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proposal for syntax/method for doing type templating:
all functions that need to do type-specific manipulation (let’s say, equals for the purpose of this example) will get a template argument T. T will be a struct TypeInfo (naming tbd) that contains the types.T information, as well as //execgen:inline’d methods that provide each overload, as well as utility methods.
still working on syntax for the “go type templates” - aka, how do we specify that a template needs int and []int in the case of int64 columns, but []byte and coldata.Bytes in the case of bytes columns, so ignore that for now.
for example:
// execgen:template<typ>
func genericEqualityFunc(colA []_GOTYPE, colB []_GOTYPE, idx int, typ *TypeInfo) bool {
a := typ.UnsafeGet(colA, idx)
b := typ.UnsafeGet(colB, idx)
eq := typ.Equals(a, b)
return eq
there will be associated, inlinable methods for each TypeInfo, e.g.
type boolTypeInfo struct {
// execgen:inline
func (b intTypeInfo) Equals(a int, b int) bool {
return a == b
// execgen:inline
func (b intTypeInfo) UnsafeGet(col []int, idx int) {
return col[idx]
(this won’t work yet for various reasons but this is my proposal, generally)
rohany 10:22 PM
are you going to hand generate these *TypeInfo structs?
jordan:sparkles: 10:22 PM
yes, i think so
they’re essentially hand generated already
rohany 10:22 PM
so now we're really like c++ template specialization
I'm not clear how dispatching of *TypeInfo happens to the Specialized overloads
Will that be an interface?
jordan:sparkles: 10:23 PM
TypeInfo itself would be an interface, but the interface wouldn’t be accessed at runtime unless someone chose to use one in a non //execgen:template method
one cool thing btw about the //execgen:foo things so far is that a few times while playing with it, i’ve forgotten to include one or both of the annotations and everything still works :slightly_smiling_face:
rohany 10:24 PM
So how does someone use genericEqualityFunc
jordan:sparkles: 10:28 PM
well i’m still not certain about the exact mechanisms of passing in colA and colB. so that’s tbd.
but for the type param you’d either do genericEqualityFunc(colA, colB, intTypeInfo) (concrete template invocation) or genericEqualityFunc(colA, colB, typeInfo) where typeInfo was a type parameter that you were passed
the root of the chain here would eventually need to be the per-type operator structs, i think. so that’s more syntax we need to invent, but the templater would see something like this:
// execgen:template <typ>
type myOperator struct {
... stuff ...
typ TypeInfo
and convert that into myOperator_int for all types. then, calling genericEqualityFunc(colA, colB, o.typ) from a method on o would be a static call? i think?
rohany 10:29 PM
but for the type param you’d either do genericEqualityFunc(colA, colB, intTypeInfo) (concrete template invocation) or genericEqualityFunc(colA, colB, typeInfo) where typeInfo was a type parameter that you were passed
ok this makes sense, and is a straight forward extension of the bool stuff we have
assuming that we can do the for each type
jordan:sparkles: 10:29 PM
yeah, that’s … also tbd but hey
rohany 10:30 PM
idt thats bad -- if we are hand writing these type structs, then there would be some way of registering them that the templater can access
jordan:sparkles: 10:30 PM
yeah. or // execgen:template <typ (types.A, types.B, types.C), b (true, false)> (edited)
rohany 10:30 PM
and convert that into myOperator_int for all types. then, calling genericEqualityFunc(colA, colB, o.typ) from a method on o would be a static call? i think?
this seems right, but also seems like it might be hard
i don't know if at the AST level you can do things like this (or have access to them)
jordan:sparkles: 10:31 PM
yeah…. turning o.typ into static text would be impossible i think
well, unless you search for it during templating
which is definitely possible - you have the receiver and the struct fields
rohany 10:31 PM
well you don't have to right -- i thought it was just going to be an opaque interface
we can edit each of the generated structs to include the "real" type at template time
so in the template, you'll access o.typ
but in the generated code, we'll switch out o.typ for the real specialized one
so then it is all static
jordan:sparkles: 10:32 PM
yes, i agree, that’s what i was trying to say as well
rohany 10:33 PM
this is pretty ambitious, but very cool
jordan:sparkles: 10:33 PM
i don’t think it’s actually that bad
rohany 10:33 PM
getting the template pass through i think is the next step
then this stuff kinda falls out
jordan:sparkles: 10:33 PM
oh i have template pass through already! :dancingpanda:
rohany 10:33 PM
oh what
the recursive pass thing?
jordan:sparkles: 10:34 PM
rohany 10:34 PM
is that landed
did i just not notice this in the pr
jordan:sparkles: 10:35 PM
i don’t think so. but it was easier than expected. it’s a change to monomorphization, which is now 2 passes.
pass 1: replace all Idents that are template formal param names with template args
pass 2: do the whole if/else reduction crap (btw this is not even strictly necessary as Go does good static falsification of branches but it does clean the code a lot)
just pass 1 by itself (as long as you do it recursively and not just in a single go) does the template pass through (edited)
rohany 10:36 PM
that makes sense -- maybe it was one of those harder to think of than write
jordan:sparkles: 10:36 PM
so the output code looks like
if true {
if false {
else {
} else {
etc, probably missed braces
rohany 10:36 PM
are there any templates where we only do the type templating for a small subset of types?
I'm not sure how progress would be made in this without creating all of the templated structs
jordan:sparkles: 10:37 PM
i don’t remember, but probably
this proposal also doesn’t yet help situations where we uniformly produce all projection/selection operators, as those have another layer of templating over operators themselves, but i think we’ll get there..
rohany 10:38 PM
we'll get there when we get there
this should also help all of the nested overloads we have right
jordan:sparkles: 10:39 PM
i think my (crappy) syntax proposal would help in your case tho
//execgen:template<a (types.Int, types.Bool)> (edited)
rohany 10:39 PM
we'll actually have int8, int16, int32, int64 type structs, rather than a nested thing underneath IntFamily
jordan:sparkles: 10:39 PM
we already have all those type structs, the nesting is just in the constructor
rohany 10:40 PM
yeam making a simple specialization syntax would help different edge cases here and there
i meant that it would help us unnest this stuff
more naturally
jordan:sparkles: 10:40 PM
ah yeah i agree
jordan:sparkles: 10:59 PM
i forgot that you can’t really have a true TypeInfo interface unless you added templated params to interfaces, which seems pointless. but most of the idea still holds, i think (edited)
rohany 11:00 PM
can't the TypeInfo interface just operate solely on interface{}
so then you can use it like you have all the individual typeInfos pretemplating
jordan:sparkles: 11:01 PM
foo() int doesn’t implement foo() interface{} is the issue
rohany 11:04 PM
wouldn't the pretemplating function return like _GOTYPE though, not int?
jordan:sparkles: 11:05 PM
_GOTYPE is an artifact of the original template method (it gets regex replaced with {{.GoType}} which is a member variable on the text/template type struct) and something i was hoping to find a way to get rid of
rohany 11:07 PM
I see
alright, have to :brain4:
It feels important to me that users of TypeInfo pretemplating should feel like they're looking at real go
or at least the editor shouldn't complain
jordan:sparkles: 11:08 PM
i agree
which does make it seems like everything should appear to be interface{}
rohany 11:11 PM
perhaps named arguments to the rescue here (somewhat?)
template<t1, t2>
func x (t1 ...) (t2 ...) {
can at least acknowlege that we're going to template over the return type or something
rohany 11:38 PM
foo() int doesn’t implement foo() interface{} is the issue
Can you elaborate why this is a problem / when we run into this
jordan:sparkles: 11:44 PM
type TypeInfo interface {
UnsafeGet(col interface{}, idx int) interface{}
type intInfo struct {}
func (i intInfo) UnsafeGet(col interface{}, idx int) interface {} {
return col[idx] // <-- can't do this because interface{} isn't sliceable
func (i bytesInfo) UnsafeGet(col interface{}, idx int) interface{} {
return col.Get(idx) // <--- can't do this because col isn't usable as a coldata.Bytes
one option is that you could make a new type like
type AnyColSlice []interface
func (a AnyColSlice) Get(i int) interface{}
... and all methods that you might have on coldata.Bytes and other non-slice col types
and then at codegen time none of this stuff matters because the types will go away. but, dunno. the other thing that’s still missing is how to extract the text of the Go type for the calling scope. definitely still lots of missing pieces.
rohany 11:49 PM
I don't think the type specific structs need to implement the templater TypeInfo interface
the implementations would be ruined by having to ascribe to some generic interface right?
jordan:sparkles: 11:50 PM
not rly cuz they’ll get inlined, and the inlining strips type information (or it could)
and i was thinking misty-eyed that it’d be cool to keep things working whether or not the templating actually happened - so you could choose to use a slow dynamic TypeInfo implementation at runtime if you wanted lol. but it’s pointless (edited)
that’s just a super droppable requirement, so, i’ll just drop it
the other thing that’s still missing is how to extract the text of the Go type for the calling scope. definitely still lots of missing pieces.
I think for this it might be good to copy C++ again
// execgen:template <typename T, typename TSlice>
func (col TSlice, idx int) T {
return col[idx]
but this won’t look like it compiles in goland because TSlice and T aren’t real types. without something like this though i struggle to see how you’d propagate the proper text for each type’s scalar and slice types
(by this i mean, someone somewhere has to convert var x T into var x bool or var x int)
rohany 11:56 PM
I'm confused why you need that though -- why can't intInfo just have a method get(col []int, idx int) int
TypeInfo can have get(col []interface, idx int), but when its swapped out for intInfo then the specialized one is used
jordan:sparkles: 11:57 PM
yeaaaah… that’s fair. i guess i was thinking optimistically that we could also have a thing that would let you just do the simple one (return col[idx]) once and overload for the more complicated ones :badpokerface:
moving too far over skis
rohany 11:58 PM
I'm hesitant to start thinking about type replacement stuff
we only have a syntax tree :disappointed:
that would let you just do the simple one (return col[idx])
Oh i see. This is desirable
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