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Created October 16, 2014 15:29
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var deployJava = function() {
var l = {
core: ["id", "class", "title", "style"],
i18n: ["lang", "dir"],
events: ["onclick", "ondblclick", "onmousedown", "onmouseup", "onmouseover", "onmousemove", "onmouseout", "onkeypress", "onkeydown", "onkeyup"],
applet: ["codebase", "code", "name", "archive", "object", "width", "height", "alt", "align", "hspace", "vspace"],
object: ["classid", "codebase", "codetype", "data", "type", "archive", "declare", "standby", "height", "width", "usemap", "name", "tabindex", "align", "border", "hspace", "vspace"]
var b = l.object.concat(l.core, l.i18n,;
var m = l.applet.concat(l.core);
function g(o) {
if (!d.debug) {
if (console.log) {
} else {
function k(p, o) {
if (p == null || p.length == 0) {
return true
var r = p.charAt(p.length - 1);
if (r != "+" && r != "*" && (p.indexOf("_") != -1 && r != "_")) {
p = p + "*";
r = "*"
p = p.substring(0, p.length - 1);
if (p.length > 0) {
var q = p.charAt(p.length - 1);
if (q == "." || q == "_") {
p = p.substring(0, p.length - 1)
if (r == "*") {
return (o.indexOf(p) == 0)
} else {
if (r == "+") {
return p <= o
return false
function e() {
var o = "//";
try {
return document.location.protocol.indexOf("http") != -1 ? o : "http:" + o
} catch (p) {
return "http:" + o
function n(p) {
var o = "";
if (p == null || p.length == 0) {
return o
if (p.charAt(0) == "&") {
p = p.substring(1, p.length)
return o + "?" + p
function j(q, p) {
var o = q.length;
for (var r = 0; r < o; r++) {
if (q[r] === p) {
return true
return false
function c(o) {
return j(m, o.toLowerCase())
function i(o) {
return j(b, o.toLowerCase())
function a(o) {
if ("MSIE" != deployJava.browserName) {
return true
if (deployJava.compareVersionToPattern(deployJava.getPlugin().version, ["10", "0", "0"], false, true)) {
return true
if (o == null) {
return false
return !k("1.6.0_33+", o)
var d = {
debug: null,
version: "20120801",
firefoxJavaVersion: null,
myInterval: null,
preInstallJREList: null,
returnPage: null,
brand: null,
locale: null,
installType: null,
EAInstallEnabled: false,
EarlyAccessURL: null,
oldMimeType: "application/npruntime-scriptable-plugin;DeploymentToolkit",
mimeType: "application/java-deployment-toolkit",
launchButtonPNG: e(),
browserName: null,
browserName2: null,
getJREs: function() {
var t = new Array();
if (this.isPluginInstalled()) {
var r = this.getPlugin();
var o = r.jvms;
for (var q = 0; q < o.getLength(); q++) {
t[q] = o.get(q).version
} else {
var p = this.getBrowser();
if (p == "MSIE") {
if (this.testUsingActiveX("1.7.0")) {
t[0] = "1.7.0"
} else {
if (this.testUsingActiveX("1.6.0")) {
t[0] = "1.6.0"
} else {
if (this.testUsingActiveX("1.5.0")) {
t[0] = "1.5.0"
} else {
if (this.testUsingActiveX("1.4.2")) {
t[0] = "1.4.2"
} else {
if (this.testForMSVM()) {
t[0] = "1.1"
} else {
if (p == "Netscape Family") {
if (this.firefoxJavaVersion != null) {
t[0] = this.firefoxJavaVersion
} else {
if (this.testUsingMimeTypes("1.7")) {
t[0] = "1.7.0"
} else {
if (this.testUsingMimeTypes("1.6")) {
t[0] = "1.6.0"
} else {
if (this.testUsingMimeTypes("1.5")) {
t[0] = "1.5.0"
} else {
if (this.testUsingMimeTypes("1.4.2")) {
t[0] = "1.4.2"
} else {
if (this.browserName2 == "Safari") {
if (this.testUsingPluginsArray("1.7.0")) {
t[0] = "1.7.0"
} else {
if (this.testUsingPluginsArray("1.6")) {
t[0] = "1.6.0"
} else {
if (this.testUsingPluginsArray("1.5")) {
t[0] = "1.5.0"
} else {
if (this.testUsingPluginsArray("1.4.2")) {
t[0] = "1.4.2"
if (this.debug) {
for (var q = 0; q < t.length; ++q) {
g("[getJREs()] We claim to have detected Java SE " + t[q])
return t
installJRE: function(r, p) {
var o = false;
if (this.isPluginInstalled() && this.isAutoInstallEnabled(r)) {
var q = false;
if (this.isCallbackSupported()) {
q = this.getPlugin().installJRE(r, p)
} else {
q = this.getPlugin().installJRE(r)
if (q) {
if (this.returnPage != null) {
document.location = this.returnPage
return q
} else {
return this.installLatestJRE()
isAutoInstallEnabled: function(o) {
if (!this.isPluginInstalled()) {
return false
if (typeof o == "undefined") {
o = null
return a(o)
isCallbackSupported: function() {
return this.isPluginInstalled() && this.compareVersionToPattern(this.getPlugin().version, ["10", "2", "0"], false, true)
installLatestJRE: function(q) {
if (this.isPluginInstalled() && this.isAutoInstallEnabled()) {
var r = false;
if (this.isCallbackSupported()) {
r = this.getPlugin().installLatestJRE(q)
} else {
r = this.getPlugin().installLatestJRE()
if (r) {
if (this.returnPage != null) {
document.location = this.returnPage
return r
} else {
var p = this.getBrowser();
var o = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();
if ((this.EAInstallEnabled == "true") && (o.indexOf("win") != -1) && (this.EarlyAccessURL != null)) {
this.preInstallJREList = this.getJREs();
if (this.returnPage != null) {
this.myInterval = setInterval("deployJava.poll()", 3000)
location.href = this.EarlyAccessURL;
return false
} else {
if (p == "MSIE") {
return this.IEInstall()
} else {
if ((p == "Netscape Family") && (o.indexOf("win32") != -1)) {
return this.FFInstall()
} else {
location.href = n(((this.returnPage != null) ? ("&returnPage=" + this.returnPage) : "") + ((this.locale != null) ? ("&locale=" + this.locale) : "") + ((this.brand != null) ? ("&brand=" + this.brand) : ""))
return false
runApplet: function(p, u, r) {
if (r == "undefined" || r == null) {
r = "1.1"
var t = "^(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:_(\\d+))?)?)?$";
var o = r.match(t);
if (this.returnPage == null) {
this.returnPage = document.location
if (o != null) {
var q = this.getBrowser();
if (q != "?") {
if (this.versionCheck(r + "+")) {
this.writeAppletTag(p, u)
} else {
if (this.installJRE(r + "+")) {
location.href = document.location;
this.writeAppletTag(p, u)
} else {
this.writeAppletTag(p, u)
} else {
g("[runApplet()] Invalid minimumVersion argument to runApplet():" + r)
writeAppletTag: function(r, w) {
var o = "<" + "applet ";
var q = "";
var t = "<" + "/" + "applet" + ">";
var x = true;
if (null == w || typeof w != "object") {
w = new Object()
for (var p in r) {
if (!c(p)) {
w[p] = r[p]
} else {
o += (" " + p + '="' + r[p] + '"');
if (p == "code") {
x = false
var v = false;
for (var u in w) {
if (u == "codebase_lookup") {
v = true
if (u == "object" || u == "java_object" || u == "java_code") {
x = false
q += '<param name="' + u + '" value="' + w[u] + '"/>'
if (!v) {
q += '<param name="codebase_lookup" value="false"/>'
if (x) {
o += (' code="dummy"')
o += ">";
document.write(o + "\n" + q + "\n" + t)
versionCheck: function(p) {
var v = 0;
var x = "^(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:_(\\d+))?)?)?(\\*|\\+)?$";
var y = p.match(x);
if (y != null) {
var r = false;
var u = false;
var q = new Array();
for (var t = 1; t < y.length; ++t) {
if ((typeof y[t] == "string") && (y[t] != "")) {
q[v] = y[t];
if (q[q.length - 1] == "+") {
u = true;
r = false;
} else {
if (q[q.length - 1] == "*") {
u = false;
r = true;
} else {
if (q.length < 4) {
u = false;
r = true
var w = this.getJREs();
for (var t = 0; t < w.length; ++t) {
if (this.compareVersionToPattern(w[t], q, r, u)) {
return true
return false
} else {
var o = "Invalid versionPattern passed to versionCheck: " + p;
g("[versionCheck()] " + o);
return false
isWebStartInstalled: function(r) {
var q = this.getBrowser();
if (q == "?") {
return true
if (r == "undefined" || r == null) {
r = "1.4.2"
var p = false;
var t = "^(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:_(\\d+))?)?)?$";
var o = r.match(t);
if (o != null) {
p = this.versionCheck(r + "+")
} else {
g("[isWebStartInstaller()] Invalid minimumVersion argument to isWebStartInstalled(): " + r);
p = this.versionCheck("1.4.2+")
return p
getJPIVersionUsingMimeType: function() {
for (var p = 0; p < navigator.mimeTypes.length; ++p) {
var q = navigator.mimeTypes[p].type;
var o = q.match(/^application\/x-java-applet;jpi-version=(.*)$/);
if (o != null) {
this.firefoxJavaVersion = o[1];
if ("Opera" != this.browserName2) {
launchWebStartApplication: function(r) {
var o = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (this.isWebStartInstalled("1.7.0") == false) {
if ((this.installJRE("1.7.0+") == false) || ((this.isWebStartInstalled("1.7.0") == false))) {
return false
var u = null;
if (document.documentURI) {
u = document.documentURI
if (u == null) {
u = document.URL
var p = this.getBrowser();
var q;
if (p == "MSIE") {
q = "<" + 'object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" ' + 'width="0" height="0">' + "<" + 'PARAM name="launchjnlp" value="' + r + '"' + ">" + "<" + 'PARAM name="docbase" value="' + u + '"' + ">" + "<" + "/" + "object" + ">"
} else {
if (p == "Netscape Family") {
q = "<" + 'embed type="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=' + this.firefoxJavaVersion + '" ' + 'width="0" height="0" ' + 'launchjnlp="' + r + '"' + 'docbase="' + u + '"' + " />"
if (document.body == "undefined" || document.body == null) {
document.location = u
} else {
var t = document.createElement("div"); = "div1"; = "relative"; = "-10000px"; = "0px auto";
t.className = "dynamicDiv";
t.innerHTML = q;
createWebStartLaunchButtonEx: function(q, p) {
if (this.returnPage == null) {
this.returnPage = q
var o = "javascript:deployJava.launchWebStartApplication('" + q + "');";
document.write("<" + 'a href="' + o + "\" onMouseOver=\"window.status=''; " + 'return true;"><' + "img " + 'src="' + this.launchButtonPNG + '" ' + 'border="0" /><' + "/" + "a" + ">")
createWebStartLaunchButton: function(q, p) {
if (this.returnPage == null) {
this.returnPage = q
var o = "javascript:" + "if (!deployJava.isWebStartInstalled(&quot;" + p + "&quot;)) {" + "if (deployJava.installLatestJRE()) {" + "if (deployJava.launch(&quot;" + q + "&quot;)) {}" + "}" + "} else {" + "if (deployJava.launch(&quot;" + q + "&quot;)) {}" + "}";
document.write("<" + 'a href="' + o + "\" onMouseOver=\"window.status=''; " + 'return true;"><' + "img " + 'src="' + this.launchButtonPNG + '" ' + 'border="0" /><' + "/" + "a" + ">")
launch: function(o) {
document.location = o;
return true
isPluginInstalled: function() {
var o = this.getPlugin();
if (o && o.jvms) {
return true
} else {
return false
isAutoUpdateEnabled: function() {
if (this.isPluginInstalled()) {
return this.getPlugin().isAutoUpdateEnabled()
return false
setAutoUpdateEnabled: function() {
if (this.isPluginInstalled()) {
return this.getPlugin().setAutoUpdateEnabled()
return false
setInstallerType: function(o) {
this.installType = o;
if (this.isPluginInstalled()) {
return this.getPlugin().setInstallerType(o)
return false
setAdditionalPackages: function(o) {
if (this.isPluginInstalled()) {
return this.getPlugin().setAdditionalPackages(o)
return false
setEarlyAccess: function(o) {
this.EAInstallEnabled = o
isPlugin2: function() {
if (this.isPluginInstalled()) {
if (this.versionCheck("1.6.0_10+")) {
try {
return this.getPlugin().isPlugin2()
} catch (o) {}
return false
allowPlugin: function() {
var o = ("Safari" != this.browserName2 && "Opera" != this.browserName2);
return o
getPlugin: function() {
var o = null;
if (this.allowPlugin()) {
o = document.getElementById("deployJavaPlugin")
return o
compareVersionToPattern: function(v, p, r, t) {
if (v == undefined || p == undefined) {
return false
var w = "^(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+)(?:_(\\d+))?)?)?$";
var x = v.match(w);
if (x != null) {
var u = 0;
var y = new Array();
for (var q = 1; q < x.length; ++q) {
if ((typeof x[q] == "string") && (x[q] != "")) {
y[u] = x[q];
var o = Math.min(y.length, p.length);
if (t) {
for (var q = 0; q < o; ++q) {
if (y[q] < p[q]) {
return false
} else {
if (y[q] > p[q]) {
return true
return true
} else {
for (var q = 0; q < o; ++q) {
if (y[q] != p[q]) {
return false
if (r) {
return true
} else {
return (y.length == p.length)
} else {
return false
getBrowser: function() {
if (this.browserName == null) {
var o = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
g("[getBrowser()] navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() -> " + o);
if ((o.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (o.indexOf("opera") == -1)) {
this.browserName = "MSIE";
this.browserName2 = "MSIE"
} else {
if (o.indexOf("trident") != -1 || o.indexOf("Trident") != -1) {
this.browserName = "MSIE";
this.browserName2 = "MSIE"
} else {
if (o.indexOf("iphone") != -1) {
this.browserName = "Netscape Family";
this.browserName2 = "iPhone"
} else {
if ((o.indexOf("firefox") != -1) && (o.indexOf("opera") == -1)) {
this.browserName = "Netscape Family";
this.browserName2 = "Firefox"
} else {
if (o.indexOf("chrome") != -1) {
this.browserName = "Netscape Family";
this.browserName2 = "Chrome"
} else {
if (o.indexOf("safari") != -1) {
this.browserName = "Netscape Family";
this.browserName2 = "Safari"
} else {
if ((o.indexOf("mozilla") != -1) && (o.indexOf("opera") == -1)) {
this.browserName = "Netscape Family";
this.browserName2 = "Other"
} else {
if (o.indexOf("opera") != -1) {
this.browserName = "Netscape Family";
this.browserName2 = "Opera"
} else {
this.browserName = "?";
this.browserName2 = "unknown"
g("[getBrowser()] Detected browser name:" + this.browserName + ", " + this.browserName2)
return this.browserName
testUsingActiveX: function(o) {
var q = "JavaWebStart.isInstalled." + o + ".0";
if (typeof ActiveXObject == "undefined" || !ActiveXObject) {
g("[testUsingActiveX()] Browser claims to be IE, but no ActiveXObject object?");
return false
try {
return (new ActiveXObject(q) != null)
} catch (p) {
return false
testForMSVM: function() {
var p = "{08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500}";
if (typeof oClientCaps != "undefined") {
var o = oClientCaps.getComponentVersion(p, "ComponentID");
if ((o == "") || (o == "5,0,5000,0")) {
return false
} else {
return true
} else {
return false
testUsingMimeTypes: function(p) {
if (!navigator.mimeTypes) {
g("[testUsingMimeTypes()] Browser claims to be Netscape family, but no mimeTypes[] array?");
return false
for (var q = 0; q < navigator.mimeTypes.length; ++q) {
s = navigator.mimeTypes[q].type;
var o = s.match(/^application\/x-java-applet\x3Bversion=(1\.8|1\.7|1\.6|1\.5|1\.4\.2)$/);
if (o != null) {
if (this.compareVersions(o[1], p)) {
return true
return false
testUsingPluginsArray: function(p) {
if ((!navigator.plugins) || (!navigator.plugins.length)) {
return false
var o = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();
for (var q = 0; q < navigator.plugins.length; ++q) {
s = navigator.plugins[q].description;
if (^Java Switchable Plug-in (Cocoa)/) != -1) {
if (this.compareVersions("1.5.0", p)) {
return true
} else {
if (^Java/) != -1) {
if (o.indexOf("win") != -1) {
if (this.compareVersions("1.5.0", p) || this.compareVersions("1.6.0", p)) {
return true
if (this.compareVersions("1.5.0", p)) {
return true
return false
IEInstall: function() {
location.href = n(((this.returnPage != null) ? ("&returnPage=" + this.returnPage) : "") + ((this.locale != null) ? ("&locale=" + this.locale) : "") + ((this.brand != null) ? ("&brand=" + this.brand) : ""));
return false
done: function(p, o) {},
FFInstall: function() {
location.href = n(((this.returnPage != null) ? ("&returnPage=" + this.returnPage) : "") + ((this.locale != null) ? ("&locale=" + this.locale) : "") + ((this.brand != null) ? ("&brand=" + this.brand) : "") + ((this.installType != null) ? ("&type=" + this.installType) : ""));
return false
compareVersions: function(r, t) {
var p = r.split(".");
var o = t.split(".");
for (var q = 0; q < p.length; ++q) {
p[q] = Number(p[q])
for (var q = 0; q < o.length; ++q) {
o[q] = Number(o[q])
if (p.length == 2) {
p[2] = 0
if (p[0] > o[0]) {
return true
if (p[0] < o[0]) {
return false
if (p[1] > o[1]) {
return true
if (p[1] < o[1]) {
return false
if (p[2] > o[2]) {
return true
if (p[2] < o[2]) {
return false
return true
enableAlerts: function() {
this.browserName = null;
this.debug = true
poll: function() {
var o = this.getJREs();
if ((this.preInstallJREList.length == 0) && (o.length != 0)) {
if (this.returnPage != null) {
location.href = this.returnPage
if ((this.preInstallJREList.length != 0) && (o.length != 0) && (this.preInstallJREList[0] != o[0])) {
if (this.returnPage != null) {
location.href = this.returnPage
writePluginTag: function() {
var o = this.getBrowser();
if (o == "MSIE") {
document.write("<" + 'object classid="clsid:CAFEEFAC-DEC7-0000-0001-ABCDEFFEDCBA" ' + 'id="deployJavaPlugin" width="0" height="0">' + "<" + "/" + "object" + ">")
} else {
if (o == "Netscape Family" && this.allowPlugin()) {
refresh: function() {
var o = this.getBrowser();
if (o == "Netscape Family" && this.allowPlugin()) {
var p = document.getElementById("deployJavaPlugin");
if (p == null) {
writeEmbedTag: function() {
var o = false;
if (navigator.mimeTypes != null) {
for (var p = 0; p < navigator.mimeTypes.length; p++) {
if (navigator.mimeTypes[p].type == this.mimeType) {
if (navigator.mimeTypes[p].enabledPlugin) {
document.write("<" + 'embed id="deployJavaPlugin" type="' + this.mimeType + '" hidden="true" />');
o = true
if (!o) {
for (var p = 0; p < navigator.mimeTypes.length; p++) {
if (navigator.mimeTypes[p].type == this.oldMimeType) {
if (navigator.mimeTypes[p].enabledPlugin) {
document.write("<" + 'embed id="deployJavaPlugin" type="' + this.oldMimeType + '" hidden="true" />')
if (d.locale == null) {
var h = null;
if (h == null) {
try {
h = navigator.userLanguage
} catch (f) {}
if (h == null) {
try {
h = navigator.systemLanguage
} catch (f) {}
if (h == null) {
try {
h = navigator.language
} catch (f) {}
if (h != null) {
h.replace("-", "_");
d.locale = h
return d
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