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Last active January 20, 2020 17:41
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  • Save jordanglassman/3d131467748b8171d71fd58a1f508205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jordanglassman/3d131467748b8171d71fd58a1f508205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash -ex
# NB: This is the *server* version, which is not to be confused with the client library version.
# The important compatibility point is the *protocol* version, which hasn't changed in ages.
[ -e $RSRC_DIR/.repacked ] && echo "Already repacked, skipping..." && exit 0
cd `dirname $0`
PACKDIR=$(mktemp -d -t wat.XXXXXX)
mkdir -p dist/ target/generated-resources/
#[ -e $LINUX_DIST ] || wget -O $LINUX_DIST "$VERSION-linux-x64-binaries.tar.gz"
[ -e $OSX_DIST ] || wget -O $OSX_DIST "$"
#[ -e $WINDOWS_DIST ] || wget -O $WINDOWS_DIST "$"
#pushd $PACKDIR/pgsql
#tar cJf $RSRC_DIR/postgresql-Linux-x86_64.txz \
# share/postgresql \
# lib \
# bin/initdb \
# bin/pg_ctl \
# bin/postgres
#rm -fr $PACKDIR && mkdir -p $PACKDIR
unzip -q -d $PACKDIR $OSX_DIST
pushd $PACKDIR/pgsql
tar cJf $RSRC_DIR/postgresql-Darwin-x86_64.txz \
share/postgresql \
lib/libicudata.57.dylib \
lib/libicui18n.57.dylib \
lib/libicuuc.57.dylib \
lib/libxml2.2.dylib \
lib/libssl.1.1.dylib \
lib/libcrypto.1.1.dylib \
lib/libuuid.1.1.dylib \
lib/libz.1.dylib \
lib/libpq.5.dylib \
lib/postgresql/*.so \
bin/initdb \
bin/pg_ctl \
rm -fr $PACKDIR && mkdir -p $PACKDIR
#pushd $PACKDIR/pgsql
#tar cJf $RSRC_DIR/postgresql-Windows-x86_64.txz \
# share \
# lib/iconv.lib \
# lib/libxml2.lib \
# lib/ssleay32.lib \
# lib/ssleay32MD.lib \
# lib/*.dll \
# bin/initdb.exe \
# bin/pg_ctl.exe \
# bin/postgres.exe \
# bin/*.dll
#rm -rf $PACKDIR
touch $RSRC_DIR/.repacked
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