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Last active July 26, 2021 05:48
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### Pathfinder ###
class Node:
def __init__(self, parent=None, location=None, action=None):
self.parent = parent
self.location = location
self.action = action
self.h = 0
self.g = 0
self.f = 0
def get_path(node):
path = []
while node.parent:
node = node.parent
return path
def get_path_actions(path):
actions = []
for node in path:
return actions
def astar(game_state, start, target):
print("----A* STAR----")
path = []
# add starting node to open list
open_list = [Node(None, start, None)]
closed_list = []
# exit the loop early if no path can be found
# (the target is likely blocked off)
max_loops = 1000
counter = 0
# while lowest rank in OPEN is not the GOAL:
while len(open_list) > 0 and counter <= max_loops:
# find the node with the lowest rank
curr_node = open_list[0]
curr_index = 0
for index, node in enumerate(open_list):
if node.f < curr_node.f:
curr_node = node
curr_index = index
# check if this node is the goal
if curr_node.location == target:
print(f"~~~~~~~FOUND TARGET~~~~~~~")
path = get_path(curr_node)
return path
# current = remove lowest rank item from OPEN
# add current to CLOSED
del open_list[curr_index]
# get neighbors of current
neighbors = get_free_neighbors(game_state, curr_node.location)
neighbor_nodes = []
for neighbor in neighbors:
for location, action in neighbor.items():
neighbor_nodes.append(Node(None, location, action))
# for neighbors of current:
for neighbor in neighbor_nodes:
# used for loop behavior
in_closed = False
in_open = False
# cost = g(current) + movementcost(current, neighbor)
cost = curr_node.g + 1
# if neighbor in OPEN and cost less than g(neighbor):
# remove neighbor from OPEN, because new path is better
for index, node in enumerate(open_list):
if neighbor.location == node.location and cost < neighbor.g:
del open_list[index]
in_open = True
# if neighbor in CLOSED and cost less than g(neighbor): ⁽²⁾
# remove neighbor from CLOSED
for index, node in enumerate(closed_list):
if neighbor.location == node.location and cost < neighbor.g:
del closed_list[index]
in_closed = True
# if neighbor not in OPEN and neighbor not in CLOSED:
# set g(neighbor) to cost
# add neighbor to OPEN
# set priority queue rank to g(neighbor) + h(neighbor)
# set neighbor's parent to current
if not in_open and not in_closed:
neighbor.g = cost
neighbor.h = manhattan_distance(neighbor.location, target)
neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h
neighbor.parent = curr_node
counter += 1
print(f"---NO PATH FOUND---")
### HELPERS ###
# given our current location, return only surrounding tiles that are free
def get_free_neighbors(game_state, location):
x, y = location
neighbors = [{(x-1, y): 'l'}, {(x+1, y): 'r'}, {(x, y-1): 'd'}, {(x, y+1): 'u'}]
free_neighbors = []
for neighbor in neighbors:
for tile, direction in neighbor.items():
if game_state.is_in_bounds(tile):
if game_state.is_occupied(tile):
# check if this tile contains treasure or ammo
if game_state.entity_at(tile) == 't' or game_state.entity_at(tile) == 'a':
return free_neighbors
# returns the manhattan distance between two tiles, calculated as:
# |x1 - x2| + |y1 - y2|
def manhattan_distance(start, end):
distance = abs(start[0] - end[0]) + abs(start[1] - end[1])
return distance
# finds ammo, if any
def get_ammo(game_state):
ammo = game_state.ammo
if ammo:
return ammo[0] # return first ammo on the list
# finds treasure, if any
def get_treasure(game_state):
treasure = game_state.treasure
if treasure:
return treasure[0] # return first treasure on the list
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