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Last active June 29, 2020 16:36
const app = require('@feathersjs/feathers')
const service = require('feathers-knex')
const knex = require('knex')
const db = knex({
client: 'mysql',
connection: 'mysql://user:pass@localhost/test',
app.use('todos', service({
Model: db,
name: 'todos',
multi: true,
whitelist: ['$distinct'],
before: {
find: [
context => {
// If {$distinct: true} is included in the query,
// add `distinct()` to the knex query.
if (context.params.query.$distinct) {
delete context.params.query.$distinct
const knex = context.service.createQuery(context.params)
context.params.knex = knex.distinct()
// workaround to remove id from the query:
// context.params.knex = knex
// .clearSelect()
// .select(context.params.query.$select)
// .distinct()
return context
async function main() {
const todosService = app.service('todos')
// Insert two todos with the same text.
await todosService.create({id: 1, text: 'Buy eggs'})
await todosService.create({id: 2, text: 'Buy eggs'})
// Query the todos with distinct. Should only receive one todo as
// [{text: 'Buy eggs'}] but instead receive two todos as
// [{id: 1, text: 'Buy eggs'}, {id: 2, text: 'Buy eggs'}]
const todos = await app.service('todos').find({
query: {
$distinct: true,
$select: ['text']
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