I hereby claim:
- I am joost on github.
- I am joosth (https://keybase.io/joosth) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 3546 2624 A98A C4A1 2E7C 414D ABA4 5856 9272 EE8A
To claim this, I am signing this object:
# This gist is turned into a gem: https://github.com/joost/google_places_api | |
require 'hashie' | |
require 'faraday' | |
require 'faraday_middleware' | |
# Created our own very simple Google Places API client since the google_places gem | |
# is returning incorrect results. | |
# Usage: | |
# client = GooglePlacesClient.new(key: API_KEY) | |
# response = client.get('textsearch', query: 'something') | |
# ref = response.body.results.first.reference |
class YourModel | |
# Overwrite sunspot version to not remove from index. | |
# See: https://github.com/sunspot/sunspot/blob/16e5f620814fd4bdf43e3df158e7fdcbbd92713b/sunspot_rails/lib/sunspot/rails/searchable.rb#L206 | |
def self.solr_reindex(options = {}) | |
solr_index(options) | |
solr_clean_index_orphans | |
end | |
end |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
# Usage: | |
# https://gist.githubusercontent.com/joost/20934650f68dd561fc35/raw/44629ade560e0e546ac7d2f94537a594546c5e1f/docker_compose.rb | |
class DockerCompose < Formula | |
desc "Isolated development environments using Docker" | |
homepage "https://docs.docker.com/compose/" | |
url "https://github.com/docker/compose/archive/1.3.0rc2.tar.gz" | |
sha256 "4e0a6c82e283e44eb551a8e57bb40c1c2768f8acaf36eb7e858c99ca4fb3d0dc" | |
# bottle do | |
# sha256 "bf8a80a39a59185add39a12e6da2b53e19e08bb09d823b1cbaf2ffdcf797c3d7" => :yosemite |
require 'formula' | |
class Solr < Formula | |
url 'http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=lucene/solr/4.0.0/apache-solr-4.0.0.tgz' | |
homepage 'http://lucene.apache.org/solr/' | |
sha1 '0cb61d9572516fc627785201b79b3a85e95f877d' | |
def script; <<-EOS.undent | |
#!/bin/sh | |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
# SearchHash converts a Hash with search options to a Sunspot search. | |
# Example: | |
# s = SearchHash.new(Model, :q => 'some string to match in all text fields') | |
# s.search # The Sunspot search | |
# s.search.results # The actual results | |
# | |
# s = SearchHash.new(Model, :some_field__gt => 12, :text_field_name => 'some query') | |
# | |
# Pagination: | |
# s = SearchHash.new(Model, {:some_field__gt => 12, :text_field_name => 'some query', :page => 2, :per_page => 100}, {:per_page_max => 200, :per_page_default => 25}) |
def compare_yaml_hash(cf1, cf2, context = []) | |
cf1.each do |key, value| | |
unless cf2.key?(key) | |
puts "Missing key : #{key} in path #{context.join(".")}" | |
next | |
end | |
value2 = cf2[key] | |
if (value.class != value2.class) |
Source: http://www.distilled.net/blog/uncategorized/google-cctlds-and-associated-languages-codes-reference-sheet/ | |
Top level domain Extension Country Name Language Language b | |
http://www.google.com.af .af Afghanistan fa – Persian ps – Pashto, Pushto | |
http://www.google.dz .dz Algeria fr – French ar – Arabic | |
http://www.google.as .as American Samoa en – English | |
http://www.google.ad .ad Andorra ca – Catalan; Valencian | |
http://www.google.co.ao .ao Angola pt-PT – Portuguese kg – Kongo | |
http://www.google.com.ai .ai Anguilla en – English | |
http://www.google.com.ag .ag Antigua and Barbuda en – English |
require 'hashie' | |
require 'faraday' | |
require 'faraday_middleware' | |
# Supersimple http://pixabay.com/api/docs/ client. | |
# Usage: | |
# result = PixabayClient.new(username: 'someone', key: 'your_key').get(search_term: 'beach') | |
# result.body # Mashified results | |
# See: https://gist.github.com/joost/e32daf904ed8bd171974 | |
class PixabayClient |
require 'hashie' | |
require 'faraday' | |
require 'faraday_middleware' | |
# Supersimple http://api.icons8.com/ client. | |
# Usage: | |
# Icons8Client.new.search('icon') | |
# See: https://gist.github.com/joost/e149404f645f33ba1939 | |
class Icons8Client | |
def initialize(options = {}) |