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Last active December 25, 2015 15:09
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Velocity 2013 - Monday
Interuptions (Etsy)
Adding third task triples error rate
- Simplify
- How work comes in
- Social media things
- You are addicted to notifications
XKCD - Two accounts, work and play
Find out company priorities
- Do tasks related to priorities
Final thoughts:
Use fewest number of tools
- Flexible tools
Take responsibility
Have a team "liason" for other groups
- But be careful of siloing
#warroom - don't have to find people
Lots of smaller tasks - more dopamine
Validate - Better way to do it?
- Priorities compared to current work
Designate - Match skills with task (Maybe get some tips)
Correct stress level - "I've got tons of time" / [Overwhelmed]
Tracking Performance @patmeenan
Edge-caching (CDN)
Real user monitoring (RUM)
- With beacons
- Google Analytics / New Relic etc
"Representative pages" <- Be careful of caching
Latency more important than bandwidth (esp over 2mb/s)
- Really worth testing on real mobile devices
- Probably real 3G / simulated 3G not a problem (Real has a more unreliabale connection)
- Test from last mile (Not from data center)
All images (Above fold) loaded
- Instead of onLoad
[Can use Graphite]
Marcelle - NPM wrapper for webpagetest
tsviewdb <- visualiser for page speed (from Google)
*** Whatever you measure, people will optimise for. ***
"Speed index" <- Best guess at page load speed (a "taikan")
Bandwidth + Latency ~= Performance
*** Latency = Every millisecond counts ***
setSiteSpeedSampleRate = 100 <- protip (For Google Analytics)
Building mobile app lab
Kylie - js instrumentation for your website
AT&T ARO <- Mobile (Radio)
- Performance tool
- HAR etc
- Presentations in EN/JA
- Marcelle - NPM for webpage testing (Desktop/iOS/Android)
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