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Created September 30, 2022 06:18
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import React, { useState } from "react";
import Todo from "../models/todo";
type TodosContextObj = {
items: Todo[];
addTodo: (text: string) => void;
removeTodo: (id: string) => void;
* createCotext is a generic type so we
* can add angle brackets to better describe the context obj.
* Such as the type of values that will end up in `items[]` array
export const TodosContext = React.createContext<TodosContextObj>({
// These are concrete implementations
items: [],
addTodo: () => {},
removeTodo: (id: string) => {},
// type Props = {
// children: React.ReactNode;
// };
// const TodosContextProvider: React.FC<PropsWithChildren> = ({ children }) => {
// // return <TodosContext.Provider>{props.children}</TodosContext.Provider>;
// return <TodosContext.Provider>{children}</TodosContext.Provider>;
// };
const TodosContextProvider: React.FC = (props) => {
// return <TodosContext.Provider>{props.children}</TodosContext.Provider>;
// return <TodosContext.Provider>{children}</TodosContext.Provider>;
// useState();
// const todos = [new Todo("Learn React"), new Todo("Learn TypeScript")];
// Defining the state: useState is a generic function, so
// in order to tell it what type of
// data to expect, specify "array of Todo models" within the
// curly brakcets.
const [todos, setTodos] = useState<Todo[]>([]);
const addTodoHandler = (text: string) => {
const newTodo = new Todo(text);
// properly update the state based on the previous state
setTodos((prevTodos) => {
return prevTodos.concat(newTodo);
* This is the actual implementation.
* Add the param first here, then fix compiler errors.
* @param todoId
* @returns
const removeTodoHandler = (todoId: string) => {
// Param below ⬇️ Updating the state, based on the previous state
setTodos((prevTodos) => {
return prevTodos.filter((todo) => !== todoId);
const contextValue: TodosContextObj = {
items: todos,
addTodo: addTodoHandler,
removeTodo: removeTodoHandler,
return (
<TodosContext.Provider value={contextValue}>
export default TodosContextProvider;
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