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Created December 7, 2021 13:35
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  • Save jonz94/f5d28127bf6351c7c08d5f420c2e2657 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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minor tweaks of scoop's `bin/auto-pr.ps1`
Updates manifests and pushes them or creates pull-requests.
Updates manifests and pushes them directly to the master branch or creates pull-requests for upstream.
Upstream repository with the target branch.
Must be in format '<user>/<repo>:<branch>'
Manifest name to search.
Placeholders are supported.
The directory where to search for manifests.
Push updates directly to 'origin master'.
Create pull-requests on 'upstream master' for each update.
Print help to console.
.PARAMETER SpecialSnowflakes
An array of manifests, which should be updated all the time. (-ForceUpdate parameter to checkver)
.PARAMETER SkipUpdated
Updated manifests will not be shown.
PS BUCKETROOT > .\bin\auto-pr.ps1 'someUsername/repository:branch' -Request
PS BUCKETROOT > .\bin\auto-pr.ps1 -Push
Update all manifests inside 'bucket/' directory.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateScript( {
if (!($_ -match '^(.*)\/(.*):(.*)$')) {
throw 'Upstream must be in this format: <user>/<repo>:<branch>'
[String] $Upstream,
[String] $App = '*',
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateScript( {
if (!(Test-Path $_ -Type Container)) {
throw "$_ is not a directory!"
} else {
[String] $Dir,
[String] $Branch = 'master',
[Switch] $Push,
[Switch] $Request,
[Switch] $Help,
[string[]] $SpecialSnowflakes,
[Switch] $SkipUpdated
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\lib\manifest.ps1"
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\lib\json.ps1"
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\lib\unix.ps1"
$Dir = Resolve-Path $Dir
if ((!$Push -and !$Request) -or $Help) {
Write-Host @'
Usage: auto-pr.ps1 [OPTION]
Mandatory options:
-p, -push push updates directly to 'origin master'
-r, -request create pull-requests on 'upstream master' for each update
Optional options:
-u, -upstream upstream repository with target branch
only used if -r is set (default: lukesampson/scoop:master)
-h, -help
exit 0
if (is_unix) {
if (!(which hub)) {
Write-Host "Please install hub ('brew install hub' or visit:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
exit 1
} else {
if (!(scoop which hub)) {
Write-Host "Please install hub 'scoop install hub'" -ForegroundColor Yellow
exit 1
function execute($cmd) {
Write-Host $cmd -ForegroundColor Green
$output = Invoke-Expression $cmd
if ($LASTEXITCODE -gt 0) {
abort "^^^ Error! See above ^^^ (last command: $cmd)"
return $output
function pull_requests($json, [String] $app, [String] $upstream, [String] $manifest) {
$version = $json.version
$homepage = $json.homepage
$prBranch = "manifest/$app-$version"
execute "hub checkout $Branch"
Write-Host "hub rev-parse --verify $prBranch" -ForegroundColor Green
hub rev-parse --verify $prBranch
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Skipping update $app ($version) ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Creating update $app ($version) ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
execute "hub checkout -b $prBranch"
execute "hub add $manifest"
execute "hub commit -m '${app}: Update to version $version'"
Write-Host "Pushing update $app ($version) ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
execute "hub push origin $prBranch"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -gt 0) {
error "Push failed! (hub push origin $prBranch)"
execute 'hub reset'
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "Pull-Request update $app ($version) ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
Write-Host "hub pull-request -m '<msg>' -b '$upstream' -h '$prBranch'" -ForegroundColor Green
$msg = @"
$app`: Update to version $version
Hello lovely humans,
a new version of [$app]($homepage) is available.
| State | Update :rocket: |
| :---------- | :-------------- |
| New version | $version |
hub pull-request -m "$msg" -b '$upstream' -h '$prBranch'
if ($LASTEXITCODE -gt 0) {
execute 'hub reset'
abort "Pull Request failed! (hub pull-request -m '${app}: Update to version $version' -b '$upstream' -h '$prBranch')"
Write-Host 'Updating ...' -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
if ($Push) {
execute "hub pull origin $Branch"
execute "hub checkout $Branch"
} else {
execute "hub pull upstream $Branch"
execute "hub push origin $Branch"
. "$PSScriptRoot\checkver.ps1" -App $App -Dir $Dir -Update -SkipUpdated:$SkipUpdated
if ($SpecialSnowflakes) {
Write-Host "Forcing update on our special snowflakes: $($SpecialSnowflakes -join ',')" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
$SpecialSnowflakes -split ',' | ForEach-Object {
. "$PSScriptRoot\checkver.ps1" $_ -Dir $Dir -ForceUpdate
hub diff --name-only | ForEach-Object {
$manifest = $_
if (!$manifest.EndsWith('.json')) {
$app = ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($manifest))
$json = parse_json $manifest
if (!$json.version) {
error "Invalid manifest: $manifest ..."
$version = $json.version
if ($Push) {
Write-Host "Creating update $app ($version) ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
execute "hub add $manifest"
# detect if file was staged, because it's not when only LF or CRLF have changed
$status = execute 'hub status --porcelain -uno'
$status = $status | Where-Object { $_ -match "M\s{2}.*$app.json" }
if ($status -and $status.StartsWith('M ') -and $status.EndsWith("$app.json")) {
execute "hub commit -m '${app}: Update to version $version'"
} else {
Write-Host "Skipping $app because only LF/CRLF changes were detected ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
} else {
pull_requests $json $app $Upstream $manifest
if ($Push) {
Write-Host 'Pushing updates ...' -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
execute "hub push origin $Branch"
} else {
Write-Host "Returning to $Branch branch and removing unstaged files ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
execute "hub checkout -f $Branch"
execute 'hub reset --hard'
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