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Last active June 2, 2023 21:09
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Fastify GCP Stackdriver logging agent compatible pino logger
import * as P from 'pino'
import {FastifyReply, FastifyRequest} from 'fastify'
const enum PINO_LEVELS {
trace = 10,
debug = 20,
info = 30,
warn = 40,
error = 50,
fatal = 60,
function pinoLevelToStackdriverSeverity(level: PINO_LEVELS) {
if (level === PINO_LEVELS.trace || level === PINO_LEVELS.debug) {
return 'debug'
if (level === {
return 'info'
if (level === PINO_LEVELS.warn) {
return 'warning'
if (level === PINO_LEVELS.error) {
return 'error'
if (level >= PINO_LEVELS.fatal) {
return 'critical'
return 'default'
function truncateToDecimalPlace(value: number, decimalPlace: number) {
return (
Math.trunc(value * Math.pow(10, decimalPlace)) / Math.pow(10, decimalPlace)
interface LogEntryHTTPRequest {
requestMethod?: string
requestUrl?: string
requestSize?: string
status?: number
responseSize?: string
userAgent?: string
remoteIp?: string
serverIp?: string
referer?: string
latency?: string
cacheLookup?: boolean
cacheHit?: boolean
cacheValidatedWithOriginServer?: boolean
cacheFillBytes?: string
protocol?: string
interface LogObject {
req?: FastifyRequest
res?: FastifyReply
httpRequest?: LogEntryHTTPRequest
requestId?: string
const logger = P({
messageKey: 'message',
timestamp: false,
base: undefined,
formatters: {
level(_label, number) {
return {
severity: pinoLevelToStackdriverSeverity(number),
log(object: LogObject) {
// Setuping the Stackdriver httpRequest property on the log entry
if (object.req) {
object.httpRequest = {
...(object.httpRequest ?? {},
requestMethod: object.req.method,
requestUrl: object.req.url,
userAgent: object.req.headers['user-agent'],
remoteIp: object.req.ip,
protocol: object.req.protocol,
if (object.res) {
object.httpRequest = {
...(object.httpRequest ?? {},
requestMethod: object.res.request.method,
requestUrl: object.res.request.url,
status: object.res.statusCode,
userAgent: object.res.request.headers['user-agent'],
latency: `${truncateToDecimalPlace(object.res.getResponseTime() / 1000, 9)}s`,
remoteIp: object.res.request.ip,
protocol: object.res.request.protocol,
return object
serializers: {
// Nullifying the standard Fastify Request/Response serializer for better stackdriver support
req(request: FastifyRequest) { return undefined },
res(reply: FastifyReply) { return undefined },
responseTime: function(value) { return undefined }
export default logger
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narkeeso commented Sep 8, 2021

Thank you for posting this! Was driving crazy trying to find an easy way to get pino to behave with stackdriver.

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Thank you for posting this! Was driving crazy trying to find an easy way to get pino to behave with stackdriver.

My pleasure, it is definately tricky and a bit of a hack job to make it work good 😓

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