / 2, deviation),
init_pos[1] + choice((-1, 1)) * abs(ceil(fin_pos[1]) - ceil(init_pos[1])) * 0.01 * randint(deviation / 2, deviation)
xys = [init_pos, control_1, control_2, fin_pos]
bezier = make_bezier(xys)
points = bezier(ts)
return points
def connected_bez(coord_list, deviation, speed):
Connects all the coords in coord_list with bezier curve
and returns all the points in new curve
deviation controls how straight the lines drawn my the cursor
are. Zero deviation gives straight lines
Accuracy is a percentage of the displacement of the mouse from point A to
B, which is given as maximum control point deviation.
Naturally, deviation of 10 (10%) gives maximum control point deviation
of 10% of magnitude of displacement of mouse from point A to B,
and a minimum of 5% (deviation / 2)
i = 1
points = []
while i < len(coord_list):
points += mouse_bez(coord_list[i - 1], coord_list[i], deviation, speed)
i += 1
return points
def move(mouse_points, draw = False, rand_err = True):
Moves mouse in accordance with a list of points (continuous curve)
Input these as a list of points (2-tuple or another list)
Generates file ( in ./tmp/ and runs it as bash file
If you want a click at a particular point, write 'click' for that point in
This advanced function saves the xdotool commands to a temporary file
'' in ./tmp/ then executes them from the shell to give clean curves
You may wish to generate smooth bezier curve points to input into this
function. In this case, take mouse_bez(init_pos, fin_pos, deviation, speed)
as the argument.
list of 2-tuples or lists of ints or floats representing xy coords
a boolean deciding whether or not to draw the curve the mouse makes
to a file in /tmp/
fname = ''
outfile = open(CWD + '/tmp/' + fname, 'w')
os.system('chmod +x ' + CWD + '/tmp/' + fname)
#draw coords to file in ./tmp/
if draw == True:
drawpoints = [(v[0] - REL_ORIGIN[0], v[1] - REL_ORIGIN[1]) for v in mouse_points if type(v) is not str]
draw_points(drawpoints, width = 754, height = 503)
#round floats to ints
mouse_points = [[round(v) for v in x] if type(x) is not str else x for x in mouse_points]
for coord in mouse_points:
if coord == 'click':
if rand_err:
tmp = randint(1,39)
if tmp == 1:
outfile.write('xdotool click 3 \n')
elif tmp == 2:
outfile.write('xdotool click --repeat 2 1 \n')
elif tmp in range(4, 40): #if tmp == 4, write nothing
outfile.write('xdotool click 1 \n') #normal click
outfile.write('xdotool click 1 \n')
outfile.write('xdotool mousemove ' + str(coord[0]) + ' ' + str(coord[1]) + '\n')
outfile.close()[CWD + '/tmp/' + fname])
import os
from time import time, sleep
from more_itertools import unique_everseen
from PIL import Image
from random import randint
from threading import Timer
from time import gmtime, strftime
CWD = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def remove_dups(seq):
return list(unique_everseen(seq))
def draw_points(points, width = 2000, height = 2000):
Draws yellow crosses to a (default 2000x2000px) image for all coordinates in
"points" argument
saves to CWD as out-0000.png
img ="RGB", (width, height))
pix = img.load()
for coords in points:
pix[coords[0], coords[1]] = (255, 255, 0)
pix[coords[0] + 1, coords[1] + 1] = (255, 255, 0)
pix[coords[0] + 1, coords[1] - 1] = (255, 255, 0)
pix[coords[0] - 1, coords[1] + 1] = (255, 255, 0)
pix[coords[0] - 1, coords[1] - 1] = (255, 255, 0) + '/tmp/out-' + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
+ '.png')
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