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Created February 11, 2018 21:56
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;(function() { var __rt=srequire('streamline/lib/callbacks/runtime').runtime(__filename, false),__func=__rt.__func; var RS_modules = {};
RS_modules.pythonize = {};
(function() {
function strings() {
var string_funcs, exclude, name;
string_funcs = set("capitalize strip lstrip rstrip islower isupper isspace lower upper swapcase center count endswith startswith find rfind index rindex format join ljust rjust partition rpartition replace split rsplit splitlines zfill".split(" "));
if (!arguments.length) {
exclude = (function() {
var s = RS_set();
return s;
})(); }
else if (arguments[0]) {
exclude =; }
else {
exclude = null; } ;
if (exclude) {
string_funcs = string_funcs.difference(set(exclude)); } ;
var RS_Iter0 = RS_Iterable(string_funcs);
for (var RS_Index0 = 0; RS_Index0["<"](RS_Iter0.length); RS_Index0++) {
name = RS_Iter0[RS_Index0];
(RS_expr_temp = String.prototype)[((((typeof name === "number") && name["<"](0))) ? RS_expr_temp.length["+"](name) : name)] = (RS_expr_temp = RS_str.prototype)[((((typeof name === "number") && name["<"](0))) ? RS_expr_temp.length["+"](name) : name)]; }; }; RS_modules.pythonize.strings = strings;
function main(_) { var version, box, sphere, cylinder, pyramid, cone, helix, ellipsoid, ring, arrow, compound, display, vector, print, scene, RS_ls, V, dragging, toDrag, Tom, Dick, s2, strings, __this = this;
function handleEvent(event, hit) {
var RS_ls;
"10";, print, ["handling event!",event," ",].concat([RS_desugar_kwargs({ end: "" }),]));
if (hit) {
"13"; }
else {
print("noHit"); } ;
if ((((event === "mousedown") || ((typeof event === "object") && RS_equals(event, "mousedown"))))) {
dragging = true;
toDrag = hit;
toDrag.emissive = true; } ;
if ((((event === "mouseup") || ((typeof event === "object") && RS_equals(event, "mouseup"))))) {
dragging = false;
toDrag.emissive = false; } ;
if ((((event === "mousemove") || ((typeof event === "object") && RS_equals(event, "mousemove"))))) {
toDrag.pos = scene.mouse.pos; } ; }; function dispatcher(ev) {
var RS_ls, hit;
hit = null;
if (RS_in(ev.event, RS_list_decorate(["mousedown","click",]))) {
hit = scene.mouse.pick(); } ;
handleEvent(ev.event, hit); }; var __frame = { name: "main", line: 32 }; return __func(_, this, arguments, main, 0, __frame, function __$main() { version = RS_list_decorate(["2.7","glowscript",]); Array.prototype["+"] = function(r) { return this.concat(r); }; window.__GSlang = "vpython"; box = vp_box; sphere = vp_sphere; cylinder = vp_cylinder; pyramid = vp_pyramid; cone = vp_cone; helix = vp_helix; ellipsoid = vp_ellipsoid; ring = vp_ring; arrow = vp_arrow; compound = vp_compound; display = canvas; vector = vec; print = GSprint; scene = canvas(); strings = RS_modules.pythonize.strings; strings(); "3"; V = vector; "5"; dragging = false; "6"; toDrag = 0; "8"; if (!handleEvent.__argnames__) { Object.defineProperties(handleEvent, { __argnames__: { value: ["event","hit",] } }); } ; "30";
if (!dispatcher.__argnames__) { Object.defineProperties(dispatcher, {
__argnames__: { value: ["ev",] } }); } ;
scene.bind("mousedown mousemove mouseup click", dispatcher);
Tom =, sphere, [RS_desugar_kwargs({ name: "Tom", color: color.yellow }),]);
Dick =, sphere, [RS_desugar_kwargs({ name: "Dick", pos: V(1["-u"](), 1, 0), color: }),]);
s2 =, sphere, [RS_desugar_kwargs({ pos: V(3, 3, 0), color: V(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), opacity: 0.5 }),]); ; });};
if (!main.__argnames__) { Object.defineProperties(main, {
__argnames__: { value: ["_",] } });};
;$(function(){ window.__context = { glowscript_container: $("#glowscript").removeAttr("id") }; main(__func) })})()
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