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Created November 16, 2018 19:29
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Datafile loading / management

Load datafile already on the page

This is the ideal case and prevents a lot of timing issues and complexity, however we realize not all customers will have access to this.

import { Optimizely} from '@optimizely/js-web-sdk'
const optimizely = new Optimizely({
	datafile: window.datafile,
  userId: window.userId,
// all calls can happen immediately after (sync)

Load datafile by URL

This is not an optimal solution as it requires us to think about timing and ensure that we only call optimizely functions after the datafile is loaded or ensure we handle the case where optimizely is not ready and we need to delay loading or display a default.

Asnyc load and wait until datafile is loaded

import {
} from '@optimizely/js-web-sdk'

const datafileManager = new URLDatafileManager({
  url: datafileUrl,
const optimizely = new Optimizely({
  userId: window.userId,
await optimizely.initialize()
// at this point datafile may or may not be loaded

optimizely.onReady(() => {
  // optimizely is gauranteed to be loaded at this point

Asnyc load and wait up til 100ms

import {
} from '@optimizely/js-web-sdk'

const datafileManager = new URLDatafileManager({
  url: datafileUrl,
const optimizely = new Optimizely({
  userId: window.userId,
await optimizely.initialize({ timeout: 100 })
// at this point datafile may or may not be loaded


optimizely.onReady(() => {
  // optimizely is gauranteed to be loaded at this point

Notice that we use optimizely.initialize to allow the datafile to try to load in the allotted time, if it doesn’t load in time then we proceed and a hook onReady is provided where you can attach functions that are called when the datafile is loaded

Second page load

By default the URLDatafileManager will store the contents of the datafile in localStorage, on second page load we are guaranteed to have synchronous access to the datafile.

The URLDatafileManager will also make a background request to get an updated datafile, however that will not be registered until the next instantiation of Optimizely which is usually the next page load.

When using optimizely async the user will only have to pay the loading cost once on first page load, subsequent page loads are always synchronous

Using React

// ./optimizely.js
import {
} from '@optimizely/js-web-sdk'

const datafileManager = new URLDatafileManager({
  url: datafileUrl,
const optimizely = new Optimizely({
  userId: window.userId,
// note we aren't using await here because our React Components will handle waiting for the datafile

export { optimizely }
// ./App.jsx
import React, {Component} from 'react'
import { optimizely } from './optimizely'
import {
} from '@optimizely/react-sdk'

class App extends Component {
  render() {
     <OptimizelyProvider optimizely={optimizely}>
          fallbackTimeout={50} // wait 50ms max
          fallback={() => <h1>Optimizely didnt load</h1>}
          {/* Optimizely is gauranteed to be loaded */}
          <OptimizelyExperiment experiment="header-test">
            {(variation) => (
              variation === 'detailed'
                ? <DetailedHeader />
                : <SimpleHeader />


Benefits to the React approach In the case where the datafile is already loaded, either from being on the page already or cached in local storage this approach doesn’t have a flash or a loading spinner.

On first page load, if the datafile is slow (due to slow connection) it will render the fallback.

Differences between OptimizelyReady and OptimizelySuspense

Should there be two things a loadingTimeout and a fallbackTimeout?

Invoking a function queue when the client gets Datafile

User ID Management

  • Create a random user id
    • how long to manage it
      • infinite
      • Session storage
      • debounced XX days / hours?
  • Can set user id

Experiment state

Different kind of change types

Requires us to be able to put data on variations

Specific environments can be marked as “carrying data”

Or do we need a special environment for JS WEB SDK

#sdk #work

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