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Created December 15, 2009 01:09
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Act III.
Scene III. A room in the castle.
Claudius -- Jon Sterling
Hamlet -- Pascal Matheis
Rosencrantz -- ??
Guildenstern -- ??
Polonius -- ??
Hē līcað mē nā, nē ēac sīe unc ġe-sund,
Þās wōdnesse wilde yrnan tō lætanne. For þȳ, maciað inc gearwe;
Iċ ēowre ġe-dihtunge wille ǣdre sendan,
And hē sceal mid inc tō Englalonde:
Ġe-ðingðu mīn ne for-bereð
Frēcnes swā frecnan swā sin-gāllīċe weaxeð
Fram wōdnysse sīn.
Fylgeað and hīerað.
Ealra full-hāliġ æ-fæstnes swīþost and ēaw-fæst is
Beorgan fela þe
Fram þē lybban and etan.
Þæt ān-feald līf is bunden
Mid eallum cræfte þæs hiġes
Hit sylf be-healdan, ac miċle mā
Þæt feorh on swā hwǣs swā welan hongiað
Feorh fela.
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