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Created February 14, 2024 16:27
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine;
// !!!! this needs to be in a folder with an Assembly Defintion Reference file,
// which refers to Addressables.Editor
// After that it should be accessible from the Addressables > Analyze window
namespace UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.AnalyzeRules
class EstimateFileSizeRule : BundleRuleBase
public override bool CanFix { get { return false; } }
public override string ruleName { get { return "Bundle Layout Preview Estimate Filesize"; } }
public override List<AnalyzeResult> RefreshAnalysis(AddressableAssetSettings settings)
if (!BuildUtility.CheckModifiedScenesAndAskToSave())
Debug.LogError("Cannot run Analyze with unsaved scenes");
m_Results.Add(new AnalyzeResult { resultName = ruleName + "Cannot run Analyze with unsaved scenes" });
return m_Results;
Dictionary<string, long> bundleSize = new Dictionary<string, long>();
Dictionary<string, List<string>> bundleEntries = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
var context = GetBuildContext(settings);
// get explicot fo;es
foreach (var bundleBuild in m_AllBundleInputDefs)
string bundleName = bundleBuild.assetBundleName;
var sortedAssets = bundleBuild.assetNames.OrderByDescending(a => GetFileSize(a)).Distinct();
foreach (var assetPath in sortedAssets)
var filesize = GetFileSize(assetPath);
bundleSize.TryGetValue(bundleName, out var currentCount);
bundleSize[bundleName] = currentCount + filesize;
if (!bundleEntries.ContainsKey(bundleName))
bundleEntries[bundleName] =bundleEntries[bundleName] = new List<string>();
bundleEntries[bundleName].Add("Explicit" + kDelimiter + " " + PrintFileSize(filesize) + " " + assetPath);
// get implicit files
if (m_ExtractData.WriteData != null)
foreach (var fileToBundle in m_ExtractData.WriteData.FileToBundle)
var assetPaths = GetImplicitGuidsForBundle(fileToBundle.Key).Select(g => AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(g));
var sortedAssets = assetPaths.OrderByDescending(a => GetFileSize(a)).Distinct();
foreach (var assetPath in sortedAssets)
string bundleName = fileToBundle.Value;
var filesize = GetFileSize(assetPath);
bundleSize.TryGetValue(bundleName, out var currentCount);
bundleSize[bundleName] = currentCount + filesize;
if (AddressableAssetUtility.IsPathValidForEntry(assetPath))
if (!bundleEntries.ContainsKey(bundleName))
bundleEntries[bundleName] =bundleEntries[bundleName] = new List<string>();
bundleEntries[bundleName].Add("Implicit" + kDelimiter + " " + PrintFileSize(filesize) + " " + assetPath);
// add main entries
var bundles = bundleSize.Keys.ToList().OrderByDescending(k => bundleSize[k]);
foreach (var bundle in bundles)
var bundleprefix = $"{PrintFileSize(bundleSize[bundle])} - {bundle}" ;
if (!bundleEntries.ContainsKey(bundle))
m_Results.Add(new AnalyzeResult {resultName = $"{bundleprefix} {kDelimiter} NO ASSETS ???"});
foreach (var entry in bundleEntries[bundle])
m_Results.Add(new AnalyzeResult {resultName = $"{bundleprefix} {kDelimiter} {entry}"});
if (m_Results.Count == 0)
return m_Results;
class RegisterEstimateFileSizeRule
static RegisterEstimateFileSizeRule()
private long GetFileSize(string assetPath)
if (!File.Exists(assetPath)) return -1;
System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(assetPath);
return fileInfo.Length;
private string PrintFileSize(long val)
return Mathf.Round(val / 1024f / 1024f).ToString() + " MB";
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