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Created October 19, 2012 15:32
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GoToMeeting Video Converter/Transcoder
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Transcodes a GoToMeeting video (G2M4 codec, .WMV extension)
REM into a normal .WMV video. Essentially strips the proprietary
REM codec using the provided transcoder.
REM There is a "Convert to Windows Media Player file" setting in
REM GTM that essentially does the same thing as this. However,
REM the transcoding begins IMMEDIATELY after the user terminates
REM the meeting which is problematic if you have back-to-back
REM meetings to record. You cannot transcode and record at the
REM same time. This file allows users to transcode whenever they
REM want.
REM To use, drag a GoToMeeting .WMV video ONTO this file. Change
REM backup_folder_name to whatever name you desire.
REM Based on script found here:
REM @author jonswaff
REM @created 2012/10/18
SET max_build=0
SET this_build=0
SET backup_folder_name=GoToMeetingBackup
IF "%ProgramFiles(x86)%XXX"=="XXX" (
SET "prog_root=%ProgramFiles%"
) ELSE (
SET "prog_root=%ProgramFiles(x86)%"
FOR /F %%X IN ('DIR "%prog_root%\Citrix\GoToMeeting\" /A:D /B') DO (
SET /A this_build=%%X
REM ECHO "Checking !this_build! against !max_build!
IF !this_build! GTR !max_build! (
SET max_build=!this_build!
SET full_path="%prog_root%\Citrix\GoToMeeting\%max_build%\g2mtranscoder.exe"
IF EXIST %full_path% (
GOTO transcode
) ELSE (
GOTO notinstalled
SET current_dir=%~dp0
SET backup_dir=!current_dir!%backup_folder_name%
IF NOT EXIST !backup_dir! MKDIR !backup_dir!
ECHO Backing up source video to !backup_dir!
COPY "%~1" !backup_dir! >nul
ECHO Starting.... Your file will be overwritten with the transcoded version.
ECHO You may verify that the transcoding worked by playing the file with
ECHO VLC Media Player (
%full_path% source=%~1
ECHO I was unable to find the GoToMeeting transcoder file here:
ECHO %full_path%
ECHO Are you sure you have GoToMeeting installed? If it is installed
ECHO in a different location then you need to make changes to this script.
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loesnger commented Aug 9, 2015

GoToMeeting is an online meeting, desktop sharing, and video conferencing software that allow the user to meet with other computer users, customers, clients or colleagues via the Internet in real time. The recording file format of GoToMeeting is WMV with G2M3/G2M4 Codec which is only compatible with GoToMeeting.

To import GoToMeeting files to other software like TechSmith program, you'd better to convert the files to more compatible formats like MP4, AVI, MOV, etc here:

After the conversion is done, you can play GoToMeeting files anywhere.

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