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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Source of's app.js for analysis
!function() {
"use strict";
var e = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : global;
if ("function" != typeof e.require) {
var t = {}, s = {}, r = function(e, t) {
return {}, t)
}, a = function(e, t) {
var s, r, a = [];
s = /^\.\.?(\/|$)/.test(t) ? [e, t].join("/").split("/") : t.split("/");
for (var n = 0, i = s.length; i > n; n++)
r = s[n], ".." === r ? a.pop() : "." !== r && "" !== r && a.push(r);
return a.join("/")
}, n = function(e) {
return e.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/")
}, i = function(t) {
return function(s) {
var r = n(t), i = a(r, s);
return e.require(i, t)
}, o = function(e, t) {
var r = {id: e,exports: {}};
return s[e] = r, t(r.exports, i(e), r), r.exports
}, h = function(e, n) {
var i = a(e, ".");
if (null == n && (n = "/"), r(s, i))
return s[i].exports;
if (r(t, i))
return o(i, t[i]);
var h = a(i, "./index");
if (r(s, h))
return s[h].exports;
if (r(t, h))
return o(h, t[h]);
throw new Error('Cannot find module "' + e + '" from "' + n + '"')
}, p = function(e, s) {
if ("object" == typeof e)
for (var a in e)
r(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]);
t[e] = s
}, u = function() {
var e = [];
for (var s in t)
r(t, s) && e.push(s);
return e
e.require = h, e.require.define = p, e.require.register = p, e.require.list = u, e.require.brunch = !0
}(), require.register("adapters/chart", function(e, t) {
var s, r;
t("adapters/itunes"), s = "", r = Ember.isEmpty, App.ChartResultAdapter = App.ItunesAdapter.extend({findQuery: function(e, t, s) {
return this.ajax(this.buildURL(s), "GET")
},ajaxOptions: function(e, t, s) {
return s = s || {}, s.url = e, s.type = t, s.dataType = "json", s
},buildURL: function(e) {
var t;
return t = [s], t.pushObject(e.rssId), r(e.genreId) || t.pushObject("genre=" + e.genreId), r(e.limit) || t.pushObject("limit=" + e.limit), t.pushObject("json"), t.join("/")
}), require.register("adapters/fnd_fixture", function() {
App.FndFixtureAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter.extend({latency: 50,queryFixtures: function(e, t) {
var s, r, a;
if ("tons" === t.term) {
for (a = [], s = r = 1; 50 >= r; s = ++r)
return a
return "none" === t.term ? [] : e
}), require.register("adapters/itunes", function() {
App.ItunesAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({find: function(e, t, s) {
return this.ajax(this.buildURL(s), "GET")
},findMany: function(e, t, s) {
return this.ajax(this.buildURL(s), "GET")
},findQuery: function(e, t, s) {
var r;
return "id" in s ? (r =, delete, this.ajax(this.buildURL(r), "GET", {data: this.buildQuery(s)})) : this.ajax(this.buildURL(), "GET", {data: this.buildQuery(s)})
},queryForType: function(e) {
return QUERY_TYPES[e]
},findHasMany: function(e, t, s, r) {
return "string" !== Ember.typeOf(s) && (s = t.get("" + r.key + "Url")), this.ajax(s, "GET")
},ajax: function(e, t, s) {
return App.Logger.dbg.log("AJAX " + e, (null != s ? : void 0) || s), new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(r) {
return function(a, n) {
return s = r.ajaxOptions(e, t, s), s.success = function(e) {
return, a, e)
}, s.error = function(e) {
return, n, e)
}, Ember.$.ajax(s)
},ajaxOptions: function(e, t, s) {
return s = s || {}, s.url = e, s.type = t, s.dataType = "jsonp", s.context = this, s.timeout = 3e4, s.contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8", s
},baseQueryUrl: "",baseFindUrl: "",buildURL: function(e) {
return e ? (e = Ember.makeArray(e), "" + this.get("baseFindUrl") + "?id=" + e.join(",")) : this.get("baseQueryUrl")
},buildQuery: function(e) {
var t, s;
return t = Ember.copy(e), s = Ember.get(t, "term"), "string" === Ember.typeOf(s) && (t.term = s.replace(/\+/g, " ").toLowerCase()), t
}), require.register("components/app-screenshot", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a;
t("components/image-set"), a = Ember.computed.alias, r = "horizontal", s.exports = App.AppScreenshotComponent = App.ImageSetComponent.extend({tagName: "span",classNames: ["app-screenshot"],classNameBindings: ["isLandscape:landscape:portrait", "typeClass", "isIpad:ipad", "layoutClasses"],shouldLink: !0,isLoading: !0,layoutName: r,imageSet: a("screenshot"),isIpad: a("screenshot.isIpad"),title: a("screenshot.title"),routeName: function() {
return "" + this.get("model.routeName") + ".screenshots"
}.property("model"),imageLoaded: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("$image"), this.set("isLandscape", e[0].width > e[0].height)
},typeClass: function() {
return this.get("screenshot.cssClass")
}.property("screenshot.cssClass"),imageClass: function() {
return this.get("layoutName") === r ? [this.get("isLandscape") ? "landscape" : "portrait", this.get("typeClass"), this.get("isIpad") ? "ipad" : void 0].compact().join(" ") : void 0
}.property("isLandscape", "typeClass", "isIpad"),layoutClasses: function() {
return "full" === this.get("layoutName") ? "app-screenshot--full" : void 0
}), require.register("components/app-screenshots", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n, i, o;
o = Ember.computed.notEmpty, i = Ember.isEmpty, a = "iphone", r = "ipad", n = "mac", s.exports = App.AppScreenshotsComponent = Ember.Component.extend({hasIphone: o("iphoneScreenshots.[]"),hasIpad: o("ipadScreenshots.[]"),hasMac: o("macScreenshots.[]"),hasScreenshots: Ember.computed.or("hasIphone", "hasIpad", "hasMac"),hasIphoneAndIpad: Ember.computed.and("hasIphone", "hasIpad"),cssClass: Ember.computed.alias("currentType"),screenshotsWithIndex: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("currentType"), this.get("" + e + "Screenshots").map(function(e) {
return function(t, s) {
return {screenshot: t,index: s + 1,type: e.get("currentType"),model: e.get("model")}
}.property("currentType", "model"),nameForType: function(e) {
switch (e) {
case a:
return "iPhone";
case r:
return "iPad";
case n:
return "Mac"
},name: function() {
return this.nameForType(this.get("currentType"))
}.property("currentType"),otherType: function() {
switch (this.get("currentType")) {
case a:
return r;
case r:
return a
}.property("currentType"),currentType: function() {
if (!i(this.get("currentTypeChoice")))
return this.get("currentTypeChoice");
if (this.get("hasIphoneAndIpad"))
switch (!1) {
case "iphone" !== this.get(""):
return a;
case "ipad" !== this.get(""):
return r;
case !this.get("device.isIpad"):
return r;
case !this.get("device.isIphone"):
return a;
return a
switch (!1) {
case !this.get("hasIphone"):
return a;
case !this.get("hasIpad"):
return r;
case !this.get("hasMac"):
return n
}.property("device.isIos", "hasIphoneAndIpad", "hasIphone", "hasIpad", "hasMac", "currentTypeChoice"),screenshotChoices: function() {
return [a, r].map(function(e) {
return function(t, s) {
return {name: e.nameForType(t),isSelected: e.get("currentType") === t,isLast: 1 === s}
}.property("currentType"),actions: {"switch": function() {
return this.set("currentTypeChoice", this.get("otherType"))
}), require.register("components/chart-group", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ChartGroupComponent = Ember.Component.extend({charts: Ember.computed.alias("chartGroup.charts"),hasMoreThanOneChart:"charts.length", 1),chartButtons: function() {
var e;
return null != (e = this.get("charts")) ? {
return function(t) {
return {chart: t,isSelected: e.get("selectedChart") === t}
}(this)) : void 0
}.property("charts", "selectedChart"),setInitialSelectedChart: function() {
return this.set("selectedChart", this.get("charts.firstObject"))
}.on("init"),actions: {selectChart: function(e) {
return this.set("selectedChart", e)
}), require.register("components/device-icons", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n;
a = '<svg width="5" height="8" viewBox="0 0 5 8" xmlns="" xmlns:sketch=""><title>iphone</title><g sketch:type="MSLayerGroup" fill="#969696"><path d="M2.5 6.458c.23 0 .417-.187.417-.417 0-.23-.187-.417-.417-.417-.23 0-.417.187-.417.417 0 .23.187.417.417.417z" sketch:type="MSShapeGroup"/><path d="M0 .833v5.626c0 .46.372.833.831.833h3.337c.459 0 .831-.372.831-.833v-5.626c0-.46-.372-.833-.831-.833h-3.337c-.459 0-.831.372-.831.833zm4.169-.416c.229 0 .415.186.415.416v5.626c0 .231-.185.416-.415.416h-3.337c-.229 0-.415-.186-.415-.416v-5.626c0-.231.185-.416.415-.416h3.337z" sketch:type="MSShapeGroup"/></g></svg>', r = '<svg width="10" height="15" viewBox="0 0 10 15" xmlns="" xmlns:sketch=""><title>ipad</title><g sketch:type="MSLayerGroup" fill="#969696"><path d="M5 13.077c.212 0 .385-.172.385-.385 0-.212-.172-.385-.385-.385-.212 0-.385.172-.385.385 0 .212.172.385.385.385z" sketch:type="MSShapeGroup"/><path d="M0 1.347v11.729c0 .744.603 1.347 1.346 1.347h7.308c.743 0 1.346-.601 1.346-1.347v-11.729c0-.744-.603-1.347-1.346-1.347h-7.308c-.743 0-1.346.601-1.346 1.347zm8.654-.963c.531 0 .961.431.961.963v11.729c0 .533-.43.963-.961.963h-7.308c-.531 0-.961-.431-.961-.963v-11.729c0-.533.43-.963.961-.963h7.308z" sketch:type="MSShapeGroup"/></g></svg>', n = '<svg width="19" height="14" viewBox="0 0 19 14" xmlns="" xmlns:sketch=""><title>mac</title><path d="M14.06 14h-8.93l1.488-2.613h-5.857c-.421 0-.761-.333-.761-.746v-9.895c0-.412.341-.746.761-.746h17.478c.421 0 .761.333.761.746v9.895c0 .412-.341.746-.761.746h-5.667l1.488 2.613zm-13.68-13.254v9.895c0 .206.169.372.381.372h17.478c.21 0 .381-.167.381-.372v-9.895c0-.206-.169-.372-.381-.372h-17.478c-.21 0-.381.167-.381.372z" fill="#969696" sketch:type="MSShapeGroup"/></svg>', s.exports = App.DeviceIconsComponent = Ember.Component.extend({tagName: "span",classNames: ["ii-mediaicons"],render: function(e) {
return this.get("isIphone") && e.push('<span class="ii-mediaicons--iphone" title="iPhone">\n ' + a + "\n</span>"), this.get("isIpad") && e.push('<span class="ii-mediaicons--ipad" title="iPad">\n ' + r + "\n</span>"), this.get("isMac") ? e.push('<span class="ii-mediaicons--mac" title="Mac">\n ' + n + "\n</span>") : void 0
},observesValue: function() {
return this.rerender()
}.observes("isIphone", "isIpad", "isMac")})
}), require.register("components/fnd-header", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.FndHeaderComponent = Ember.Component.extend({actions: {headerButtonClicked: function() {
return this.sendAction("buttonClicked")
},logoClicked: function() {
return this.sendAction("logoClicked")
}), require.register("components/fnd-search", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n;
n = t("utils/google_complete"), a = Ember.get, r = new Bloodhound({name: "google",remote: {url: n.TYPEAHEAD_URL,ajax: {cache: !0,dataType: "jsonp"},filter: function(e) {
return e[1].map(function(e) {
return {value: e}
}},datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace}), r.initialize(), s.exports = App.FndSearchComponent = Ember.Component.extend({tagName: "form",attributeBindings: ["role"],classNames: ["input-group", "fnd-search"],classNameBindings: ["variationClass"],role: "form",variation: "lg",autoFocus: !1,variationClass: function() {
return "fnd-search--" + this.get("variation")
}.property("variation"),submitSearch: function(e) {
return this.get("device.isIos") && this.$input().blur(), this.triggerAction({actionContext: e})
},submit: function(e) {
return e.preventDefault(), this.closeTypehead(), this.submitSearch(this.$input().typeahead("val")), !1
},$input: function() {
return this.$(".fnd-search-input:last")
},updateValue: function() {
return this.$input().typeahead("val", this.get("value") || "")
},observesValue: function() {
return this.updateValue(), this.closeTypehead()
}.observes("value"),setupTypeahead: function() {
return this.$input().val(this.get("value")), this.$input().typeahead({highlight: !0,hint: !1}, {source: r.ttAdapter()}).on("typeahead:selected", function(e) {
return function(t, s) {
return {
return e.submitSearch(s.value)
}.on("didInsertElement"),destroyTypeahead: function() {
return this.$input().typeahead("destroy")
}.on("willDestroyElement"),focusSearch: function() {
return this.get("autoFocus") ?"afterRender", function(e) {
return function() {
return e.$input().focus()
}(this)) : void 0
}.on("didInsertElement"),closeTypehead: function() {
return this.$input().typeahead("close")
}), require.register("components/ii-creator", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.IiCreatorComponent = Ember.Component.extend({tagName: "span",classNames: ["text-muted"],creator: function() {
return this.get("parent." + this.get("creatorKey"))
}.property("parent", "creatorKey"),creatorName: function() {
return this.get("parent." + this.get("creatorKey") + "Name")
}.property("parent", "creatorKey")})
}), require.register("components/ii-list", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.IiListComponent = Ember.Component.extend({initialResults: 5,showTrackNumbers: !1,isLoading: Ember.computed.oneWay("items.isPending"),notLoading: Ember.computed.not("isLoading"),hasItems: Ember.computed.notEmpty("items.[]"),hasItemsAndNotLoading: Ember.computed.and("hasItems", "notLoading"),name: Ember.computed.oneWay(""),pluralName: Ember.computed.oneWay("mediaType.pluralName"),pluralLowerCaseName: function() {
return this.get("pluralName").toLowerCase()
}.property("pluralName"),lowerCaseName: function() {
return this.get("name").toLowerCase()
}.property("name"),fetcher: function() {
return this.get("parent") && this.get("mediaType") ? App.AssociationFetcher.firstOrCreate(this.get("parent"), this.get(""), {mediaType: this.get("mediaType"),startAmount: this.get("initialResults")}) : void 0
}.property("parent", "mediaType"),mediaType: function() {
return this.get("").getById("mediaType", this.get("mediaTypeId"))
}.property("mediaTypeId"),loadInitalResults: function() {
return this.get("fetcher") ? this.get("fetcher").fetchInitialSets() : void 0
}.on("init").observes("parent"),routeName: function() {
return "" + this.get("parent.typeKey") + ".association"
}.property("mediaType", "parent.typeKey"),routeModel: function() {
return this.get("").dasherize()
}.property(""),mayHaveMoreResults: function() {
return this.get("fetcher.resultSets.length") > 1 || this.get("fetcher.mayHaveMoreResults")
}.property("fetcher.mayHaveMoreResults", "hasHiddenSets")})
}), require.register("components/ii-name", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.IiNameComponent = Ember.Component.extend({showFullName: !1,allowFullName: !1,classNameBindings: ["shouldShowFullName:ii-name--show-full"],render: function(e) {
return e.push('<span title="' + this.get("title") + '">' + this.get("title") + "</span>"), this.get("subtitle") ? e.push('<span class="ii-subtitle"> ' + this.get("subtitle") + "</span>") : void 0
},observesValue: function() {
return this.rerender()
}.observes("title", "subtitle"),observesTitle: function() {
return this.set("showFullName", !1)
}.observes("title"),shouldShowFullName: Ember.computed.and("showFullName", "allowFullName"),click: function() {
return this.toggleProperty("showFullName")
}), require.register("components/ii-set", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.IiSetComponent = Ember.Component.extend({showTrackNumbers: !1,itemTemplate: "_itunes_item",needsDivider: Ember.computed.oneWay("set.extraSet"),actions: {goToItem: function(e) {
var t;
return t = this.get("container").lookup("router:main"), t.transitionTo(e.get("routeName"), e)
}), require.register("components/image-set", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ImageSetComponent = Ember.Component.extend({imageLoaded: Ember.K,setupImageListener: function() {
return this.loadUntilFound()
}.on("didInsertElement"),removeListeners: function() {
var e;
return null != (e = this.get("$image")) ?".imagesLoaded") : void 0
}.on("willDestroyElement"),image: function() {
return this.get("small" !== this.get("preferredSize") || this.get("device.isRetina") ? "imageSet.largestValidImage" : "imageSet.smallestValidImage")
}.property("preferredSize", "imageSet.smallestValidImage", "imageSet.largestValidImage"),loadUntilFound: function() {
var e, t;
if (this.get("element") && (t = this.get("image.url"), !Ember.isEmpty(t)))
return e = Ember.$("<img>").attr("src", t), this.set("$image", e), e.imagesLoaded().fail(function(e) {
return function() {
return e.get("element") ? {
return e.get("image").invalidate(), e.loadUntilFound()
}) : void 0
}(this)).done(function(e) {
return function() {
return e.get("element") ? {
return e.set("isLoading", !1), e.imageLoaded()
}) : void 0
}), require.register("components/itunes-button", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = 6, s.exports = App.ItunesButtonComponent = Ember.Component.extend({tagName: "span",classNameBindings: ["isLong:ii-action--xs"],availablityClass: function() {
switch (this.get("availability")) {
case "available":
return "btn-itunes-buy";
case "pre_order":
return "btn-pre-order";
case "unavailable":
return "btn-unavailable";
return "btn-default"
}.property("availability"),isLong: function() {
return this.get("text.length") > r
}), require.register("components/itunes-description", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ItunesDescriptionComponent = Ember.Component.extend({noHeader: !1,noDivider: !1})
}), require.register("components/itunes-reviews", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ItunesReviewsComponent = Ember.Component.extend({classNames: ["itunes-reviews"],reviews: Ember.computed.alias(""),hasReviews: function() {
return !this.get("reviews.isPending") && this.get("reviews.length") > 0
}.property("reviews.isPending", "reviews.length"),reviewsByHelpful: function() {
return Ember.ArrayController.create({content: this.get("reviews"),sortProperties: ["voteSum", "voteCount", "version"],sortAscending: !1})
}), require.register("components/loading-button", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.LoadingButtonComponent = Ember.Component.extend({text: "Loading...",classNames: ["loading-button"],classNameBindings: ["padding:l-pad-v--100"],padding: !1})
}), require.register("components/nav-link", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.NavLinkComponent = Ember.Component.extend({tagName: "li",classNameBindings: ["active"],active: function() {
return this.get("")
}), require.register("components/paginated-results", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a;
a = t("utils/one_way_many"), s.exports = App.PaginatedResultsComponent = Ember.Component.extend({defaultSetsDesired: 1,showRank: !1,cachedShownResultSets: Ember.computed.alias("cache.shownResultSets"),oneResult: Ember.computed.equal("numResultsShown", 1),setsDesired: function(e, t) {
return arguments.length > 1 && this.set("cache.setsDesired", t), this.getWithDefault("cache.setsDesired", this.get("defaultSetsDesired"))
}.property("cache"),numResultsShown: function() {
return this.get("shownResultSets").reduce(function(e, t) {
return e += t.get("length")
}, 0)
}.property("shownResultSets.@each"),foundNoResults: function() {
return this.get("noResults") && !this.get("isFetching")
}.property("noResults", "isFetching"),canLoadMoreResults: function() {
return this.get("hasPreloadedSets") || !this.get("isLoading") && this.get("mayHaveMoreResults")
}.property("isLoading", "mayHaveMoreResults", "hasPreloadedSets"),hasPreloadedSets: function() {
return this.get("setsDesired") < this.get("model.resultSets.length")
}.property("setsDesired", "model.resultSets.@each"),cache: function() {
return this.get("model") ? this.constructor.getCache(this.get("model")) : void 0
}.property("model"),shownResultSets: function() {
var e, t, s, r;
if (this.get("model"))
return r = this.get("cachedShownResultSets"), s = this.get("setsDesired"), this.get("noResultSets") ? r : (s > r.get("length") && (e = this.get("model.resultSets").slice(0, s), t = e.removeObjects(r), t && r.pushObjects(t)), r)
}.property("cachedShownResultSets", "model.resultSets.@each", "setsDesired"),isLoadingDesired: function() {
return this.get("setsDesired") > this.get("shownResultSets.length") && this.get("isFetching")
}.property("isFetching", "setsDesired", "shownResultSets.@each"),isLoadingInitial: Ember.computed.oneWay("model.isFetchingFirst"),isLoading: Ember.computed.or("isLoadingInitial", "isLoadingDesired"),actions: {loadMoreResults: function() {
var e;
return (this.get("model.mayHaveMoreResults") || this.get("model.resultSets.length") >= this.get("setsDesired")) && this.incrementProperty("setsDesired"), this.get("setsDesired") >= this.get("model.resultSets.length") && !this.get("model.isFetching") ? (e = this.get("setsDesired") - this.get("model.resultSets.length"), this.get("model").loadMoreResults(e + 1).then(Ember.K, Ember.K)) : void 0
}}}), r = ["noResults", "isFetching", "mayHaveMoreResults", "alternateSearches", "noResultSets"], a(r, "model", App.PaginatedResultsComponent), App.PaginatedResultsComponent.reopenClass({CACHED_SETS_SHOWN_FOR_MODEL: Ember.Map.create(),getCache: function(e) {
var t, s;
return s = e.get("id"), (t = this.CACHED_SETS_SHOWN_FOR_MODEL.get(s)) ? t : (t = Ember.Object.create({shownResultSets: []}), this.CACHED_SETS_SHOWN_FOR_MODEL.set(s, t), t)
}), require.register("components/paginated-search", function(e, t) {
var s;
s = t("utils/one_way_many"), App.PaginatedSearchComponent = App.PaginatedResultsComponent.extend({hasSearchTerm: Ember.computed.notEmpty("searchTerm"),foundNoResults: function() {
return this.get("noResults") && !this.get("isFetching") && this.get("hasSearchTerm")
}.property("noResults", "isFetching", "hasSearchTerm"),canLoadMoreResults: function() {
return this.get("hasPreloadedSets") || this.get("hasSearchTerm") && !this.get("isLoading") && this.get("mayHaveMoreResults")
}.property("hasSearchTerm", "isLoading", "mayHaveMoreResults", "hasPreloadedSets"),actions: {search: function(e) {
return this.sendAction("search", e)
}), require.register("components/previous-next", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.PreviousNextComponent = Ember.Component.extend({nextItem: function() {
var e, t;
return e = null != (t = this.get("items")) ? t.indexOf(this.get("current")) : void 0, void 0 !== e && -1 !== e && e !== this.get("items.length") + 1 ? this.get("items").objectAt(e + 1) : void 0
}.property("items.@each", "current"),previousItem: function() {
var e, t;
return e = null != (t = this.get("items")) ? t.indexOf(this.get("current")) : void 0, void 0 !== e && -1 !== e && 0 !== e ? this.get("items").objectAt(e - 1) : void 0
}.property("items.@each", "current"),setupKeyListener: function() {
return Ember.$(document).on("keyup", function(e) {
return function(t) {
return {
return e.documentKeyUp(t)
}.on("didInsertElement"),removeKeyListener: function() {
return Ember.$().off("keyup")
}.on("willDestroyElement"),documentKeyUp: function(e) {
return {
return function() {
var s, r;
return s = function() {
switch (e.which) {
case 37:
return this.get("previousItem");
case 39:
return this.get("nextItem")
}.call(t), r = t.container.lookup("router:main"), s ? r.transitionTo(s.get("routeName"), s) : void 0
}), require.register("components/star-rating", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = t("utils/number_with_commas"), s.exports = App.StarRatingComponent = Ember.Component.extend({tagName: "span",classNames: ["star-rating"],classNameBindings: ["variationClass"],showNone: !1,variationClass: function() {
return this.get("variation") ? "star-rating--" + this.get("variation") : void 0
}.property("variation"),fullStar: '<span class="fa fa-star"></span>',halfStar: '<span class="fa fa-star-half-o"></span>',emptyStar: '<span class="fa fa-star-o"></span>',formattedRatings: function() {
return this.get("ratings") ? r(this.get("ratings")) : void 0
}.property("ratings"),ratingsHtml: function() {
return this.get("ratings") ? '<span class="star-rating-ratings text-muted">\n (' + this.getWithDefault("formattedRatings", "No Ratings") + ")\n</span>" : ""
}.property("formattedRatings", "ratings", "showNone"),render: function(e) {
var t, s, r, a, n;
if (r = this.get("value"), "number" === Ember.typeOf(r) || this.get("showNone")) {
if (r)
for (t = Math.floor(r) !== r, s = a = 1; 5 >= a; s = ++a)
e.push(Math.floor(r) >= s ? this.get("fullStar") : t && Math.ceil(r) === s ? this.get("halfStar") : this.get("emptyStar"));
for (s = n = 1; 5 >= n; s = ++n)
return this.get("noRatings") ? void 0 : e.push(this.get("ratingsHtml"))
},observesValue: function() {
return this.rerender()
}.observes("value", "ratings")})
}), require.register("config/app", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a;
r = t("config/environment"), a = {}, r.get("debugLog") && (a = {LOG_TRANSITIONS: !1,LOG_TRANSITIONS_INTERNAL: !1,LOG_STACKTRACE_ON_DEPRECATION: !0,LOG_BINDINGS: !1,LOG_VIEW_LOOKUPS: !1,LOG_ACTIVE_GENERATION: !1}, Ember.STRUCTURED_PROFILE = !1, Ember.Logger.debug("Running in the %c" + r.get("name") + "%c environment", "color: red;", "")), Ember.RSVP.configure("onerror", function(e) {
var t, s, a;
if (r.get("errorReportingEnabled")) {
if (a = "info" !== (null != e ? e.level : void 0))
return Raven.captureException(e)
} else {
if (t = function() {
switch (e.level) {
case "warning":
return {method: "warn",name: "Warning"};
case "info":
return {method: "info",name: "Info"};
return {method: "error",name: "Error"}
}(), "object" !== Ember.typeOf(e))
return Ember.Logger.error("RSVP Error", e);
if (s = (null != e ? e.message : void 0) || "No error message", Ember.Logger[t.method]("RSVP " + + ": " + s), (null != e ? e.stack : void 0) && Ember.Logger[t.method](e.stack), null != e ? e.object : void 0)
return Ember.Logger[t.method](e.object)
}), r.get("errorReportingEnabled") && (Ember.onerror = function(e) {
return Raven.captureException(e)
}), s.exports = Ember.Application.create(a)
}), require.register("config/device", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n = [].indexOf || function(e) {
for (var t = 0, s = this.length; s > t; t++)
if (t in this && this[t] === e)
return t;
return -1
a = Ember.get, r = Ember.Object.extend({isIphone: Ember.computed.match("userAgent", /iPhone/),isIpad: Ember.computed.match("userAgent", /iPad/),isIos: Ember.computed.or("isIphone", "isIpad"),isRetina: function() {
var e;
return window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? !0 : (e = ["(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)", "(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)", "(-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2)", "(min-resolution: 1.5dppx)"].join(","), window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia(e).matches ? !0 : !1)
}.property(),isTouch: function() {
return "ontouchstart" in window ||, "onmsgesturechange") >= 0
}.property()}), s.exports = r.create({userAgent: a(window, "navigator.userAgent")})
}), require.register("config/environment", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
window.require.list().filter(function(e) {
return new RegExp("^config/environments/").test(e) ? t(e) : void 0
}), r = Ember.Object.extend({isTest: Ember.computed.equal("name", "test"),isDevelopment: Ember.computed.equal("name", "development"),isProduction: Ember.computed.equal("name", "production"),setTitle: function(e, t) {
var s, r;
return null == t && (t = {}), t = Ember.copy(t), _.defaults(t, {quoted: !1,appName: !0}), s = this.get("appSubtitle"), Ember.isEmpty(Ember.$.trim(e)) || (s = t.quoted ? '"' + e + '"' : e), r = t.appName ? "" + s + " | " + this.get("appName") : s, window.document.title = r
},setDefaultTitle: function() {
return this.setTitle(this.get("appSubtitle"))
}}), s.exports = r.create(window.TAPAS_ENV)
}), require.register("config/errors", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = {NO_MORE_RESULTS: "no_more_results",NO_POSSIBLE_RESULTS: "no_possible_results",ALREADY_FETCHED: "already_fetched",MISSING_PARAM: "missing_param"}
}), require.register("config/fastclick", function() {
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
return FastClick.attach(document.body)
}, !1)
}), require.register("config/google_analytics", function(e, t) {
var s, r, a;
r = t("config/environment"), "undefined" != typeof ga && null !== ga && r.get("analyticsEnabled") && (s = r.get("googleAnalyticsDomain"), a = r.get("googleAnalyticsId"), ga("create", a, s))
}), require.register("config/inflector", function() {
var e;
e = Ember.Inflector.inflector, e.uncountable("music"), e.uncountable("tv"), e.uncountable("mac"), e.uncountable("iphone"), e.uncountable("ipad"), e.uncountable("audio"), e.uncountable("all"), e.uncountable("iphone and ipad")
}), require.register("config/route", function() {
Ember.Route.reopen({shouldShowHeader: !0})
}), require.register("config/router", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = App.ItunesItem.MODELS, s.exports = {
return this.route("missing", {path: "*missing"}), this.resource("home", {path: "/"}), this.route("search", {path: "/search"}), this.route("about"), r.forEach(function(e) {
return function(t) {
var s, r, a, n;
return n = App[t], r = n.routeName(), a = n.routePath(), s = n.dynamicSegmentName(), e.resource(r, {path: "/" + a + "/:" + s}, function() {
return this.route("association", {path: "/:media_type_id"}), n.hasScreenshots ? this.route("screenshots", {path: "screenshots/:type/:screenshot_number"}) : void 0
}(this)), this.resource("charts", {path: "/charts"}), this.resource("chart", {path: "/charts/:media_type_id/:chart_type_id/:genre_slug"}), this.resource("any", {path: "/any/:id"}), this.resource("integrations", {path: "/integrations"}), this.resource("integration", {path: "/integrations/:integration_id"}), this.resource("bookmarklet", {path: "/bookmarklets/:bookmarklet_id"})
}), require.register("controllers/about", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = Ember.Object.extend({logoUrl: function() {
return "/images/technologies/" + this.get("name").toLowerCase() + ".png"
}.property("name")}), s.exports = App.AboutController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({technologies: function() {
return [{name: "Ember",url: ""}, {name: "Brunch",url: ""}, {name: "Moment.js",url: ""}, {name: "Lo-Dash",url: ""}, {name: "Bootstrap",url: ""}, {name: "CoffeeScript",url: ""}, {name: "typeahead.js",url: ""}].map(function(e) {
return r.create(e)
}), require.register("controllers/application", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({isntHome: Ember.computed.not("isHome"),isHome: function() {
return "home" === this.get("currentRouteName")
}.property("currentRouteName"),shouldShowHeader: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("container").lookup("route:" + this.get("currentRouteName")), e.get("shouldShowHeader")
}.property("currentRouteName"),trackRouteHistory: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get(""), "search" === e || "chart" === e ? this.set("lastListingRouteName", e) : void 0
}.observes("currentRouteName"),sayingsSeen: 0,actionType: function() {
return this.get("device.isTouch") ? "tap" : "click"
}.property("device.isTouch"),actionTypePastTense: function() {
return this.get("device.isTouch") ? "tapped" : "clicked"
}.property("device.isTouch"),actionTypePresentParticiple: function() {
return this.get("device.isTouch") ? "tapping" : "clicking"
}.property("device.isTouch"),saying: function() {
var e;
switch (e = this.get("sayingsSeen"), !1) {
case !(e > 1e3):
return "I knew it, you were cheating.";
case 1e3 !== e:
return "Tweet @tryfnd with the code " + ("<I" + this.get("actionType").toUpperCase() + "WEBSITES> for a surprise.");
case !(e > 750):
return "You're going to find a memory leak if you keep going.";
case !(e > 500):
return "You're cheating, aren't you?";
case 250 !== e:
return "KEEP GOING!";
case !(e > 100):
return "Did you notice there wasn't an exclamation mark on the \"Congratulations\"? That meant I wasn't impressed.";
case !(e > 50):
return "You've " + this.get("actionTypePastTense") + " " + e + " times. Congratulations.";
case !(e > 37):
return "I'm done encouraging you. You'd be better off learning JavaScript and reverse-engineering the website.";
case !(e > 31):
return "I appreciate your enthusiasm, really, I do. Have you considered signing up for Amazon's mechanical turk program?";
case !(e > 23):
return "Man, the money is rolling in from No ads, just footers and Google Plus Dollars™.";
case !(e > 17):
return "I'm not kidding. I bought it. That's where the money is. for all your footer needs.";
case !(e > 13):
return "Alright, I get it. I just bought";
case !(e > 7):
return "I built this entire site and you're " + ("" + this.get("actionTypePresentParticiple") + " the footer? Sweet.")
return _.shuffle(["Sweat & Ember", "I hope fnd makes your day a little better.", "It's a magnifying glass. See it? *bwchawow*", "The three pieces of chalk up there are a menu.", "Angry Birds was originally named Avian Obesity Camp.", "4d3d3d3 engaged.", "Please don't tweet about this. No one cares.", 'It\'s pronounced "find". "fnd" is the sound of German winning at hide and seek.', "Copyrights are good for one thing, determining if a site is dead. © " + moment().format("GGGG"), "" + moment().format("MMMM") + " is a cold month.", "If you say something clever on Twitter, I'll put it here."]).get("firstObject")
}.property("sayingsSeen"),actions: {changeSaying: function() {
return this.incrementProperty("sayingsSeen")
}), require.register("controllers/chart", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ChartController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({rssId: function() {
return this.get("mediaType.rssId") && !this.get("chartType.noSuffixRssId") ? this.get("chartType.baseRssId") + this.get("mediaType.rssId") : this.get("chartType.baseRssId")
}.property("mediaType.rssId", "chartType.noSuffixRssId", "chartType.baseRssId"),fetcher: function() {
var e;
if (this.get("mediaType"))
return e = App.ChartFetcher.firstOrCreate(this.get("mediaType"), {rssId: this.get("rssId"),genreId: this.get("genre.rssId")})
}.property("mediaType", "rssId", "genre.rssId"),fetchResults: function() {
return this.get("fetcher").fetchInitialSets()
}), require.register("controllers/charts/edit", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ChartsEditController = Ember.Controller.extend({mediaTypeId: "iphone",_chartTypeId: "top-free",_genreId: "all",hasMoreThanOneChartType:"chartTypes.length", 1),hasGenres: function() {
return this.get("chartType.hasGenres") && this.get("genres.length") > 0
}.property("genres.@each", "chartType.hasGenres"),mediaType: function() {
return this.get("store").getById("mediaType", this.get("mediaTypeId"))
}.property("mediaTypeId"),chartTypeId: function(e, t) {
return arguments.length > 1 && this.set("_chartTypeId", t), this.get(this.get("mediaType.chartTypes").isAny("id", this.get("_chartTypeId")) ? "_chartTypeId" : "")
}.property("mediaType"),genreId: function(e, t) {
var s;
return arguments.length > 1 && this.set("_genreId", t), s = this.get("store").getById("genre", this.get("_genreId")), this.get("mediaType.genres").isAny("id", s.get("id")) ? s.get("id") : this.get("mediaType.genres").isAny("name", s.get("name")) ? this.get("mediaType.genres").findBy("name", s.get("name")).get("id") : this.get("")
}.property("mediaType"),chartType: function() {
return this.get("store").getById("chartType", this.get("chartTypeId"))
}.property("chartTypeId"),genre: function() {
return this.get("store").getById("genre", this.get("genreId"))
}.property("genreId"),mediaTypes: function() {
return this.get("store").all("mediaType").filterBy("hasChartTypes")
}.property(),chartTypes: function() {
return this.get("mediaType.chartTypes")
}.property("mediaType"),genres: function() {
return this.get("mediaType.genres").sortBy("name")
}.property("mediaType"),chart: function(e, t) {
return arguments.length > 1 && (this.set("mediaTypeId", t.get("")), this.set("chartTypeId", t.get("")), this.set("genreId", t.get(""))), App.Chart.firstOrCreate(this.get("mediaType"), this.get("chartType"), this.get("genre"))
}.property("mediaType", "chartType", "genre"),updateChart: function() {
return this.transitionToRoute("chart", this.get("chart"))
}), require.register("controllers/integration", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n, i;
n = t("config/environment"), a = n.get("url"), r = ["All", "Apps=ios", "Music", "Movies", "TV", "Books", "Mac", "Podcasts=podcasting"].join("|"), i = function(e) {
var t, s, r;
return null == e && (e = {}), r = e.url, s = e.title, t = e.description, r = encodeURIComponent(r), "launchpro://import?url=" + r + "&title=" + s + "&description=" + t
}, s.exports = App.IntegrationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({launchCenterProAllSearch: i({url: "" + a + "/#/search?term=[prompt:Search fnd for?]&mediaType=all",title: "fnd",description: "Search fnd for..."}),launchCenterProMediaSearch: i({url: "" + a + "/#/search?" + ("mediaType=[list:Type|" + r + "]&") + "term=[prompt:Search fnd for?]",title: "fnd category",description: "Search fnd category for..."})})
}), require.register("controllers/integrations", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.IntegrationsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend()
}), require.register("controllers/itunes_item", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = Ember.computed.oneWay, s.exports = App.ItunesItemController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({needs: ["search", "searchMultiple", "chart", "application"],lastListingRouteName: r("controllers.application.lastListingRouteName"),searchFetcher: r(""),chartFetcher: r("controllers.chart.fetcher"),searchMultipleFetchers: r("controllers.searchMultiple.fetchers"),fetcher: function() {
var e, t;
return "search" === this.get("lastListingRouteName") ? (e = this.get("searchMultipleFetchers").find(function(e) {
return function(t) {
return t.get("results").contains(e.get("content"))
}(this)), e || this.get("searchFetcher")) : "chart" === this.get("lastListingRouteName") && (null != (t = this.get("chartFetcher.results")) ? t.contains(this.get("content")) : void 0) ? this.get("chartFetcher") : void 0
}.property("content", "searchFetcher.results.@each", "searchMultipleFetchers.@each.results.@each", "chartFetcher.results.@each", "lastListingRouteName"),backRouteName: function() {
var e, t;
return (null != (e = this.get("fetcher")) ? e.constructor : void 0) === App.SearchFetcher ? "search" : (null != (t = this.get("fetcher")) ? t.constructor : void 0) === App.ChartFetcher ? "chart" : "search"
}.property("fetcher"),backText: function() {
return "search" === this.get("backRouteName") ? "Search" : "Charts"
}.property("backRouteName"),backModel: function() {
return "chart" === this.get("backRouteName") ? this.get("controllers.chart.content") : void 0
}.property("backRouteName"),searchResults: r("fetcher.results"),isLastAndLoading: Ember.computed.and("isLastResult", "fetcher.isSearching"),isLastResult: function() {
return this.get("searchResults.lastObject") === this.get("content")
}.property("searchResults.lastObject", "content"),loadMoreIfLast: function() {
return this.get("fetcher") && this.get("isLastResult") ? this.get("fetcher").loadMoreResults() : void 0
}}), App.ItunesItem.MODELS.forEach(function(e) {
return App["" + e + "Controller"] = App.ItunesItemController
}), require.register("controllers/itunes_item/association", function() {
App.ItunesItemAssociationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({name: Ember.computed.oneWay("mediaType.shortNameOrName"),fetcher: function() {
return this.get("parent") && this.get("mediaType") ? App.AssociationFetcher.firstOrCreate(this.get("parent"), this.get(""), {mediaType: this.get("mediaType")}) : void 0
}.property("parent", "mediaType"),loadInitalResults: function() {
return this.get("fetcher") ? this.get("fetcher").fetchAtLeast(3) : void 0
}), require.register("controllers/itunes_item/screenshots", function() {
var e, t, s;
t = "iphone", e = "ipad", s = "mac", App.ItunesItemScreenshotsController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({needs: ["itunesItem"],itunesItem: Ember.computed.oneWay("controllers.itunesItem.content"),screenshots: function() {
return this.get("itunesItem." + this.get("type") + "Screenshots")
}.property("itunesItem", "type"),closeOverlay: function() {
return this.transitionToRoute(this.get("itunesItem.routeName"), this.get("itunesItem"))
},index: function() {
return this.get("number") - 1
}.property("number"),nameForType: function(r) {
switch (r) {
case t:
return "iPhone";
case e:
return "iPad";
case s:
return "Mac"
},name: function() {
return this.nameForType(this.get("type"))
}), require.register("controllers/missing", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.MissingController = Ember.Controller.extend()
}), require.register("controllers/search", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n, i, o, h;
n = t("utils/normalize_term"), h = Ember.computed, o = h.oneWay, i = h.notEmpty, r = ["all", "ios", "music", "movies", "tv", "books", "mac", "podcasting"], a = 4, s.exports = App.SearchController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({queryParams: ["term", "mediaType"],mediaType: "all",searchTerm: o("term"),term: function(e, t) {
return arguments.length > 1 && (this.set("_searchTerm", n(t)), this.set("newSearchTerm", this.get("_searchTerm"))), this.get("_searchTerm")
}.property("term"),hasSearchTerm: Ember.computed.notEmpty("searchTerm"),fetcher: function() {
var e;
if (this.get("content") && this.get("hasSearchTerm"))
return e = this.get("searchTerm"), App.SearchFetcher.firstOrCreate(this.get("content"), {term: e})
}.property("searchTerm", "content", "hasSearchTerm"),runSearch: function() {
var e;
return this.get("hasSearchTerm") && null != (e = this.get("fetcher")) ? e.fetchInitialSets() : void 0
},majorSearches: function() {
return {
return function(t) {
return e.get("store").getById("search", t)
}.property(),isContainedSearch: function(e) {
return !e.get("isAll") && e.get("searches").contains(this.get("content"))
},isActive: function(e) {
return e === this.get("content") || this.isContainedSearch(e)
},majorSearchTypes: function() {
return this.get("majorSearches").map(function(e) {
return function(t, s) {
var r;
return r = {mediaType: t.get("id"),term: e.get("searchTerm")}, {name: t.get("searchNameOrShortName").pluralize(),queryParams: r,isActive: e.isActive(t),isExtra: s + 1 > a}
}.property("searchTerm", "content"),extraMajorSearchTypes: function() {
return this.get("majorSearchTypes").filterBy("isExtra")
}.property("majorSearchTypes.@each.isExtra"),isExtraActive: function() {
return this.get("extraMajorSearchTypes").isAny("isActive")
}.property("extraMajorSearchTypes.@each.isActive"),minorSearchTypes: function() {
var e, t, s;
return this.get("isAll") ? [] : (s = this.get(this.get("parentSearch") ? "parentSearch.searches" : "searches"), t = {
return function(t) {
var s;
return s = {mediaType: t.get("id"),term: e.get("searchTerm")}, {search: t,queryParams: s,name: t.get("shortNameOrName").pluralize()}
}(this)), (this.get("hasSearches") || this.get("parentSearch")) && (e = this.get("parentSearch") || this.get("content"), t.unshiftObject({name: "All",queryParams: {mediaType: e.get("id"),term: this.get("searchTerm")}})), t)
}.property("content", "searchTerm", "parentSearch"),hasMinorSearchTypes: i("minorSearchTypes.[]")})
}), require.register("controllers/search/multiple", function() {
var e, t, s, r;
r = Ember.computed, s = r.oneWay, e = r.alias, t = r.any, App.SearchMultipleController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({needs: ["search"],content: s(""),searchTerm: s(""),hasSearchTerm: s(""),fetcher: s("fetchers.firstObject"),alternateSearches: s("fetcher.alternateSearches"),didYouMean: s("fetcher.didYouMean"),allDoneSearching: Ember.computed.not("anySearchingFirst"),anySearchingFirst: function() {
return this.get("fetchers").anyBy("isSearchingFirst")
}.property("fetchers.@each.isSearchingFirst"),firstSearchingFetcher: function() {
return this.get("fetchers").findBy("isSearchingFirst")
}.property("fetchers.@each.isSearchingFirst"),fetchers: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("searchTerm"), !this.get("content") || Ember.isEmpty(e) ? [] : this.get("searches").map(function(t) {
return App.SearchFetcher.firstOrCreate(t, {term: e})
}.property("searchTerm", "content"),noResults: function() {
return this.get("fetchers").everyBy("noResults") && !this.get("fetchers").anyBy("isSearching")
}.property("fetchers.@each.results.@each", "fetchers.@each.isSearching"),runSearch: function() {
return this.get("fetchers").forEach(function(e) {
return e.get("hasResultSets") ? void 0 : e.fetchResults()
}), require.register("helpers/comma", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = t("utils/number_with_commas"), s.exports = Ember.Handlebars.helper("comma", function(e) {
return Ember.isEmpty(e) ? "" : r(e)
}), require.register("helpers/pluralize", function() {
Ember.Handlebars.helper("pluralize", function(e, t) {
var s;
return "string" === Ember.typeOf(e) ? e.pluralize() : (s = Ember.get(e, "length"), s || (s = e), 1 === s ? t : t.pluralize())
}), require.register("initialize", function(e, t) {
var s, r;
t("config/google_analytics"), window.App = t("config/app"), App.Logger = t("utils/logger"), t("config/route"), s = t("config/environment"), t("config/inflector"), Ember.$.ajaxPrefilter(function(e) {
return = !0
}), r = ["initializers", "utils", "mixins", "transforms", "serializers", "adapters", "models", "routes", "views", "controllers", "helpers", "templates", "components"], r.forEach(function(e) {
return window.require.list().filter(function(t) {
return new RegExp("^" + e + "/").test(t)
}).forEach(function(e) {
return t(e)
}), t("config/router"), s.get("useFixtures") ? (Ember.Logger.debug("Using Fixtures"), App.ApplicationAdapter = App.FndFixtureAdapter) : (App.ApplicationAdapter = App.ItunesAdapter, App.ApplicationSerializer = App.ItunesItemSerializer), t("config/fastclick")
}), require.register("initializers/device", function(e, t) {
var s;
s = t("config/device"), Ember.Application.initializer({name: "device",initialize: function(e, t) {
return t.register("device:main", s, {instantiate: !1,singleton: !0}), t.inject("controller", "device", "device:main"), t.inject("component", "device", "device:main")
}), require.register("initializers/environment", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = t("config/environment"), s.exports = Ember.Application.initializer({name: "environment",initialize: function(e, t) {
return t.register("environment:main", r, {instantiate: !1,singleton: !0}), t.inject("controller", "env", "environment:main"), t.inject("route", "env", "environment:main")
}), require.register("mixins/app", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = DS.attr, s.exports = App.AppMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({sellerUrl: r("string"),artistName: r("string"),description: r("string"),screenshotUrls: r("array"),version: r("string"),metadata1Template: "app/_metadata1",metadata2Template: "app/_metadata2",metadata3Template: "app/_metadata3",mediaTypeTemplate: "app/_media_type",iiMetadataTemplate: "app/_ii_metadata",softwareDeveloper: DS.belongsTo("softwareDeveloper"),softwareDeveloperName: Ember.computed.alias("artistName"),subtitle: null,imageSuffix: "175x175-75",hasSellerUrl: Ember.computed.notEmpty("sellerUrl"),screenshots: function() {
return App.Screenshot.createFromUrls(this.get("screenshotUrls"), this.get("typeKey"))
}.property("screenshotUrls"),sellerDomain: function() {
var e;
return e = new URI(this.get("sellerUrl")), e.domain()
}.property("sellerUrl"),searchName: function() {
return Ember.$.trim("" + this.get("name") + " " + this.get(""))
}.property("name", ""),cssClass: function() {
return this._super() + " app"
}), require.register("mixins/app_class", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.AppClassMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({hasScreenshots: !0})
}), require.register("mixins/artist", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = Ember.computed.alias, s.exports = App.ArtistMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({artistLinkUrl: DS.attr("string"),name: r("artistName"),url: r("artistLinkUrl"),subtitle: null,pageTitleFormat: null,slugUrlFormat: null,availability: "available",cssClass: function() {
return this._super() + " creator"
}), require.register("mixins/belongs_to_album", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.BelongsToAlbumMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({albumName: Ember.computed.alias("collectionName"),album: DS.belongsTo("album"),mediaTypeId: "songs",unavailableName: "Album Only"})
}), require.register("mixins/download", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.DownloadMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({downloadFileName: function() {
var e, t, s;
return t = null != (s = this.get("previewUrl")) ? s.match(/\.(\w|\d){3,4}$/) : void 0, t ? (e = this.get("downloadName"), e += t[0]) : this.get("previewUrl")
}), require.register("mixins/duration", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.DurationMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({trackTimeMillis: DS.attr("number"),trackTimeFormatted: function() {
var e, t, s, r, a, n, i;
return t = this.get("trackTimeMillis"), t && 0 !== t ? (n = Math.floor(t / 1e3 % 60), s = Math.floor(t / 6e4 % 60), e = Math.floor(t / 36e5 % 60), a = 10 > n, i = a ? "0" + n : n.toString(), e ? (a = 10 > s, r = a ? "0" + s : s.toString(), "" + e + ":" + r + ":" + i) : s ? "" + s + ":" + i : "0:" + i) : ""
}), require.register("mixins/genre", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.GenreMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({primaryGenreName: DS.attr("string")})
}), require.register("mixins/has_author", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.HasAuthorMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({author: DS.belongsTo("author"),authorName: Ember.computed.alias("artistName"),subtitle: null})
}), require.register("mixins/has_music_artist", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.HasMusicArtistMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({artistName: DS.attr("string"),_artist: DS.belongsTo("artist"),artist: function() {
return this.get("_artist.isVariousArtists") ? void 0 : this.get("_artist")
}), require.register("mixins/overlay", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.OverlayMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({appearanceDirection: "bottom",addOverlay: function() {
return Ember.$("body").addClass("overlay-open")
}.on("didInsertElement"),removeOverlay: function() {
return this.$(".overlay").removeClass("overlay--show"), Ember.$("body").removeClass("overlay-open")
}.on("willDestroyElement"),animateAppearance: function() {
var e;
if (this.get("element"))
return e = Ember.$(window).height(), "top" === this.get("appearanceDirection") && (e = -e), "none" === this.get("appearanceDirection") && (e = 0), this.$(".overlay").css({y: e,opacity: 0}).transition({y: 0,opacity: 1,duration: 400,easing: "ease",complete: function(e) {
return function() {
return "function" === Ember.typeOf(e.afterMenuShown) ? e.afterMenuShown() : void 0
}), require.register("mixins/rating", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = DS.attr, s.exports = App.RatingMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({averageUserRating: r("number"),userRatingCount: r("number"),averageUserRatingForCurrentVersion: r("number"),userRatingCountForCurrentVersion: r("number"),rating: function() {
return this.get("averageUserRating") ? this.get("averageUserRating") : this.get("averageUserRatingForCurrentVersion") ? this.get("averageUserRatingForCurrentVersion") : void 0
}.property("averageUserRating", "averageUserRatingForCurrentVersion"),ratingCount: function() {
return this.get("userRatingCount") ? this.get("userRatingCount") : this.get("userRatingCountForCurrentVersion") ? this.get("userRatingCountForCurrentVersion") : void 0
}.property("userRatingCount", "userRatingCountForCurrentVersion")})
}), require.register("mixins/review", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = "", s.exports = App.ReviewMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({reviews: DS.hasMany("review", {async: !0,alwaysLoad: !0}),headerTemplate: "itunes_item/_review_header",reviewsUrl: function() {
return r.fmt(this.get("id"))
}), require.register("mixins/track", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = DS.attr, s.exports = App.TrackMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({hasTrackNumbers: !0,trackPrice: r("number"),previewUrl: r("string"),trackNumber: r("number"),discCount: r("number"),discNumber: r("number"),price: Ember.computed.alias("trackPrice"),hasMoreThanOneDisc:"discCount", 1)})
}), require.register("models/bookmarklet", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n;
n = t("config/environment"), r = n.get("url"), a = t("config/device"), t("models/fnd_model"), s.exports = App.Bookmarklet = App.FndModel.extend({title: DS.attr("string"),name: DS.attr("string"),description: DS.attr("string"),hiddenOnIos: DS.attr("boolean"),rawCode: DS.attr("string"),needsIcon: DS.attr("boolean"),integration: DS.belongsTo("integration"),code: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("rawCode"), e = e.split(/\n/).map(function(e) {
return e = e.replace(/^\s*\/\/.+\n/, ""), e = e.replace(/\t/, " "), e = e.replace(/\s{2,}/, " "), e = e.replace(/^\s+/, ""), e = e.replace(/\s+$/, ""), e = e.replace(/\n/, "")
}).join(""), encodeURI("javascript:(function(){" + e + "})()")
}.property("rawCode"),hidden: function() {
return a.get("isIos") && this.get("hiddenOnIos")
}.property("hiddenOnIos"),installText: function() {
return 'Tap to Install "' + this.get("title") + '"'
}.property("title")}), App.Bookmarklet.all = [{id: "search",integration: "bookmarklets",title: "Search fnd",name: "🔎 fnd",needsIcon: !0,description: "Quickly Search fnd in any browser.",rawCode: "var term = window.prompt('Search fnd for...');\nif (term) {\n window.location.href = '" + r + "/#/search?term='+term+'&mediaType=all';\n}"}, {id: "convert",integration: "bookmarklets",title: "Convert iTunes Page to fnd",name: "iTunes > fnd",description: "Convert an iTunes page to its counterpart in fnd. Share the result with\nyour friends and they won't hate you for opening iTunes on their\ncomputer.",hiddenOnIos: !0,rawCode: "var id,\n iRe = /i=(\\d+)/,\n idRe = /id(\\d+)/,\n href = window.location.href;\nif (iRe.test(href)) {\n id = iRe.exec(href)[1];\n} else if (idRe.test(href)) {\n id = idRe.exec(href)[1];\n}\nif (id) {\n window.location.href='" + r + "/#/any/'+id;\n}"}]
}), require.register("models/chart", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = function(e, t, s) {
return [e, t, s].compact().mapBy("id").join(":")
}, s.exports = App.Chart = Ember.Object.extend({id: function() {
return r(this.get("mediaType"), this.get("chartType"), this.get("genre"))
}.property("", "", ""),name: function() {
return this.get("chartType.overrideName") || "" + this.get("") + " " + this.get("")
}.property("", "", "chartType.baseName"),title: function() {
return [this.get("mediaType.pluralName"), "that are", this.get(""), this.get("genre.isAll") ? void 0 : "in " + this.get("")].compact().join(" ")
}.property("", "", "")}), App.Chart.reopenClass({CHART_MAP: Ember.Map.create(),createWithFallback: function(e, t, s) {
var r;
return r = App.__container__.lookup("store:main"), e || (e = r.getById("mediaType", "iphone")), e.get("chartTypes").contains(t) || (t = e.get("chartTypes.firstObject")), t.get("hasGenres") ? e.get("genres").contains(s) || (s = e.get("genres.firstObject")) : s = r.getById("genre", "all"), App.Chart.create({mediaType: e,chartType: t,genre: s})
},firstOrCreate: function(e, t, s) {
var a, n;
return n = r(e, t, s), n && (a = this.CHART_MAP.get(n)) ? a : (a = this.createWithFallback(e, t, s), this.CHART_MAP.set(a.get("id"), a), a)
}), require.register("models/chart_result", function(e, t, s) {
t("models/fnd_model"), s.exports = App.ChartResult = App.FndModel.extend({results: DS.hasMany("itunesItemResult", {async: !0})})
}), require.register("models/chart_type", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ChartType = App.FndModel.extend({baseName: DS.attr("string"),overrideName: DS.attr("string"),noSuffixRssId: DS.attr("boolean", {defaultValue: !1}),hasGenres: DS.attr("boolean", {defaultValue: !0}),name: function() {
return this.get("overrideName") || this.get("baseName")
}.property("baseName", "overrideName"),baseRssId: function() {
return this.get("id").replace(/-/g, "")
}.property("")}), App.ChartType.all = [{id: "top-free",baseName: "Top Free"}, {id: "top-paid",baseName: "Top Paid"}, {id: "top-grossing",baseName: "Top Grossing"}, {id: "new",baseName: "New",hasGenres: !1}, {id: "new-free",baseName: "New & Free",hasGenres: !1}, {id: "new-paid",baseName: "New & Paid",hasGenres: !1}, {id: "top-movies",baseName: "Top Movies"}, {id: "top-video-rentals",baseName: "Top Rentals"}, {id: "top-albums",overrideName: "Top Albums"}, {id: "top-songs",overrideName: "Top Songs"}, {id: "top-music-videos",overrideName: "Top Music Videos",hasGenres: !1}, {id: "top",baseName: "Top"}, {id: "top-audiobooks",noSuffixRssId: !0,overrideName: "Top Audiobooks"}, {id: "top-podcasts",baseName: "Top Podcasts"}, {id: "top-tv-seasons",overrideName: "Top TV Seasons"}, {id: "top-tv-episodes",overrideName: "Top TV Episodes"}]
}), require.register("models/did_you_mean", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n;
r = t("utils/create_promise"), n = t("utils/google_complete"), a = function(e) {
return null != e ? e.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&") : void 0
}, s.exports = App.DidYouMean = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.PromiseProxyMixin, {suggestion: function() {
var e, t;
return e = this.get("suggestions.firstObject"), t = new RegExp(a(this.get("term")), "i"), t.test(e) ? void 0 : e
}.property("suggestions.firstObject"),setupVariables: function() {
return this.set("suggestions", [])
}.on("init"),fetch: function() {
var e, t;
if (!this.get("isSettled") && !this.get("suggestion") && (t = Ember.$.trim(this.get("term")), !Ember.isEmpty(t)))
return e = r(function(e) {
return function(s, r) {
return Ember.$.ajax({url: n.FULL_URL.fmt(encodeURIComponent(t)),dataType: "jsonp",timeout: 5e3,success: function(t) {
return {
return e.get("suggestions").pushObjects(t[1]), s(t[1])
},error: function() {
return r("Google complete suggestions failed to load.")
}(this)), this.set("promise", e)
}}), App.DidYouMean.reopenClass({CACHE: Ember.Map.create(),firstOrCreate: function(e) {
var t;
return (t = this.CACHE.get(e)) ? t : (t = this.create({term: e}), t.fetch(), this.CACHE.set(e, t), t)
}), require.register("models/fetchers/association_fetcher", function(e, t, s) {
t("models/fetchers/fetcher"), s.exports = App.AssociationFetcher = App.Fetcher.extend({resultType: "itunesItemResult",startAmount: 5,moreAmount: 25,maxAmount: 300,defaultInitialResultSets: 1,countForResults: function(e) {
return e.uniq().length - 1
},extractResults: function(e) {
var t;
return t = this.get("mediaType.itunesItemTypes"), e = e.filter(function(e) {
return t.contains(e.get("actualResult.typeKey"))
}), Ember.RSVP.resolve(e.mapBy("actualResult"))
},buildQuery: function(e) {
return = this.get(""), e
}}), App.AssociationFetcher.reopenClass({FETCHER_ID: "association"})
}), require.register("models/fetchers/chart_fetcher", function(e, t, s) {
t("models/fetchers/fetcher"), s.exports = App.ChartFetcher = App.Fetcher.extend({requiredParams: ["rssId"],resultType: "chartResult",startAmount: 25,moreAmount: 25,maxAmount: 400,defaultInitialResultSets: 2,extractResults: function(e) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(t, s) {
return e.get("firstObject.results").then(function(e) {
return t(e.mapBy("actualResult"))
}, function(e) {
return s(e)
},buildQuery: function(e) {
return e
}}), App.ChartFetcher.reopenClass({FETCHER_ID: "chart"})
}), require.register("models/fetchers/fetcher", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n, i, o, h;
n = t("config/environment"), i = t("config/errors"), a = t("utils/create_promise"), h = Ember.computed, r = h.alias, o = h.notEmpty, s.exports = App.Fetcher = Ember.Object.extend({mayHaveMoreResults: !0,queryParams: null,requiredParams: [],startAmount: 1,moreAmount: 10,maxAmount: 300,defaultInitialResultSets: 2,concatenatedProperties: ["requiredParams"],maxFetchAmount: Ember.computed.max("fetchAmounts"),isFetching: r("fetchPromise.isPending"),isFetchingFirst: Ember.computed.and("noResultSets", "isFetching"),hasResults: o("results.[]"),noResults: Ember.computed.not("hasResults"),hasResultSets: o("resultSets.[]"),noResultSets: Ember.computed.not("hasResultSets"),firstResultSet: r("resultSets.firstObject"),store: r(""),setupVariables: function() {
return this.set("resultSets", []), this.set("fetchAmounts", [])
}.on("init"),addResultSet: function(e) {
return this.get("resultSets").pushObject(e)
},results: function() {
var e;
return null != (e = this.get("resultSets")) ? e.reduce(function(e, t) {
return e.pushObjects(t.get("content")), e
}, []) : void 0
}.property("resultSets.@each"),hasRequiredParams: function(e) {
return this.get("requiredParams").every(function(t) {
return !Ember.isEmpty(e[t])
},missingParams: function(e) {
return this.get("requiredParams").filter(function(t) {
return Ember.isEmpty(e[t])
},countForResults: function(e) {
return e.get("meta.resultCount")
},_fetchResults: function(e) {
var t, s;
return null == e && (e = DEFAULT_FETCH), e > this.get("maxAmount") && (e = this.get("maxAmount")), this.get("mayHaveMoreResults") ? this.get("fetchAmounts").contains(e) ? Ember.RSVP.reject({code: i.ALREADY_FETCHED,message: "Already fetched " + e,level: "info"}) : e > this.get("maxAmount") ? (this.set("mayHaveMoreResults", !1), Ember.RSVP.reject({message: "Max amount is %@. Tried to query for %@".fmt(this.get("maxAmount"), e)})) : e < this.get("maxFetchAmount") ? Ember.RSVP.reject({message: "Querying for %@ pointless when %@ has already been queried".fmt(e, this.get("maxFetchAmount"))}) : (this.get("fetchAmounts").pushObject(e), t = this.buildQuery(Ember.copy(this.get("queryParams"))), this.hasRequiredParams(t) ? (t.limit = e, s = this.get("store").findQuery(this.get("resultType"), t), a(function(t) {
return function(r, a) {
return s.then(function(s) {
return t.countForResults(s) < e && t.set("mayHaveMoreResults", !1), t.extractResults(s).then(function(s) {
var n;
return n = App.ResultSet.create({content: s,resultsBefore: t.get("results.length") || 0,extraSet: t.get("hasResultSets")}), t.get("maxAmount") === e && t.set("mayHaveMoreResults", !1), t.get("results") && n.removeObjects(t.get("results")), n.get("length") > 0 ? (t.addResultSet(n), r(n)) : (t.set("mayHaveMoreResults", !1), a({code: i.NO_MORE_RESULTS,message: "No more results.",level: "info"}))
}, function(e) {
var t, s;
return s = null != e ? e.statusText : void 0, s && (t = "Reason: " + s + "."), a({message: "Failed to load results. " + t,object: e})
}(this))) : Ember.RSVP.reject({message: "Missing required query params " + this.missingParams(t),code: i.MISSING_PARAM,level: "error"})) : Ember.RSVP.reject({code: i.NO_POSSIBLE_RESULTS,message: "No possibility of more results.",level: "info"})
},fetchResults: function(e) {
var t;
return null == e && (e = this.get("startAmount")), this.get("isFetching") ? Ember.RSVP.reject("Already fetching, skipping fetch") : (t = this._fetchResults(e), this.set("fetchPromise", t), t)
},loadMoreResults: function(e) {
return null == e && (e = 1), 1 >= e ? this.fetchResults(this.get("results.length") + this.get("moreAmount")) : this.fetchResults(this.get("results.length") + this.get("moreAmount")).then(function(t) {
return function() {
return t.loadMoreResults(e - 1)
},fetchAtLeast: function(e) {
var t;
return this.get("hasResultSets") && this.get("resultSets.length") < e ? (t = e - this.get("resultSets.length"), this.loadMoreResults(t)) : this.get("hasResultSets") ? void 0 : (t = e - this.get("resultSets.length"), this.fetchResults(this.get("startAmount")).then(function(e) {
return function() {
return 1 !== t ? e.loadMoreResults(t - 1) : void 0
},fetchInitialSets: function() {
return this.fetchAtLeast(this.get("defaultInitialResultSets"))
}}), App.Fetcher.reopenClass({FETCHER_ID: "fetcher",FETCHER_MAP: Ember.Map.create(),uniqueKey: function(e, t) {
var s, r;
return s = Ember.keys(t).sort(), r = s.reduce(function(e, s) {
var r;
return r = t[s], "string" !== Ember.typeOf(r) ? e : (r = r.toLowerCase(), "limit" !== s && e.pushObject("" + s + "-" + r), e)
}, ["" + this.FETCHER_ID + "-" + e.get("id")]).join(":")
},firstOrCreate: function(e, t, s) {
var r, a;
return a = this.uniqueKey(e, t), (r = this.FETCHER_MAP.get(a)) ? r : (r = this.create(Ember.merge({model: e,queryParams: Ember.copy(t),id: a}, s)), this.FETCHER_MAP.set(a, r), r)
}), require.register("models/fetchers/search_fetcher", function(e, t, s) {
t("models/fetchers/fetcher"), s.exports = App.SearchFetcher = App.Fetcher.extend({requiredParams: ["term"],resultType: "itunesItemResult",startAmount: 3,moreAmount: 30,maxAmount: 200,defaultInitialResultSets: 3,searchTerm: Ember.computed.alias("queryParams.term"),search: Ember.computed.alias("model"),isSearching: Ember.computed.oneWay("isFetching"),isSearchingFirst: Ember.computed.oneWay("isFetchingFirst"),extractResults: function(e) {
return Ember.RSVP.resolve(e.mapBy("actualResult"))
},buildQuery: function(e) {
return Ember.merge(Ember.copy(this.get("model.baseQuery")), e)
},didYouMean: function() {
return App.DidYouMean.firstOrCreate(this.get("searchTerm"))
}.property("searchTerm"),alternateSearches: function() {
var e;
return e = URI.encodeQuery(this.get("searchTerm"), !0), [{name: "Google",url: "" + e}, {name: "YouTube",url: "" + e}, {name: "SoundCloud",url: "" + e}, {name: "Beatport",url: "" + e}]
}.property("searchTerm")}), App.SearchFetcher.reopenClass({FETCHER_ID: "search"})
}), require.register("models/fnd_model", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.FndModel = DS.Model.extend({typeKey: function() {
return this.constructor.typeKey
}.property(),routeName: function() {
return this.constructor.routeName()
}.property(),routePath: function() {
return this.constructor.routePath()
}.property(),templateName: function() {
return this.constructor.templateName()
}.property(),dynamicSegmentName: function() {
return this.constructor.dynamicSegmentName()
}.property(),cssClass: function() {
return this.constructor.cssClass()
}.property()}), App.FndModel.reopenClass({typeKeyFromToString: function() {
return this._typeKeyFromToString || (this._typeKeyFromToString = this.toString().split(".")[1].camelize())
},routeName: function() {
return this.typeKeyFromToString().camelize()
},routePath: function() {
return this.typeKeyFromToString().dasherize()
},templateName: function() {
return this.typeKeyFromToString().underscore()
},cssClass: function() {
return this.typeKeyFromToString().dasherize()
},dynamicSegmentName: function() {
return "" + this.typeKeyFromToString().underscore() + "_id"
},loadAll: function(e) {
return this.all.forEach(function(t) {
return function(s) {
return e.push(t.typeKeyFromToString(), s)
}), require.register("models/genre", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = {id: "all",name: "All"}, s.exports = App.Genre = App.FndModel.extend({name: DS.attr("string"),subGenres: DS.hasMany("genre"),isSub: Ember.computed.notEmpty("parentGenre"),isPrimary: Ember.computed.not("isSub"),isAll: Ember.computed.equal("id", "all"),lowerCaseName: function() {
var e;
return null != (e = this.get("name")) ? e.toLowerCase() : void 0
}.property("name"),rssId: function() {
return this.get("isAll") ? "" : this.get("id")
}.property("id", "isAll"),slug: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("name").replace(/&/, "and"), parameterize(e)
}.property("id", "name")}), App.Genre.loadAll = function(e) {
var t, s, a, n, i, o;
o = this.all;
for (i in o)
t = o[i], n = function() {
var r, n;
r = t.subgenres, n = [];
for (s in r)
a = r[s], e.push("genre", a), n.push(;
return n
}(), t.subGenres = ["all"], t.subGenres.pushObjects(n), e.push("genre", t);
return e.push("genre", r)
}), require.register("models/genres", function() {
App.Genre.all = {26: {name: "Podcasts",id: "26",subgenres: {1301: {name: "Arts",id: "1301"},1303: {name: "Comedy",id: "1303"},1304: {name: "Education",id: "1304"},1305: {name: "Kids & Family",id: "1305"},1307: {name: "Health",id: "1307"},1309: {name: "TV & Film",id: "1309"},1310: {name: "Music",id: "1310"},1311: {name: "News & Politics",id: "1311"},1314: {name: "Religion & Spirituality",id: "1314"},1315: {name: "Science & Medicine",id: "1315"},1316: {name: "Sports & Recreation",id: "1316"},1318: {name: "Technology",id: "1318"},1321: {name: "Business",id: "1321"},1323: {name: "Games & Hobbies",id: "1323"},1324: {name: "Society & Culture",id: "1324"},1325: {name: "Government & Organizations",id: "1325"}}},31: {name: "Music Videos",id: "31",subgenres: {1602: {name: "Blues",id: "1602"},1603: {name: "Comedy",id: "1603"},1604: {name: "Children's Music",id: "1604"},1605: {name: "Classical",id: "1605"},1606: {name: "Country",id: "1606"},1607: {name: "Electronic",id: "1607"},1608: {name: "Holiday",id: "1608"},1609: {name: "Opera",id: "1609"},1610: {name: "Singer/Songwriter",id: "1610"},1611: {name: "Jazz",id: "1611"},1612: {name: "Latin",id: "1612"},1613: {name: "New Age",id: "1613"},1614: {name: "Pop",id: "1614"},1615: {name: "R&B/Soul",id: "1615"},1616: {name: "Soundtrack",id: "1616"},1617: {name: "Dance",id: "1617"},1618: {name: "Hip-Hop/Rap",id: "1618"},1619: {name: "World",id: "1619"},1620: {name: "Alternative",id: "1620"},1621: {name: "Rock",id: "1621"},1622: {name: "Christian & Gospel",id: "1622"},1623: {name: "Vocal",id: "1623"},1624: {name: "Reggae",id: "1624"},1625: {name: "Easy Listening",id: "1625"},1626: {name: "Podcasts",id: "1626"},1627: {name: "J-Pop",id: "1627"},1628: {name: "Enka",id: "1628"},1629: {name: "Anime",id: "1629"},1630: {name: "Kayokyoku",id: "1630"},1631: {name: "Disney",id: "1631"},1632: {name: "French Pop",id: "1632"},1633: {name: "German Pop",id: "1633"},1634: {name: "German Folk",id: "1634"},1637: {name: "Chinese",id: "1637"},1648: {name: "Korean",id: "1648"},1671: {name: "Brazilian",id: "1671"},1683: {name: "Fitness & Workout",id: "1683"},1684: {name: "Instrumental",id: "1684"},1686: {name: "K-Pop",id: "1686"},1687: {name: "Karaoke",id: "1687"},1689: {name: "Spoken Word",id: "1689"},1690: {name: "Indian",id: "1690"},1713: {name: "Arabic",id: "1713"},1719: {name: "Folk",id: "1719"},1720: {name: "Orchestral",id: "1720"},1721: {name: "Marching",id: "1721"},1926: {name: "Christian & Gospel",id: "1926"}}},32: {name: "TV Shows",id: "32",subgenres: {4e3: {name: "Comedy",id: "4000"},4001: {name: "Drama",id: "4001"},4002: {name: "Animation",id: "4002"},4003: {name: "Action & Adventure",id: "4003"},4004: {name: "Classic",id: "4004"},4005: {name: "Kids",id: "4005"},4006: {name: "Nonfiction",id: "4006"},4007: {name: "Reality TV",id: "4007"},4008: {name: "Sci-Fi & Fantasy",id: "4008"},4009: {name: "Sports",id: "4009"},4010: {name: "Teens",id: "4010"},4011: {name: "Latino TV",id: "4011"}}},33: {name: "Movies",id: "33",subgenres: {4401: {name: "Action & Adventure",id: "4401"},4402: {name: "Anime",id: "4402"},4403: {name: "Classics",id: "4403"},4404: {name: "Comedy",id: "4404"},4405: {name: "Documentary",id: "4405"},4406: {name: "Drama",id: "4406"},4407: {name: "Foreign",id: "4407"},4408: {name: "Horror",id: "4408"},4409: {name: "Independent",id: "4409"},4410: {name: "Kids & Family",id: "4410"},4411: {name: "Musicals",id: "4411"},4412: {name: "Romance",id: "4412"},4413: {name: "Sci-Fi & Fantasy",id: "4413"},4414: {name: "Short Films",id: "4414"},4415: {name: "Special Interest",id: "4415"},4416: {name: "Thriller",id: "4416"},4417: {name: "Sports",id: "4417"},4418: {name: "Western",id: "4418"},4419: {name: "Urban",id: "4419"},4420: {name: "Holiday",id: "4420"},4421: {name: "Made for TV",id: "4421"},4422: {name: "Concert Films",id: "4422"},4423: {name: "Music Documentaries",id: "4423"},4424: {name: "Music Feature Films",id: "4424"},4425: {name: "Japanese Cinema",id: "4425"},4426: {name: "Jidaigeki",id: "4426"},4427: {name: "Tokusatsu",id: "4427"},4428: {name: "Korean Cinema",id: "4428"},4429: {name: "Russian",id: "4429"},4430: {name: "Turkish",id: "4430"},4431: {name: "Bollywood",id: "4431"},4432: {name: "Regional Indian",id: "4432"},4433: {name: "MiddleEastern",id: "4433"},4434: {name: "African",id: "4434"}}},34: {name: "Music",id: "34",subgenres: {2: {name: "Blues",id: "2"},3: {name: "Comedy",id: "3"},4: {name: "Children's Music",id: "4"},5: {name: "Classical",id: "5"},6: {name: "Country",id: "6"},7: {name: "Electronic",id: "7"},8: {name: "Holiday",id: "8"},9: {name: "Opera",id: "9"},10: {name: "Singer/Songwriter",id: "10"},11: {name: "Jazz",id: "11"},12: {name: "Latino",id: "12"},13: {name: "New Age",id: "13"},14: {name: "Pop",id: "14"},15: {name: "R&B/Soul",id: "15"},16: {name: "Soundtrack",id: "16"},17: {name: "Dance",id: "17"},18: {name: "Hip-Hop/Rap",id: "18"},19: {name: "World",id: "19"},20: {name: "Alternative",id: "20"},21: {name: "Rock",id: "21"},22: {name: "Christian & Gospel",id: "22"},23: {name: "Vocal",id: "23"},24: {name: "Reggae",id: "24"},25: {name: "Easy Listening",id: "25"},27: {name: "J-Pop",id: "27"},28: {name: "Enka",id: "28"},29: {name: "Anime",id: "29"},30: {name: "Kayokyoku",id: "30"},50: {name: "Fitness & Workout",id: "50"},51: {name: "K-Pop",id: "51"},52: {name: "Karaoke",id: "52"},53: {name: "Instrumental",id: "53"},1122: {name: "Brazilian",id: "1122"},1197: {name: "Arabic",id: "1197"},1232: {name: "Chinese",id: "1232"},1243: {name: "Korean",id: "1243"},1262: {name: "Indian",id: "1262"},1289: {name: "Folk",id: "1289"},1290: {name: "Orchestral",id: "1290"},1291: {name: "Marching",id: "1291"},1e5: {name: "Christian & Gospel",id: "100000"},50000061: {name: "Spoken Word",id: "50000061"},50000063: {name: "Disney",id: "50000063"},50000064: {name: "French Pop",id: "50000064"},50000066: {name: "German Pop",id: "50000066"},50000068: {name: "German Folk",id: "50000068"}}},36: {name: "App Store",id: "36",subgenres: {6e3: {name: "Business",id: "6000"},6001: {name: "Weather",id: "6001"},6002: {name: "Utilities",id: "6002"},6003: {name: "Travel",id: "6003"},6004: {name: "Sports",id: "6004"},6005: {name: "Social Networking",id: "6005"},6006: {name: "Reference",id: "6006"},6007: {name: "Productivity",id: "6007"},6008: {name: "Photo & Video",id: "6008"},6009: {name: "News",id: "6009"},6010: {name: "Navigation",id: "6010"},6011: {name: "Music",id: "6011"},6012: {name: "Lifestyle",id: "6012"},6013: {name: "Health & Fitness",id: "6013"},6014: {name: "Games",id: "6014"},6015: {name: "Finance",id: "6015"},6016: {name: "Entertainment",id: "6016"},6017: {name: "Education",id: "6017"},6018: {name: "Books",id: "6018"},6020: {name: "Medical",id: "6020"},6021: {name: "Newsstand",id: "6021"},6022: {name: "Catalogs",id: "6022"},6023: {name: "Food & Drink",id: "6023"}}},38: {name: "Books",id: "38",subgenres: {9002: {name: "Nonfiction",id: "9002"},9003: {name: "Romance",id: "9003"},9004: {name: "Travel & Adventure",id: "9004"},9007: {name: "Arts & Entertainment",id: "9007"},9008: {name: "Biographies & Memoirs",id: "9008"},9009: {name: "Business & Personal Finance",id: "9009"},9010: {name: "Children & Teens",id: "9010"},9012: {name: "Humor",id: "9012"},9015: {name: "History",id: "9015"},9018: {name: "Religion & Spirituality",id: "9018"},9019: {name: "Science & Nature",id: "9019"},9020: {name: "Sci-Fi & Fantasy",id: "9020"},9024: {name: "Lifestyle & Home",id: "9024"},9025: {name: "Health, Mind & Body",id: "9025"},9026: {name: "Comics & Graphic Novels",id: "9026"},9027: {name: "Computers & Internet",id: "9027"},9028: {name: "Cookbooks, Food & Wine",id: "9028"},9029: {name: "Professional & Technical",id: "9029"},9030: {name: "Parenting",id: "9030"},9031: {name: "Fiction & Literature",id: "9031"},9032: {name: "Mysteries & Thrillers",id: "9032"},9033: {name: "Reference",id: "9033"},9034: {name: "Politics & Current Events",id: "9034"},9035: {name: "Sports & Outdoors",id: "9035"}}},39: {name: "Mac App Store",id: "39",subgenres: {12001: {name: "Business",id: "12001"},12002: {name: "Developer Tools",id: "12002"},12003: {name: "Education",id: "12003"},12004: {name: "Entertainment",id: "12004"},12005: {name: "Finance",id: "12005"},12006: {name: "Games",id: "12006"},12007: {name: "Health & Fitness",id: "12007"},12008: {name: "Lifestyle",id: "12008"},12010: {name: "Medical",id: "12010"},12011: {name: "Music",id: "12011"},12012: {name: "News",id: "12012"},12013: {name: "Photography",id: "12013"},12014: {name: "Productivity",id: "12014"},12015: {name: "Reference",id: "12015"},12016: {name: "Social Networking",id: "12016"},12017: {name: "Sports",id: "12017"},12018: {name: "Travel",id: "12018"},12019: {name: "Utilities",id: "12019"},12020: {name: "Video",id: "12020"},12021: {name: "Weather",id: "12021"},12022: {name: "Graphics & Design",id: "12022"}}},40: {name: "Textbooks",id: "40",subgenres: {15e3: {name: "Arts & Entertainment",id: "15000"},15017: {name: "Biographies & Memoirs",id: "15017"},15018: {name: "Business & Personal Finance",id: "15018"},15032: {name: "Children & Teens",id: "15032"},15035: {name: "Comics & Graphic Novels",id: "15035"},15038: {name: "Communications & Media",id: "15038"},15046: {name: "Computers & Internet",id: "15046"},15056: {name: "Cookbooks, Food & Wine",id: "15056"},15066: {name: "Engineering",id: "15066"},15075: {name: "Fiction & Literature",id: "15075"},15092: {name: "Health, Mind & Body",id: "15092"},15095: {name: "History",id: "15095"},15108: {name: "Humor",id: "15108"},15109: {name: "Language Studies",id: "15109"},15130: {name: "Lifestyle & Home",id: "15130"},15135: {name: "Mathematics",id: "15135"},15142: {name: "Medicine",id: "15142"},15155: {name: "Mysteries & Thrillers",id: "15155"},15162: {name: "Nonfiction",id: "15162"},15166: {name: "Parenting",id: "15166"},15167: {name: "Philosophy",id: "15167"},15176: {name: "Politics & Current Events",id: "15176"},15184: {name: "Professional & Technical",id: "15184"},15190: {name: "Reference",id: "15190"},15202: {name: "Religion & Spirituality",id: "15202"},15212: {name: "Romance",id: "15212"},15220: {name: "Sci-Fi & Fantasy",id: "15220"},15232: {name: "Science & Nature",id: "15232"},15249: {name: "Social Science",id: "15249"},15270: {name: "Sports & Outdoors",id: "15270"},15288: {name: "Teaching & Learning",id: "15288"},15298: {name: "Travel & Adventure",id: "15298"}}},50000024: {name: "Audiobooks",id: "50000024",subgenres: {74: {name: "News",id: "74"},75: {name: "Programs & Performances",id: "75"},50000040: {name: "Fiction",id: "50000040"},50000041: {name: "Arts & Entertainment",id: "50000041"},50000042: {name: "Biography & Memoir",id: "50000042"},50000043: {name: "Business",id: "50000043"},50000044: {name: "Kids & Young Adults",id: "50000044"},50000045: {name: "Classics",id: "50000045"},50000046: {name: "Comedy",id: "50000046"},50000047: {name: "Drama & Poetry",id: "50000047"},50000048: {name: "Speakers & Storytellers",id: "50000048"},50000049: {name: "History",id: "50000049"},50000050: {name: "Languages",id: "50000050"},50000051: {name: "Mystery",id: "50000051"},50000052: {name: "Nonfiction",id: "50000052"},50000053: {name: "Religion & Spirituality",id: "50000053"},50000054: {name: "Science",id: "50000054"},50000055: {name: "Sci Fi & Fantasy",id: "50000055"},50000056: {name: "Self Development",id: "50000056"},50000057: {name: "Sports",id: "50000057"},50000058: {name: "Technology",id: "50000058"},50000059: {name: "Travel & Adventure",id: "50000059"},50000069: {name: "Romance",id: "50000069"},50000070: {name: "Audiobooks Latino",id: "50000070"}}}}
}), require.register("models/image_set", function(e, t, s) {
App.Image = Ember.Object.extend({valid: !0,invalidate: function() {
return this.set("valid", !1)
}}), s.exports = App.ImageSet = Ember.Object.extend({validImages: Ember.computed.filterBy("images", "valid", !0),smallestValidImage: Ember.computed.alias("validImages.lastObject"),largestValidImage: Ember.computed.alias("validImages.firstObject"),generate: function(e) {
return Ember.makeArray(App.Image.create({url: e}))
},images: function() {
return this.generate(this.get("url"))
}), require.register("models/integration", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.Integration = App.FndModel.extend({title: DS.attr("string"),subtitle: DS.attr("string"),bookmarklets: DS.hasMany("bookmarklet", {async: !0}),templateName: function() {
return "integrations/" + this.get("id")
}.property("id"),imagePartial: function() {
return "svg/integrations/" + this.get("id")
}.property("id")}), App.Integration.all = [{id: "bookmarklets",title: "Bookmarklets",subtitle: "Quick access shortcuts for any browser",bookmarklets: ["search", "convert"]}, {id: "launch-center-pro",title: "Launch Center Pro",subtitle: "Custom actions for iPhone and iPad"}, {id: "alfred",title: "Alfred",subtitle: "Powerful workflow for Mac"}]
}), require.register("models/itunes_item", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n, i, o, h, p;
t("models/fnd_model"), t("adapters/itunes"), i = t("utils/apple_ssl_url"), a = "", r = 50, o = DS.attr, h = Ember.get, n = Ember.computed.alias, p = Ember.getWithDefault, s.exports = App.ItunesItem = App.FndModel.extend({trackName: o("string"),trackViewUrl: o("string"),artworkUrl100: o("string"),releaseDate: o("string"),price: o("number"),artistName: o("string"),collectionName: o("string"),artistId: o("number"),mediaTypeId: o("string"),youtubeResults: DS.hasMany("youtubeResult", {async: !0,alwaysLoad: !0}),youtubeResultsUrl: function() {
return "" + a + "?q=" + URI.encodeQuery(this.get("searchName")) + "&alt=json&max-results=3"
}.property("searchName"),fallbackDisplayPrice: "View in",fallbackAvailability: "unavailable",unavailableName: "N/A",pageTitleFormat: " by %@",slugUrlFormat: " by %@",imageSuffix: "200x200-75",imageFileExtension: "jpg",itemTemplate: "_itunes_item",headerTemplate: "itunes_item/_header",badgeTemplate: function() {
var e;
return e = "svg/badges/" + this.get("templateName"), e in Ember.TEMPLATES || (e = "svg/badges/itunes_item"), e
}.property("typeKey"),templateWithDefault: function(e) {
var t;
return t = "" + this.get("templateName") + "/" + e, t in Ember.TEMPLATES || (t = "itunes_item/" + e), t
},metadata1Template: function() {
return this.templateWithDefault("_metadata1")
}.property("templateName"),metadata2Template: function() {
return this.templateWithDefault("_metadata2")
}.property("templateName"),metadata3Template: function() {
return this.templateWithDefault("_metadata3")
}.property("templateName"),mediaTypeTemplate: function() {
return this.templateWithDefault("_media_type")
}.property("templateName"),iiMetadataTemplate: function() {
return this.templateWithDefault("_ii_metadata")
}.property("templateName"),name: n("trackName"),url: n("trackViewUrl"),actionText: Ember.computed.defaultTo("displayPrice"),searchName: function() {
return "" + this.get("name") + " " + this.get("")
}.property("name", ""),pageTitle: function() {
return this.get("formattedPageTitle") ? "" + this.get("name") + this.get("formattedPageTitle") : this.get("name")
}.property("name", "formattedPageTitle"),formattedPageTitle: function() {
var e;
if (!Ember.isEmpty(this.get("artistName")))
return null != (e = this.get("pageTitleFormat")) ? e.fmt(this.get("artistName")) : void 0
}.property("artistName", "pageTitleFormat"),releaseDateMoment: function() {
return moment(this.get("releaseDate"))
}.property("releaseDate"),formattedReleaseDate: function() {
return this.get("releaseDateMoment").format("l")
}.property("releaseDateMoment"),fromReleaseDate: function() {
return this.get("releaseDateMoment").fromNow()
}.property("releaseDateMoment"),isFutureReleaseDate: function() {
return this.get("releaseDateMoment").toDate().getTime() > (new Date).getTime()
}.property("releaseDateMoment"),affiliateUrl: function() {
return this.get("url") + "&at=11l6hc&ct=fnd"
}.property("url"),displayPrice: function() {
var e;
if (e = this.get("price"), "string" === Ember.typeOf(e))
return e;
switch (!1) {
case 0 !== e:
return "Free";
case -1 !== e:
return this.get("unavailableName");
case !Ember.isEmpty(e):
return this.get("isFutureReleaseDate") ? "Pre-Order" : this.get("fallbackDisplayPrice");
return "$" + this.get("price")
}.property("price", "isFutureReleaseDate", "fallbackDisplayPrice", "unavailableName"),availability: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("price"), "number" === Ember.typeOf(e) || "string" === Ember.typeOf(e) ? -1 !== e ? "available" : "unavailable" : Ember.isEmpty(e) && this.get("isFutureReleaseDate") ? "pre_order" : this.get("fallbackAvailability")
}.property("price", "isFutureReleaseDate", "fallbackAvailability"),smallImageURL: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("artworkUrl100"), Ember.isEmpty(e) ? void 0 : (e = e.replace(/\d{3}x\d{3}-\d{2}\./, ""), e = e.replace(/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|tif|tiff)$/, ""), "" + e + "." + this.get("imageSuffix") + "." + this.get("imageFileExtension"))
}.property("artworkUrl100", "imageSuffix", "imageFileExtension"),imageUrl: function() {
return i(this.get("smallImageURL"))
}.property("smallImageURL"),slug: function() {
var e, t, s, a;
return t = this.get("id"), this.get("slugUrlFormat") && !Ember.isEmpty(this.get("artistName")) ? (e = this.get("slugUrlFormat").fmt(this.get("artistName")), s = "" + this.get("name") + e) : s = this.get("name"), Ember.isEmpty(s) ? t : (a = parameterize("" + t + " " + s), a.slice(0, +r + 1 || 9e9))
}.property("id", "name", "slugUrlFormat"),fndUrlWithSlug: function() {
return "#/" + this.get("routePath") + "/" + this.get("slug")
}.property("slug", "routePath"),mediaType: function() {
return this.get("store").getById("mediaType", this.get("mediaTypeId"))
}.property("mediaTypeId"),lookupURL: function() {
return "" + this.get("id")
}.property("id")}), App.ItunesItem.reopenClass({MODELS: ["Album", "Artist", "Audiobook", "Author", "Book", "Compilation", "IosUniversalApp", "IpadApp", "IphoneApp", "MacApp", "Movie", "MusicVideo", "Podcast", "PodcastEpisode", "Podcaster", "SoftwareDeveloper", "Song", "Studio", "TvEpisode", "TvSeason", "TvShow"]})
}), require.register("models/itunes_item_result", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ItunesItemResult = App.FndModel.extend({actualResult: DS.belongsTo("itunesItem", {polymorphic: !0})})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/album", function(e, t, s) {
t("models/itunes_items/itunes_collection"), s.exports = App.Album = App.ItunesCollection.extend(App.HasMusicArtistMixin, App.ReviewMixin, App.GenreMixin, {trackCount: DS.attr("number"),mediaTypeId: "albums",formattedTrackCount: function() {
var e, t;
return t = this.get("trackCount"), e = 1 === t ? "song" : "songs", "" + t + " " + e
}.property("trackCount"),subtitle: Ember.computed.oneWay("formattedTrackCount"),searchName: function() {
var e;
return e = Ember.$.trim("" + this.get("name") + " " + this.get("artistName")), "" + e + " album"
}.property("name", "artistName")})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/artist", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = "36270", s.exports = App.Artist = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.ArtistMixin, App.GenreMixin, {artistType: DS.attr("string"),mediaTypeId: "artists",imageUrl: function() {
return "Movie Artist" === this.get("artistType") ? "/images/placeholders/movie_studio.svg" : "Spoken Word" === this.get("primaryGenreName") ? "/images/placeholders/author.svg" : "/images/placeholders/artist.svg"
}.property("artistType", "primaryGenreName"),isVariousArtists: function() {
return this.get("id") === r
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/audiobook", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.Audiobook = App.ItunesCollection.extend(App.HasAuthorMixin, {description: DS.attr("string"),previewUrl: DS.attr("string"),mediaTypeId: "audiobooks"})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/author", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.Author = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.ArtistMixin, {mediaTypeId: "authors",imageUrl: "/images/placeholders/author.svg",badgeTemplate: "svg/badges/book"})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/book", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.Book = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.RatingMixin, App.ReviewMixin, App.HasAuthorMixin, {description: DS.attr("string"),mediaTypeId: "books",fallbackDisplayPrice: "Pre-Order",fallbackAvailability: "pre_order"})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/compilation", function(e, t, s) {
t("models/itunes_items/album"), s.exports = App.Compilation = App.Album.extend()
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/ios_app", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = DS.attr, s.exports = App.IosApp = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.AppMixin, App.RatingMixin, App.ReviewMixin, App.GenreMixin, {ipadScreenshotUrls: r("array"),badgeTemplate: "svg/badges/ios_app",iphoneScreenshots: Ember.computed.alias("screenshots"),ipadScreenshots: function() {
return App.Screenshot.createFromUrls(this.get("ipadScreenshotUrls"), this.get("typeKey"), !0)
}.property("ipadScreenshotUrls"),cssClass: function() {
return this._super() + " ios"
}.property()}), App.IosApp.reopenClass(App.AppClassMixin)
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/ios_universal_app", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.IosUniversalApp = App.IosApp.extend({isIphone: !0,isIpad: !0,mediaTypeId: "ios"})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/ipad_app", function(e, t, s) {
t("models/itunes_items/ios_app"), s.exports = App.IpadApp = App.IosApp.extend({mediaTypeId: "ipad",isIpad: !0})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/iphone_app", function(e, t, s) {
t("models/itunes_items/ios_app"), s.exports = App.IphoneApp = App.IosApp.extend({mediaTypeId: "iphone",isIphone: !0,iphoneScreenshots: Ember.computed.alias("screenshots")})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/itunes_collection", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a;
t("models/itunes_item"), a = DS.attr, r = Ember.computed.alias, s.exports = App.ItunesCollection = App.ItunesItem.extend({collectionPrice: a("number"),collectionViewUrl: a("string"),name: r("collectionName"),price: r("collectionPrice"),url: r("collectionViewUrl")})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/mac_app", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.MacApp = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.AppMixin, App.RatingMixin, App.ReviewMixin, App.GenreMixin, {mediaTypeId: "mac",isMac: !0,imageFileExtension: "png",macScreenshots: Ember.computed.alias("screenshots")}), App.MacApp.reopenClass(App.AppClassMixin)
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/movie", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n, i, o, h;
t("models/itunes_item"), h = Ember.computed.alias, o = "", a = "", i = "?q=%@&apikey=%@&page_limit=1", n = a + i, r = "b4g224kpffrhjkx5hrpzqpyn", s.exports = App.Movie = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.TrackMixin, App.ReviewMixin, App.DownloadMixin, App.GenreMixin, App.DurationMixin, {longDescription: DS.attr("string"),contentAdvisoryRating: DS.attr("string"),artistName: DS.attr("string"),studio: DS.belongsTo("studio"),mediaTypeId: "movies",studioName: Ember.computed.alias("artistName"),rottenTomatoesListings: DS.hasMany("rottenTomatoesListing", {async: !0,alwaysLoad: !0}),hasTrackNumbers: !1,downloadName: function() {
return parameterize(this.get("name"))
}.property("name"),fallbackDisplayPrice: "Buy",fallbackAvailability: "available",firstTomato: h("rottenTomatoesListings.firstObject"),rottenTomatoesUrl: h("firstTomato.url"),rottenTomatoesListingsUrl: function() {
var e;
return e = URI.encodeQuery(this.get("name"), !0), n.fmt(e, r)
}.property("name"),rottenTomatoesSearchUrl: function() {
return o.fmt(this.get("name"))
}.property("name"),tomatoClass: function() {
return this.get("firstTomato.cssClass") || "rotten-tomatoes-tomato"
}.property("firstTomato.cssClass"),hasRottenTomatoesScore: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("firstTomato.criticsScore"), "number" === Ember.typeOf(e) && -1 !== e
}.property("firstTomato.criticsScore"),description: h("longDescription"),rating: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("contentAdvisoryRating"), "NR" === e ? "Not Rated" : "Unrated" === e ? e : "Rated " + e
}.property("contentAdvisoryRating"),subtitle: h("rating")})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/music_video", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.MusicVideo = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.TrackMixin, App.HasMusicArtistMixin, App.ReviewMixin, App.DownloadMixin, App.DurationMixin, App.GenreMixin, App.BelongsToAlbumMixin, {mediaTypeId: "music-videos",subtitle: Ember.computed.alias("trackTimeFormatted"),downloadName: function() {
return "" + this.get("artistName") + " - " + this.get("name")
}.property("name", "artistName")})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/podcast", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.Podcast = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.GenreMixin, App.ReviewMixin, {feedUrl: DS.attr("string"),trackCount: DS.attr("number"),podcaster: DS.belongsTo("podcaster"),mediaTypeId: "podcasts",actionText: "Subscribe",availability: "available",podcasterName: Ember.computed.alias("artistName"),episodesText: function() {
var e, t;
return t = this.get("trackCount"), e = 1 === t ? "episode" : "episodes", "" + t + " " + e
}.property("trackCount"),subtitle: Ember.computed.alias("episodesText"),searchName: function() {
return Ember.$.trim("" + this.get("name") + " " + this.get("podcasterName"))
}.property("name", "podcasterName")})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/podcast_episode", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = DS.attr, s.exports = App.PodcastEpisode = App.ItunesItem.extend({episodeGuid: r("string"),episodeUrl: r("string"),feedUrl: r("string"),artworkUrl600: r("string"),description: r("string"),podcast: DS.belongsTo("podcast"),mediaTypeId: "podcast-episodes",itemTemplate: "_podcast_episode_item",episodePageUrl: Ember.computed.alias("episodeGuid"),hasEpisodePageUrl: Ember.computed.match("episodePageUrl", /^https?/),artworkUrl100: Ember.computed.alias("artworkUrl600"),availability: "available"})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/podcaster", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.Podcaster = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.ArtistMixin, {mediaTypeId: "podcasters",imageUrl: "/images/placeholders/podcaster.svg"})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/software_developer", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.SoftwareDeveloper = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.ArtistMixin, {mediaTypeId: "software-developer",imageUrl: "/images/placeholders/developer.svg",badgeTemplate: "svg/badges/ios_app"})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/song", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.Song = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.TrackMixin, App.HasMusicArtistMixin, App.GenreMixin, App.DurationMixin, App.BelongsToAlbumMixin, {trackCensoredName: DS.attr("string"),subtitle: Ember.computed.alias("trackTimeFormatted"),searchName: function() {
var e;
return e = Ember.$.trim("" + this.get("name") + " " + this.get("artistName")), "" + e + " song"
}.property("name", "artistName"),name: function() {
var e, t;
return t = this.get("trackName"), e = this.get("trackCensoredName"), (null != e ? e.length : void 0) > (null != t ? t.length : void 0) ? e : t
}.property("trackName", "trackCensoredName")})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/studio", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.Studio = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.ArtistMixin, {mediaTypeId: "movie-studio",imageUrl: "/images/placeholders/movie_studio.svg"})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/tv_episode", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = Ember.computed.alias, s.exports = App.TvEpisode = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.TrackMixin, App.GenreMixin, App.DurationMixin, {longDescription: DS.attr("string"),contentAdvisoryRating: DS.attr("string"),tvSeason: DS.belongsTo("tvSeason"),tvShow: DS.belongsTo("tvShow"),mediaTypeId: "episodes",pageTitleFormat: " of %@",slugUrlFormat: " of %@",unavailableName: "Season Only",tvSeasonName: r("collectionName"),tvShowName: r("artistName"),episodeText: function() {
return "Episode " + this.get("trackNumber")
}.property("trackNumber"),subtitle: r("episodeText"),searchName: function() {
var e;
return e = Ember.$.trim("" + this.get("name") + " " + this.get("tvShowName")), "" + e + " episode"
}.property("name", "tvShowName")})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/tv_season", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.TvSeason = App.ItunesCollection.extend(App.ReviewMixin, App.GenreMixin, {longDescription: DS.attr("string"),trackCount: DS.attr("number"),contentAdvisoryRating: DS.attr("string"),tvShow: DS.belongsTo("tvShow"),mediaTypeId: "seasons",tvShowName: Ember.computed.alias("artistName"),subtitleFormat: null,pageTitleFormat: " of %@",slugUrlFormat: " of %@",unavailableName: "Episodes Only",episodesText: function() {
var e, t;
return t = this.get("trackCount"), e = 1 === t ? "episode" : "episodes", "" + t + " " + e
}.property("trackCount"),subtitle: Ember.computed.alias("episodesText")})
}), require.register("models/itunes_items/tv_show", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.TvShow = App.ItunesItem.extend(App.ArtistMixin, App.GenreMixin, {mediaTypeId: "shows",imageUrl: "/images/placeholders/tv_show.svg"})
}), require.register("models/media_type", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n;
r = DS.attr, n = DS.hasMany, a = DS.belongsTo, s.exports = App.MediaType = App.FndModel.extend({name: r("string"),shortName: r("string"),searchName: r("string"),itunesCategoryId: r("string"),rssId: r("string"),itunesItemTypes: r("array"),chartTypes: n("chartType"),isAll: Ember.computed.equal("id", "all"),hasChartTypes: Ember.computed.notEmpty("chartTypes.[]"),shortNameOrName: function() {
return this.get("shortName") || this.get("name")
}.property("name", "shortName"),pluralShortNameOrName: function() {
return this.get("pluralShortName") || this.get("pluralName")
}.property("pluralShortName", "pluralName"),searchNameOrShortName: function() {
return this.get("searchName") || this.get("shortNameOrName")
}.property("searchName", "shortNameOrName"),pluralSearchName: function() {
var e;
return (null != (e = this.get("searchName")) ? e.pluralize() : void 0) || this.get("pluralShortNameOrName")
}.property("searchName", "pluralShortNameOrName"),search: function() {
return this.get("store").getById("search", this.get("id"))
}.property("id"),primaryGenre: function() {
return this.get("store").getById("genre", this.get("itunesCategoryId"))
}.property("itunesCategoryId"),pluralName: function() {
return this.get("name").pluralize()
}.property("name"),pluralShortName: function() {
var e;
return null != (e = this.get("shortName")) ? e.pluralize() : void 0
}.property("shortName"),genres: Ember.computed.alias("primaryGenre.subGenres")}), App.MediaType.all = [{id: "all",name: "All media",shortName: "All"}, {id: "ios",name: "iPhone and iPad App",searchName: "Apps",itunesItemTypes: ["iphoneApp", "ipadApp", "iosUniversalApp"]}, {id: "iphone",name: "iPhone App",shortName: "iPhone",itunesCategoryId: "36",rssId: "applications",chartTypes: ["new", "new-free", "new-paid", "top-free", "top-grossing", "top-paid"],itunesItemTypes: ["iphoneApp"]}, {id: "ipad",name: "iPad App",shortName: "iPad",itunesCategoryId: "36",rssId: "ipadapplications",chartTypes: ["top-free", "top-grossing", "top-paid"],itunesItemTypes: ["ipadApp"]}, {id: "software-developer",name: "Software Developer",shortName: "Developer",itunesItemTypes: ["softwareDeveloper"]}, {id: "music",name: "Music",itunesCategoryId: "34",chartTypes: ["top-albums", "top-songs", "top-music-videos"],itunesItemTypes: ["artist", "album", "song", "musicVideo"]}, {id: "songs",name: "Song",itunesItemTypes: ["song"]}, {id: "artists",name: "Artist",itunesItemTypes: ["artist"]}, {id: "albums",name: "Album",itunesItemTypes: ["album", "itunesCollection"]}, {id: "music-videos",name: "Music Video",shortName: "Video",itunesItemTypes: ["musicVideo"]}, {id: "songs-and-music-videos",name: "Songs",itunesItemTypes: ["song", "musicVideo"]}, {id: "movies",name: "Movie",itunesCategoryId: "33",itunesItemTypes: ["movie"],chartTypes: ["top-movies"]}, {id: "movies-only",name: "Movie"}, {id: "movie-studio",name: "Movie Studio"}, {id: "movie-artist",name: "Movie Artist",shortName: "Artist"}, {id: "tv",name: "TV",itunesCategoryId: "32",chartTypes: ["top-tv-episodes", "top-tv-seasons"],itunesItemTypes: ["tvSeason", "tvShow", "tvEpisode"]}, {id: "seasons",name: "TV Season",shortName: "Season",itunesItemTypes: ["tvSeason"]}, {id: "episodes",name: "TV Episode",shortName: "Episode",itunesItemTypes: ["tvEpisode"]}, {id: "shows",name: "TV Show",shortName: "Show",itunesItemTypes: ["tvShow"]}, {id: "books",name: "Book",itunesCategoryId: "38",rssId: "ebooks",chartTypes: ["top-paid", "top-free", "top-audiobooks"],itunesItemTypes: ["book", "audiobook"]}, {id: "authors",name: "Author",itunesItemTypes: ["author"]}, {id: "ibooks",name: "Book",itunesItemTypes: ["book"]}, {id: "audiobooks",name: "Audiobook",itunesItemTypes: ["audiobook"]}, {id: "textbooks",name: "Textbook",itunesItemTypes: ["book"]}, {id: "mac",name: "Mac App",shortName: "Mac",itunesCategoryId: "39",rssId: "macapps",chartTypes: ["top", "top-free", "top-grossing", "top-paid"],itunesItemTypes: ["macApp"]}, {id: "apps",name: "App",itunesItemTypes: ["iphoneApp", "ipadApp", "macApp", "iosUniversalApp"]}, {id: "podcasting",name: "Podcast",itunesCategoryId: "26",rssId: "podcasts",chartTypes: ["top"],itunesItemTypes: ["podcaster", "podcast", "podcastEpisode"]}, {id: "podcasts",name: "Podcast",itunesItemTypes: ["podcast"]}, {id: "podcast-episodes",name: "Podcast Episode",shortName: "Episode",itunesItemTypes: ["podcastEpisode"]}, {id: "podcasters",name: "Podcaster",itunesItemTypes: ["podcaster"]}]
}), require.register("models/review", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a;
a = DS.attr, r = "%@ out of %@ customers found this review helpful.", s.exports = App.Review = App.FndModel.extend({title: a("string"),content: a("string"),rating: a("number"),version: a("string"),authorName: a("string"),authorUri: a("string"),voteSum: a("number"),voteCount: a("number"),voteText: function() {
return this.get("voteCount") ? r.fmt(this.get("voteSum"), this.get("voteCount")) : void 0
}.property("voteSum", "voteCount")})
}), require.register("models/rotten_tomatoes_listing", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = DS.attr, s.exports = App.RottenTomatoesListing = App.FndModel.extend({title: r("string"),url: r("string"),criticsRating: r("string"),criticsScore: r("number"),isRotten: function() {
return "Rotten" === this.get("criticsRating")
}.property("criticsRating"),isFresh: Ember.computed.not("isRotten"),cssClass: function() {
var e;
return e = ["rotten-tomatoes-tomato"], this.get("isFresh") && e.pushObject("rotten-tomatoes-tomato--fresh"), this.get("isRotten") && e.pushObject("rotten-tomatoes-tomato--rotten"), e.join(" ")
}.property("isRotten", "isFresh")})
}), require.register("models/screenshot", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n;
n = t("utils/apple_ssl_url"), a = {iphone: ["1136x1136", "640x640", "568x568", "480x480", "320x320"],ipad: ["2048x2048", "1024x1024", "960x960", "480x480"],mac: ["1600x1000", "1280x800", "800x500"]}, r = new RegExp("screen(" + _.flatten(_.values(a)).join("|") + ")"), s.exports = App.Screenshot = App.ImageSet.extend({generate: function(e) {
var t, s, i;
return e.match(r) ? (s = e.match(r)[1], i = this.get("isIpad") ? a.ipad : this.get("isMac") ? a.mac : a.iphone, t = {
return e = e.replace(r, "screen" + t), App.Image.create({url: n(e)})
})) : t = Ember.makeArray(App.Image.create({url: n(e)})), t
},title: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("isIpad") ? "iPad" : this.get("isMac") ? "Mac" : "iPhone", "" + e + " Screenshot " + this.get("index")
}.property("index", "isIpad", "isMac"),isMac: function() {
return "macApp" === this.get("typeKey")
}.property("typeKey")}), App.Screenshot.createFromUrls = function(e, t, s) {
return null == s && (s = !1),, r) {
return App.Screenshot.create({url: e,typeKey: t,index: r + 1,isIpad: s})
}), require.register("models/search/result_set", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ResultSet = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend(Ember.SortableMixin, {resultsBefore: 0,extraSet: !0,contentWithIndex: function() {
return this.get("content").map(function(e) {
return function(t, s) {
var r;
return r = e.get("resultsBefore") + s + 1, {item: t,position: r}
}), require.register("models/search/search", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n, i, o;
a = DS.attr, o = Ember.computed, r = o.alias, n = o.equal, i = o.notEmpty, s.exports = App.Search = App.FndModel.extend({baseQuery: a("object"),placeholder: a("string"),multipleSearch: a("boolean", {"default": !1}),parentSearch: DS.belongsTo("search"),searches: DS.hasMany("search"),mediaType: function() {
return this.get("store").getById("mediaType", this.get("id"))
}.property("id"),hasSearches: i("searches.[]"),hasNoSearches: Ember.computed.not("hasSearches"),isAll: n("id", "all"),name: r(""),pluralName: r("mediaType.pluralName"),shortName: r("mediaType.shortName"),pluralShortName: r("mediaType.pluralShortName"),shortNameOrName: r("mediaType.shortNameOrName"),pluralShortNameOrName: r("mediaType.pluralShortNameOrName"),searchNameOrShortName: r("mediaType.searchNameOrShortName"),pluralSearchName: r("mediaType.pluralSearchName"),placeholderText: function() {
return "e.g. " + this.get("placeholder")
}), require.register("models/search/searches", function() {
App.Search.all = [{id: "all",multipleSearch: !0,searches: ["ios", "music", "movies", "tv", "books", "mac", "podcasting"],placeholder: '"Yelp", "Avicii", or "Gravity"'}, {id: "ios",searches: ["iphone", "ipad", "software-developer"],baseQuery: {media: "software",entity: "software,iPadSoftware,softwareDeveloper"},placeholder: '"Angry Birds", "Paper", or "Acorn"'}, {id: "iphone",parentSearch: "ios",baseQuery: {media: "software",entity: "software"},placeholder: '"Angry Birds", "Drafts", or "Letterpress"'}, {id: "ipad",parentSearch: "ios",baseQuery: {media: "software",entity: "iPadSoftware"},placeholder: '"Paper", "The Room", or "Netflix"'}, {id: "software-developer",parentSearch: "ios",baseQuery: {entity: "softwareDeveloper",media: "software",attribute: "softwareDeveloper"},placeholder: '"Realmac", "Tap Tap Tap", or "AgileBits"'}, {id: "music",searches: ["songs", "albums", "artists", "music-videos"],baseQuery: {entity: "song,album,musicArtist,musicVideo"},placeholder: '"Avicii", "Daisy", or "Adventure Club"'}, {id: "songs",parentSearch: "music",baseQuery: {media: "music",entity: "song"},placeholder: '"Crave You", "Sandstorm", or "Daisy"'}, {id: "albums",parentSearch: "music",baseQuery: {media: "music",entity: "album"},placeholder: '"Daisy", "Melody AM", or "Kaleidoscope"'}, {id: "artists",parentSearch: "music",baseQuery: {media: "music",entity: "musicArtist"},placeholder: '"Adventure Club", "Brand New", or "Royksopp"'}, {id: "music-videos",parentSearch: "music",baseQuery: {media: "music",entity: "musicVideo"},placeholder: '"Sweet Nothing", "Royals", or "Feel So Close"'}, {id: "songs-and-music-videos",baseQuery: {media: "music",entity: "song,musicVideo"}}, {id: "movies",searches: ["movies-only", "movie-artist"],baseQuery: {media: "movie",entity: "movieArtist,movie"},placeholder: '"Lost in Translation", "Up", or "Edward Scissorhands"'}, {id: "movies-only",parentSearch: "movies",baseQuery: {media: "movie",entity: "movie"},placeholder: '"Lost in Translation", "Up", or "Edward Scissorhands"'}, {id: "movie-artist",parentSearch: "movies",baseQuery: {media: "movie",entity: "movieArtist"},placeholder: '"Morgan Freeman", "Bill Murray", or "Ryan Gosling"'}, {id: "tv",searches: ["shows", "seasons", "episodes"],baseQuery: {media: "tvShow",entity: "tvEpisode,tvSeason,tvShow"},placeholder: '"Game of Thrones", "LOST", or "Felina"'}, {id: "shows",parentSearch: "tv",baseQuery: {media: "tvShow",entity: "tvShow"},placeholder: '"Game of Thrones", "Firefly", or "Sex and the City"'}, {id: "episodes",parentSearch: "tv",baseQuery: {media: "tvShow",entity: "tvEpisode"},placeholder: '"Felina", "Out of Gas", or "Exodus from Genisis"'}, {id: "seasons",parentSearch: "tv",baseQuery: {media: "tvShow",entity: "tvSeason"},placeholder: '"LOST Season 2", "Farscape Season 1", or "Firefly"'}, {id: "books",searches: ["ibooks", "audiobooks", "authors"],baseQuery: {entity: "ebook,audiobook,bookAuthor"},placeholder: '"The Giver", "Hatchet", or "Dragonlance"'}, {id: "authors",parentSearch: "books",baseQuery: {media: "ebook",entity: "bookAuthor"},placeholder: '"Dr. Seuss", "George R. R. Martin", or "Suzanne Collins"'}, {id: "ibooks",parentSearch: "books",baseQuery: {media: "ebook"},placeholder: '"The Giver", "Hatchet", or "Dragonlance"'}, {id: "audiobooks",parentSearch: "books",baseQuery: {media: "ebook",entity: "audiobook"},placeholder: '"Holes", "Me Talk Pretty One Day", or "1984"'}, {id: "textbooks",parentSearch: "books",baseQuery: {media: "textbook"},placeholder: '"Math", "English", or "Computers"'}, {id: "mac",baseQuery: {media: "software",entity: "macSoftware"},placeholder: '"Acorn", "Alfred", or "Dash"'}, {id: "apps",baseQuery: {media: "software",entity: "software,iPadSoftware,macSoftware"}}, {id: "podcasting",searches: ["podcasts", "podcasters"],baseQuery: {media: "podcast",entity: "podcast,podcastAuthor"},placeholder: '"Back to Work", "5by5", or "This American Life"'}, {id: "podcasts",parentSearch: "podcasting",baseQuery: {media: "podcast",entity: "podcast"},placeholder: '"Back to Work", "This American Life", or "The Talk Show"'}, {id: "podcasters",parentSearch: "podcasting",baseQuery: {media: "podcast",entity: "podcastAuthor"},placeholder: '"5by5", "TWiT", or "Bongos"'}, {id: "podcast-episodes",parentSearch: "podcasting",baseQuery: {media: "podcast",entity: "podcastEpisode"}}]
}), require.register("models/youtube_result", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = DS.attr, s.exports = App.YoutubeResult = App.FndModel.extend({title: r("string"),link: r("string"),url: Ember.computed.alias("link"),published: r("date"),viewCount: r("number"),uri: function() {
var e;
return e = URI(this.get("url"))
}.property("url"),cleanUrl: function() {
return this.get("uri").removeQuery("feature").toString()
}.property("url"),shortUrl: function() {
return "" + this.get("videoId")
}.property("videoId"),videoId: function() {
return this.get("uri").query(!0).v
}.property("url"),embedUrl: function() {
return "" + this.get("videoId") + "?html5=1"
}), require.register("routes/about", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n;
t("routes/fnd"), n = t("config/environment"), a = Ember.Object.extend({twitterUrl: function() {
return "" + this.get("twitterUsername")
}.property("twitterUsername"),photoUrl: function() {
return "/images/" + this.get("firstNameLowerCase") + ".jpg"
}.property("twitterUsername"),firstNameLowerCase: function() {
return this.get("firstName").toLowerCase()
}.property("firstName")}), r = [{firstName: "Jeremy",lastName: "Mack",twitterUsername: "mutewinter",jobTitle: "Developer"}, {firstName: "Ryann",lastName: "Pierce",twitterUsername: "ryannpierce",jobTitle: "Designer"}], s.exports = App.AboutRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({model: function() {
return {
return a.create(e)
},actions: {didTransition: function() {
return n.setTitle("About"), !0
}), require.register("routes/any", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.AnyRoute = Ember.Route.extend({redirect: function(e) {
var t;
return t ="-").get("firstObject"), this.get("store").find("itunesItemResult", t).then(function(e) {
return function(s) {
var r;
return r = s.get("actualResult"), r ? e.replaceWith(r.get("routeName"), r) : (App.Logger.error("Invalid ID for /any '" + t + "'"), e.replaceWith("home"))
}(this), function(e) {
return function() {
return App.Logger.error("Invalid ID for /any '" + t + "'"), e.replaceWith("home")
}), require.register("routes/application", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = t("config/environment"), s.exports = App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({model: function() {
var e;
return e = this.get("store"), [App.Search, App.ChartType, App.MediaType, App.Integration, App.Bookmarklet, App.Genre].invoke("loadAll", e), !0
},trackPageView: function() {
return"afterRender", function() {
var e, t, s, r;
return "undefined" != typeof ga && null !== ga ? (e = Ember.get(window, "location.hash"), s = Ember.get(window, "location.pathname"), r = Ember.get(window, ""), t = e ? e.substring(1) : s + r, ga("send", "pageview", {page: t,title: document.title})) : void 0
},actions: {didTransition: function() {
return r.get("analyticsEnabled") ? this.trackPageView() : void 0
},showMenu: function() {
return this.render("menu", {outlet: "menuModal",into: "application"})
},closeMenu: function() {
return this.disconnectOutlet({outlet: "menuModal",parentView: "application"})
},goHome: function() {
return this.transitionTo("home"), this.disconnectOutlet({outlet: "menuModal",parentView: "application"})
},goBack: function() {
return window.history.back()
},reloadPage: function() {
return window.location.reload()
},error: function(e, t, s) {
var r;
return r = "Routing error for " + s.routeName, "string" === Ember.typeOf(e) ? App.Logger.error("" + r + ": " + e) : (Ember.Logger.error(e.stack), App.Logger.error(r)), !0
}), require.register("routes/bookmarklet", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = t("config/environment"), s.exports = App.BookmarkletRoute = Ember.Route.extend({model: function(e) {
var t;
return t = this.get("store").getById("bookmarklet", e.bookmarklet_id), t || this.replaceWith("home"), t
},activate: function() {
var e;
return e = this.modelFor("bookmarklet"), r.setTitle(e.get("name"), {appName: !1})
}), require.register("routes/chart", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
t("routes/fnd"), r = t("config/environment"), s.exports = App.ChartRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({model: function(e) {
var t, s, r, a, n, i, o, h, p, u, l, c;
return h = this.get("store"), o = null != (p = e.media_type_id) ? p.toLowerCase() : void 0, r = null != (u = e.chart_type_id) ? u.toLowerCase() : void 0, n = null != (l = e.genre_slug) ? l.toLowerCase() : void 0, i = h.getById("mediaType", o), s = null != (c = i.get("chartTypes")) ? c.findBy("id", r) : void 0, a = i.get("genres").findBy("slug", n), t = App.Chart.firstOrCreate(i, s, a), t.get("") !== o || t.get("") !== r || t.get("genre.slug") !== n ? (App.Logger.dbg.debug("Chart URL Normalized: " + o + " " + r + " " + n), this.transitionTo("chart", t)) : t
},renderTemplate: function() {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments), this.render("charts/_edit", {controller: this.controllerFor("charts_edit"),outlet: "header",into: "chart"})
},setupController: function(e, t) {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments), this.controllerFor("charts_edit").set("chart", t)
},serialize: function(e) {
return {media_type_id: e.get(""),chart_type_id: e.get(""),genre_slug: e.get("genre.slug")}
},actions: {didTransition: function() {
var e;
return e = this.modelFor("chart"), this.controllerFor("chart").fetchResults(), r.setTitle(e.get("title")), !0
}), require.register("routes/chart/edit", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ChartEditRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({renderTemplate: function() {
return this.render("chart.edit", {into: "chart"})
}), require.register("routes/chart/index", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ChartIndexRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({model: function() {
return this.modelFor("chart")
}), require.register("routes/charts", function(e, t, s) {
t("routes/fnd"), s.exports = App.ChartsRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({redirect: function() {
return this.transitionTo("chart", this.controllerFor("charts_edit").get("chart"))
}), require.register("routes/charts/index", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ChartsIndexRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({redirect: function() {
return this.replaceWith("chart", this.controllerFor("charts_edit").get("chart"))
}), require.register("routes/fnd", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.FndRoute = Ember.Route.extend({searchScrollY: 0,scrollOnLoad: !0,activate: function() {
var e;
if (this.get("scrollOnLoad"))
return e = this.get("searchScrollY"),"afterRender", function() {
return Ember.$(document).scrollTop(0), Ember.$(document).scrollTop(e)
},deactivate: function() {
return this.set("searchScrollY", Ember.$(document).scrollTop())
}), require.register("routes/home", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
t("routes/fnd"), r = t("utils/normalize_term"), s.exports = App.HomeRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({shouldShowHeader: !1,model: function() {
return this.get("store").getById("search", "all")
},activate: function() {
var e;
return null != (e = this.controller) && e.set("searchTerm", ""), this.get("env").setDefaultTitle()
},actions: {search: function(e) {
return Ember.isEmpty(r(e)) ? void 0 : this.transitionTo("search", {queryParams: {term: e,mediaType: "all"}})
}), require.register("routes/integration", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.IntegrationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({renderTemplate: function(e, t) {
return this.render(t.get("templateName"))
},activate: function() {
var e;
return e = this.modelFor("integration"), this.get("env").setTitle("" + e.get("title") + " Integration")
}), require.register("routes/integrations", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.IntegrationsRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({model: function() {
return this.get("store").all("integration")
},activate: function() {
return this.get("env").setTitle("Integrations")
}), require.register("routes/itunes_item", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
t("routes/fnd"), t("models/itunes_item"), r = 50, s.exports = App.ItunesItemRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({model: function(e, t) {
var s, r, a, n;
return s = t.targetName.split(".")[0].classify(), r = App[s].dynamicSegmentName(), a = e[r].split("-")[0], e[r] = a, n = this._super(e, t), new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(t, s) {
return n.then(function(r) {
var i;
return "no_result" === r.get("id") ? s("No item found for ID " + a) : (i = e[n.get("dynamicSegmentName")], i !== n.get("slug") && (e[n.get("dynamicSegmentName")] = n.get("slug")), t(r))
}, function(e) {
return s(e)
},serialize: function(e) {
var t;
return t = {}, t[e.get("dynamicSegmentName")] = e.get("slug"), t
},renderTemplate: function() {
return this.render("itunes_item/page", {controller: this.controllerFor("itunesItem")})
},setupController: function(e, t) {
return this.controllerFor("itunesItem").set("content", t), this.controllerFor("itunesItem").loadMoreIfLast(), this._super.apply(this, arguments)
}}), App.ItunesItemIndexRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({model: function(e, t) {
var s;
return s = t.targetName.split(".")[0], this.modelFor(s)
},activate: function() {
return this.set("searchScrollY", 0), this._super()
},renderTemplate: function(e) {
var t, s;
return this.render("itunes_item/_subnav", {controller: this.controllerFor("itunesItem"),into: "application",outlet: "header"}), s = "itunes_item/_header", t = "" + this.get("controller.model.templateName") + "/header", t in Ember.TEMPLATES && (s = t), this.render(e.get("headerTemplate"), {controller: this.controllerFor("itunesItem"),into: "itunes_item/page",outlet: "header"}), this.renderBody(this.controllerFor("itunesItem"))
},renderBody: function() {
var e, t;
return t = "itunes_item/body", e = this.get("controller.model.templateName"), e in Ember.TEMPLATES && (t = e), this.render(t, {controller: this.controllerFor("itunesItem"),into: "itunes_item/page",outlet: "body"})
},actions: {showReviews: function() {
var e;
return e = this.controllerFor("itunesItem"), e.set("isShowingReviews", !0), this.render("itunes_item/_reviews", {controller: e,into: "itunes_item/page",outlet: "body"})
},showDetails: function() {
var e;
return e = this.controllerFor("itunesItem"), e.set("isShowingReviews", !1), this.renderBody()
},didTransition: function() {
var e;
return e = this.controllerFor("itunes_item").get("content"), this.get("env").setTitle(e.get("pageTitle")), !0
}}}), App.ItunesItem.MODELS.forEach(function(e) {
return App["" + e + "Route"] = App.ItunesItemRoute, App["" + e + "IndexRoute"] = App.ItunesItemIndexRoute
}), require.register("routes/itunes_item/association", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ItunesItemAssociationRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({model: function(e, t) {
var s, r, a, n;
return n = t.targetName.split(".")[0], s = e.media_type_id, r = this.get("store").getById("mediaType", s), a = this.modelFor(n), r || null == a || (App.Logger.error("Invalid media type or parent for association '" + s + "'"), this.replaceWith(a.get("routeName"), a)), Ember.Object.create({parent: this.modelFor(n),mediaType: r})
},renderTemplate: function() {
return this.render("itunes_item/association", {controller: this.controllerFor("itunes_item_association"),into: "itunes_item/page",outlet: "body"})
},setupController: function(e, t) {
return this.controllerFor("itunes_item_association").set("content", t), this.controllerFor("itunes_item_association").loadInitalResults()
},actions: {didTransition: function() {
var e, t, s, r;
return e = this.controllerFor("itunes_item.association"), s = e.get("parent"), t = e.get("mediaType"), r = "" + t.get("pluralName") + " by " + s.get("name"), this.get("env").setTitle(r), !0
}}}), App.ItunesItem.MODELS.forEach(function(e) {
return App["" + e + "AssociationRoute"] = App.ItunesItemAssociationRoute
}), require.register("routes/missing", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.MissingRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({afterModel: function(e) {
return App.Logger.error("Missing route " + (null != e ? e.missing : void 0))
},setupController: function(e) {
return e.set("url", window.location.href)
}), require.register("routes/screenshots", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ItunesItemScreenshotsRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({scrollOnLoad: !1,model: function(e) {
return Ember.Object.create({type: e.type,number: parseInt(e.screenshot_number, 10)})
},renderTemplate: function() {
return this.render("itunes_item/screenshots_overlay", {into: "application",outlet: "modal",controller: this.controllerFor("itunesItemScreenshots")})
},setupController: function(e, t) {
return this.controllerFor("itunesItemScreenshots").set("content", t)
}}), App.ItunesItem.MODELS.forEach(function(e) {
var t;
return t = App[e], (null != t ? t.hasScreenshots : void 0) ? App["" + e + "ScreenshotsRoute"] = App.ItunesItemScreenshotsRoute : void 0
}), require.register("routes/search", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n, i, o;
a = "(?:id(\\d+)|i=(\\d+))", r = new RegExp(a, "gi"), n = t("config/environment"), i = t("utils/normalize_term"), o = function(e, t) {
return Ember.isEmpty(e) ? n.setTitle(t.get("pluralName")) : t.get("isAll") ? n.setTitle(e, {quoted: !0}) : n.setTitle('"' + e + '" in ' + t.get("pluralName"))
}, s.exports = App.SearchRoute = App.FndRoute.extend({shouldShowHeader: !1,transitionToId: function(e) {
var t, s, r;
for (r = new RegExp(a, "gi"); s = r.exec(e); )
t = s[1] || s[2];
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(e) {
return function(s, r) {
return e.get("store").find("itunesItemResult", t).then(function(t) {
var s;
return s = t.get("actualResult"), s ? e.replaceWith(s.get("routeName"), s) : r("Invalid ID")
}, r("Invalid ID"))
},model: function(e) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(t) {
return function(s) {
var a, n, i, o;
return a = e.mediaType, i = null != a ? a.toLowerCase() : void 0, i !== a ? t.transitionTo("search", {queryParams: {mediaType: i,term: e.term}}) : (n = t.get("store").getById("search", a)) ? (o = e.term, r.test(o) ? t.transitionToId(o).then(Ember.K, function() {
return s(n)
}) : s(n)) : (App.Logger.error("Invalid media type " + a), t.transitionTo("search", {queryParams: {mediaType: "all",term: e.term}}))
},renderTemplate: function(e, t) {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments), this.render("search/_header", {outlet: "header",into: "application",controller: this.controllerFor("search")}), t.get("multipleSearch") ? this.render("results/many", {outlet: "results",into: "search",controller: this.controllerFor("search_multiple")}) : this.render("results/single", {outlet: "results",into: "search",controller: e})
},actions: {search: function(e) {
return e = i(e), Ember.isEmpty(e) ? void 0 : this.transitionTo("search", {queryParams: {term: e}})
},didTransition: function() {
var e;
return e = this.modelFor("search"), e.get("multipleSearch") ? this.controllerFor("search_multiple").runSearch() : this.controllerFor("search").runSearch(), o(this.controllerFor("search").get("searchTerm"), e), !0
},queryParamsDidChange: function() {
return this.router.router.refresh(this).method("updateURL")
}), require.register("serializers/chart_result", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = 0, s.exports = App.ChartResultSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({extractArray: function(e, t, s, a, n) {
var i, o, h;
return h = {}, i = Ember.makeArray(s.feed.entry), o = i.mapProperty(""), h.chartResults = [{id: "chart-results-" + (r += 1),results: o}], this._super(e, t, h, a, n)
},extractMeta: function(e, t, s) {
var r;
return r = Ember.get(s, "feed.entry.length"), null == r && (r = 0), e.metaForType(t, {resultCount: r})
}), require.register("serializers/itunes_item", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a;
a = t("utils/itunes"), r = {album: "collectionId",artist: "artistId",_artist: "artistId",author: "artistId",softwareDeveloper: "artistId",tvShow: "artistId",podcaster: "artistId",tvSeason: "collectionId",studio: "artistId"}, s.exports = App.ItunesItemSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({normalize: function(e, t, s) {
return t.links = {}, e.eachRelationship(function(e, s) {
return s.options.alwaysLoad ? t.links[e] = !0 : void 0
}), this._super(e, t, s)
},keyForRelationship: function(e) {
return r[e] ? r[e] : e
},createItunesItemResult: function(e, t) {
return {id:,actualResult:,actualResultType: t}
},extractSingle: function(e, t, s, r, n) {
var i, o, h;
return (o = s.results[0]) ? ( = a.extractId(o), t === App.ItunesItemResult ? (h = a.typeForResult(o), i = {}, i.itunesItemResult = this.createItunesItemResult(o, h), i[h.pluralize()] = [o]) : (i = {}, i[t.typeKey] = o), this._super(e, t, i, r, n)) : {id: "no_result"}
},extractArray: function(e, t, s, r, n) {
var i, o;
return i = [], o = s.results.reduce(function(e) {
return function(s, r) {
var n, o;
return = a.extractId(r), i.contains( ? s : (i.pushObject(, o = a.typeForResult(r), null == o ? s : (t === App.ItunesItemResult && (n = e.createItunesItemResult(r, o), s.itunesItemResult.pushObject(n)), o in s || (s[o] = []), s[o].pushObject(r), s))
}(this), {itunesItemResult: []}), t.typeKey in o || (o[t.typeKey] = []), this._super(e, t, o, r, n)
},extractMeta: function(e, t, s) {
return s && s.resultCount ? (e.metaForType(t, {resultCount: s.resultCount}), delete s.resultCount) : void 0
}), require.register("serializers/review", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ReviewSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({extractArray: function(e, t, s, r, a) {
var n, i;
return n = {reviews: []}, Ember.get(s, "feed.entry") && (i = s.feed.entry.slice(1, +s.feed.entry.length + 1 || 9e9), n = {reviews: {
var t;
return =, e.title = e.title.label, e.content = e.content.label, e.rating = e["im:rating"].label, e.version = null != (t = e["im:version"]) ? t.label : void 0, e.authorName =, e.authorUri =, e.voteSum = e["im:voteSum"].label, e.voteCount = e["im:voteCount"].label, e
})}), this._super(e, t, n, r, a)
}), require.register("serializers/rotten_tomatoes_listing", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.RottenTomatoesListingSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({extractArray: function(e, t, s, r, a) {
var n, i;
return i = Ember.get(s, "movies"), n = {rottenTomatoesListings: []}, Ember.isEmpty(i) || (n.rottenTomatoesListings = {
return e.criticsRating = e.ratings.critics_rating, e.criticsScore = e.ratings.critics_score, e.url = e.links.alternate, e
})), this._super(e, t, n, r, a)
}), require.register("serializers/youtube_result", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.YoutubeResultSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({extractArray: function(e, t, s, r, a) {
var n, i;
return i = Ember.get(s, "feed.entry"), n = {youtubeResults: []}, Ember.isEmpty(i) || (n.youtubeResults = {
return {id:$t,title: e.title.$t,link:[0].href,published: e.published.$t}
})), this._super(e, t, n, r, a)
}), require.register("templates/_help", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES._help = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<p class="l-sp-above--lg">\n '), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t, t],types: ["STRING", "STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "We've", "about", i) :, "link-to", "We've", "about", i)))), a.buffer.push(' been notified.\n <span class="l-ds-ib">\n <a href=""\n target="_blank">\n Tweet @tryfnd\n </a>\n if you need help.\n </span>\n</p>\n'), o
}), require.register("templates/_itunes_item", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES._itunes_item = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = this.escapeExpression, p = s.helperMissing;
return a.buffer.push('<a href="'), a.buffer.push(h(, "fndUrlWithSlug", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('" class="pull-left">\n <img class="media-object ii-icon ii-icon--small '), a.buffer.push(h(, "cssClass", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('"\n src="'), a.buffer.push(h(, "imageUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('"\n alt="'), a.buffer.push(h(, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('" />\n</a>\n<div class="media-body cr-pointer">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="media-heading ii-media-heading col-xs-8 col-sm-10">\n <a href="'), a.buffer.push(h(, "fndUrlWithSlug", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('">\n '), a.buffer.push(h((n = s["ii-name"] || t && t["ii-name"], i = {hash: {title: "name",subtitle: "subtitle","class": "ii-name"},hashTypes: {title: "ID",subtitle: "ID","class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {title: t,subtitle: t,"class": t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-name", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n </a>\n <div "), a.buffer.push(h(, "goToItem", "", {hash: {on: "click"},hashTypes: {on: "STRING"},hashContexts: {on: t},contexts: [t, t],types: ["ID", "ID"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(' class="text-muted ii-iimetadata">\n '), a.buffer.push(h((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}, n ?, "iiMetadataTemplate", i) :, "partial", "iiMetadataTemplate", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-2 ii-action-wrapper ii-action-wrapper--center">\n <div class="ii-action ii-action--center">\n '), a.buffer.push(h((n = s["itunes-button"] || t && t["itunes-button"], i = {hash: {url: "affiliateUrl",text: "actionText",badgeTemplate: "badgeTemplate",availability: "availability"},hashTypes: {url: "ID",text: "ID",badgeTemplate: "ID",availability: "ID"},hashContexts: {url: t,text: t,badgeTemplate: t,availability: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "itunes-button", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/_podcast_episode_item", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES._podcast_episode_item = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <a "), t.buffer.push(u(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {href: "episodePageUrl"},hashTypes: {href: "STRING"},hashContexts: {href: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('\n class="btn-podcast-site btn btn-default l-sp-left"\n target="_blank">\n Episode Site <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i>\n </a>\n '), r
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = this.escapeExpression, l = s.helperMissing, c = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="media-body l-sp-below">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n <h2 class="media-heading">\n '), a.buffer.push(u((o = s["ii-name"] || t && t["ii-name"], h = {hash: {title: "name",subtitle: "subtitle","class": "ii-name",allowFullName: !0},hashTypes: {title: "ID",subtitle: "ID","class": "STRING",allowFullName: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {title: t,subtitle: t,"class": t,allowFullName: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, o ?, h) :, "ii-name", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n </h2>\n <span class="text-muted">\n Released '), i =, "fromReleaseDate", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push(" ("), i =, "formattedReleaseDate", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push(')\n </span>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-sm-6">\n <audio '), a.buffer.push(u(s["bind-attr"].call(t, {hash: {src: "episodeUrl"},hashTypes: {src: "ID"},hashContexts: {src: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(' preload="none" controls="controls"></audio>\n </div>\n <div class="col-sm-6 podcast-buttons">\n '), a.buffer.push(u((o = s["itunes-button"] || t && t["itunes-button"], h = {hash: {url: "affiliateUrl",text: "actionText",availability: "availability",badgeTemplate: "badgeTemplate","class": "ii-action--compact"},hashTypes: {url: "ID",text: "ID",availability: "ID",badgeTemplate: "ID","class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {url: t,text: t,availability: t,badgeTemplate: t,"class": t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, o ?, h) :, "itunes-button", h)))), a.buffer.push("\n "), i = s["if"].call(t, "hasEpisodePageUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n '), a.buffer.push(u((o = s["itunes-description"] || t && t["itunes-description"], h = {hash: {description: "description",noHeader: !0,noDivider: !0},hashTypes: {description: "ID",noHeader: "BOOLEAN",noDivider: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {description: t,noHeader: t,noDivider: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, o ?, h) :, "itunes-description", h)))), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/about", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.about = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="media">\n <a class="pull-left" href="'), t.buffer.push(p(, "twitterUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('" target="_blank">\n <img class="media-object about-person-image"\n src="'), t.buffer.push(p(, "photoUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('"\n alt="'), t.buffer.push(p(, "firstName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('">\n </a>\n <div class="media-body">\n <h3 class="media-heading">\n '), r =, "firstName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push(" "), r =, "lastName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('\n <span class="text-muted">'), r =, "jobTitle", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('</span>\n </h3>\n <h4>\n <a href="'), t.buffer.push(p(, "twitterUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('" target="_blank">\n @'), r =, "twitterUsername", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </a>\n </h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n "), a
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <li>\n <div class="about-technology">\n <a href="'), t.buffer.push(p(, "url", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('" target="_blank">\n <img src="'), t.buffer.push(p(, "logoUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('" alt="'), t.buffer.push(p(, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('">\n </a>\n <div class="text-center about-technology-name">\n <a href="'), t.buffer.push(p(, "url", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('" target="_blank">'), r =, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("</a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n "), a
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var o, h = "", p = this.escapeExpression, u = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="pagebody">\n <h1 class="page-title">About</h1>\n\n <div class="about-row">\n <h2>The Creators</h2>\n\n '), o =, {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: u.noop,fn: u.program(1, n, a),contexts: [],types: [],data: a}), (o || 0 === o) && a.buffer.push(o), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n\n <div class="about-row">\n <h2>Technologies</h2>\n <ul class="about-technologies list-inline l-sp-below">\n '), o =, "technologies", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: u.noop,fn: u.program(3, i, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (o || 0 === o) && a.buffer.push(o), a.buffer.push('\n </ul>\n </div>\n\n <div class="about-row">\n <h2>\n Contact\n </h2>\n Tweet\n <a href="" target="_blank" title="twitter">\n @tryfnd</a>\n or fill out the\n <a href=""\n target="_blank">\n contact form</a>\n to get in touch.\n </div>\n\n <div class="about-row">\n <h2>Miscellaneous</h2>\n <p>\n fnd makes use of the\n <a href="" target="_blank">\n iTunes Affiliate Program</a>.\n </p>\n <p>\n iTunes, App Store, iPhone, iPad, iBooks, and Mac are trademarks of Apple\n Inc. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in\n the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.\n </p>\n </div>\n\n <div class="about-row">\n <h2>Attribution</h2>\n <p>Tomato designed by Okan Benn from the Noun Project.</p>\n </div>\n\n <div class="about-row">\n <h2>Privacy</h2>\n <p>\n See our\n <a href=""\n class="iubenda-white iubenda-embed"\n title="Privacy Policy"\n target="_blank">\n Privacy Policy</a>.\n </p>\n </div>\n</div>\n'), h
}), require.register("templates/album", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.album = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "songs-and-music-videos",parent: "model",initialResults: 100,showTrackNumbers: !0},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID",initialResults: "INTEGER",showTrackNumbers: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t,initialResults: t,showTrackNumbers: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i) :, "partial", "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/album/_ii_metadata", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["album/_ii_metadata"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push("<div>\n Album by "), n =, "artistName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n<div>\n "), n =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/album/_metadata1", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["album/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), n =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push(" by\n "), a.buffer.push(u((i = s["ii-creator"] || t && t["ii-creator"], o = {hash: {creatorKey: "artist",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {creatorKey: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {creatorKey: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, i ?, o) :, "ii-creator", o)))), a.buffer.push('\n</div>\n<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), n =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/app", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<hr class="page-divider">\n\n<div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n '), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["app-screenshots"] || t && t["app-screenshots"], i = {hash: {iphoneScreenshots: "iphoneScreenshots",ipadScreenshots: "ipadScreenshots",macScreenshots: "macScreenshots",search: "search",model: "content"},hashTypes: {iphoneScreenshots: "ID",ipadScreenshots: "ID",macScreenshots: "ID",search: "ID",model: "ID"},hashContexts: {iphoneScreenshots: t,ipadScreenshots: t,macScreenshots: t,search: t,model: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "app-screenshots", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n</div>\n\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i) :, "partial", "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["itunes-description"] || t && t["itunes-description"], i = {hash: {description: "description"},hashTypes: {description: "ID"},hashContexts: {description: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "itunes-description", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/app/_ii_metadata", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["app/_ii_metadata"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <div>\n "), r =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(l((a = s["device-icons"] || e && e["device-icons"], n = {hash: {isIphone: "isIphone",isIpad: "isIpad",isMac: "isMac"},hashTypes: {isIphone: "ID",isIpad: "ID",isMac: "ID"},hashContexts: {isIphone: e,isIpad: e,isMac: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, a ?, n) :, "device-icons", n)))), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n\n <div>\n "), t.buffer.push(l((a = s["star-rating"] || e && e["star-rating"], n = {hash: {value: "rating",ratings: "ratingCount",variation: "sm"},hashTypes: {value: "ID",ratings: "ID",variation: "STRING"},hashContexts: {value: e,ratings: e,variation: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, a ?, n) :, "star-rating", n)))), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n"), i
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = s.helperMissing, l = this.escapeExpression, c = this, d = "function", m = s.blockHelperMissing;
return h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, (o = ? i =, h) : (o = t &&, i = typeof o === d ?, h) : o), || (i =, "group", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [],types: [],data: a})), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/app/_metadata1", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["app/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <a "), t.buffer.push(u(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {href: "sellerUrl"},hashTypes: {href: "ID"},hashContexts: {href: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(' class="ii-developerlink" target="_blank"\n rel="nofollow">\n App Website\n <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i>\n <div>\n <span class="text-muted">'), r =, "sellerDomain", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("</span>\n </div>\n </a>\n"), a
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = this.escapeExpression, l = s.helperMissing, c = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), i =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push(" by\n "), a.buffer.push(u((o = s["ii-creator"] || t && t["ii-creator"], h = {hash: {creatorKey: "softwareDeveloper",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {creatorKey: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {creatorKey: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, o ?, h) :, "ii-creator", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n</div>\n\n<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), i =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n\n"), i = s["if"].call(t, "hasSellerUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/app/_metadata2", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["app/_metadata2"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push('<div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n <div>\n Version '), n =, "version", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n <span>\n First released "), n =, "fromReleaseDate", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push(" ("), n =, "formattedReleaseDate", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push(")\n </span>\n </div>\n</div>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/app/_metadata3", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["app/_metadata3"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s["star-rating"] || t && t["star-rating"], i = {hash: {value: "rating",ratings: "ratingCount",showNone: !0},hashTypes: {value: "ID",ratings: "ID",showNone: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {value: t,ratings: t,showNone: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "star-rating", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/application", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.application = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(l((r = s["fnd-header"] || e && e["fnd-header"], a = {hash: {isMenuOpen: !1,logoClicked: "goHome",buttonClicked: "showMenu"},hashTypes: {isMenuOpen: "BOOLEAN",logoClicked: "STRING",buttonClicked: "STRING"},hashContexts: {isMenuOpen: e,logoClicked: e,buttonClicked: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "fnd-header", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n "), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = s.helperMissing, l = this.escapeExpression, c = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="app-main">\n <div class="app-row--full container">\n '), i = s["if"].call(t, "shouldShowHeader", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n\n <div class="app-row--full container container--nopadding">\n '), a.buffer.push(l((o = s.outlet || t && t.outlet, h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, o ?, "header", h) :, "outlet", "header", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n\n <div class="app-row--full container">\n <div class="app-body row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n '), i =, "outlet", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n\n"), a.buffer.push(l((o = s.outlet || t && t.outlet, h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, o ?, "modal", h) :, "outlet", "modal", h)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), a.buffer.push(l((o = s.outlet || t && t.outlet, h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, o ?, "menuModal", h) :, "outlet", "menuModal", h)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(l((o = s.partial || t && t.partial, h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, o ?, "footer", h) :, "partial", "footer", h)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/artist", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.artist = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "albums",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "songs",parent: "model",hideTrackNumbers: !0},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID",hideTrackNumbers: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t,hideTrackNumbers: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "music-videos",parent: "model",hideTrackNumbers: !0},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID",hideTrackNumbers: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t,hideTrackNumbers: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "movies",parent: "model",hideTrackNumbers: !0},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID",hideTrackNumbers: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t,hideTrackNumbers: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "books",parent: "model",hideTrackNumbers: !0},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID",hideTrackNumbers: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t,hideTrackNumbers: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "audiobooks",parent: "model",hideTrackNumbers: !0},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID",hideTrackNumbers: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t,hideTrackNumbers: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/artist/_ii_metadata", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["artist/_ii_metadata"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push("<div>\n "), n =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n<div>\n "), n =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/artist/_metadata1", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["artist/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return n =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/audiobook", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.audiobook = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <hr class="page-divider">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12"><h3>Preview</h3></div>\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n <audio '), t.buffer.push(u(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {src: "previewUrl"},hashTypes: {src: "ID"},hashContexts: {src: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(' preload="none" controls="controls"\n class="track-preview"></audio>\n </div>\n </div>\n'), r
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = this.escapeExpression, l = this, c = s.helperMissing;
return i = s["if"].call(t, "previewUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: l.noop,fn: l.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(u((o = s["itunes-description"] || t && t["itunes-description"], h = {hash: {description: "description"},hashTypes: {description: "ID"},hashContexts: {description: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, o ?, h) :, "itunes-description", h)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(u((o = s.partial || t && t.partial, h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, o ?, "itunes_item/_youtube_results", h) :, "partial", "itunes_item/_youtube_results", h)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/audiobook/_ii_metadata", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["audiobook/_ii_metadata"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push("<div>\n "), n =, "mediaType.shortNameOrName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push(" by "), n =, "authorName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/audiobook/_metadata1", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["audiobook/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "book/metadata1", i) :, "partial", "book/metadata1", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/author", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "books",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "audiobooks",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/book", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s["itunes-description"] || t && t["itunes-description"], i = {hash: {description: "description"},hashTypes: {description: "ID"},hashContexts: {description: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "itunes-description", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i) :, "partial", "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/book/_ii_metadata", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["book/_ii_metadata"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push("<div>\n "), n =, "mediaType.shortNameOrName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push(" by "), n =, "authorName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n<div>\n "), a.buffer.push(u((i = s["star-rating"] || t && t["star-rating"], o = {hash: {value: "rating",ratings: "ratingCount"},hashTypes: {value: "ID",ratings: "ID"},hashContexts: {value: t,ratings: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, i ?, o) :, "star-rating", o)))), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/book/_metadata1", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["book/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression;
return n =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\nby\n"), a.buffer.push(u((i = s["ii-creator"] || t && t["ii-creator"], o = {hash: {creatorKey: "author",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {creatorKey: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {creatorKey: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, i ?, o) :, "ii-creator", o)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/book/_metadata3", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["book/_metadata3"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s["star-rating"] || t && t["star-rating"], i = {hash: {value: "rating",ratings: "ratingCount",showNone: !0},hashTypes: {value: "ID",ratings: "ID",showNone: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {value: t,ratings: t,showNone: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "star-rating", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/bookmarklet", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.bookmarklet = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push("<h2>\n Install the "), a.buffer.push(u((i = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], o = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t, t, t],types: ["ID", "STRING", "ID"],data: a}, i ?, "title", "integration", "integration", o) :, "link-to", "title", "integration", "integration", o)))), a.buffer.push(' Bookmarklet\n</h2>\n\n<div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-12">\n <ol>\n <li>\n <p>\n <strong>Tap</strong> inside the field below. <strong>Tap</strong>\n again and <strong>hold</strong>. Tap <strong>Select All</strong>.\n Tap <strong>Copy</strong>.\n </p>\n <input class="form-control input-lg" value="'), a.buffer.push(u(, "code", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('"></input>\n </li>\n <li><p>Tap the <strong>Share Icon</strong>.</p></li>\n <li><p>Tap <strong>Bookmark</strong>.</p></li>\n <li><p>Tap <strong>Save</strong>.</p></li>\n <li>\n <p>Open <strong>Bookmarks</strong> by tapping the bookmarks icon.</p>\n </li>\n <li>\n <p>Tap <strong>Edit</strong> then tap <strong>'), n =, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("</strong>.</p>\n </li>\n <li>\n <p>\n <strong>Tap</strong> the second field, that starts with\n <strong>"), n =, "env.url", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("</strong>. <strong>Tap</strong> again and\n <strong>hold</strong>. Tap <strong>Select All</strong>. Tap\n <strong>Paste</strong>.\n </p>\n </li>\n <li><p>Tap <strong>Bookmarks</strong> in the top left.</p></li>\n <li>\n <p>Tap <strong>Done</strong>. Tap <strong>Done</strong> again.</p>\n </li>\n <li>\n <strong>You're done!</strong> Go back into Bookmarks and give it a try.\n </li>\n </ol>\n <em class=\"text-muted\">\n Rejoice if you were succesful on the first try. You're smarter than 99.8%\n of Internet users.\n </em>\n </div>\n</div>\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/chart", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.chart = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="page-body">\n '), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.outlet || t && t.outlet, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "header", i) :, "outlet", "header", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n <hr class="page-divider page-divider--nospace l-pad-v--sm"/>\n\n '), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["paginated-results"] || t && t["paginated-results"], i = {hash: {model: "fetcher",defaultSetsDesired: 1,showRank: !0},hashTypes: {model: "ID",defaultSetsDesired: "INTEGER",showRank: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {model: t,defaultSetsDesired: t,showRank: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "paginated-results", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/charts", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.charts = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.outlet || t && t.outlet, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "header", i) :, "outlet", "header", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.outlet || t && t.outlet, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "chart", i) :, "outlet", "chart", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/charts/_edit", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["charts/_edit"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(u(, "Ember.Select", {hash: {content: "chartTypes",optionValuePath: "",optionLabelPath: "",value: "chartTypeId"},hashTypes: {content: "ID",optionValuePath: "STRING",optionLabelPath: "STRING",value: "ID"},hashContexts: {content: e,optionValuePath: e,optionLabelPath: e,value: e},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push("\n "), r
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function o(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="chart-select-row">\n <span>in</span>\n '), t.buffer.push(u(, "Ember.Select", {hash: {content: "genres",optionValuePath: "",optionLabelPath: "",value: "genreId"},hashTypes: {content: "ID",optionValuePath: "STRING",optionLabelPath: "STRING",value: "ID"},hashContexts: {content: e,optionValuePath: e,optionLabelPath: e,value: e},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n "), r
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var h, p = "", u = this.escapeExpression, l = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="page-body">\n <div class="chart-select">\n <div class="chart-select-row">\n '), a.buffer.push(u(, "Ember.Select", {hash: {content: "mediaTypes",optionValuePath: "",optionLabelPath: "content.pluralName",value: "mediaTypeId"},hashTypes: {content: "ID",optionValuePath: "STRING",optionLabelPath: "STRING",value: "ID"},hashContexts: {content: t,optionValuePath: t,optionLabelPath: t,value: t},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n\n <div class="chart-select-row">\n that are\n\n '), h = s["if"].call(t, "hasMoreThanOneChartType", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: l.program(3, i, a),fn: l.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (h || 0 === h) && a.buffer.push(h), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n\n "), h = s["if"].call(t, "hasGenres", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: l.noop,fn: l.program(5, o, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (h || 0 === h) && a.buffer.push(h), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n</div>\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/compilation", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.compilation = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "album", i) :, "partial", "album", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/components/app-screenshot", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/app-screenshot"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
t.buffer.push('\n <div class="app-screenshot app-screenshot-placeholder">\n </div>\n')
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "shouldLink", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: d.program(7, p, t),fn: d.program(4, o, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n"), a
function o(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {replace: !0},hashTypes: {replace: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {replace: e},inverse: d.noop,fn: d.program(5, h, t),contexts: [e, e, e],types: ["ID", "ID", "ID"],data: t}, r = a ?, "routeName", "type", "index", n) :, "link-to", "routeName", "type", "index", n), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), i
function h(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <img "), t.buffer.push(c(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {src: "image.url",alt: "title","class": "imageClass"},hashTypes: {src: "ID",alt: "ID","class": "ID"},hashContexts: {src: e,alt: e,"class": e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(" />\n "), r
function p(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <img "), t.buffer.push(c(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {src: "image.url",alt: "title","class": "imageClass"},hashTypes: {src: "ID",alt: "ID","class": "ID"},hashContexts: {src: e,alt: e,"class": e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(" />\n "), r
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var u, l = "", c = this.escapeExpression, d = this, m = s.helperMissing;
return u = s["if"].call(t, "isLoading", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: d.program(3, i, a),fn: d.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (u || 0 === u) && a.buffer.push(u), a.buffer.push("\n"), l
}), require.register("templates/components/app-screenshots", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/app-screenshots"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "hasIphoneAndIpad", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.noop,fn: f.program(2, i, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('\n <div class="app-screenshots-wrapper">\n <div '), t.buffer.push(m(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {"class": ":app-screenshots cssClass"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(">\n "), r =, "screenshotsWithIndex", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.noop,fn: f.program(10, l, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n"), a
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <h3 class="app-screenshots-header">\n '), r =, "screenshotChoices", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.noop,fn: f.program(3, o, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </h3>\n "), a
function o(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "isSelected", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.program(6, p, t),fn: f.program(4, h, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), r =, "isLast", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.noop,fn: f.program(8, u, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function h(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r =, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push(" Screenshots\n "), a
function p(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <a "), t.buffer.push(m(, "switch", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(' href="#">'), r =, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push(" Screenshots</a>\n "), a
function u(e, t) {
t.buffer.push(" | ")
function l(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(m((r = s["app-screenshot"] || e && e["app-screenshot"], a = {hash: {screenshot: "screenshot",index: "index",type: "type",preferredSize: "small",model: "model"},hashTypes: {screenshot: "ID",index: "ID",type: "ID",preferredSize: "STRING",model: "ID"},hashContexts: {screenshot: e,index: e,type: e,preferredSize: e,model: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "app-screenshot", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n "), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var c, d = "", m = this.escapeExpression, f = this, g = s.helperMissing;
return c = s["if"].call(t, "hasScreenshots", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.noop,fn: f.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (c || 0 === c) && a.buffer.push(c), a.buffer.push("\n"), d
}), require.register("templates/components/did-you-mean", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/did-you-mean"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push("Did you mean &ldquo;<strong>"), i = s["query-params"] || t && t["query-params"], o = {hash: {term: "term"},hashTypes: {term: "ID"},hashContexts: {term: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n = i ?, o) :, "query-params", o), a.buffer.push(u((i = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], o = {hash: {classNameBindings: "linkClass"},hashTypes: {classNameBindings: "STRING"},hashContexts: {classNameBindings: t},contexts: [t, t, t],types: ["ID", "STRING", "sexpr"],data: a}, i ?, "term", "search", n, o) :, "link-to", "term", "search", n, o)))), a.buffer.push("</strong>&rdquo;?\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/components/fnd-header", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/fnd-header"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <a href="" target="_blank" title="twitter"\n class="header-twitter-icon">\n '), t.buffer.push(d((r = s.partial || e && e.partial, a = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["STRING"],data: t}, r ?, "image/twitter", a) :, "partial", "image/twitter", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n </a>\n "), n
function i(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <a "), t.buffer.push(d(, "headerButtonClicked", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["STRING"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(' title="close"\n class="navbar-btn header-icon-btn"\n href="#">\n '), t.buffer.push(d((r = s.partial || e && e.partial, a = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["STRING"],data: t}, r ?, "svg/close", a) :, "partial", "svg/close", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n </a>\n "), n
function o(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <a href="#" '), t.buffer.push(d(, "headerButtonClicked", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["STRING"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(' title="menu"\n class="navbar-btn header-icon-btn">\n '), t.buffer.push(d((r = s.partial || e && e.partial, a = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["STRING"],data: t}, r ?, "svg/menu", a) :, "partial", "svg/menu", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n </a>\n "), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var h, p, u, l = "", c = s.helperMissing, d = this.escapeExpression, m = this;
return a.buffer.push("<div "), a.buffer.push(d(s["bind-attr"].call(t, {hash: {"class": ":header-wrapper noMargin:header--nomargin :row"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(">\n <div "), a.buffer.push(d(s["bind-attr"].call(t, {hash: {"class": ":header isTransparent:header--transparent isUnderline:header--underline :col-xs-12"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('>\n <div class="header-left navbar-form">\n '), h = s["if"].call(t, "isMenuOpen", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (h || 0 === h) && a.buffer.push(h), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n\n <div class="header-center">\n <a href="#/" '), a.buffer.push(d(, "logoClicked", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(' class="header-logo btn-block">\n <span class="logo logo--small" alt="logo for fnd">\n '), a.buffer.push(d((p = s.partial || t && t.partial, u = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, p ?, "svg/logo", u) :, "partial", "svg/logo", u)))), a.buffer.push('\n </span>\n </a>\n </div>\n\n <div class="header-right">\n '), h = s["if"].call(t, "isMenuOpen", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.program(5, o, a),fn: m.program(3, i, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (h || 0 === h) && a.buffer.push(h), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n"), l
}), require.register("templates/components/fnd-search", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/fnd-search"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n = "", i = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<input class="form-control fnd-search-input"\n '), a.buffer.push(i(s["bind-attr"].call(t, {hash: {placeholder: "placeholder"},hashTypes: {placeholder: "ID"},hashContexts: {placeholder: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('\n title="Search fnd"\n type="text">\n<span class="input-group-btn">\n <button href="#" class="btn btn-search fnd-search-btn" type="submit">\n Search\n </button>\n</span>\n'), n
}), require.register("templates/components/ii-creator", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/ii-creator"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(u((r = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], a = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e, e, e],types: ["ID", "ID", "ID"],data: t}, r ?, "", "creator.routeName", "creator", a) :, "link-to", "", "creator.routeName", "creator", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n"), n
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r =, "creatorName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n"), a
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression, l = this;
return o = s["if"].call(t, "creator.isLoaded", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: l.program(3, i, a),fn: l.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (o || 0 === o) && a.buffer.push(o), a.buffer.push("\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/components/ii-list", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/ii-list"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="text-muted l-sp-above">\n Loading '), r =, "pluralLowerCaseName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("...\n </div>\n "), a
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "fetcher.hasResults", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.program(8, u, t),fn: f.program(4, o, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function o(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <h2 class="beta">'), t.buffer.push(m((a = s.pluralize || e && e.pluralize, n = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e, e],types: ["ID", "ID"],data: t}, a ?, "fetcher.results", "name", n) :, "pluralize", "fetcher.results", "name", n)))), t.buffer.push('</h2>\n <ul class="ii-list media-list">\n '), t.buffer.push(m((a = s["ii-set"] || e && e["ii-set"], n = {hash: {set: "fetcher.firstResultSet",showTrackNumbers: "showTrackNumbers"},hashTypes: {set: "ID",showTrackNumbers: "ID"},hashContexts: {set: e,showTrackNumbers: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, a ?, n) :, "ii-set", n)))), t.buffer.push("\n </ul>\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "mayHaveMoreResults", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.noop,fn: f.program(5, h, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), i
function h(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n '), a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {"class": "search-more"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},inverse: f.noop,fn: f.program(6, p, t),contexts: [e, e],types: ["ID", "ID"],data: t}, r = a ?, "routeName", "routeModel", n) :, "link-to", "routeName", "routeModel", n), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n "), i
function p(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n More "), t.buffer.push(m((r = s.pluralize || e && e.pluralize, a = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}, r ?, "name", a) :, "pluralize", "name", a)))), t.buffer.push(' <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>\n '), n
function u(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="text-muted l-sp-above">\n No '), r =, "pluralLowerCaseName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push(" found for "), r =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push(".\n </div>\n "), a
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var l, c = "", d = s.helperMissing, m = this.escapeExpression, f = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n '), l = s["if"].call(t, "fetcher.isFetching", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.program(3, i, a),fn: f.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (l || 0 === l) && a.buffer.push(l), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n</div>\n"), c
}), require.register("templates/components/ii-set", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/ii-set"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
t.buffer.push("\n <li><hr></li>\n")
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["with"].call(e, "item", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.programWithDepth(4, o, t, e),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n"), a
function o(e, t, r) {
var a, n, i, o = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <li class="ii-row media">\n '), a = s["if"].call(e, "controller.showTrackNumbers", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(5, h, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (a || 0 === a) && t.buffer.push(a), t.buffer.push("\n "), a = s["if"].call(e, "controller.showRank", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.programWithDepth(10, l, t, r),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (a || 0 === a) && t.buffer.push(a), t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(g((n = s.partial || e && e.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}, n ?, "itemTemplate", i) :, "partial", "itemTemplate", i)))), t.buffer.push("\n </li>\n "), o
function h(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <span class="ii-number text-muted pull-left">\n '), r = s["if"].call(e, "hasMoreThanOneDisc", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.program(8, u, t),fn: m.program(6, p, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </span>\n "), a
function p(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r =, "discNumber", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("-"), r =, "trackNumber", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function u(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r =, "trackNumber", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function l(e, t, r) {
var a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <span class="ii-number text-muted pull-left">\n '), a =, "position", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [r],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (a || 0 === a) && t.buffer.push(a), t.buffer.push("\n </span>\n "), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var c, d = "", m = this, f = s.helperMissing, g = this.escapeExpression;
return c = s["if"].call(t, "needsDivider", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (c || 0 === c) && a.buffer.push(c), a.buffer.push("\n"), c =, "set.contentWithIndex", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(3, i, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (c || 0 === c) && a.buffer.push(c), a.buffer.push("\n"), d
}), require.register("templates/components/ii-sets", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/ii-sets"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(p((r = s["ii-set"] || e && e["ii-set"], a = {hash: {set: "",showRank: "controller.showRank"},hashTypes: {set: "ID",showRank: "ID"},hashContexts: {set: e,showRank: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "ii-set", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n "), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression, u = this;
return a.buffer.push('<ul class="ii-list media-list">\n '), i =, "sets", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: u.noop,fn: u.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n</ul>\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/components/image-set", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/image-set"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
t.buffer.push('\n <div class="imageset imageset-placeholder">\n </div>\n')
function i(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <img "), t.buffer.push(p(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {src: "image.url",alt: "title","class": "imageClass"},hashTypes: {src: "ID",alt: "ID","class": "ID"},hashContexts: {src: e,alt: e,"class": e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(" />\n"), r
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var o, h = "", p = this.escapeExpression, u = this;
return o = s["if"].call(t, "isLoading", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: u.program(3, i, a),fn: u.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (o || 0 === o) && a.buffer.push(o), a.buffer.push("\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/components/itunes-button", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/itunes-button"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o, h = "", p = this.escapeExpression, u = s.helperMissing;
return a.buffer.push("<a "), a.buffer.push(p(s["bind-attr"].call(t, {hash: {href: "url","class": ":btn :btn-itunes availablityClass"},hashTypes: {href: "ID","class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {href: t,"class": t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(">"), n =, "text", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push('\n<div class="ii-action-badge">\n'), a.buffer.push(p((i = s.partial || t && t.partial, o = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}, i ?, "badgeTemplate", o) :, "partial", "badgeTemplate", o)))), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n</a>\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/components/itunes-description", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/itunes-description"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
t.buffer.push('\n <hr class="page-divider">\n')
function i(e, t) {
t.buffer.push("\n <h3>Description</h3>\n ")
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var o, h = "", p = this, u = this.escapeExpression;
return o =, "noDivider", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: p.noop,fn: p.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (o || 0 === o) && a.buffer.push(o), a.buffer.push('\n<div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n '), o =, "noHeader", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: p.noop,fn: p.program(3, i, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (o || 0 === o) && a.buffer.push(o), a.buffer.push('\n <div class="itunes-description-text">'), a.buffer.push(u(, "description", {hash: {unescaped: "true"},hashTypes: {unescaped: "STRING"},hashContexts: {unescaped: t},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push("</div>\n </div>\n</div>\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/components/itunes-reviews", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/itunes-reviews"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="itunes-reviews-btn-wrapper text-center">\n '), t.buffer.push(m((r = s["loading-button"] || e && e["loading-button"], a = {hash: {text: "Loading Reviews...",padding: !0},hashTypes: {text: "STRING",padding: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {text: e,padding: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "loading-button", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n "), n
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "hasReviews", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.program(8, u, t),fn: f.program(4, o, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function o(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <h1>Reviews</h1>\n "), r =, "reviewsByHelpful", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.noop,fn: f.program(5, h, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function h(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <h4>"), r =, "title", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("</h4>\n <span>\n "), t.buffer.push(m((a = s["star-rating"] || e && e["star-rating"], n = {hash: {value: "rating",noRatings: !0},hashTypes: {value: "ID",noRatings: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {value: e,noRatings: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, a ?, n) :, "star-rating", n)))), t.buffer.push(" &mdash;\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "version", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.noop,fn: f.program(6, p, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('\n <span class="text-muted">by '), r =, "authorName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('</span>\n </span>\n <p class="ii-review-content">'), r =, "content", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('</p>\n <p class="text-muted">'), r =, "voteText", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("</p>\n "), i
function p(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("Version "), r =, "version", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), a
function u(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="itunes-reviews-btn-wrapper text-center text-muted">\n No Reviews for &ldquo;'), r =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("&rdquo;\n </div>\n "), a
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var l, c = "", d = s.helperMissing, m = this.escapeExpression, f = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n '), l = s["if"].call(t, "reviews.isPending", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.program(3, i, a),fn: f.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (l || 0 === l) && a.buffer.push(l), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n</div>\n"), c
}), require.register("templates/components/loading-button", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/loading-button"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push('<a href="#" class="btn btn-lg btn-link" disabled="disabled">\n <span class="text-muted">\n '), n =, "text", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n "), n =, "yield", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n </span>\n</a>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/components/major-searches", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/major-searches"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <ul class="search-menu search-menu--major nav nav-tabs">\n '), r =, "all", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(2, i, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n <li "), t.buffer.push(c(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {"class": ":search-menu-extra-link isExtraActive:active :dropdown"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('>\n <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">\n <i class="fa fa-angle-double-down"></i>\n </a>\n <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">\n '), r =, "extra", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(4, o, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </ul>\n </li>\n </ul>\n"), a
function i(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <li "), t.buffer.push(c(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {"class": "isActive:active isExtra:search-menu-extra-search"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(">\n "), a = s["query-params"] || e && e["query-params"], n = {hash: {mediaType: "queryParams.mediaType"},hashTypes: {mediaType: "ID"},hashContexts: {mediaType: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r = a ?, n) :, "query-params", n), t.buffer.push(c((a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e, e, e],types: ["ID", "STRING", "sexpr"],data: t}, a ?, "name", "search", r, n) :, "link-to", "name", "search", r, n)))), t.buffer.push("\n </li>\n "), i
function o(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <li "), t.buffer.push(c(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {"class": "isActive:active"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(">\n "), a = s["query-params"] || e && e["query-params"], n = {hash: {mediaType: "queryParams.mediaType"},hashTypes: {mediaType: "ID"},hashContexts: {mediaType: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r = a ?, n) :, "query-params", n), t.buffer.push(c((a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e, e, e],types: ["ID", "STRING", "sexpr"],data: t}, a ?, "name", "search", r, n) :, "link-to", "name", "search", r, n)))), t.buffer.push("\n </li>\n "), i
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var h, p, u, l = "", c = this.escapeExpression, d = s.helperMissing, m = this, f = "function", g = s.blockHelperMissing;
return u = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(1, n, a),contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, (p = ? h =, u) : (p = t &&, h = typeof p === f ?, u) : p), || (h =, "group", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(1, n, a),contexts: [],types: [],data: a})), (h || 0 === h) && a.buffer.push(h), a.buffer.push("\n"), l
}), require.register("templates/components/minor-searches", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/minor-searches"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "model.length", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(2, i, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n"), a
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n <div class="btn-group l-sp-below">\n '), r =, "model", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(3, o, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n "), a
function o(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), a = s["query-params"] || e && e["query-params"], n = {hash: {mediaType: "queryParams.mediaType"},hashTypes: {mediaType: "ID"},hashContexts: {mediaType: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r = a ?, n) :, "query-params", n), t.buffer.push(d((a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {"class": "btn btn-default"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},contexts: [e, e, e],types: ["ID", "STRING", "sexpr"],data: t}, a ?, "name", "search", r, n) :, "link-to", "name", "search", r, n)))), t.buffer.push("\n "), i
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var h, p, u, l = "", c = s.helperMissing, d = this.escapeExpression, m = this, f = "function", g = s.blockHelperMissing;
return u = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(1, n, a),contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, (p = ? h =, u) : (p = t &&, h = typeof p === f ?, u) : p), || (h =, "group", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: m.noop,fn: m.program(1, n, a),contexts: [],types: [],data: a})), (h || 0 === h) && a.buffer.push(h), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), l
}), require.register("templates/components/nav-link", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/nav-link"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(u((r = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], a = {hash: {queryParams: "queryParams"},hashTypes: {queryParams: "ID"},hashContexts: {queryParams: e},contexts: [e, e, e],types: ["ID", "ID", "ID"],data: t}, r ?, "text", "routeName", "model", a) :, "link-to", "text", "routeName", "model", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n"), n
function i(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(u((r = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], a = {hash: {queryParams: "queryParams"},hashTypes: {queryParams: "ID"},hashContexts: {queryParams: e},contexts: [e, e],types: ["ID", "ID"],data: t}, r ?, "text", "routeName", a) :, "link-to", "text", "routeName", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n"), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression, l = this;
return o = s["if"].call(t, "model", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: l.program(3, i, a),fn: l.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (o || 0 === o) && a.buffer.push(o), a.buffer.push("\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/components/no-results", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/no-results"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
t.buffer.push("\n <p>Loading suggestions...</p>\n ")
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "didYouMean.suggestion", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: g.program(6, h, t),fn: g.program(4, o, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function o(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <p>\n <strong>"), t.buffer.push(f((r = s["did-you-mean"] || e && e["did-you-mean"], a = {hash: {term: "didYouMean.suggestion"},hashTypes: {term: "ID"},hashContexts: {term: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "did-you-mean", a)))), t.buffer.push("</strong>\n </p>\n "), n
function h(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r =, "search.isAll", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: g.noop,fn: g.program(7, p, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function p(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <p>\n Try\n "), a = s["query-params"] || e && e["query-params"], n = {hash: {mediaType: "all"},hashTypes: {mediaType: "STRING"},hashContexts: {mediaType: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r = a ?, n) :, "query-params", n), a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: g.noop,fn: g.program(8, u, t),contexts: [e, e],types: ["STRING", "sexpr"],data: t}, r = a ?, "search", r, n) :, "link-to", "search", r, n), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push(".\n </p>\n "), i
function u(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("searching All for\n <strong>&ldquo;"), r =, "searchTerm", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("&rdquo;</strong>"), a
function l(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <li>\n <a "), t.buffer.push(f(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {href: "url"},hashTypes: {href: "ID"},hashContexts: {href: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(' class="btn btn-link" target="_blank">\n Search '), r =, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </a>\n </li>\n "), a
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var c, d = "", m = s.helperMissing, f = this.escapeExpression, g = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="results-state--none text-muted">\n <p>No results in '), c =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (c || 0 === c) && a.buffer.push(c), a.buffer.push(" for &ldquo;"), c =, "searchTerm", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (c || 0 === c) && a.buffer.push(c), a.buffer.push("&rdquo;.</p>\n "), c = s["if"].call(t, "didYouMean.isPending", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: g.program(3, i, a),fn: g.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (c || 0 === c) && a.buffer.push(c), a.buffer.push('\n <p>Try one of the other guys:</p>\n <ul class="list-inline">\n '), c =, "alternateSearches", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: g.noop,fn: g.program(10, l, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (c || 0 === c) && a.buffer.push(c), a.buffer.push("\n </ul>\n</div>\n"), d
}), require.register("templates/components/paginated-results", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/paginated-results"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(b((r = s["loading-button"] || e && e["loading-button"], a = {hash: {text: "Loading...",padding: "isLoadingInitial"},hashTypes: {text: "STRING",padding: "ID"},hashContexts: {text: e,padding: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "loading-button", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n "), n
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "canLoadMoreResults", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: y.program(6, h, t),fn: y.program(4, o, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function o(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <a "), t.buffer.push(b(, "loadMoreResults", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(' class="btn btn-default btn-lg"\n href="#">\n More\n </a>\n '), r
function h(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r =, "mayHaveMoreResults", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: y.noop,fn: y.program(7, p, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function p(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <p class="text-muted">\n That\'s everything.\n </p>\n <p class="text-muted">\n '), r = s["if"].call(e, "oneResult", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: y.program(10, l, t),fn: y.program(8, u, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </p>\n "), a
function u(e, t) {
t.buffer.push("\n I hope that's it, because that's the only one.\n ")
function l(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r =, "numResultsShown", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push(" "), t.buffer.push(b((a = s.pluralize || e && e.pluralize, n = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e, e],types: ["ID", "STRING"],data: t}, a ?, "numResultsShown", "result", n) :, "pluralize", "numResultsShown", "result", n)))), t.buffer.push(".\n "), i
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var c, d, m, f = "", g = s.helperMissing, b = this.escapeExpression, y = this;
return a.buffer.push(b((d = s["ii-sets"] || t && t["ii-sets"], m = {hash: {sets: "shownResultSets",showRank: "showRank"},hashTypes: {sets: "ID",showRank: "ID"},hashContexts: {sets: t,showRank: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, d ?, m) :, "ii-sets", m)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n<div class="row text-center">\n <div class="col-xs-12 results-footer">\n '), c = s["if"].call(t, "isLoading", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: y.program(3, i, a),fn: y.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (c || 0 === c) && a.buffer.push(c), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n</div>\n"), f
}), require.register("templates/components/paginated-search", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/paginated-search"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n '), t.buffer.push(u((r = s["no-results"] || e && e["no-results"], a = {hash: {model: "model",search: "",didYouMean: "model.didYouMean",searchTerm: "searchTerm",alternateSearches: "model.alternateSearches"},hashTypes: {model: "ID",search: "ID",didYouMean: "ID",searchTerm: "ID",alternateSearches: "ID"},hashContexts: {model: e,search: e,didYouMean: e,searchTerm: e,alternateSearches: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "no-results", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n"), n
function i(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(u((r = s["paginated-results"] || e && e["paginated-results"], a = {hash: {model: "model",defaultSetsDesired: 2},hashTypes: {model: "ID",defaultSetsDesired: "INTEGER"},hashContexts: {model: e,defaultSetsDesired: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "paginated-results", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n"), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression, l = this;
return o = s["if"].call(t, "foundNoResults", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: l.program(3, i, a),fn: l.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (o || 0 === o) && a.buffer.push(o), a.buffer.push("\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/components/previous-next", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/previous-next"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <a href="'), t.buffer.push(l(, "fndUrlWithSlug", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('" class="btn btn-link">\n <i class="fa fa-angle-up subnav-up"></i>\n <img class="ii-icon ii-icon--xs '), t.buffer.push(l(, "cssClass", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('"\n src="'), t.buffer.push(l(, "imageUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('"\n alt="'), t.buffer.push(l(, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('" />\n Prev\n </a>\n'), r
function i(e, t) {
t.buffer.push('\n <span class="subnav-text text-muted">Loading...</span>\n')
function o(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["with"].call(e, "nextItem", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(6, h, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n"), a
function h(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <a href="'), t.buffer.push(l(, "fndUrlWithSlug", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('" class="btn btn-link">\n <img class="ii-icon ii-icon--xs '), t.buffer.push(l(, "cssClass", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('"\n src="'), t.buffer.push(l(, "imageUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('"\n alt="'), t.buffer.push(l(, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('" />\n Next <i class="fa fa-angle-down subnav-down"></i>\n </a>\n '), r
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var p, u = "", l = this.escapeExpression, c = this;
return p = s["with"].call(t, "previousItem", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (p || 0 === p) && a.buffer.push(p), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), p = s["if"].call(t, "isLoading", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.program(5, o, a),fn: c.program(3, i, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (p || 0 === p) && a.buffer.push(p), a.buffer.push("\n"), u
}), require.register("templates/components/youtube-videos", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["components/youtube-videos"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
t.buffer.push('\n <span class="text-muted">Loading videos...</span>\n ')
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "videos.length", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: d.program(7, p, t),fn: d.program(4, o, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function o(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="youtube-results-wrapper">\n <div class="youtube-results">\n '), r =, "videos", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: d.noop,fn: d.program(5, h, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </div> <!--youtube-results-wrapper-->\n </div> <!--youtube-results-->\n "), a
function h(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="youtube-result">\n <iframe type="text/html" '), t.buffer.push(c(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {src: "embedUrl"},hashTypes: {src: "ID"},hashContexts: {src: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('\n frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true">\n </iframe>\n <a '), t.buffer.push(c(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {href: "shortUrl"},hashTypes: {href: "ID"},hashContexts: {href: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(' class="youtube-result-url"\n target="_blank">'), r =, "shortUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("</a>\n </div>\n "), a
function p(e, t) {
t.buffer.push('\n <span class="text-muted">No videos found.</span>\n ')
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var u, l = "", c = this.escapeExpression, d = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n <h3>YouTube</h3>\n '), u = s["if"].call(t, "videos.isPending", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: d.program(3, i, a),fn: d.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (u || 0 === u) && a.buffer.push(u), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n</div>\n"), l
}), require.register("templates/devices", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.devices = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push('<div class="text-muted">\n '), n =, "devicesText", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/error", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.error = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="pagebody text-center">\n <div class="l-sp-above--lg l-pad-v">\n <h1>You found a bug.</h1>\n <p>Sorry about that.</p>\n </div>\n\n <div class="l-sp-above--lg">\n '), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], i = {hash: {"class": "btn btn-primary btn-responsive--lg"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": t},contexts: [t, t],types: ["STRING", "STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "Go home", "home", i) :, "link-to", "Go home", "home", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n <a "), a.buffer.push(p(, "reloadPage", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(' href="#"\n class="btn btn-primary btn-responsive--lg l-sp-left">\n Try again\n </a>\n </div>\n\n '), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "help", i) :, "partial", "help", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/footer", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.footer = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "", o = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<footer class="app-footer text-center">\n <a '), a.buffer.push(o(, "changeSaying", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(' href="#">\n '), n =, "saying", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n </a>\n</footer>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/home", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.home = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
t.buffer.push('\n <span class="text-faded">or</span> browse the Charts\n ')
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = this.escapeExpression, l = s.helperMissing, c = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="home-main">\n <a href="#" '), a.buffer.push(u(, "showMenu", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(' class="home-menu-icon">\n <img src="/images/menu.svg" alt="menu">\n </a>\n <div class="text-center">\n <span class="logo--large" alt="logo for fnd">\n '), a.buffer.push(u((o = s.partial || t && t.partial, h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, o ?, "svg/logo", h) :, "partial", "svg/logo", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n </span>\n <h2 class="home-subhead">\n '), i =, "env.appSubtitle", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push('\n </h2>\n </div>\n <div class="home-search">\n '), a.buffer.push(u((o = s["fnd-search"] || t && t["fnd-search"], h = {hash: {value: "searchTerm",action: "search",placeholder: "placeholderText",autoFocus: !0},hashTypes: {value: "ID",action: "STRING",placeholder: "ID",autoFocus: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {value: t,action: t,placeholder: t,autoFocus: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, o ?, h) :, "fnd-search", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n <div class="home-secondary">\n '), o = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], h = {hash: {"class": "btn btn-link-clear"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": t},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, i = o ?, "charts", h) :, "link-to", "charts", h), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/image/twitter", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["image/twitter"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {}, a.buffer.push('<img src=""\n alt="twitter">\n')
}), require.register("templates/integrations", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.integrations = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n, h = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <li class="media">\n '), a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {"class": "pull-left"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(2, i, t),contexts: [e, e],types: ["STRING", "ID"],data: t}, r = a ?, "integration", "", n) :, "link-to", "integration", "", n), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('\n <div class="media-body">\n '), a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(4, o, t),contexts: [e, e],types: ["STRING", "ID"],data: t}, r = a ?, "integration", "", n) :, "link-to", "integration", "", n), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('\n <h4 class="text-muted integration-subtitle omega">\n '), r =, "subtitle", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </h4>\n </div>\n </li>\n "), h
function i(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="Integrate-image media-object" title="'), t.buffer.push(u(, "title", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('">\n '), t.buffer.push(u((r = s.partial || e && e.partial, a = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}, r ?, "imagePartial", a) :, "partial", "imagePartial", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n "), n
function o(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <h3 class="media-heading">\n '), r =, "title", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </h3>\n "), a
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var h, p = "", u = this.escapeExpression, l = s.helperMissing, c = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="pagebody">\n <h1 class="page-title">Integrate fnd into your workflow</h1>\n\n <ul class="integrations list-unstyled">\n '), h =, {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [],types: [],data: a}), (h || 0 === h) && a.buffer.push(h), a.buffer.push("\n </ul>\n</div>\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/integrations/_header", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["integrations/_header"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
t.buffer.push('\n <i class="fa fa-angle-left subnav-angle"></i>\n <span class="subnav-text">Integrations</span>\n ')
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = this, l = s.helperMissing, c = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="subnav">\n <div class="subnav-left col-xs-12">\n '), o = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], h = {hash: {"class": "btn btn-link",active: !1},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING",active: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {"class": t,active: t},inverse: u.noop,fn: u.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, i = o ?, "integrations", h) :, "link-to", "integrations", h), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n</div>\n\n<div class="media">\n <div class="media-object pull-left integration-image--lg"\n title="'), a.buffer.push(c(, "title", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('">\n '), a.buffer.push(c((o = s.partial || t && t.partial, h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}, o ?, "imagePartial", h) :, "partial", "imagePartial", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n <div class="media-body">\n <h1 class="media-heading">\n '), i =, "title", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push('\n </h1>\n <h3 class="text-muted integration-subtitle">\n '), i =, "subtitle", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n </h3>\n </div>\n</div>\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/integrations/alfred", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["integrations/alfred"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "integrations/_header", i) :, "partial", "integrations/_header", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n<div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-12 l-sp-above">\n <em class="text-muted">\n Note: This workflow requires the phenomenal Mac App,\n <a href="" target="_blank">Alfred</a>.\n </em>\n </div>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-12 l-sp-above">\n <h2>Download & Install</h2>\n <p>\n Download the workflow and double click. Afterward, open Alfred type\n <code>fnd angry birds</code> and hit enter. You\'ve just found some great\n avian obesity awareness games.\n </p>\n <a href="/downloads/fnd_workflow.alfredworkflow"\n class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">\n Download fnd Workflow <i class="fa fa-arrow-down"></i>\n </a>\n </div>\n <div class="col-md-12 l-sp-above text-muted">\n Not an Alfred Powerpack owner?\n <a href="alfred://customsearch/Search%20fnd%20for%20%27%7Bquery%7D%27/fnd/utf8/noplus/{query}&mediaType=all">\n Click here\n </a>\n to install the fnd custom Web Search for Alfred. <em>Note: This link works\n best in Safari</em>.\n </div>\n</div>\n'), o
}), require.register("templates/integrations/bookmarklets", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["integrations/bookmarklets"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r =, "hidden", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.noop,fn: f.program(2, i, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n"), a
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="row bookmarklet-'), t.buffer.push(m(, "id", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('">\n <div class="col-md-6">\n <h2>'), r =, "title", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('</h2>\n <p class="text-muted">\n '), r =, "description", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </p>\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "controller.device.isIos", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.program(5, h, t),fn: f.program(3, o, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n "), a
function o(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(m((r = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], a = {hash: {"class": "btn btn-primary btn-lg bookmarklet-ios bookmarklet-link"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},contexts: [e, e, e],types: ["ID", "STRING", "ID"],data: t}, r ?, "installText", "bookmarklet", "", a) :, "link-to", "installText", "bookmarklet", "", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n "), n
function h(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <a href="'), t.buffer.push(m(, "code", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('"\n class="btn btn-primary btn-lg bookmarklet-link"\n title="'), t.buffer.push(m(, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('">\n '), r =, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('\n </a>\n <p class="bookmarklet-explanation">\n Drag the button above into your bookmarks bar.\n </p>\n '), a
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var p, u, l, c = "", d = s.helperMissing, m = this.escapeExpression, f = this;
return a.buffer.push(m((u = s.partial || t && t.partial, l = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, u ?, "integrations/_header", l) :, "partial", "integrations/_header", l)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), p =, "bookmarklets", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: f.noop,fn: f.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (p || 0 === p) && a.buffer.push(p), a.buffer.push("\n"), c
}), require.register("templates/integrations/launch-center-pro", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["integrations/launch-center-pro"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "integrations/_header", i) :, "partial", "integrations/_header", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n<div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-12 l-sp-above">\n <em class="text-muted">\n Note: These actions require the fabulous iPhone / iPad app,\n <a href="" target="_blank">\n Launch Center Pro</a>.\n </em>\n </div>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-12">\n <h2>Search All</h2>\n <p>Tap the button below to add the action to Launch Center Pro.</p>\n <a '), a.buffer.push(p(s["bind-attr"].call(t, {hash: {href: "controller.launchCenterProAllSearch"},hashTypes: {href: "ID"},hashContexts: {href: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('\n class="integration-btn btn btn-primary btn-lg"\n >Add &ldquo;Search fnd&rdquo; to Launch Center Pro</a>\n </div>\n</div>\n\n<div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-12">\n <h2>Search by Category</h2>\n <p>\n Pre-select the type of media (e.g. Apps) you want to search.\n </p>\n <p>Tap the button below to add the action to Launch Center Pro.</p>\n <a '), a.buffer.push(p(s["bind-attr"].call(t, {hash: {href: "controller.launchCenterProMediaSearch"},hashTypes: {href: "ID"},hashContexts: {href: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}))), a.buffer.push('\n class="integration-btn btn btn-primary btn-lg"\n >Add &ldquo;Search fnd by Category&rdquo; to Launch Center Pro</a>\n </div>\n</div>\n'), o
}), require.register("templates/ios_universal_app", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.ios_universal_app = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "app", i) :, "partial", "app", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/ipad_app", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.ipad_app = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "app", i) :, "partial", "app", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/iphone_app", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.iphone_app = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "app", i) :, "partial", "app", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_app_header", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_app_header"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "itunes_item/_header", i) :, "partial", "itunes_item/_header", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "itunes_item/review_toggle", i) :, "partial", "itunes_item/review_toggle", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_header", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_header"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="dev-json">\n <a '), t.buffer.push(u(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {href: "lookupURL"},hashTypes: {href: "ID"},hashContexts: {href: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(' class="btn btn-default btn-xs" target="_blank">\n JSON <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i>\n </a>\n </div>\n'), r
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = this.escapeExpression, l = s.helperMissing, c = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="row ii-header">\n <div class="ii-title col-xs-12">\n <div class="media">\n <div class="pull-left">\n <div '), a.buffer.push(u(s["bind-attr"].call(t, {hash: {"class": ":ii-icon-wrapper :media-object cssClass"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(">\n <img "), a.buffer.push(u(s["bind-attr"].call(t, {hash: {"class": ":ii-icon cssClass",src: "imageUrl",alt: "name"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING",src: "ID",alt: "ID"},hashContexts: {"class": t,src: t,alt: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(' />\n <div class="text-muted text-center ii-metadata3">\n '), a.buffer.push(u((o = s.partial || t && t.partial, h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}, o ?, "metadata3Template", h) :, "partial", "metadata3Template", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="media-body">\n <div class="row">\n <h1 class="page-title media-heading col-xs-8 col-sm-10 beta">\n '), a.buffer.push(u((o = s["ii-name"] || t && t["ii-name"], h = {hash: {title: "name",subtitle: "subtitle","class": "ii-name",allowFullName: !0},hashTypes: {title: "ID",subtitle: "ID","class": "STRING",allowFullName: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {title: t,subtitle: t,"class": t,allowFullName: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, o ?, h) :, "ii-name", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n </h1>\n <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-2 ii-action-wrapper">\n <div class="ii-action ii-action--sm">\n '), a.buffer.push(u((o = s["itunes-button"] || t && t["itunes-button"], h = {hash: {url: "affiliateUrl",text: "actionText",availability: "availability",badgeTemplate: "badgeTemplate"},hashTypes: {url: "ID",text: "ID",availability: "ID",badgeTemplate: "ID"},hashContexts: {url: t,text: t,availability: t,badgeTemplate: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, o ?, h) :, "itunes-button", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12 text-muted">\n '), a.buffer.push(u((o = s.partial || t && t.partial, h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}, o ?, "metadata1Template", h) :, "partial", "metadata1Template", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n </div>\n </div> <!-- media-body -->\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n\n<div class="text-muted">\n '), a.buffer.push(u((o = s.partial || t && t.partial, h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}, o ?, "metadata2Template", h) :, "partial", "metadata2Template", h)))), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n\n"), i = s["if"].call(t, "env.isDevelopment", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_ii_metadata", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_ii_metadata"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push('<div class="text-muted">\n '), n =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_metadata1", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n = "";
return n
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_metadata2", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_metadata2"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n '), t.buffer.push(p((r = s.partial || e && e.partial, a = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["STRING"],data: t}, r ?, "itunes_item/release_date", a) :, "partial", "itunes_item/release_date", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n"), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression, u = this;
return i = s["if"].call(t, "releaseDate", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: u.noop,fn: u.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_metadata3", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_metadata3"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n = "";
return n
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_release_date", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_release_date"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push('<span class="text-muted">\n Released '), n =, "fromReleaseDate", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push(" ("), n =, "formattedReleaseDate", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push(")\n</span>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_review_header", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_review_header"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "itunes_item/_header", i) :, "partial", "itunes_item/_header", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "itunes_item/review_toggle", i) :, "partial", "itunes_item/review_toggle", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_review_toggle", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_review_toggle"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n <div class="btn-group l-sp-above">\n <a '), t.buffer.push(u(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {"class": "isShowingReviews::active :btn :btn-default"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(u(, "showDetails", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('\n href="#">\n Details\n </a>\n <a '), t.buffer.push(u(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {"class": "isShowingReviews:active :btn :btn-default"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(u(, "showReviews", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('\n href="#">\n Reviews\n </a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n'), r
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = this.escapeExpression, l = this, c = "function", d = s.blockHelperMissing;
return h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: l.noop,fn: l.program(1, n, a),contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, (o = ? i =, h) : (o = t &&, i = typeof o === c ?, h) : o), || (i =, "group", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: l.noop,fn: l.program(1, n, a),contexts: [],types: [],data: a})), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_reviews", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_reviews"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s["itunes-reviews"] || t && t["itunes-reviews"], i = {hash: {model: ""},hashTypes: {model: "ID"},hashContexts: {model: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "itunes-reviews", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_subnav", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_subnav"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n, o = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {"class": "btn btn-link"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(2, i, t),contexts: [e, e],types: ["ID", "ID"],data: t}, r = a ?, "backRouteName", "backModel", n) :, "link-to", "backRouteName", "backModel", n), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), o
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <i class="fa fa-angle-left subnav-angle"></i>\n <span class="subnav-text">'), r =, "backText", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("</span>\n "), a
function o(e, t) {
var r, a, n, o = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {"class": "btn btn-link"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(2, i, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}, r = a ?, "backRouteName", n) :, "link-to", "backRouteName", n), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), o
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var h, p, u, l = "", c = this, d = s.helperMissing, m = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="subnav-wrapper">\n <div class="subnav">\n <div class="subnav-left col-xs-4">\n '), h = s["if"].call(t, "backModel", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.program(4, o, a),fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (h || 0 === h) && a.buffer.push(h), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n\n <div class="subnav-right col-xs-8">\n '), a.buffer.push(m((p = s["previous-next"] || t && t["previous-next"], u = {hash: {items: "searchResults",current: "content",isLoading: "isLastAndLoading"},hashTypes: {items: "ID",current: "ID",isLoading: "ID"},hashContexts: {items: t,current: t,isLoading: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, p ?, u) :, "previous-next", u)))), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n"), l
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/_youtube_results", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/_youtube_results"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<hr class="page-divider">\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["youtube-videos"] || t && t["youtube-videos"], i = {hash: {videos: "youtubeResults"},hashTypes: {videos: "ID"},hashContexts: {videos: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "youtube-videos", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/association", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/association"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n, o = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {"class": "btn btn-link",active: !1},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING",active: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {"class": e,active: e},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(2, i, t),contexts: [e, e],types: ["ID", "ID"],data: t}, r = a ?, "routeName", "", n) :, "link-to", "routeName", "", n), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), o
function i(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <i class="fa fa-angle-left subnav-angle"></i>\n <img class="ii-icon ii-icon--xs '), t.buffer.push(l(, "cssClass", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('"\n src="'), t.buffer.push(l(, "imageUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('"\n alt="'), t.buffer.push(l(, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}))), t.buffer.push('" />\n <span class="subnav-text">'), r =, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("</span>\n "), a
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var o, h, p, u = "", l = this.escapeExpression, c = this, d = s.helperMissing;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="subnav">\n <div class="subnav-left col-xs-12">\n '), o = s["with"].call(t, "parent", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (o || 0 === o) && a.buffer.push(o), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n</div>\n\n<h2 class="beta">'), a.buffer.push(l((h = s.pluralize || t && t.pluralize, p = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t, t],types: ["ID", "ID"],data: a}, h ?, "fetcher.results", "name", p) :, "pluralize", "fetcher.results", "name", p)))), a.buffer.push("</h2>\n\n"), a.buffer.push(l((h = s["paginated-results"] || t && t["paginated-results"], p = {hash: {model: "fetcher",defaultSetsDesired: 2},hashTypes: {model: "ID",defaultSetsDesired: "INTEGER"},hashContexts: {model: t,defaultSetsDesired: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, h ?, p) :, "paginated-results", p)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), u
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/itunes_item", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/itunes_item"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i) :, "partial", "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["itunes-description"] || t && t["itunes-description"], i = {hash: {description: "description"},hashTypes: {description: "ID"},hashContexts: {description: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "itunes-description", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/page", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/page"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.outlet || t && t.outlet, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "header", i) :, "outlet", "header", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.outlet || t && t.outlet, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "body", i) :, "outlet", "body", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/itunes_item/screenshots_overlay", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["itunes_item/screenshots_overlay"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(l((r = s["app-screenshot"] || e && e["app-screenshot"], a = {hash: {screenshot: "",layoutName: "full",tagName: "div",shouldLink: !1},hashTypes: {screenshot: "ID",layoutName: "STRING",tagName: "STRING",shouldLink: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {screenshot: e,layoutName: e,tagName: e,shouldLink: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "app-screenshot", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n "), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = s.helperMissing, l = this.escapeExpression, c = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="overlay overlay--screenshot overlay--whitebg">\n <div class="app-screenshots-overlay">\n <div class="subnav">\n <div class="subnav-center col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-1 col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2">\n <div class="subnav-title">\n '), i =, "name", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push(' Screenshots\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="subnav-right col-xs-3 col-sm-2">\n '), a.buffer.push(l((o = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], h = {hash: {active: !1,"class": "btn btn-link subnav-done",replace: !0},hashTypes: {active: "BOOLEAN","class": "STRING",replace: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {active: t,"class": t,replace: t},contexts: [t, t, t],types: ["STRING", "ID", "ID"],data: a}, o ?, "Done", "itunesItem.routeName", "itunesItem", h) :, "link-to", "Done", "itunesItem.routeName", "itunesItem", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div class="app-screenshots-wrapper">\n <div class="app-screenshots app-screenshots--full">\n '), i =, "screenshots", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/mac_app", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.mac_app = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "app", i) :, "partial", "app", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/menu", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = this.escapeExpression, p = s.helperMissing;
return a.buffer.push("<div "), a.buffer.push(h(s["bind-attr"].call(t, {hash: {"class": "isHome:overlay--full :overlay :overlay--noscroll :overlay--primarybg isHome::container isHome::container--nopadding"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(">\n "), a.buffer.push(h((n = s["fnd-header"] || t && t["fnd-header"], i = {hash: {isMenuOpen: !0,logoClicked: "goHome",buttonClicked: "closeMenu",isTransparent: !0},hashTypes: {isMenuOpen: "BOOLEAN",logoClicked: "STRING",buttonClicked: "STRING",isTransparent: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {isMenuOpen: t,logoClicked: t,buttonClicked: t,isTransparent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "fnd-header", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n <ul class="main-menu">\n <li '), a.buffer.push(h(, "closeMenu", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(">"), a.buffer.push(h((n = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t, t],types: ["STRING", "STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "Home", "home", i) :, "link-to", "Home", "home", i)))), a.buffer.push("</li>\n <li "), a.buffer.push(h(, "closeMenu", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(">"), a.buffer.push(h((n = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t, t],types: ["STRING", "STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "Charts", "charts", i) :, "link-to", "Charts", "charts", i)))), a.buffer.push("</li>\n <li "), a.buffer.push(h(, "closeMenu", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(">"), a.buffer.push(h((n = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t, t],types: ["STRING", "STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "Integrations", "integrations", i) :, "link-to", "Integrations", "integrations", i)))), a.buffer.push("</li>\n <li "), a.buffer.push(h(, "closeMenu", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}))), a.buffer.push(">"), a.buffer.push(h((n = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t, t],types: ["STRING", "STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "About", "about", i) :, "link-to", "About", "about", i)))), a.buffer.push("</li>\n </ul>\n</div>\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/missing", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.missing = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="pagebody text-center">\n <div class="l-sp-above--lg l-pad-v">\n <h1>No page found.</h1>\n <p>Sorry about that.</p>\n </div>\n\n <div>\n <p>You were looking for:</p>\n <p>\n <code class="text-wrap">'), n =, "url", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push('</code>\n </p>\n </div>\n\n <div class="l-sp-above--lg">\n '), a.buffer.push(u((i = s["link-to"] || t && t["link-to"], o = {hash: {"class": "btn btn-primary btn-responsive--lg"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": t},contexts: [t, t],types: ["STRING", "STRING"],data: a}, i ?, "Go home", "home", o) :, "link-to", "Go home", "home", o)))), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n\n "), a.buffer.push(u((i = s.partial || t && t.partial, o = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, i ?, "help", o) :, "partial", "help", o)))), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/movie", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s["itunes-description"] || t && t["itunes-description"], i = {hash: {description: "description"},hashTypes: {description: "ID"},hashContexts: {description: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "itunes-description", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i) :, "partial", "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/movie/_ii_metadata", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["movie/_ii_metadata"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push("<div>\n "), n =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push(" by "), n =, "artistName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n<div>\n "), n =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/movie/_metadata1", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["movie/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), n =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push(" by\n "), a.buffer.push(u((i = s["ii-creator"] || t && t["ii-creator"], o = {hash: {creatorKey: "studio",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {creatorKey: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {creatorKey: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, i ?, o) :, "ii-creator", o)))), a.buffer.push('\n</div>\n\n<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), n =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push('\n</div>\n\n<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), n =, "trackTimeFormatted", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/movie/_metadata3", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["movie/_metadata3"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <a "), t.buffer.push(h(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {href: "previewUrl",download: "downloadFileName",title: "downloadFileName"},hashTypes: {href: "ID",download: "ID",title: "ID"},hashContexts: {href: e,download: e,title: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(">\n Download Trailer\n </a>\n"), r
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o = "", h = this.escapeExpression, p = this;
return i = s["if"].call(t, "previewUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: p.noop,fn: p.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/music_video", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.music_video = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i) :, "partial", "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/music_video/_ii_metadata", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["music_video/_ii_metadata"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "song/ii_metadata", i) :, "partial", "song/ii_metadata", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/music_video/_metadata1", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["music_video/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "song/metadata1", i) :, "partial", "song/metadata1", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/music_video/_metadata3", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["music_video/_metadata3"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n <a "), t.buffer.push(h(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {href: "previewUrl",download: "downloadFileName",title: "downloadFileName"},hashTypes: {href: "ID",download: "ID",title: "ID"},hashContexts: {href: e,download: e,title: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(">\n Download Preview\n </a>\n"), r
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o = "", h = this.escapeExpression, p = this;
return i = s["if"].call(t, "previewUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: p.noop,fn: p.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/podcast", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.podcast = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<hr class="page-divider"/>\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "podcast-episodes",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n<hr class="page-divider"/>\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["youtube-videos"] || t && t["youtube-videos"], i = {hash: {videos: "youtubeResults"},hashTypes: {videos: "ID"},hashContexts: {videos: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "youtube-videos", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/podcast/_ii_metadata", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["podcast/_ii_metadata"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push("<div>\n "), n =, "mediaType.shortNameOrName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push(" by "), n =, "podcasterName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n<div>\n "), n =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/podcast/_metadata1", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["podcast/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), n =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push(" by\n "), a.buffer.push(u((i = s["ii-creator"] || t && t["ii-creator"], o = {hash: {creatorKey: "podcaster",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {creatorKey: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {creatorKey: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, i ?, o) :, "ii-creator", o)))), a.buffer.push('\n</div>\n<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), n =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/podcast/_metadata2", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["podcast/_metadata2"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n Latest Episode\n '), t.buffer.push(p((r = s.partial || e && e.partial, a = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["STRING"],data: t}, r ?, "itunes_item/release_date", a) :, "partial", "itunes_item/release_date", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n"), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression, u = this;
return i = s["if"].call(t, "releaseDate", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: u.noop,fn: u.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/podcaster", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.podcaster = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "podcasts",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/results/many", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["results/many"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="results results--many">\n '), r = s["if"].call(e, "noResults", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: E.program(4, o, t),fn: E.program(2, i, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n"), a
function i(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(I((r = s["no-results"] || e && e["no-results"], a = {hash: {model: "fetcher",search: "model",didYouMean: "didYouMean",searchTerm: "searchTerm",alternateSearches: "alternateSearches"},hashTypes: {model: "ID",search: "ID",didYouMean: "ID",searchTerm: "ID",alternateSearches: "ID"},hashContexts: {model: e,search: e,didYouMean: e,searchTerm: e,alternateSearches: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "no-results", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n "), n
function o(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "allDoneSearching", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: E.program(17, g, t),fn: E.program(5, h, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function h(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r =, "fetchers", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: E.noop,fn: E.program(6, p, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function p(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "isSearchingFirst", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: E.program(9, l, t),fn: E.program(7, u, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "hasResults", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: E.noop,fn: E.program(14, m, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n\n <hr "), t.buffer.push(I(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {"class": ":page-divider hasResults::page-divider--sm"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push("/>\n "), a
function u(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <p class="text-muted">Loading '), r =, "model.pluralSearchName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("...</p>\n "), a
function l(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n '), r = s["if"].call(e, "hasResults", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: E.programWithDepth(12, d, t, e),fn: E.program(10, c, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n "), a
function c(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <h2 class="results-heading gamma">'), r =, "model.pluralSearchName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('</h2>\n <ul class="ii-list media-list">\n '), t.buffer.push(I((a = s["ii-set"] || e && e["ii-set"], n = {hash: {set: "firstResultSet"},hashTypes: {set: "ID"},hashContexts: {set: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, a ?, n) :, "ii-set", n)))), t.buffer.push("\n </ul>\n "), i
function d(e, t, r) {
var a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <p class="text-muted l-sp-above--sm">\n No results in '), a =, "model.pluralSearchName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (a || 0 === a) && t.buffer.push(a), t.buffer.push(" for\n &ldquo;"), a =, "searchTerm", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [r],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (a || 0 === a) && t.buffer.push(a), t.buffer.push("&rdquo;.\n </p>\n "), n
function m(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n '), a = s["query-params"] || e && e["query-params"], n = {hash: {mediaType: ""},hashTypes: {mediaType: "ID"},hashContexts: {mediaType: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r = a ?, n) :, "query-params", n), a = s["link-to"] || e && e["link-to"], n = {hash: {"class": "search-more"},hashTypes: {"class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {"class": e},inverse: E.noop,fn: E.program(15, f, t),contexts: [e, e],types: ["STRING", "sexpr"],data: t}, r = a ?, "search", r, n) :, "link-to", "search", r, n), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n "), i
function f(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n More "), r =, "model.pluralSearchName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('\n <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>\n '), a
function g(e, t) {
var r, a, n, i = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12 text-center">\n '), a = s["loading-button"] || e && e["loading-button"], n = {hash: {text: "",padding: !0},hashTypes: {text: "STRING",padding: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {text: e,padding: e},inverse: E.noop,fn: E.program(18, b, t),contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r = a ?, n) :, "loading-button", n), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n </div>\n </div>\n "), i
function b(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n Loading "), r =, "firstSearchingFetcher.model.pluralSearchName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("...\n "), a
function y(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(I((r = s.partial || e && e.partial, a = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["STRING"],data: t}, r ?, "search/no_term", a) :, "partial", "search/no_term", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n"), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var v, x = "", T = s.helperMissing, I = this.escapeExpression, E = this;
return v = s["if"].call(t, "hasSearchTerm", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: E.program(20, y, a),fn: E.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (v || 0 === v) && a.buffer.push(v), a.buffer.push("\n"), x
}), require.register("templates/results/single", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["results/single"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(u((r = s["paginated-search"] || e && e["paginated-search"], a = {hash: {model: "fetcher",searchTerm: "searchTerm",search: "search"},hashTypes: {model: "ID",searchTerm: "ID",search: "STRING"},hashContexts: {model: e,searchTerm: e,search: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "paginated-search", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n"), n
function i(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n "), t.buffer.push(u((r = s.partial || e && e.partial, a = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["STRING"],data: t}, r ?, "search/no_term", a) :, "partial", "search/no_term", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n"), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var o, h = "", p = s.helperMissing, u = this.escapeExpression, l = this;
return o = s["if"].call(t, "hasSearchTerm", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: l.program(3, i, a),fn: l.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (o || 0 === o) && a.buffer.push(o), a.buffer.push("\n"), h
}), require.register("templates/search", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push(p((n = s["minor-searches"] || t && t["minor-searches"], i = {hash: {model: "minorSearchTypes"},hashTypes: {model: "ID"},hashContexts: {model: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "minor-searches", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.outlet || t && t.outlet, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "results", i) :, "outlet", "results", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/search/_header", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["search/_header"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <span class="text-faded">Searched for </span>\n &ldquo;'), r =, "searchTerm", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push('&rdquo;\n <span class="text-faded">in '), r =, "pluralName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push(".</span>\n "), r = s["if"].call(e, "fetcher.didYouMean.suggestion", {hash: {tagName: "span"},hashTypes: {tagName: "STRING"},hashContexts: {tagName: e},inverse: d.noop,fn: d.program(2, i, t),contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), t.buffer.push("\n "), a
function i(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <span class="text-wraptogether">\n '), t.buffer.push(c((r = s["did-you-mean"] || e && e["did-you-mean"], a = {hash: {term: "fetcher.didYouMean.suggestion",tagName: "span",linkClass: "text-white text-underline"},hashTypes: {term: "ID",tagName: "STRING",linkClass: "STRING"},hashContexts: {term: e,tagName: e,linkClass: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "did-you-mean", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n </span>\n "), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var o, h, p, u = "", l = s.helperMissing, c = this.escapeExpression, d = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="fnd-search-header text-white">\n '), a.buffer.push(c((h = s["fnd-header"] || t && t["fnd-header"], p = {hash: {isMenuOpen: !1,logoClicked: "goHome",buttonClicked: "showMenu",isTransparent: !0,isUnderline: !0,noMargin: !0},hashTypes: {isMenuOpen: "BOOLEAN",logoClicked: "STRING",buttonClicked: "STRING",isTransparent: "BOOLEAN",isUnderline: "BOOLEAN",noMargin: "BOOLEAN"},hashContexts: {isMenuOpen: t,logoClicked: t,buttonClicked: t,isTransparent: t,isUnderline: t,noMargin: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, h ?, p) :, "fnd-header", p)))), a.buffer.push('\n\n <div class="fnd-search-header-item">\n '), a.buffer.push(c((h = s["fnd-search"] || t && t["fnd-search"], p = {hash: {value: "controller.newSearchTerm",action: "search",placeholder: "model.placeholderText","class": "fnd-search--regular"},hashTypes: {value: "ID",action: "STRING",placeholder: "ID","class": "STRING"},hashContexts: {value: t,action: t,placeholder: t,"class": t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, h ?, p) :, "fnd-search", p)))), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n\n <div class="l-sp-below fnd-search-header-item">\n '), o = s["if"].call(t, "searchTerm", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: d.noop,fn: d.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (o || 0 === o) && a.buffer.push(o), a.buffer.push('\n </div>\n\n <div class="l-sp-below fnd-search-header-item">\n '), a.buffer.push(c((h = s["major-searches"] || t && t["major-searches"], p = {hash: {all: "majorSearchTypes",extra: "extraMajorSearchTypes",isExtraActive: "isExtraActive"},hashTypes: {all: "ID",extra: "ID",isExtraActive: "ID"},hashContexts: {all: t,extra: t,isExtraActive: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, h ?, p) :, "major-searches", p)))), a.buffer.push("\n </div>\n</div>\n"), u
}), require.register("templates/search/_no_term", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["search/_no_term"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {}, a.buffer.push('<div class="l-pad-v--100 text-center text-muted">\n &ldquo;To receive, you must first give.&rdquo;\n <p>\n <em>&mdash; Lazy Developer</em>\n </p>\n</div>\n')
}), require.register("templates/software_developer", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES.software_developer = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "apps",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/song", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r = "";
return t.buffer.push('\n <hr class="page-divider">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12"><h3>Preview</h3></div>\n <div class="col-xs-12">\n <audio '), t.buffer.push(u(s["bind-attr"].call(e, {hash: {src: "previewUrl"},hashTypes: {src: "ID"},hashContexts: {src: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}))), t.buffer.push(' preload="none" controls="controls"\n class="track-preview"></audio>\n </div>\n </div>\n'), r
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = this.escapeExpression, l = this, c = s.helperMissing;
return i = s["if"].call(t, "previewUrl", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: l.noop,fn: l.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(u((o = s.partial || t && t.partial, h = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, o ?, "itunes_item/_youtube_results", h) :, "partial", "itunes_item/_youtube_results", h)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/song/_ii_metadata", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["song/_ii_metadata"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a = "";
return t.buffer.push("on "), r =, "albumName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [e],types: ["ID"],data: t}), (r || 0 === r) && t.buffer.push(r), a
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o = "", h = this;
return a.buffer.push("<div>\n "), i =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n "), i = s["if"].call(t, "albumName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: h.noop,fn: h.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n by "), i =, "artistName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n<div>\n "), i =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/song/_metadata1", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["song/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var r, a, n = "";
return t.buffer.push("\n on\n "), t.buffer.push(l((r = s["ii-creator"] || e && e["ii-creator"], a = {hash: {creatorKey: "album",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {creatorKey: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {creatorKey: e,parent: e},contexts: [],types: [],data: t}, r ?, a) :, "ii-creator", a)))), t.buffer.push("\n "), n
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var i, o, h, p = "", u = s.helperMissing, l = this.escapeExpression, c = this;
return a.buffer.push('<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), i =, "", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n "), i = s["if"].call(t, "album", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},inverse: c.noop,fn: c.program(1, n, a),contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n by\n "), a.buffer.push(l((o = s["ii-creator"] || t && t["ii-creator"], h = {hash: {creatorKey: "artist",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {creatorKey: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {creatorKey: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, o ?, h) :, "ii-creator", h)))), a.buffer.push('\n</div>\n<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), i =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (i || 0 === i) && a.buffer.push(i), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), p
}), require.register("templates/studio", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i, o = "", h = s.helperMissing, p = this.escapeExpression;
return a.buffer.push('<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "movies",parent: "model"},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/svg/badges/book", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["svg/badges/book"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {}, a.buffer.push('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 16.0.3, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) -->\n<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">\n<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"\n width="45px" height="15px" viewBox="0 0 45 15" enable-background="new 0 0 45 15" xml:space="preserve">\n <g>\n <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M44.664,13.223c0,0.795-0.642,1.439-1.436,1.439L1.773,14.667c-0.794,0-1.44-0.644-1.44-1.438V1.771\n c0-0.793,0.646-1.438,1.44-1.438l41.455-0.005c0.794,0,1.437,0.645,1.437,1.438L44.664,13.223L44.664,13.223z"/>\n <path fill="#A6A6A6" d="M43.229,14.994L1.773,15C0.796,15,0,14.206,0,13.229V1.772C0,0.795,0.796,0,1.773,0l41.455-0.005\n C44.204-0.005,45,0.79,45,1.767v11.456C45,14.201,44.204,14.994,43.229,14.994L43.229,14.994z"/>\n <path fill="#010101" d="M44.664,13.223c0,0.795-0.642,1.439-1.436,1.439L1.773,14.667c-0.794,0-1.44-0.644-1.44-1.438V1.771\n c0-0.793,0.646-1.438,1.44-1.438l41.455-0.005c0.794,0,1.437,0.645,1.437,1.438L44.664,13.223L44.664,13.223z"/>\n <g>\n <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M8.761,3.915c0,0.212-0.069,0.385-0.209,0.517C8.413,4.563,8.233,4.629,8.013,4.629\n c-0.197,0-0.365-0.068-0.5-0.204C7.379,4.29,7.31,4.12,7.31,3.915c0-0.206,0.07-0.374,0.208-0.506\n c0.14-0.132,0.312-0.198,0.517-0.198c0.205,0,0.378,0.066,0.517,0.198C8.691,3.541,8.761,3.709,8.761,3.915z M8.629,10.852H7.442\n V5.508h1.187V10.852z"/>\n <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M15.229,8.723c0,0.602-0.224,1.098-0.669,1.492c-0.514,0.461-1.392,0.691-2.637,0.691\n c-0.571,0-1.091-0.029-1.56-0.088V3.541c0.497-0.103,1.11-0.154,1.84-0.154c0.905,0,1.591,0.165,2.055,0.494\n c0.463,0.329,0.695,0.783,0.695,1.361c0,0.352-0.107,0.672-0.321,0.96c-0.214,0.289-0.514,0.503-0.898,0.643v0.033\n c0.417,0.103,0.763,0.3,1.033,0.593C15.076,7.814,15.229,8.23,15.229,8.723z M13.768,5.365c0-0.726-0.48-1.088-1.441-1.088\n c-0.335,0-0.594,0.022-0.776,0.066V6.52h0.732c0.458,0,0.821-0.106,1.087-0.319C13.635,5.988,13.768,5.71,13.768,5.365z\n M13.988,8.695c0-0.438-0.171-0.772-0.514-1c-0.307-0.205-0.715-0.308-1.225-0.308h-0.701V9.97\n c0.146,0.029,0.387,0.046,0.723,0.046c0.502,0,0.899-0.102,1.191-0.299C13.813,9.492,13.988,9.15,13.988,8.695z"/>\n <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M21.512,8.136c0,0.821-0.235,1.495-0.704,2.022c-0.491,0.543-1.143,0.814-1.955,0.814\n c-0.783,0-1.407-0.263-1.872-0.781c-0.466-0.521-0.698-1.176-0.698-1.969c0-0.829,0.24-1.507,0.721-2.035\n c0.479-0.528,1.125-0.792,1.937-0.792c0.783,0,1.414,0.26,1.89,0.78C21.285,6.685,21.512,7.337,21.512,8.136z M20.281,8.163\n c0-0.489-0.105-0.91-0.318-1.26c-0.249-0.424-0.604-0.636-1.065-0.636c-0.476,0-0.838,0.212-1.087,0.636\n c-0.212,0.351-0.318,0.778-0.318,1.283c0,0.489,0.105,0.91,0.318,1.26c0.257,0.426,0.614,0.639,1.076,0.639\n c0.454,0,0.809-0.216,1.065-0.646C20.171,9.076,20.281,8.652,20.281,8.163z"/>\n <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M27.695,8.136c0,0.821-0.235,1.495-0.704,2.022c-0.491,0.543-1.143,0.814-1.955,0.814\n c-0.783,0-1.407-0.263-1.872-0.781c-0.465-0.521-0.698-1.176-0.698-1.969c0-0.829,0.24-1.507,0.721-2.035\n c0.479-0.528,1.125-0.792,1.937-0.792c0.783,0,1.414,0.26,1.89,0.78C27.467,6.685,27.695,7.337,27.695,8.136z M26.463,8.163\n c0-0.489-0.106-0.91-0.318-1.26c-0.249-0.424-0.604-0.636-1.065-0.636c-0.476,0-0.838,0.212-1.087,0.636\n c-0.213,0.351-0.317,0.778-0.317,1.283c0,0.489,0.104,0.91,0.317,1.26c0.257,0.426,0.614,0.639,1.076,0.639\n c0.454,0,0.809-0.216,1.065-0.646C26.354,9.076,26.463,8.652,26.463,8.163z"/>\n <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M33.692,10.852h-1.45L30.626,8.41l-0.45,0.551v1.891h-1.187V3.057h1.187v4.837h0.022\n c0.146-0.235,0.289-0.44,0.428-0.616l1.373-1.77h1.417L31.45,7.707L33.692,10.852z"/>\n <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M37.799,9.312c0,0.498-0.185,0.896-0.549,1.195c-0.366,0.303-0.872,0.451-1.517,0.451\n c-0.607,0-1.124-0.121-1.55-0.361l0.254-0.881c0.408,0.249,0.846,0.374,1.308,0.374c0.606,0,0.911-0.224,0.911-0.671\n c0-0.195-0.065-0.359-0.198-0.488c-0.132-0.127-0.365-0.256-0.702-0.38c-0.952-0.353-1.428-0.865-1.428-1.539\n c0-0.462,0.176-0.847,0.527-1.154c0.352-0.308,0.814-0.462,1.395-0.462c0.525,0,0.977,0.106,1.351,0.319l-0.254,0.846\n c-0.344-0.205-0.706-0.308-1.086-0.308c-0.249,0-0.443,0.059-0.583,0.176c-0.14,0.118-0.209,0.268-0.209,0.451\n c0,0.184,0.073,0.334,0.22,0.451c0.125,0.11,0.367,0.231,0.727,0.363C37.337,8.048,37.799,8.586,37.799,9.312z"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n</svg>\n')
}), require.register("templates/svg/badges/ios_app", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["svg/badges/ios_app"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
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this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
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s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["tv_season/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
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return a.buffer.push('<hr class="page-divider">\n\n'), a.buffer.push(p((n = s["ii-list"] || t && t["ii-list"], i = {hash: {mediaTypeId: "seasons",parent: "model",initialResults: 100},hashTypes: {mediaTypeId: "STRING",parent: "ID",initialResults: "INTEGER"},hashContexts: {mediaTypeId: t,parent: t,initialResults: t},contexts: [],types: [],data: a}, n ?, i) :, "ii-list", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n\n"), a.buffer.push(p((n = s.partial || t && t.partial, i = {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["STRING"],data: a}, n ?, "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i) :, "partial", "itunes_item/_youtube_results", i)))), a.buffer.push("\n"), o
}), require.register("templates/tv_show/_ii_metadata", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["tv_show/_ii_metadata"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push("<div>\n "), n =, "mediaType.shortNameOrName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n<div>\n "), n =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), i
}), require.register("templates/tv_show/_metadata1", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = Ember.TEMPLATES["tv_show/_metadata1"] = Ember.Handlebars.template(function(e, t, s, r, a) {
this.compilerInfo = [4, ">= 1.0.0"], s = this.merge(s, Ember.Handlebars.helpers), a = a || {};
var n, i = "";
return a.buffer.push('<div class="ii-metadata1-row">\n '), n =, "primaryGenreName", {hash: {},hashTypes: {},hashContexts: {},contexts: [t],types: ["ID"],data: a}), (n || 0 === n) && a.buffer.push(n), a.buffer.push("\n</div>\n"), i
}), require.register("transforms/array", function() {
App.ArrayTransform = DS.Transform.extend({deserialize: function(e) {
return e
},serialize: function(e) {
return e
}), require.register("utils/alias_many", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = function(e, t, s) {
var r;
return r = e.reduce(function(e, s) {
return e[s] = Ember.computed.alias("" + t + "." + s), e
}, {}), s.reopen(r)
}), require.register("utils/apple_ssl_url", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = function(e) {
var t;
if (null != e)
return t = URI(e), t.authority(""), t.protocol(""), t.toString()
}), require.register("utils/create_promise", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = function(e) {
var t;
return t = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(e), DS.PromiseObject.create({promise: t})
}), require.register("utils/google_complete", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n;
n = "", a = "?q=%@&output=toolbar&client=firefox", r = n + a, s.exports = {URL: n,QUERY: a,FULL_URL: r,TYPEAHEAD_URL: r.fmt("%QUERY")}
}), require.register("utils/itunes", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a, n, i;
n = {ebook: "book","feature-movie": "movie","mac-software": "macApp","music-video": "musicVideo",podcast: "podcast","podcast-episode": "podcastEpisode",song: "song","tv-episode": "tvEpisode"}, a = {"TV Season": "tvSeason",Album: "album",Compilation: "compilation",MaxiSingle: "album"}, r = {Artist: "artist","Software Artist": "softwareDeveloper",Author: "author","TV Show": "tvShow","Podcast Artist": "podcaster",Studio: "studio","Movie Artist": "artist"}, i = {audiobook: "audiobook"}, s.exports = {classForKind: function(e) {
var t, s, r;
if ("kind" in e)
return t = e.kind, "software" === t ? (null != (s = e.ipadScreenshotUrls) ? s.length : void 0) ? (null != (r = e.screenshotUrls) ? r.length : void 0) ? "iosUniversalApp" : "ipadApp" : "iphoneApp" : n[t]
},classForCollectionType: function(e) {
return "collectionType" in e ? a[e.collectionType] : void 0
},classForArtist: function(e) {
return "artistType" in e ? r[e.artistType] : void 0
},classForWrapperType: function(e) {
return "wrapperType" in e ? i[e.wrapperType] : void 0
},typeForResult: function(e) {
var t, s, r, a;
return (r = this.classForKind(e)) ? r : (s = this.classForCollectionType(e)) ? s : (t = this.classForArtist(e)) ? t : (a = this.classForWrapperType(e)) ? a : void App.Logger.error("Undeteremined type for iTunes ID %@".fmt(
},extractId: function(e) {
return e.trackId || e.collectionId || e.artistId
}), require.register("utils/logger", function(e, t, s) {
var r, a = [].slice;
r = t("config/environment"), s.exports = {error: function(e) {
return void (r.get("errorReportingEnabled") ? Raven.captureException(new Error(e)) : Ember.Logger.error(e))
},dbg: {log: function() {
var e, t, s;
return t = arguments[0], e = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [], r.get("debugLog") ? (s = Ember.Logger).log.apply(s, [t].concat( : void 0
},debug: function() {
var e, t, s;
return t = arguments[0], e = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [], r.get("debugLog") ? (s = Ember.Logger).debug.apply(s, [t].concat( : void 0
}), require.register("utils/normalize_term", function(e, t, s) {
var r;
r = Ember.$.trim, s.exports = function(e) {
return "string" === Ember.typeOf(e) ? r(e.replace(/\+/g, " ")).replace(/\s\s+/g, " ") : void 0
}), require.register("utils/number_with_commas", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = function(e) {
return e.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")
}), require.register("utils/one_way_many", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = function(e, t, s) {
var r;
return r = e.reduce(function(e, s) {
return e[s] = Ember.computed.oneWay("" + t + "." + s), e
}, {}), s.reopen(r)
}), require.register("utils/translations", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = {Explicit_Content: "Explicit Content","action&adventure": "Action & Adventure",african: "African",alerttones: "Alert Tones",all: "All",alternative: "Alternative",animation: "Animation",anime: "Anime",appstore: "iOS Apps","art&architecture": "Art & Architecture",arts: "Arts","arts&entertainment": "Arts & Entertainment",audiobooks: "Audiobooks",audiobookslatino: "Audiobooks Latino",bigband: "Big Band","biographies&memoirs": "Biographies & Memoirs","biography&memoir": "Biography & Memoir",blues: "Blues",bollywood: "Bollywood",books: "Books",brazilian: "Brazilian",business: "Business","business&personalfinance": "Business & Personal Finance",catalogs: "Catalogs","children&teens": "Children & Teens","children'smusic": "Children's Music",chinese: "Chinese","christian&gospel": "Christian & Gospel",classic: "Classic",classical: "Classical",classics: "Classics",comedy: "Comedy","comics&graphicnovels": "Comics & Graphic Novels","communications&media": "Communications & Media","computers&internet": "Computers & Internet",concertfilms: "Concert Films","cookbooks,food&wine": "Cookbooks, Food & Wine",country: "Country",dance: "Dance",developertools: "Developer Tools",disney: "Disney",documentary: "Documentary",drama: "Drama","drama&poetry": "Drama & Poetry",easylistening: "Easy Listening",education: "Education",electronic: "Electronic",engineering: "Engineering",enka: "Enka",entertainment: "Entertainment",featuredalbums: "Featured Albums",fiction: "Fiction","fiction&literature": "Fiction & Literature",finance: "Finance","fitness&workout": "Fitness & Workout","food&drink": "Food & Drink",foreign: "Foreign",frenchpop: "French Pop",games: "Games","games&hobbies": "Games & Hobbies",germanfolk: "German Folk",germanpop: "German Pop","government&organizations": "Government & Organizations","graphics&design": "Graphics & Design",health: "Health","health&fitness": "Health & Fitness","health&medicine": "Health & Medicine","health,mind&body": "Health, Mind & Body","hip-hop/rap": "Hip-Hop/Rap",history: "History",holiday: "Holiday",horror: "Horror",humor: "Humor",independent: "Independent",indian: "Indian",instrumental: "Instrumental",itunesu: "iTunesU","j-pop": "J-Pop",japanesecinema: "Japanese Cinema",jazz: "Jazz",jidaigeki: "Jidaigeki",justadded: "Just Added","k-pop": "K-Pop",karaoke: "Karaoke",kayokyoku: "Kayokyoku",kids: "Kids","kids&family": "Kids & Family","kids&youngadults": "Kids & Young Adults",korean: "Korean",koreancinema: "Korean Cinema",language: "Language",languages: "Languages",languagestudies: "Language Studies",latin: "Latin",latino: "Latino",latinotv: "Latino TV","law&politics": "Law & Politics",lifestyle: "Lifestyle","lifestyle&home": "Lifestyle & Home",literature: "Literature",macappstore: "Mac Apps",madefortv: "Made for TV",mathematics: "Mathematics",medical: "Medical",medicine: "Medicine",middleeastern: "MiddleEastern",movies: "Movies",music: "Music",musicals: "Musicals",musicdocumentaries: "Music Documentaries",musicfeaturefilms: "Music Feature Films",musicvideos: "Music Videos","mysteries&thrillers": "Mysteries & Thrillers",mystery: "Mystery",navigation: "Navigation",newage: "New Age",newapplications: "New Applications",newfreeapplications: "New Free Applications",newpaidapplications: "New Paid Applications",newreleases: "New Releases",news: "News","news&politics": "News & Politics",newsstand: "Newsstand",nonfiction: "Nonfiction",opera: "Opera",parenting: "Parenting",philosophy: "Philosophy","photo&video": "Photo & Video",photography: "Photography",podcasts: "Podcasts","politics&currentevents": "Politics & Current Events",pop: "Pop",productivity: "Productivity","professional&technical": "Professional & Technical","programs&performances": "Programs & Performances","psychology&socialscience": "Psychology & Social Science","r&b/soul": "R&B/Soul",realitytv: "Reality TV",reference: "Reference",reggae: "Reggae",regionalindian: "Regional Indian","religion&spirituality": "Religion & Spirituality",ringtones: "Ringtones",rock: "Rock",romance: "Romance",russian: "Russian","sci-fi&fantasy": "Sci-Fi & Fantasy",science: "Science","science&medicine": "Science & Medicine","science&nature": "Science & Nature","scifi&fantasy": "Sci Fi & Fantasy",selfdevelopment: "Self Development",shortfilms: "Short Films","singer/songwriter": "Singer/Songwriter",socialnetworking: "Social Networking",socialscience: "Social Science",society: "Society","society&culture": "Society & Culture",soundtrack: "Soundtrack","speakers&storytellers": "Speakers & Storytellers",specialinterest: "Special Interest",spokenword: "Spoken Word",sports: "Sports","sports&outdoors": "Sports & Outdoors","sports&recreation": "Sports & Recreation","teaching&learning": "Teaching & Learning",technology: "Technology",teens: "Teens",textbooks: "Textbooks",thriller: "Thriller",tokusatsu: "Tokusatsu",tones: "Ringtones",topalbums: "Top Albums",topaudiobooks: "Top Audiobooks",topfreeapplications: "Top Free Applications",topfreeebooks: "Top Free Books",topfreeipadapplications: "Top Free iPad Applications",topfreemacapps: "Top Free Mac Apps",topgrossingapplications: "Top Grossing Applications",topgrossingipadapplications: "Top Grossing iPad Applications",topgrossingmacapps: "Top Grossing Mac Apps",topimixes: "Top iMixes",topitunesucollections: "Top iTunes U Collections",topitunesucourses: "Top iTunes U Courses",topmacapps: "Top Mac Apps",topmovies: "Top Movies",topmusicvideos: "Top Music Videos",toppaidapplications: "Top Paid Applications",toppaidebooks: "Top Paid Books",toppaidipadapplications: "Top Paid iPad Applications",toppaidmacapps: "Top Paid Mac Apps",toppodcasts: "Top Podcasts",topsongs: "Top Songs",topvideorentals: "Top Video Rentals",travel: "Travel","travel&adventure": "Travel & Adventure",turkish: "Turkish","tv&film": "TV & Film",tvshows: "TV Shows",urban: "Urban",utilities: "Utilities",video: "Video",vocal: "Vocal",weather: "Weather",western: "Western",world: "World"}
}), require.register("views/application", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.ApplicationView = Ember.View.extend({classNames: "app-wrapper",classNameBindings: ["isHome:app-wrapper--home"],templateName: "application",isHome: Ember.computed.oneWay("controller.isHome")})
}), require.register("views/home", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.HomeView = Ember.View.extend({addBodyClass: function() {
return Ember.$("body").addClass("body-home")
}.on("didInsertElement"),removeBodyClass: function() {
return Ember.$("body").removeClass("body-home")
}), require.register("views/itunes_item/screenshots_overlay", function() {
App.ItunesItemScreenshotsOverlayView = Ember.View.extend(App.OverlayMixin, {index: Ember.computed.oneWay("controller.index"),highlightCurrentImage: function() {
var e, t, s;
return t = this.$(".app-screenshot:eq(" + this.get("index") + ")"), 0 === this.get("index") ? t.addClass("app-screenshot--highlight") : (e = Ember.$("img", t), e.length && null != (s = this.$(".app-screenshots-wrapper")) ? s.scrollTo(e, 300, {margin: !0,easing: "easeInQuad",onAfter: function() {
return t.addClass("app-screenshot--highlight")
}}) : void 0)
},afterMenuShown: function() {
var e;
return null != (e = this.$()) ? e.imagesLoaded().always(function(e) {
return function() {
return e.highlightCurrentImage()
}(this)) : void 0
},removeListeners: function() {
return this.$().off(".imagesLoaded")
}), require.register("views/menu", function(e, t, s) {
s.exports = App.MenuView = Ember.View.extend(App.OverlayMixin, {appearanceDirection: "none"})
}), require.register("config/environments/production", function() {
window.TAPAS_ENV = {name: "production",appName: "fnd",appSubtitle: "Experience the App Store and iTunes Anywhere",url: "",analyticsEnabled: !0,googleAnalyticsId: "UA-49302112-1",googleAnalyticsDomain: "",errorReportingEnabled: !0}
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