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Created December 31, 2012 10:59
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Save joostvanveen/4419014 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert a Windows CP1252 string to Latin1. Converts the typical Windows (Word) crappy display characters like curly quotation marks, triple dots, etc. Windows-1252 or CP-1252 is a character encoding of the Latin alphabet, used by default in the legacy components of Microsoft Windows in English and some other Western languages. It is one version …
function transcribe_cp1252_to_latin1($cp1252) {
return strtr(
"\x80" => "e", "\x81" => " ", "\x82" => "'", "\x83" => 'f',
"\x84" => '"', "\x85" => "…", "\x86" => "+", "\x87" => "#",
"\x88" => "^", "\x89" => "0/00", "\x8A" => "S", "\x8B" => "<",
"\x8C" => "OE", "\x8D" => " ", "\x8E" => "Z", "\x8F" => " ",
"\x90" => " ", "\x91" => "`", "\x92" => "'", "\x93" => '"',
"\x94" => '"', "\x95" => "*", "\x96" => "-", "\x97" => "--",
"\x98" => "~", "\x99" => "(™)", "\x9A" => "s", "\x9B" => ">",
"\x9C" => "oe", "\x9D" => " ", "\x9E" => "z", "\x9F" => "Y",
"…" => "..."
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