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Created April 3, 2019 04:14
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Tokenized Voting
pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
contract Owned {
address public owner;
constructor () public {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner() {
assert(msg.sender == owner);
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) external onlyOwner {
if (newOwner != address(0)) {
owner = newOwner;
//TODO: hashing definitely should be in here somewhere this is not secure in the slightest
contract ElectionPlatform is Owned {
Election[] elections; // store elections
Voter[] public voters; // hold voters
mapping (address => uint) voterID;
//hold info about election
struct Election {
string name;
Candidate[] candidates; // hold candidates
mapping (address => uint) candidateID;
mapping (address => uint) participants; // who has already participated
uint startDate; // time of election start
bool hasBeenStarted; // used so election can only be started once
uint endDate; // time election ends
bool finished; // has winner been computed
Candidate winner; // hold winner of election
// hold info about candidates
struct Candidate {
string name;
string party;
mapping (address => uint) supporters;
uint votes;
// hold info about registered voters
struct Voter {
string name;
string party;
modifier onlyVoters {
require(voterID[msg.sender] != 0);
constructor() Owned() public {
//add 0 index empty voter
addVoter(0, "", "");
// setup for demo
// create election with 2 candidates
addElection("US Presidential 2020");
// add two candidates
addCandidate(0, 0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c, "Donald Trump", "Republican");
addCandidate(0, 0x4b0897b0513fdc7c541b6d9d7e929c4e5364d2db, "Kanye West", "Democrat");
// add admin as a voter
addVoter(msg.sender, "admin", "Independent");
// create a candidate
function addCandidate(uint targetElection, address targetCandidate, string name, string party) onlyOwner public {
//pull election
Election storage e = elections[targetElection];
//check if election has already started
require(!e.hasBeenStarted, "election has already started");
//check if candidate already exists
uint id = e.candidateID[targetCandidate];
//if doesn't exist create
if(id == 0) {
e.candidateID[targetCandidate] = e.candidates.length;
id = e.candidates.length++;
// create or update struct info
Candidate storage c = e.candidates[id]; = name; = party;
//create a voter
function addVoter(address targetVoter, string name, string party) onlyOwner public {
//check if candidate already exists
uint id = voterID[targetVoter];
//if doesn't exist create
if(id == 0) {
voterID[targetVoter] = voters.length;
id = voters.length++;
// create or update struct info
Voter storage v = voters[id]; = name; = party;
function addElection(string name) onlyOwner public {
uint id = elections.length++;
Election storage e = elections[id]; = name;
// add 0 index empty candidate
addCandidate(id, 0, "", "");
//TODO: for front end, need getters for voter and candidate arrays
//allow owner to start election, gives a duration and sets the boolean
function startElection(uint targetElection, uint durationInMinutes) onlyOwner public {
//pull election
Election storage e = elections[targetElection];
//check if has been started
require(!e.hasBeenStarted, "election has already been started");
e.hasBeenStarted = true;
e.startDate = now;
e.endDate = e.startDate + durationInMinutes * 1 minutes;
//give the remaining time in minutes
function checkRemainingTime(uint targetElection) public view returns (uint) {
//pull election
Election storage e = elections[targetElection];
require(e.hasBeenStarted, "election has not been started");
if(now < e.endDate) {
return ((e.endDate - now) / 60) + 1; // plus 1 to round up
} else {
return 0;
// function to vote for a candidate
function vote(uint targetElection, address candidate) onlyVoters public {
//pull election
Election storage e = elections[targetElection];
// make sure election has been started
require(e.hasBeenStarted, "election has not been started");
// make sure election is still running
require(now < e.endDate, "time is up");
//make sure candidate is valid
require(e.candidateID[candidate] != 0, "invalid candidate");
// get that candidate
uint id = e.candidateID[candidate];
Candidate storage c = e.candidates[id];
//make sure voter is registered
require(voterID[msg.sender] != 0);
//check if voter has voted before, if so undo vote for that candidate
if (e.participants[msg.sender] == 1) {
uint i = 0;
Candidate storage oldC;
while(true) {
oldC = e.candidates[i];
if(oldC.supporters[msg.sender] == 1){
oldC.supporters[msg.sender] = 0;
//vote for candidate
c.supporters[msg.sender] = 1;
e.participants[msg.sender] = 1;
// finish the election, first time computes winner after that just returns
function endElection(uint targetElection) public {
//get election
Election storage e = elections[targetElection];
// make sure election has concluded
require(now > e.endDate && e.hasBeenStarted, "election hasn't finished");
// make sure hasn't already been computed
require (!e.finished, "result already concluded");
// compute and set winner
Candidate storage c;
e.winner = e.candidates[1];
uint winning_votes = e.winner.votes; // will be used to check for ties
uint winner_index = 1;
for(uint i = 1; i < e.candidates.length; i++) {
c = e.candidates[i];
if(c.votes > e.winner.votes) {
e.winner = c;
winning_votes = e.winner.votes;
winner_index = i;
// check for tie, create and return special tie candidate if so
for(i = 1; i < e.candidates.length; i++) {
c = e.candidates[i];
if(c.votes == e.winner.votes && winner_index != i) {
e.hasBeenStarted = false; // allow use of function
addCandidate(targetElection, 0, "TIE", "TIE"); // indirectly makes only the owner able to end election
e.hasBeenStarted = true;
e.winner = e.candidates[e.candidates.length - 1];
e.finished = true;
// view result
function viewResults(uint targetElection) public view returns (string) {
//get election
Election storage e = elections[targetElection];
// make sure result has been computed
require(e.finished, "not yet computed");
//return winners name
//view a candidate name
function viewCandidateName(uint targetElection, uint candidate) public view returns (string) {
Election storage e = elections[targetElection];
Candidate storage c = e.candidates[candidate];
//view a candidate party
function viewCandidateParty(uint targetElection, uint candidate) public view returns (string) {
Election storage e = elections[targetElection];
Candidate storage c = e.candidates[candidate];
//view a election name
function viewElectionName(uint targetElection) public view returns (string) {
Election storage e = elections[targetElection];
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