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Created February 10, 2014 20:41
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Save joonjoonjoon/8923774 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
time-based solution for framerate drop
class GameClass extends FlxGame
private var useCustomFpsCounter:Bool = false;
public function new()
// Launch your game here
Lib.current.stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameRateUpdate);
if (useCustomFpsCounter)
framecountertext = new TextField();
framecountertext.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat(FlxAssets.FONT_DEBUGGER, 20, 0xbbbbbb, false, false, false, null, null, TextFormatAlign.LEFT );
framecountertext.text = "60 - 60";
framecountertext.x = Lib.current.stage.stageWidth/2 - framecountertext.textWidth /2;
framecountertext.y = 60;
framecountertext.width = 200;
public static var elapsedTime:Int; // use this anywhere to compensate for frame drops...
private var myticks:Int;
private var mytotal:Int;
private var timecounter:Int;
private var framecounter:Int;
private var framecountertext:TextField;
private function frameRateUpdate(?FlashEvent:Event):Void
myticks = Lib.getTimer();
elapsedTime = myticks - mytotal;
mytotal = myticks;
timecounter += elapsedTime;
if (useCustomFpsCounter && timecounter > 1000)
framecountertext.text = (framecounter -1) + " / " + 60;
framecounter = 0;
timecounter = 0;
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