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import requests
key = 'eusNIu1EsTDCwSBRwh4-m3_UfoPvkN2eVfYfaNIEZ4Z'
def send_text(message):
requests.get('{}/with/key/{}'.format('send_text',key), data={'value1':message})
def send_email(subject, message):
requests.get('{}/with/key/{}'.format('send_email',key), data={'value1':subject, 'value2':message})
from pyicloud import PyiCloudService
import sys
import click
if __name__ == '__main__':
email = click.prompt('Email')
password = click.prompt('Password')
from get_videos import find_videos
from youtube_download import download_video
import os
import sys
def download_whole_channel(channel_name):
if not os.path.exists(channel_name):
for vid in find_videos(channel_name=channel_name):
from pytube import YouTube
from pprint import pprint
import sys
def download_video(video_id='', folder='.', progress=None, finish=None):
url = '{}'.format(video_id)
yt = YouTube(url)
except Exception as e:
from temboo.Library.YouTube.Search import ListSearchResults
from temboo.Library.YouTube.Playlists import ListPlaylistsByChannel
from temboo.Library.YouTube.PlaylistItems import ListItemsByPlaylist
from temboo.core.session import TembooSession
import json
import sys
session = TembooSession("jordanemedlock", "BlackPin", "yQbxb5hKgUehRlnfuqVJD7KF0v8BDQeX")
from pytube import YouTube
from pprint import pprint
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
vid = sys.argv[1]
print('Usage - python3 VIDEO_ID')
# pH | Ammonia | Nitrite | Nitrate | Date
# 7.8 | 8.0+ ppm | 0.75 ppm | 5.0 ppm | 17 07 12
  • Locality preserving projections
  • Hilbert curve
  • Convex vs Non Convex Cost functions

Sleep Easy

  • run dlib example
  • run landmarks.cpp in sleep_easy
  • make next steps

Pencil In

  • generate Tasks