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Last active December 25, 2015 15:18
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Velocity 2013 - Wednesday
Security - Kaminski
Security is a first-class requirement
Also, performant stable usable
<- All require more than naive checking
Make games (adapting opponent) not puzzles
You know your network <- Your advantage over hackers
Detection works (Prevention... not so much)
Kaminski is an awesome speaker. Super autistic. :p
Find outliers in error logs (Odd pages, unexpected errors)
"Defense in depth" - False poitives happen.
-------- amazing.
Chip log
Checks parellisation of requests, etc. Gives a rating.
Comparisons of HAR/Videos
Major Leauge Baseball
Wowza transcoding
All on frontend:
Try to avoid
Template tax
Nasty to do multi-language fallbacks
Good idea:
Translation proxies
Slow to fast
[Real life example]
Webpagetest magic
Data sent to:
Graphite / Splunk log
You can script a local instance of webpage test using wpt-test (on github)
It just reads a JSON file.
We should show trend of results over time.
Catchpoint is better for multiple locations than local instance of webpagetest
Speedindex (area under graph)
Read about vagrant
Get slides: Shows how to set up local instance of webpagetest
Webpagetest-api <- Node NPM for webpagetest
Where do we go from here?
"No one cares what a CPU is" <- People care about results / use cases
SysAdmins/Techie people have a bad image
-> But get it done
More than DevOps/Rockstar Dev... be in a team. Focusing on the business.
Get on the same page. Rise up. Business level thinking.
Be the "Go to" guy. Be known as the "go to" guy.
Suggestions for SysAdmins:
-Learn code
-Learn communication - Talk in their terms / their goals
-Learn (your) business - What's the flow? What's special about CA? How's the money land in my bank account eventually?
-Learn from others
-Learn to learn better, learn to learn more
"Don't build a house with your eyes closed"
"We're not getting out of our own bubble"
Open the veil. Don't hoard knowledge/understanding.
3G 1000-4000ms to first 40kB
LTE 500-1000ms to first 40kB
Need to prefetch, preresolve, prerender.
Think about "critical rendering path".
Most of the latency is waiting for the network (For top 1mm alexa sites)
You should:
Reuse connections
Correct TLS (No redirects)
- Paint blocks on CSS, so get that to client as quick as possible.
- Eliminate blocking JS
See Google PageSpeed insights <- Web tool
- Shows blocking JS and blocking CSS
RTT = Roundtrip time
Inline critical CSS
Load below the fold CSS on onLoad <- If appropriate
<link rel="dns-prefetch">
<link rel="subresource">
<link rel="prefetch"> <-file
<link rel="prerender"> <-html
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