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Last active January 6, 2023 15:55
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Awaitility blog post
(defn check-reactor-is-ready
(let [counter (Math/random)]
(println (str "Reading is... " counter))
(> counter 0.5)))
Reading is... 0.14748365188970014
Reading is... 0.39006578072452525
Reading is... 0.11361210088909512
Reading is... 0.3491163467675231
Reading is... 0.7100413898618688
Reading is... 0.4931516769505109
Reading is... 0.9274004405826166
Reading is... 0.776093982387096
Reading is... 0.7668150587110371
org.awaitility.core.ConditionTimeoutException: Condition foo$check_reactor_is_ready was not fulfilled within 1 seconds.
:dependencies [
[org.awaitility/awaitility "4.2.0"]
(-> (Awaitility/await)
(.atMost 1 java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit/SECONDS)
(.until check-reactor-is-ready))
(deftest something-happens
(.until (.atMost (Awaitility/await) 1 java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit/SECONDS) check-reactor-is-ready)
(testing "Does the reactor have all the right properties?"
(is (= "working" (reactor/condition)))))
(ns example-test
[clojure.test :refer [is testing deftest]]
(deftest something-happens
(.until (Awaitility/await) check-reactor-is-ready)
(testing "Does the reactor have all the right properties?"
(is (= "working" (reactor/condition)))))
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