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// Code generated by execgen; DO NOT EDIT.
// Copyright 2018 The Cockroach Authors.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
package colexec
import (
// OrderedDistinctColsToOperators is a utility function that given an input and
// a slice of columns, creates a chain of distinct operators and returns the
// last distinct operator in that chain as well as its output column.
func OrderedDistinctColsToOperators(
input colexecbase.Operator, distinctCols []uint32, typs []*types.T,
) (colexecbase.Operator, []bool, error) {
distinctCol := make([]bool, coldata.BatchSize())
// zero the boolean column on every iteration.
input = fnOp{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(input),
fn: func() { copy(distinctCol, zeroBoolColumn) },
var (
err error
r resettableOperator
ok bool
for i := range distinctCols {
input, err = newSingleDistinct(input, int(distinctCols[i]), distinctCol, typs[distinctCols[i]])
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if r, ok = input.(resettableOperator); !ok {
colexecerror.InternalError("unexpectedly an ordered distinct is not a resetter")
distinctChain := &distinctChainOps{
resettableOperator: r,
return distinctChain, distinctCol, nil
type distinctChainOps struct {
var _ resettableOperator = &distinctChainOps{}
// NewOrderedDistinct creates a new ordered distinct operator on the given
// input columns with the given types.
func NewOrderedDistinct(
input colexecbase.Operator, distinctCols []uint32, typs []*types.T,
) (colexecbase.Operator, error) {
op, outputCol, err := OrderedDistinctColsToOperators(input, distinctCols, typs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &boolVecToSelOp{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(op),
outputCol: outputCol,
}, nil
// Remove unused warning.
var _ = execgen.UNSAFEGET
func newSingleDistinct(
input colexecbase.Operator, distinctColIdx int, outputCol []bool, t *types.T,
) (colexecbase.Operator, error) {
switch typeconv.TypeFamilyToCanonicalTypeFamily(t.Family()) {
case types.BoolFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return &distinctBoolOp{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(input),
distinctColIdx: distinctColIdx,
outputCol: outputCol,
}, nil
case types.BytesFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return &distinctBytesOp{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(input),
distinctColIdx: distinctColIdx,
outputCol: outputCol,
}, nil
case types.DecimalFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return &distinctDecimalOp{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(input),
distinctColIdx: distinctColIdx,
outputCol: outputCol,
}, nil
case types.IntFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case 16:
return &distinctInt16Op{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(input),
distinctColIdx: distinctColIdx,
outputCol: outputCol,
}, nil
case 32:
return &distinctInt32Op{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(input),
distinctColIdx: distinctColIdx,
outputCol: outputCol,
}, nil
case -1:
return &distinctInt64Op{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(input),
distinctColIdx: distinctColIdx,
outputCol: outputCol,
}, nil
case types.FloatFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return &distinctFloat64Op{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(input),
distinctColIdx: distinctColIdx,
outputCol: outputCol,
}, nil
case types.TimestampTZFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return &distinctTimestampOp{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(input),
distinctColIdx: distinctColIdx,
outputCol: outputCol,
}, nil
case types.IntervalFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return &distinctIntervalOp{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(input),
distinctColIdx: distinctColIdx,
outputCol: outputCol,
}, nil
case typeconv.DatumVecCanonicalTypeFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return &distinctDatumOp{
OneInputNode: NewOneInputNode(input),
distinctColIdx: distinctColIdx,
outputCol: outputCol,
}, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unsupported distinct type %s", t)
// partitioner is a simple implementation of sorted distinct that's useful for
// other operators that need to partition an arbitrarily-sized Vec.
type partitioner interface {
// partition partitions the input colVec of size n, writing true to the
// outputCol for every value that differs from the previous one.
partition(colVec coldata.Vec, outputCol []bool, n int)
// partitionWithOrder is like partition, except it performs the partitioning
// on the input Vec as if it were ordered via the input order vector, which is
// a selection vector. The output is written in absolute order, however. For
// example, with an input vector [a,b,b] and an order vector [1,2,0], which
// implies a reordered input vector [b,b,a], the resultant outputCol would be
// [true, false, true], indicating a distinct value at the 0th and 2nd
// elements.
partitionWithOrder(colVec coldata.Vec, order []int, outputCol []bool, n int)
// newPartitioner returns a new partitioner on type t.
func newPartitioner(t *types.T) (partitioner, error) {
switch typeconv.TypeFamilyToCanonicalTypeFamily(t.Family()) {
case types.BoolFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return partitionerBool{}, nil
case types.BytesFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return partitionerBytes{}, nil
case types.DecimalFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return partitionerDecimal{}, nil
case types.IntFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case 16:
return partitionerInt16{}, nil
case 32:
return partitionerInt32{}, nil
case -1:
return partitionerInt64{}, nil
case types.FloatFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return partitionerFloat64{}, nil
case types.TimestampTZFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return partitionerTimestamp{}, nil
case types.IntervalFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return partitionerInterval{}, nil
case typeconv.DatumVecCanonicalTypeFamily:
switch t.Width() {
case -1:
return partitionerDatum{}, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unsupported partition type %s", t)
// distinctBoolOp runs a distinct on the column in distinctColIdx, writing
// true to the resultant bool column for every value that differs from the
// previous one.
type distinctBoolOp struct {
// distinctColIdx is the index of the column to distinct upon.
distinctColIdx int
// outputCol is the boolean output column. It is shared by all of the
// other distinct operators in a distinct operator set.
outputCol []bool
// Set to true at runtime when we've seen the first row. Distinct always
// outputs the first row that it sees.
foundFirstRow bool
// lastVal is the last value seen by the operator, so that the distincting
// still works across batch boundaries.
lastVal bool
lastValNull bool
var _ resettableOperator = &distinctBoolOp{}
func (p *distinctBoolOp) Init() {
func (p *distinctBoolOp) reset(ctx context.Context) {
p.foundFirstRow = false
p.lastValNull = false
if resetter, ok := p.input.(resetter); ok {
func (p *distinctBoolOp) Next(ctx context.Context) coldata.Batch {
batch := p.input.Next(ctx)
if batch.Length() == 0 {
return batch
outputCol := p.outputCol
vec := batch.ColVec(p.distinctColIdx)
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if vec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = vec.Nulls()
col := vec.Bool()
// We always output the first row.
lastVal := p.lastVal
lastValNull := p.lastValNull
sel := batch.Selection()
firstIdx := 0
if sel != nil {
firstIdx = sel[0]
if !p.foundFirstRow {
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
p.foundFirstRow = true
} else if nulls == nil && lastValNull {
// The last value of the previous batch was null, so the first value of this
// non-null batch is distinct.
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
lastValNull = false
n := batch.Length()
if sel != nil {
// Bounds check elimination.
sel = sel[:n]
if nulls != nil {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_lastVal bool
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if !v && lastVal {
cmpResult = -1
} else if v && !lastVal {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_0 bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if !v && lastVal {
cmpResult = -1
} else if v && !lastVal {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
} else {
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
_ = outputCol[n-1]
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal bool
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if !v && lastVal {
cmpResult = -1
} else if v && !lastVal {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if !v && lastVal {
cmpResult = -1
} else if v && !lastVal {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
p.lastVal = lastVal
p.lastValNull = lastValNull
return batch
// partitionerBool partitions an arbitrary-length colVec by running a distinct
// operation over it. It writes the same format to outputCol that sorted
// distinct does: true for every row that differs from the previous row in the
// input column.
type partitionerBool struct{}
func (p partitionerBool) partitionWithOrder(
colVec coldata.Vec, order []int, outputCol []bool, n int,
) {
var lastVal bool
var lastValNull bool
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Bool()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_lastVal bool
var __retval_lastValNull bool
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if !v && lastVal {
cmpResult = -1
} else if v && !lastVal {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_0 bool
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if !v && lastVal {
cmpResult = -1
} else if v && !lastVal {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
func (p partitionerBool) partition(colVec coldata.Vec, outputCol []bool, n int) {
var (
lastVal bool
lastValNull bool
nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Bool()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal bool
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if !v && lastVal {
cmpResult = -1
} else if v && !lastVal {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if !v && lastVal {
cmpResult = -1
} else if v && !lastVal {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
// distinctBytesOp runs a distinct on the column in distinctColIdx, writing
// true to the resultant bool column for every value that differs from the
// previous one.
type distinctBytesOp struct {
// distinctColIdx is the index of the column to distinct upon.
distinctColIdx int
// outputCol is the boolean output column. It is shared by all of the
// other distinct operators in a distinct operator set.
outputCol []bool
// Set to true at runtime when we've seen the first row. Distinct always
// outputs the first row that it sees.
foundFirstRow bool
// lastVal is the last value seen by the operator, so that the distincting
// still works across batch boundaries.
lastVal []byte
lastValNull bool
var _ resettableOperator = &distinctBytesOp{}
func (p *distinctBytesOp) Init() {
func (p *distinctBytesOp) reset(ctx context.Context) {
p.foundFirstRow = false
p.lastValNull = false
if resetter, ok := p.input.(resetter); ok {
func (p *distinctBytesOp) Next(ctx context.Context) coldata.Batch {
batch := p.input.Next(ctx)
if batch.Length() == 0 {
return batch
outputCol := p.outputCol
vec := batch.ColVec(p.distinctColIdx)
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if vec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = vec.Nulls()
col := vec.Bytes()
// We always output the first row.
lastVal := p.lastVal
lastValNull := p.lastValNull
sel := batch.Selection()
firstIdx := 0
if sel != nil {
firstIdx = sel[0]
if !p.foundFirstRow {
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
p.foundFirstRow = true
} else if nulls == nil && lastValNull {
// The last value of the previous batch was null, so the first value of this
// non-null batch is distinct.
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
lastValNull = false
n := batch.Length()
if sel != nil {
// Bounds check elimination.
sel = sel[:n]
if nulls != nil {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_lastVal []byte
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = bytes.Compare(v, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = append(lastVal[:0], v...)
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_0 []byte
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = bytes.Compare(v, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = append(lastVal[:0], v...)
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
} else {
col = col
_ = 0
_ = n
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
_ = outputCol[n-1]
if nulls != nil {
for idx := 0; idx < n; idx++ {
var __retval_lastVal []byte
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = bytes.Compare(v, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = append(lastVal[:0], v...)
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := 0; idx < n; idx++ {
var __retval_0 []byte
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = bytes.Compare(v, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = append(lastVal[:0], v...)
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
p.lastVal = lastVal
p.lastValNull = lastValNull
return batch
// partitionerBytes partitions an arbitrary-length colVec by running a distinct
// operation over it. It writes the same format to outputCol that sorted
// distinct does: true for every row that differs from the previous row in the
// input column.
type partitionerBytes struct{}
func (p partitionerBytes) partitionWithOrder(
colVec coldata.Vec, order []int, outputCol []bool, n int,
) {
var lastVal []byte
var lastValNull bool
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Bytes()
col = col
_ = 0
_ = n
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_lastVal []byte
var __retval_lastValNull bool
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = bytes.Compare(v, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = append(lastVal[:0], v...)
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_0 []byte
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = bytes.Compare(v, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = append(lastVal[:0], v...)
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
func (p partitionerBytes) partition(colVec coldata.Vec, outputCol []bool, n int) {
var (
lastVal []byte
lastValNull bool
nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Bytes()
col = col
_ = 0
_ = n
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for idx := 0; idx < n; idx++ {
var __retval_lastVal []byte
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = bytes.Compare(v, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = append(lastVal[:0], v...)
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := 0; idx < n; idx++ {
var __retval_0 []byte
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = bytes.Compare(v, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = append(lastVal[:0], v...)
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
// distinctDecimalOp runs a distinct on the column in distinctColIdx, writing
// true to the resultant bool column for every value that differs from the
// previous one.
type distinctDecimalOp struct {
// distinctColIdx is the index of the column to distinct upon.
distinctColIdx int
// outputCol is the boolean output column. It is shared by all of the
// other distinct operators in a distinct operator set.
outputCol []bool
// Set to true at runtime when we've seen the first row. Distinct always
// outputs the first row that it sees.
foundFirstRow bool
// lastVal is the last value seen by the operator, so that the distincting
// still works across batch boundaries.
lastVal apd.Decimal
lastValNull bool
var _ resettableOperator = &distinctDecimalOp{}
func (p *distinctDecimalOp) Init() {
func (p *distinctDecimalOp) reset(ctx context.Context) {
p.foundFirstRow = false
p.lastValNull = false
if resetter, ok := p.input.(resetter); ok {
func (p *distinctDecimalOp) Next(ctx context.Context) coldata.Batch {
batch := p.input.Next(ctx)
if batch.Length() == 0 {
return batch
outputCol := p.outputCol
vec := batch.ColVec(p.distinctColIdx)
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if vec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = vec.Nulls()
col := vec.Decimal()
// We always output the first row.
lastVal := p.lastVal
lastValNull := p.lastValNull
sel := batch.Selection()
firstIdx := 0
if sel != nil {
firstIdx = sel[0]
if !p.foundFirstRow {
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
p.foundFirstRow = true
} else if nulls == nil && lastValNull {
// The last value of the previous batch was null, so the first value of this
// non-null batch is distinct.
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
lastValNull = false
n := batch.Length()
if sel != nil {
// Bounds check elimination.
sel = sel[:n]
if nulls != nil {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_lastVal apd.Decimal
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = tree.CompareDecimals(&v, &lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_0 apd.Decimal
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = tree.CompareDecimals(&v, &lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
} else {
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
_ = outputCol[n-1]
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal apd.Decimal
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = tree.CompareDecimals(&v, &lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 apd.Decimal
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = tree.CompareDecimals(&v, &lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
p.lastVal = lastVal
p.lastValNull = lastValNull
return batch
// partitionerDecimal partitions an arbitrary-length colVec by running a distinct
// operation over it. It writes the same format to outputCol that sorted
// distinct does: true for every row that differs from the previous row in the
// input column.
type partitionerDecimal struct{}
func (p partitionerDecimal) partitionWithOrder(
colVec coldata.Vec, order []int, outputCol []bool, n int,
) {
var lastVal apd.Decimal
var lastValNull bool
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Decimal()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_lastVal apd.Decimal
var __retval_lastValNull bool
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = tree.CompareDecimals(&v, &lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_0 apd.Decimal
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = tree.CompareDecimals(&v, &lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
func (p partitionerDecimal) partition(colVec coldata.Vec, outputCol []bool, n int) {
var (
lastVal apd.Decimal
lastValNull bool
nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Decimal()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal apd.Decimal
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = tree.CompareDecimals(&v, &lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 apd.Decimal
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = tree.CompareDecimals(&v, &lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
// distinctInt16Op runs a distinct on the column in distinctColIdx, writing
// true to the resultant bool column for every value that differs from the
// previous one.
type distinctInt16Op struct {
// distinctColIdx is the index of the column to distinct upon.
distinctColIdx int
// outputCol is the boolean output column. It is shared by all of the
// other distinct operators in a distinct operator set.
outputCol []bool
// Set to true at runtime when we've seen the first row. Distinct always
// outputs the first row that it sees.
foundFirstRow bool
// lastVal is the last value seen by the operator, so that the distincting
// still works across batch boundaries.
lastVal int16
lastValNull bool
var _ resettableOperator = &distinctInt16Op{}
func (p *distinctInt16Op) Init() {
func (p *distinctInt16Op) reset(ctx context.Context) {
p.foundFirstRow = false
p.lastValNull = false
if resetter, ok := p.input.(resetter); ok {
func (p *distinctInt16Op) Next(ctx context.Context) coldata.Batch {
batch := p.input.Next(ctx)
if batch.Length() == 0 {
return batch
outputCol := p.outputCol
vec := batch.ColVec(p.distinctColIdx)
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if vec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = vec.Nulls()
col := vec.Int16()
// We always output the first row.
lastVal := p.lastVal
lastValNull := p.lastValNull
sel := batch.Selection()
firstIdx := 0
if sel != nil {
firstIdx = sel[0]
if !p.foundFirstRow {
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
p.foundFirstRow = true
} else if nulls == nil && lastValNull {
// The last value of the previous batch was null, so the first value of this
// non-null batch is distinct.
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
lastValNull = false
n := batch.Length()
if sel != nil {
// Bounds check elimination.
sel = sel[:n]
if nulls != nil {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_lastVal int16
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_0 int16
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
} else {
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
_ = outputCol[n-1]
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal int16
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 int16
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
p.lastVal = lastVal
p.lastValNull = lastValNull
return batch
// partitionerInt16 partitions an arbitrary-length colVec by running a distinct
// operation over it. It writes the same format to outputCol that sorted
// distinct does: true for every row that differs from the previous row in the
// input column.
type partitionerInt16 struct{}
func (p partitionerInt16) partitionWithOrder(
colVec coldata.Vec, order []int, outputCol []bool, n int,
) {
var lastVal int16
var lastValNull bool
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Int16()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_lastVal int16
var __retval_lastValNull bool
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_0 int16
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
func (p partitionerInt16) partition(colVec coldata.Vec, outputCol []bool, n int) {
var (
lastVal int16
lastValNull bool
nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Int16()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal int16
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 int16
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
// distinctInt32Op runs a distinct on the column in distinctColIdx, writing
// true to the resultant bool column for every value that differs from the
// previous one.
type distinctInt32Op struct {
// distinctColIdx is the index of the column to distinct upon.
distinctColIdx int
// outputCol is the boolean output column. It is shared by all of the
// other distinct operators in a distinct operator set.
outputCol []bool
// Set to true at runtime when we've seen the first row. Distinct always
// outputs the first row that it sees.
foundFirstRow bool
// lastVal is the last value seen by the operator, so that the distincting
// still works across batch boundaries.
lastVal int32
lastValNull bool
var _ resettableOperator = &distinctInt32Op{}
func (p *distinctInt32Op) Init() {
func (p *distinctInt32Op) reset(ctx context.Context) {
p.foundFirstRow = false
p.lastValNull = false
if resetter, ok := p.input.(resetter); ok {
func (p *distinctInt32Op) Next(ctx context.Context) coldata.Batch {
batch := p.input.Next(ctx)
if batch.Length() == 0 {
return batch
outputCol := p.outputCol
vec := batch.ColVec(p.distinctColIdx)
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if vec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = vec.Nulls()
col := vec.Int32()
// We always output the first row.
lastVal := p.lastVal
lastValNull := p.lastValNull
sel := batch.Selection()
firstIdx := 0
if sel != nil {
firstIdx = sel[0]
if !p.foundFirstRow {
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
p.foundFirstRow = true
} else if nulls == nil && lastValNull {
// The last value of the previous batch was null, so the first value of this
// non-null batch is distinct.
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
lastValNull = false
n := batch.Length()
if sel != nil {
// Bounds check elimination.
sel = sel[:n]
if nulls != nil {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_lastVal int32
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_0 int32
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
} else {
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
_ = outputCol[n-1]
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal int32
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 int32
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
p.lastVal = lastVal
p.lastValNull = lastValNull
return batch
// partitionerInt32 partitions an arbitrary-length colVec by running a distinct
// operation over it. It writes the same format to outputCol that sorted
// distinct does: true for every row that differs from the previous row in the
// input column.
type partitionerInt32 struct{}
func (p partitionerInt32) partitionWithOrder(
colVec coldata.Vec, order []int, outputCol []bool, n int,
) {
var lastVal int32
var lastValNull bool
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Int32()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_lastVal int32
var __retval_lastValNull bool
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_0 int32
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
func (p partitionerInt32) partition(colVec coldata.Vec, outputCol []bool, n int) {
var (
lastVal int32
lastValNull bool
nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Int32()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal int32
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 int32
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
// distinctInt64Op runs a distinct on the column in distinctColIdx, writing
// true to the resultant bool column for every value that differs from the
// previous one.
type distinctInt64Op struct {
// distinctColIdx is the index of the column to distinct upon.
distinctColIdx int
// outputCol is the boolean output column. It is shared by all of the
// other distinct operators in a distinct operator set.
outputCol []bool
// Set to true at runtime when we've seen the first row. Distinct always
// outputs the first row that it sees.
foundFirstRow bool
// lastVal is the last value seen by the operator, so that the distincting
// still works across batch boundaries.
lastVal int64
lastValNull bool
var _ resettableOperator = &distinctInt64Op{}
func (p *distinctInt64Op) Init() {
func (p *distinctInt64Op) reset(ctx context.Context) {
p.foundFirstRow = false
p.lastValNull = false
if resetter, ok := p.input.(resetter); ok {
func (p *distinctInt64Op) Next(ctx context.Context) coldata.Batch {
batch := p.input.Next(ctx)
if batch.Length() == 0 {
return batch
outputCol := p.outputCol
vec := batch.ColVec(p.distinctColIdx)
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if vec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = vec.Nulls()
col := vec.Int64()
// We always output the first row.
lastVal := p.lastVal
lastValNull := p.lastValNull
sel := batch.Selection()
firstIdx := 0
if sel != nil {
firstIdx = sel[0]
if !p.foundFirstRow {
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
p.foundFirstRow = true
} else if nulls == nil && lastValNull {
// The last value of the previous batch was null, so the first value of this
// non-null batch is distinct.
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
lastValNull = false
n := batch.Length()
if sel != nil {
// Bounds check elimination.
sel = sel[:n]
if nulls != nil {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_lastVal int64
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_0 int64
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
} else {
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
_ = outputCol[n-1]
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal int64
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 int64
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
p.lastVal = lastVal
p.lastValNull = lastValNull
return batch
// partitionerInt64 partitions an arbitrary-length colVec by running a distinct
// operation over it. It writes the same format to outputCol that sorted
// distinct does: true for every row that differs from the previous row in the
// input column.
type partitionerInt64 struct{}
func (p partitionerInt64) partitionWithOrder(
colVec coldata.Vec, order []int, outputCol []bool, n int,
) {
var lastVal int64
var lastValNull bool
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Int64()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_lastVal int64
var __retval_lastValNull bool
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_0 int64
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
func (p partitionerInt64) partition(colVec coldata.Vec, outputCol []bool, n int) {
var (
lastVal int64
lastValNull bool
nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Int64()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal int64
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 int64
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := int64(v), int64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
// distinctFloat64Op runs a distinct on the column in distinctColIdx, writing
// true to the resultant bool column for every value that differs from the
// previous one.
type distinctFloat64Op struct {
// distinctColIdx is the index of the column to distinct upon.
distinctColIdx int
// outputCol is the boolean output column. It is shared by all of the
// other distinct operators in a distinct operator set.
outputCol []bool
// Set to true at runtime when we've seen the first row. Distinct always
// outputs the first row that it sees.
foundFirstRow bool
// lastVal is the last value seen by the operator, so that the distincting
// still works across batch boundaries.
lastVal float64
lastValNull bool
var _ resettableOperator = &distinctFloat64Op{}
func (p *distinctFloat64Op) Init() {
func (p *distinctFloat64Op) reset(ctx context.Context) {
p.foundFirstRow = false
p.lastValNull = false
if resetter, ok := p.input.(resetter); ok {
func (p *distinctFloat64Op) Next(ctx context.Context) coldata.Batch {
batch := p.input.Next(ctx)
if batch.Length() == 0 {
return batch
outputCol := p.outputCol
vec := batch.ColVec(p.distinctColIdx)
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if vec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = vec.Nulls()
col := vec.Float64()
// We always output the first row.
lastVal := p.lastVal
lastValNull := p.lastValNull
sel := batch.Selection()
firstIdx := 0
if sel != nil {
firstIdx = sel[0]
if !p.foundFirstRow {
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
p.foundFirstRow = true
} else if nulls == nil && lastValNull {
// The last value of the previous batch was null, so the first value of this
// non-null batch is distinct.
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
lastValNull = false
n := batch.Length()
if sel != nil {
// Bounds check elimination.
sel = sel[:n]
if nulls != nil {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_lastVal float64
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := float64(v), float64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else if a == b {
cmpResult = 0
} else if math.IsNaN(a) {
if math.IsNaN(b) {
cmpResult = 0
} else {
cmpResult = -1
} else {
cmpResult = 1
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_0 float64
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := float64(v), float64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else if a == b {
cmpResult = 0
} else if math.IsNaN(a) {
if math.IsNaN(b) {
cmpResult = 0
} else {
cmpResult = -1
} else {
cmpResult = 1
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
} else {
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
_ = outputCol[n-1]
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal float64
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := float64(v), float64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else if a == b {
cmpResult = 0
} else if math.IsNaN(a) {
if math.IsNaN(b) {
cmpResult = 0
} else {
cmpResult = -1
} else {
cmpResult = 1
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 float64
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := float64(v), float64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else if a == b {
cmpResult = 0
} else if math.IsNaN(a) {
if math.IsNaN(b) {
cmpResult = 0
} else {
cmpResult = -1
} else {
cmpResult = 1
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
p.lastVal = lastVal
p.lastValNull = lastValNull
return batch
// partitionerFloat64 partitions an arbitrary-length colVec by running a distinct
// operation over it. It writes the same format to outputCol that sorted
// distinct does: true for every row that differs from the previous row in the
// input column.
type partitionerFloat64 struct{}
func (p partitionerFloat64) partitionWithOrder(
colVec coldata.Vec, order []int, outputCol []bool, n int,
) {
var lastVal float64
var lastValNull bool
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Float64()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_lastVal float64
var __retval_lastValNull bool
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := float64(v), float64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else if a == b {
cmpResult = 0
} else if math.IsNaN(a) {
if math.IsNaN(b) {
cmpResult = 0
} else {
cmpResult = -1
} else {
cmpResult = 1
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_0 float64
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := float64(v), float64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else if a == b {
cmpResult = 0
} else if math.IsNaN(a) {
if math.IsNaN(b) {
cmpResult = 0
} else {
cmpResult = -1
} else {
cmpResult = 1
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
func (p partitionerFloat64) partition(colVec coldata.Vec, outputCol []bool, n int) {
var (
lastVal float64
lastValNull bool
nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Float64()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal float64
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := float64(v), float64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else if a == b {
cmpResult = 0
} else if math.IsNaN(a) {
if math.IsNaN(b) {
cmpResult = 0
} else {
cmpResult = -1
} else {
cmpResult = 1
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 float64
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
a, b := float64(v), float64(lastVal)
if a < b {
cmpResult = -1
} else if a > b {
cmpResult = 1
} else if a == b {
cmpResult = 0
} else if math.IsNaN(a) {
if math.IsNaN(b) {
cmpResult = 0
} else {
cmpResult = -1
} else {
cmpResult = 1
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
// distinctTimestampOp runs a distinct on the column in distinctColIdx, writing
// true to the resultant bool column for every value that differs from the
// previous one.
type distinctTimestampOp struct {
// distinctColIdx is the index of the column to distinct upon.
distinctColIdx int
// outputCol is the boolean output column. It is shared by all of the
// other distinct operators in a distinct operator set.
outputCol []bool
// Set to true at runtime when we've seen the first row. Distinct always
// outputs the first row that it sees.
foundFirstRow bool
// lastVal is the last value seen by the operator, so that the distincting
// still works across batch boundaries.
lastVal time.Time
lastValNull bool
var _ resettableOperator = &distinctTimestampOp{}
func (p *distinctTimestampOp) Init() {
func (p *distinctTimestampOp) reset(ctx context.Context) {
p.foundFirstRow = false
p.lastValNull = false
if resetter, ok := p.input.(resetter); ok {
func (p *distinctTimestampOp) Next(ctx context.Context) coldata.Batch {
batch := p.input.Next(ctx)
if batch.Length() == 0 {
return batch
outputCol := p.outputCol
vec := batch.ColVec(p.distinctColIdx)
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if vec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = vec.Nulls()
col := vec.Timestamp()
// We always output the first row.
lastVal := p.lastVal
lastValNull := p.lastValNull
sel := batch.Selection()
firstIdx := 0
if sel != nil {
firstIdx = sel[0]
if !p.foundFirstRow {
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
p.foundFirstRow = true
} else if nulls == nil && lastValNull {
// The last value of the previous batch was null, so the first value of this
// non-null batch is distinct.
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
lastValNull = false
n := batch.Length()
if sel != nil {
// Bounds check elimination.
sel = sel[:n]
if nulls != nil {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_lastVal time.Time
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if v.Before(lastVal) {
cmpResult = -1
} else if lastVal.Before(v) {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_0 time.Time
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if v.Before(lastVal) {
cmpResult = -1
} else if lastVal.Before(v) {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
} else {
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
_ = outputCol[n-1]
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal time.Time
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if v.Before(lastVal) {
cmpResult = -1
} else if lastVal.Before(v) {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 time.Time
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if v.Before(lastVal) {
cmpResult = -1
} else if lastVal.Before(v) {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
p.lastVal = lastVal
p.lastValNull = lastValNull
return batch
// partitionerTimestamp partitions an arbitrary-length colVec by running a distinct
// operation over it. It writes the same format to outputCol that sorted
// distinct does: true for every row that differs from the previous row in the
// input column.
type partitionerTimestamp struct{}
func (p partitionerTimestamp) partitionWithOrder(
colVec coldata.Vec, order []int, outputCol []bool, n int,
) {
var lastVal time.Time
var lastValNull bool
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Timestamp()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_lastVal time.Time
var __retval_lastValNull bool
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if v.Before(lastVal) {
cmpResult = -1
} else if lastVal.Before(v) {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_0 time.Time
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if v.Before(lastVal) {
cmpResult = -1
} else if lastVal.Before(v) {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
func (p partitionerTimestamp) partition(colVec coldata.Vec, outputCol []bool, n int) {
var (
lastVal time.Time
lastValNull bool
nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Timestamp()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal time.Time
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if v.Before(lastVal) {
cmpResult = -1
} else if lastVal.Before(v) {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 time.Time
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
if v.Before(lastVal) {
cmpResult = -1
} else if lastVal.Before(v) {
cmpResult = 1
} else {
cmpResult = 0
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
// distinctIntervalOp runs a distinct on the column in distinctColIdx, writing
// true to the resultant bool column for every value that differs from the
// previous one.
type distinctIntervalOp struct {
// distinctColIdx is the index of the column to distinct upon.
distinctColIdx int
// outputCol is the boolean output column. It is shared by all of the
// other distinct operators in a distinct operator set.
outputCol []bool
// Set to true at runtime when we've seen the first row. Distinct always
// outputs the first row that it sees.
foundFirstRow bool
// lastVal is the last value seen by the operator, so that the distincting
// still works across batch boundaries.
lastVal duration.Duration
lastValNull bool
var _ resettableOperator = &distinctIntervalOp{}
func (p *distinctIntervalOp) Init() {
func (p *distinctIntervalOp) reset(ctx context.Context) {
p.foundFirstRow = false
p.lastValNull = false
if resetter, ok := p.input.(resetter); ok {
func (p *distinctIntervalOp) Next(ctx context.Context) coldata.Batch {
batch := p.input.Next(ctx)
if batch.Length() == 0 {
return batch
outputCol := p.outputCol
vec := batch.ColVec(p.distinctColIdx)
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if vec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = vec.Nulls()
col := vec.Interval()
// We always output the first row.
lastVal := p.lastVal
lastValNull := p.lastValNull
sel := batch.Selection()
firstIdx := 0
if sel != nil {
firstIdx = sel[0]
if !p.foundFirstRow {
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
p.foundFirstRow = true
} else if nulls == nil && lastValNull {
// The last value of the previous batch was null, so the first value of this
// non-null batch is distinct.
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
lastValNull = false
n := batch.Length()
if sel != nil {
// Bounds check elimination.
sel = sel[:n]
if nulls != nil {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_lastVal duration.Duration
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.Compare(lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_0 duration.Duration
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.Compare(lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
} else {
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
_ = outputCol[n-1]
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal duration.Duration
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.Compare(lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 duration.Duration
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.Compare(lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
p.lastVal = lastVal
p.lastValNull = lastValNull
return batch
// partitionerInterval partitions an arbitrary-length colVec by running a distinct
// operation over it. It writes the same format to outputCol that sorted
// distinct does: true for every row that differs from the previous row in the
// input column.
type partitionerInterval struct{}
func (p partitionerInterval) partitionWithOrder(
colVec coldata.Vec, order []int, outputCol []bool, n int,
) {
var lastVal duration.Duration
var lastValNull bool
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Interval()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_lastVal duration.Duration
var __retval_lastValNull bool
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.Compare(lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_0 duration.Duration
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.Compare(lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
func (p partitionerInterval) partition(colVec coldata.Vec, outputCol []bool, n int) {
var (
lastVal duration.Duration
lastValNull bool
nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Interval()
col = col[0:n]
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_lastVal duration.Duration
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col[checkIdx]
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.Compare(lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := range col {
var __retval_0 duration.Duration
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col[checkIdx]
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.Compare(lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
// distinctDatumOp runs a distinct on the column in distinctColIdx, writing
// true to the resultant bool column for every value that differs from the
// previous one.
type distinctDatumOp struct {
// distinctColIdx is the index of the column to distinct upon.
distinctColIdx int
// outputCol is the boolean output column. It is shared by all of the
// other distinct operators in a distinct operator set.
outputCol []bool
// Set to true at runtime when we've seen the first row. Distinct always
// outputs the first row that it sees.
foundFirstRow bool
// lastVal is the last value seen by the operator, so that the distincting
// still works across batch boundaries.
lastVal interface{}
lastValNull bool
var _ resettableOperator = &distinctDatumOp{}
func (p *distinctDatumOp) Init() {
func (p *distinctDatumOp) reset(ctx context.Context) {
p.foundFirstRow = false
p.lastValNull = false
if resetter, ok := p.input.(resetter); ok {
func (p *distinctDatumOp) Next(ctx context.Context) coldata.Batch {
batch := p.input.Next(ctx)
if batch.Length() == 0 {
return batch
outputCol := p.outputCol
vec := batch.ColVec(p.distinctColIdx)
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if vec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = vec.Nulls()
col := vec.Datum()
// We always output the first row.
lastVal := p.lastVal
lastValNull := p.lastValNull
sel := batch.Selection()
firstIdx := 0
if sel != nil {
firstIdx = sel[0]
if !p.foundFirstRow {
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
p.foundFirstRow = true
} else if nulls == nil && lastValNull {
// The last value of the previous batch was null, so the first value of this
// non-null batch is distinct.
outputCol[firstIdx] = true
lastValNull = false
n := batch.Length()
if sel != nil {
// Bounds check elimination.
sel = sel[:n]
if nulls != nil {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_lastVal interface{}
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.(*coldataext.Datum).CompareDatum(col, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for _, idx := range sel {
var __retval_0 interface{}
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.(*coldataext.Datum).CompareDatum(col, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
} else {
col = col.Slice(0, n)
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
_ = outputCol[n-1]
if nulls != nil {
for idx := 0; idx < n; idx++ {
var __retval_lastVal interface{}
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.(*coldataext.Datum).CompareDatum(col, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := 0; idx < n; idx++ {
var __retval_0 interface{}
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.(*coldataext.Datum).CompareDatum(col, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
p.lastVal = lastVal
p.lastValNull = lastValNull
return batch
// partitionerDatum partitions an arbitrary-length colVec by running a distinct
// operation over it. It writes the same format to outputCol that sorted
// distinct does: true for every row that differs from the previous row in the
// input column.
type partitionerDatum struct{}
func (p partitionerDatum) partitionWithOrder(
colVec coldata.Vec, order []int, outputCol []bool, n int,
) {
var lastVal interface{}
var lastValNull bool
var nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Datum()
col = col.Slice(0, n)
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_lastVal interface{}
var __retval_lastValNull bool
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.(*coldataext.Datum).CompareDatum(col, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for outputIdx, checkIdx := range order {
var __retval_0 interface{}
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.(*coldataext.Datum).CompareDatum(col, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
func (p partitionerDatum) partition(colVec coldata.Vec, outputCol []bool, n int) {
var (
lastVal interface{}
lastValNull bool
nulls *coldata.Nulls
if colVec.MaybeHasNulls() {
nulls = colVec.Nulls()
col := colVec.Datum()
col = col.Slice(0, n)
outputCol = outputCol[:n]
outputCol[0] = true
if nulls != nil {
for idx := 0; idx < n; idx++ {
var __retval_lastVal interface{}
var __retval_lastValNull bool
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
null := nulls.NullAt(checkIdx)
if null {
if !lastValNull {
// The current value is null while the previous was not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
if lastValNull {
// The previous value was null while the current is not.
outputCol[outputIdx] = true
} else {
// Neither value is null, so we must compare.
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.(*coldataext.Datum).CompareDatum(col, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_lastVal = lastVal
__retval_lastValNull = null
lastVal, lastValNull = __retval_lastVal, __retval_lastValNull
} else {
for idx := 0; idx < n; idx++ {
var __retval_0 interface{}
checkIdx := idx
outputIdx := idx
v := col.Get(checkIdx)
var unique bool
var cmpResult int
cmpResult = v.(*coldataext.Datum).CompareDatum(col, lastVal)
unique = cmpResult != 0
outputCol[outputIdx] = outputCol[outputIdx] || unique
lastVal = v
__retval_0 = lastVal
lastVal = __retval_0
// checkDistinct retrieves the value at the ith index of col, compares it
// to the passed in lastVal, and sets the ith value of outputCol to true if the
// compared values were distinct. It presumes that the current batch has no null
// values.
// execgen:inline
const _ = "inlined"
// checkDistinctWithNulls behaves the same as checkDistinct, but it also
// considers whether the previous and current values are null. It assumes that
// `nulls` is non-nil.
// execgen:inline
const _ = "inlined"
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