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Created March 13, 2018 12:45
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p_implies_p : p -> p
p_implies_p x = x
data And a b = MkAnd a b
data Or a b = Left a | Right b
p_implies_p_and_p : p -> And p p
p_implies_p_and_p p =
MkAnd p p
pqr1 : (And p q -> r) -> (p -> q -> r)
pqr1 f p q =
f (MkAnd p q)
pqr2 : (p -> q -> r) -> (And p q -> r)
pqr2 f (MkAnd p q) =
f p q
infixl 9 /\
(/\) : Type -> Type -> Type
(/\) = And
infixl 8 \/
(\/) : Type -> Type -> Type
(\/) = Or
infixl 7 <=>
(<=>) : Type -> Type -> Type
a <=> b = (a -> b, b -> a)
distributivity1 : p /\ (q \/ r) -> p /\ q \/ p /\ r
distributivity1 (MkAnd p rest) =
case rest of
Left x => Left (MkAnd p x)
Right x => Right (MkAnd p x)
distributivity2 : p /\ q \/ p /\ r -> p /\ (q \/ r)
distributivity2 x =
case x of
Left (MkAnd a b) => MkAnd a (Left b)
Right (MkAnd a b) => MkAnd a (Right b)
distributivity : p /\ (q \/ r) <=> p /\ q \/ p /\ r
distributivity =
(distributivity1, distributivity2)
not : Type -> Type
not x =
x -> Void
doubleNegation : p -> not (not p)
doubleNegation p pToVoid = void (pToVoid p)
deMorganOr1 : not (p \/ q) -> not p /\ not q
deMorganOr1 notPorQ =
MkAnd (notPorQ . Left) (notPorQ . Right)
deMorganOr2 : not p /\ not q -> not (p \/ q)
deMorganOr2 (MkAnd pToVoid qToVoid) porq =
case porq of
Left p => pToVoid p
Right q => qToVoid q
deMorganOr : not (p \/ q) <=> not p /\ not q
deMorganOr = (deMorganOr1, deMorganOr2)
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