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Created June 23, 2013 01:35
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JSON, XML, Html Parse of iOS
//JSON example
// - receiedData : {"feed" : {"title" : "my title", "content" : "my content"}} 인 경우
- (void) startJsonParse(NSData *receivedData)
NSError* error;
NSDictionary* dictionary = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:receivedData options:kNilOptionserror:&error];
NSArray *array = [[dictionary objectForKey:@"feed"] objectForKey:@"entry"];
for (NSDictionary *entry in array) {
NSString *title = [[entry objectForKey:@"title"] valueForKey:@"title"];
NSString *content = [[entry objectForKey:@"link"] valueForKey:@"href"];
NSLog(@"%@, %@", title, content); // my title, my content
// XML example
// - interface 에 xml parser delegate 선언 및 NSXmlParser 멤버 변수 추가
@interface Crawler <NSXMLParserDelegate> {
NSXMLParser *_xmlParser;
NSMutableString *_currentXmlValue;
//- 초기화 및 delegate를 나 자신으로 지정
- (void) init
_xmlParser = [[NSXMLParseralloc] init];
_xmlParser.delegate = self;
//- parse 시작
- (void) startXmlParse(NSData *receivedData)
bool isParse = [_xmlParserinitWithData:receivedData];
if (isParse)
[_xmlParser parse];
// - delegate에 선언된 함수들 구현
#pragma mark - xml parsing
- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didStartElement:(NSString *)elementName
namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI
qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName
attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributeDict
// <item> 태그 발견 시 파싱 준비
if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"item"]) {
_xmlDataDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionaryalloc] init];
if (!_currentXmlValue)
_currentXmlValue = [[NSMutableStringalloc] init];
[_currentXmlValue setString:@""];
- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)string
[_currentXmlValue appendString:string];
- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didEndElement:(NSString *)elementName
namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI
qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName
if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"item"]) {
NSString *title = [_xmlDataDictionary valueForKey:@"title"];
NSString *content = [_xmlDataDictionary valueForKey:@"description"];
NSLog(@"%@, %@", title, content);
} else {
if (_currentXmlValue) {
[_xmlDataDictionary setValue:[NSStringstringWithString:_currentXmlValue] forKey:elementName];
[_currentXmlValue setString:@""];
HTML Parsing using THPPLE
- 의 thumbnail, 제목, 요약 파싱
- (void) startHtmlParse(NSData *receivedData)
TFHpple *daumParser = [TFHpple hppleWithHTMLData:receivedData];
NSString *daumXPathQueryStringForThumb = @"//*[@class='list_info']/li";
NSArray *daumNewNodes = [daumParser searchWithXPathQuery:daumXPathQueryStringForThumb];
for (TFHppleElement *daumElement in daumNewNodes) {
RyuNewsObject *news = [[RyuNewsObjectalloc] init];
TFHppleElement *thumbElem = [[[daumElement firstChildWithTagName:@"a" ]
if (thumbElem) {
NSString *thumbnailUrl = [[[thumbElem firstChildWithClassName:@"thumb"] firstChildWithTagName:@"img"] objectForKey:@"src"];
NSLog(@"%@", thumbnailUrl);
TFHppleElement *contentElem = [[[[daumElement firstChildWithTagName:@"a"]
if (contentElem) {
NSString *title = [[[contentElem firstChildWithClassName:@"wrap_tit"] text] stripHtml];
NSString *content = [[[contentElem firstChildWithClassName:@"desc f_db"] text] stripHtml];
NSLog(@"%@, %@", titile, content);
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