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Last active October 8, 2020 11:50
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exports.url = '/users.list';
exports.method = 'get';
exports.validateInput = false;
const mockListConversations = jest
.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({
ok: true,
channels: [
id: 'C024Q2C1P',
name: 'engineering',
is_channel: true,
is_group: false,
is_im: false,
created: 1389392606,
is_archived: false,
is_general: false,
unlinked: 0,
name_normalized: 'engineering',
is_shared: false,
parent_conversation: null,
creator: 'U024Q5PFC',
is_ext_shared: false,
is_org_shared: false,
shared_team_ids: ['T024Q5PFA'],
pending_shared: [],
pending_connected_team_ids: [],
is_pending_ext_shared: false,
is_member: true,
is_private: false,
is_mpim: false,
topic: {
value: 'almost zero downtime',
creator: 'U069TEU7L',
last_set: 1559234874,
purpose: {
value: 'Talk about all things technical',
creator: 'U024Q5PFC',
last_set: 1400595281,
previous_names: [],
num_members: 106,
.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({
ok: true,
channels: [
id: 'CU6UW5940',
name: 'connector-test-runner',
is_channel: true,
is_group: false,
is_im: false,
created: 1582109983,
is_archived: false,
is_general: false,
unlinked: 0,
name_normalized: 'connector-test-runner',
is_shared: false,
parent_conversation: null,
creator: 'UL7CWS0UD',
is_ext_shared: false,
is_org_shared: false,
shared_team_ids: ['T024Q5PFA'],
pending_shared: [],
pending_connected_team_ids: [],
is_pending_ext_shared: false,
is_member: true,
is_private: true,
is_mpim: false,
topic: {
value: '',
creator: '',
last_set: 0,
purpose: {
value: '',
creator: '',
last_set: 0,
num_members: 6,
.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({
ok: true,
channels: [
id: 'D017BC05QSH',
created: 1595232726,
is_archived: false,
is_im: true,
is_org_shared: false,
user: 'USER_ID',
is_user_deleted: false,
priority: 0.020963221077195,
created: 1595232726,
is_archived: false,
is_im: true,
is_org_shared: false,
user: 'NO_USER_ID',
is_user_deleted: false,
priority: 0.020963221077195,
.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({
ok: true,
channels: [
id: 'GJQV9CJNA',
name: 'mpdm-jon--az--sam-1',
is_channel: false,
is_group: true,
is_im: false,
created: 1557826267,
is_archived: false,
is_general: false,
unlinked: 0,
name_normalized: 'mpdm-jon--az--sam-1',
is_shared: false,
parent_conversation: null,
creator: 'UJ2UWBH7B',
is_ext_shared: false,
is_org_shared: false,
shared_team_ids: ['T024Q5PFA'],
pending_shared: [],
pending_connected_team_ids: [],
is_pending_ext_shared: false,
is_member: true,
is_private: true,
is_mpim: true,
last_read: '1559296457.001400',
is_open: false,
topic: {
value: 'Group messaging',
creator: 'UJ2UWBH7B',
last_set: 1557826267,
purpose: {
value: 'Group messaging with: @jon @az @sam',
creator: 'UJ2UWBH7B',
last_set: 1557826267,
priority: 0,
id: 'group-no-purpose',
is_mpim: true,
purpose: {
value: '',
creator: '',
last_set: 0,
exports.before = () => {
jest.spyOn(falafel.slack, 'listConversations').mockImplementation(
exports.after = () => {
expect(mockListConversations).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, {
limit: 1000,
token: '123',
types: ['public_channel'],
expect(mockListConversations).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, {
limit: 1000,
token: '123',
types: ['private_channel'],
expect(mockListConversations).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, {
limit: 1000,
token: '123',
types: ['im'],
expect(mockListConversations).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(4, {
limit: 1000,
token: '123',
types: ['mpim'],
exports.mock = {
response: {
ok: true,
members: [
id: 'USER_ID',
name: 'username',
real_name: 'First Last',
exports.expect = {
request: {
query: { token: '123' },
output: {
result: [
text: '@unknown (user not found)',
text: '@username (First Last)',
value: 'D017BC05QSH',
text: 'connector-test-runner',
value: 'CU6UW5940',
text: 'engineering',
value: 'C024Q2C1P',
text: 'group-no-purpose',
value: 'group-no-purpose',
text: 'group: @jon @az @sam',
value: 'GJQV9CJNA',
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