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Created December 13, 2011 21:16
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logstash internal messaging and queues

Logstash internals (Queues and Threading)

The logstash agent is 3 parts: inputs -> filters -> outputs.

Each '->' is an internal messaging system. It is implemented with a 'SizedQueue' in Ruby. SizedQueue allows a bounded maximum of items in the queue such that any writes to the queue will block if the queue is full at maximum capacity.

Logstash sets the queue size to 20. This means only 20 events can be pending into the next phase - this helps reduce any data loss and in general avoids logstash trying to act as a data storage system. These internal queues are not for storing messages long-term.

In reverse, here's what happens with a queue fills.

If an output is failing, the output thread will wait until this output is healthy again and able to successfully send the message before moving on. Therefore, the output queue (there is only one) will stop being read from and will eventually fill up with events and cause write blocks.

A full output queue means filters will block trying to write to the output queue. Because filters will be stuck, blocked writing to the output queue, they will stop reading from the filter queue which will eventually cause the filter queue (input -> filter) to fill up.

A full filter queue will cause inputs to block when writing to the filters. This will cause each input to block, causing each input to stop processing new data from wherever that input is getting new events.

In ideal circumstances, this will behave similarly to when the tcp window closes to 0, no new data is sent because the receiver hasn't finished processing the current queue of data.

Thread Model

The thread model in logstash is currently:

N input threads | M filter threads | 1 output thread

Filters are optional, so you will have this model if you have no filters defined:

N input threads | 1 output thread

Each input runs in a thread by itself. This allows busier inputs to not be blocked by slower ones, etc. It also allows for easier containment of scope because each input has a thread.

The filter thread model is a 'worker' one, where each worker receives an event and applies all filters, in order, before emitting that to the output queue. This allows scalability across CPUs because many filters are CPU intensive (permitting that we have thread safety). Currently logstash forces the number of filter worker threads to be 1, but this will be tunable in the future.

The output thread model is a single thread. It operates like the worker model above where one event is received and all outputs process it in order and serially.

Consequences and Expectations

Small queue sizes mean that logstash simply blocks and stalls safely during times of load or other temporary pipeline problems. The alternative is unlimited queues which grow unbounded and eventually exceed memory causing a crash which loses all of those messages.

Given the above, by default, logstash will have probably 3 threads at a minimum (2 if you have no filters). One input, one filter, and one output thread each.

If you see logstash using multiple CPUs, this is likely why. If you want to know more about what each thread is doing, you should read this:

Threads in java have names, and you can use jstack and top to figure out who is using what resources. The URL above will help you learn how to do this.

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