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jootse84 / redblacktree.erl
Created March 6, 2017 02:38
Red-Black Tree in Erlang
-export([insert/2, empty_node/0,test/0]).
-define(BLACK, 'b').
-define(RED, 'r').
-define(BLACK_EMPTY_NODE, {?BLACK, nil, nil, nil}).
-define(RED_EMPTY_NODE, {?RED, nil, nil, nil}).
% 1 - black
% 0 - red
jootse84 /
Last active September 19, 2018 23:25
Bubble sort recursive implementation in Python
def bubble(l_elems, is_sorted, step):
if step is 1 or is_sorted:
# base case: l_elems is already sorted or we pass through the list len(l_elems) times
return l_elems
is_swapped = False
for i in range(len(l_elems) - 1):
# compares each pair of adjacent items and swaps them if they are in the wrong order
if l_elems[i] > l_elems[i + 1]:
is_swapped = True
jootse84 / retflix_improvement.R
Last active December 23, 2016 19:11
Movie recommendation system developed in R language, improvement for RC
# The program recommends to you a movie list based on the responses about movies ratings.
# How it works? It calculates the similarity between your responses and other users in the system, and recommends to you
# movies from the user with higher similarity (cosine index similarity:
## How to run it? > Rscript retflix_improvement.R --test
getRecommendations <- function () {
# returns vector with the responses in order about the movies selected by the ids from indices
movieSurvey <- function (indices, movies) {
jootse84 / retflix.R
Last active December 23, 2016 07:23
Movie recommendation system developed in R language
# The program recommends to you a movie list based on the responses about movies that you have already seen.
# How it works? It calculates the similarity between your responses and other users in the system, and recommends to you
# movies from the user with higher similarity (jaccard index similarity:
## How to run it? > Rscript retflix.R --test
## Use --test command parameter to use for the user data frame a small sample with 8 movies and 3 users.
getRecommendations <- function () {
# returns vector with the responses in order about the movies selected by the ids from indices
jootse84 /
Created December 12, 2016 11:23
John Snow's 1854 cholera map.
John Snow created a map in 1854 about the cholera outbreak in London.
Snow plotted cholera cases in the Soho area of London around Broad Street and noticed a cluster around a water pump.
This led to improved sanitation facilities and also the discovery that cholera infection was water-borne rather than airborne.
This program:
* initally have a set of sample points - x,y (representing locations of chollera infection cases)
* allow the user to introduce Points of Interest - x,y (representing water pipes, buildings, markets ...)
* calculate the final result, representing the Point of Interest closer to all the cholera infection cases.
jootse84 /
Created July 21, 2016 10:11
Python version of the game Tic Tac Toe for second interview at RC
import sys
SYMBOLS = ['X', 'O']
def main(argv):
game = Game()
class Game:
jootse84 / trie.js
Last active December 21, 2016 11:35
A class that saves MQTT topics in a trie structure. The trie structure is represented by an Object which keys contains the topics levels.
* @file Trie class
* @author Jose E. Martinez <>
* @description A class that saves MQTT topics in a trie structure. The trie structure is represented by an Object which keys contains the topics levels. In addition, the topic levels with the key '$' as 'true' are the completed topics.
* @see [Project info]{@link}
* @see [Trie structure]{@link}
* @see [MQTT topic]{@link}
* @example