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Last active May 11, 2020 10:28
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Save joonaspaakko/efc6eb11759965d54b20 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Indesign script that generates a text file with information on which pages each master page is applied to.
// Version 2.2
// *************
// Changelog:
// *************
// v.2.2.
// - Changed some of the wording in the output.
// v.2.1.
// - Tidied up the code just a tiny bit. Mostly just made it slightly more readable.
// - Added colors to the text document to make it easier to read.
// - Added a variable "joinRanges" at the top of the file that joins number rangers if set to true.
// - This makes the output way cleaner.
// - For example pages "1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13,14,26,30,31" will be output as "1-5, 10-14, 26, 30-31"
// - FYI: Indesign supports number ranges like this in all inputs that take page ranges, like for example the "Apply master to pages" dialog.
// - Added a variable "useDocName" at the top of the file. Adds document name to the text file if set to true.
// - Text file is now saved in the folder containing the script file.
// - Tested in Mac - Indesign CC 2018
// v.2.
// - Now prints out the page information about every single page in the document.
// - Removed the dialog, as it's useless now.
// - Due to the increased number of text printed out at once, it is now printed into a rtf file.
// - Tested in Mac - Indesign CC 2014
// v.1.
// - The first version of the script gives you the pages of a single master =
var joinRanges = true;
var useDocName = false;
var masters_array = {};
var subMaster_array = {};
var docMasters = null;
if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) init();
function init() {
var doc = app.activeDocument;
// List of master pages
docMasters = doc.masterSpreads.everyItem().name;
// Creates same amount of arrays as there are masters ( [None] is also included ).
// The arrays are populated later on.
for (i = 0; i <= docMasters.length; i++) {
masters_array[i] = [];
checkPages( doc );
// Text file path
// Points to the folder where the script sits...
var rtf_file = new File( (new File($.fileName)).parent + "/Check Master Page Numbers"+ (useDocName ? ("( "+ +" )") : '') +".rtf" );
print_Header( rtf_file );
print_Body( rtf_file, doc );
print_Footer( rtf_file );
} // init()
function checkPages( doc ) {
// Loop through all pages...
var docPages = doc.pages;
var pagesLength = docPages.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < pagesLength; i++ ) {
// Current page
var active_page = docPages[i];
// Name of the master in current page
// If master is not applied, use '[None]'
var active_pageMaster = active_page.appliedMaster ? : '[None]';
// Index of the master in current page
// Index is 0 if it's '[None]'
var active_pageMasterIndex = active_page.appliedMaster ? active_page.appliedMaster.index + 1 : 0;
// Push page numbers to their respective arrays...
masters_array[ active_pageMasterIndex ].push(' ' + (i + 1));
function print_Header( rtf_file ) {"w");
// First line in the text file
rtf_file.writeln('{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0\\line{\\colortbl;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;\\red153\\green153\\blue153;\\red31\\green165\\blue44;}\\i\\cf2 If you ran the script with this text file open, you may need to reopen it to see the changes.\\cf1 \\line\\line\\line');
function print_Body( rtf_file, doc ) {
// Loop through the masters yet again
// The point of this is to assing the correct heading to each line and their sub master info.
for (i = -1; i < docMasters.length; i++) {
var none = i === -1;
// Get the current line heading
var heading = none ? '[None]' : doc.masterSpreads[i].name;
// Check if current master has sub master
// '[None]' is never able to have sub masters, since it is not a master page.
var appliedMaster = none ? null : doc.masterSpreads[i].appliedMaster;
var appliedMasterIndex = !appliedMaster ? null : appliedMaster.index + 1;
var appliedMasterName = !appliedMaster ? null :;
var xerox = {};
// Find out which master is applied to current master
xerox.subMaster = appliedMaster ? ' ( Based on: \\b ' + appliedMasterName + ' \\b0 )' : '';
var currentMasterPages = joinRanges ? getRanges( masters_array[i + 1] ) : masters_array[i + 1];
var submasters = get_subMasters( doc );
// Prints pages in the current master or if it has not been applied to any page, it prints out the text string.
// In addition to the page numbers, it also prints the sub master of that specific master in parenthesis, if it has any.
xerox.pages = currentMasterPages == '' ? '\\cf3\\i Has not been applied to any page' + (submasters[i] ? '\\i directly, but it has been applied to other master(s)\\i0' : '') + '.\\i0\\cf1' : '\\cf4' + currentMasterPages + '\\cf1',
// If current master is applied to any other master, this prints out the name those masters.
xerox.parentMaster = (submasters[i] == null ? '' : '\\line\\b Applied to masters: \\b0 \\cf3' + submasters[i]) + '\\cf1';
// Writes the text body...
rtf_file.writeln( '\\b ' + heading + '\\b0 ' + xerox.subMaster + '\\b:\\b0 ' + xerox.pages + xerox.parentMaster + '\\line\\line' );
function print_Footer( rtf_file ) {
// Writes text footer...
// Opens the text file
function get_subMasters( doc ) {
var submasters = {};
// One master can be applied to multiple other masters....
for ( index = 0; index < docMasters.length; index++ ) {
// Sub master
var appliedMaster = doc.masterSpreads[index].appliedMaster;
// Sub master index
var appliedMasterIndex = !appliedMaster ? null : appliedMaster.index;
// If current master has a sub master and it doesn't have its own array yet, create it.
if ( !submasters[appliedMasterIndex] ) submasters[appliedMasterIndex] = [];
// Push current master name to sub master array.
submasters[appliedMasterIndex].push(' ' + doc.masterSpreads[index].name);
return submasters;
function getRanges(array) {
var ranges = [], rstart, rend;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
rstart = array[i];
rend = rstart;
while (array[i + 1] - array[i] == 1) {
rend = array[i + 1].replace(' ','');
ranges.push(rstart == rend ? rstart+'' : rstart + '-' + rend);
return ranges;
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