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joost / deploy.rb
Last active July 10, 2024 10:19 — forked from toobulkeh/deploy.rb
Capistrano 3 rails console tasks
# encoding: UTF-8
# Place in config/deploy.rb
# See:
# Adapted to work with rbenv
namespace :rails do
desc "Open the rails console on primary app server"
task :console do
on roles(:app), primary: true do
rails_env = fetch(:stage)
execute_interactively "#{bundle_cmd} #{current_path}/script/rails console #{rails_env}"
joost / update_cache_counters.rake
Last active September 25, 2018 15:05 — forked from svyatov/update_cache_counters.rake
Rails Rake Task: Update all cache counters / counter caches.
# More robust version to update new or existing counter cache columns in your Rails app.
# See:
desc 'Update all cache counters'
task :update_cache_counters => :environment do
models_to_update = {}
# or: Rails.application.eager_load!
# Dir loads less, so it's faster
Dir.glob(Rails.root.join('app/models/**/*')).each { |model| require model if File.file?(model) }