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Created February 19, 2012 06:30
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Save jordansissel/1862256 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reading RPMs

Something in RPM changed between RHEL5 and RHEL6.

I can read RPMs for CentOS5 and earlier, but in EL6, the signature header is longer than expected by exactly 4 bytes. I have also observed some normal header (non signature) sections being longer than expected by 16 bytes. It is quite confusing.

If you have insight, please let me know here.

HEADER_MAGIC = "\x8e\xad\xe8\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00"
TAG_ENTRY_SIZE = 16 # tag id, type, offset, count == 16 bytes
def read_header(io)
# RPM 'header' section looks like:
# MAGIC (8 bytes) index_count (4 bytes), data_length (4 bytes )
# * index_count is the number of 'tags' in this header.
# * data_length is a blob containing all the values for the tags
# Header has a header of 'magic' + index_count (4 bytes) + data_length (4 bytes)
p "start of header" => io.pos
data ="a8NN")
# TODO(sissel): @index_count is really a count, rename?
@magic, @index_count, @data_length = data
if @magic != HEADER_MAGIC
puts "Magic value in header was wrong. Expected #{HEADER_MAGIC.inspect}, but got #{@magic.inspect}"
@index_size = @index_count * TAG_ENTRY_SIZE
tag_data =
data =
p "end of header" => io.pos
(0 ... @index_count).each do |i|
offset = i * TAG_ENTRY_SIZE
entry_data = tag_data[i * TAG_ENTRY_SIZE, TAG_ENTRY_SIZE]
tag, tag_type, offset, count = entry_data.unpack("NNNN")
if block_given?
yield :tag => tag, :type => tag_type, :offset => offset, :count => count
#entry << data
end # each index
if ARGV.length != 1
puts "Usage: #{$0} blah.rpm"
exit 1
rpm =[0])
# Read the 'lead' - it's mostly an ignored part of the rpm file.
lead =
magic, major, minor, type, archnum, name, osnum, signature_type, reserved = lead.unpack("A4CCnnA66nnA16")
puts "RPM file version #{major}.#{minor} (#{signature_type == 5 ? "signed" : "unsigned"})"
if signature_type == 5
# Read a header for the rpm signature. This has the same format as a normal
# rpm header
puts "Checking signature"
read_header(rpm) do |tag|
# print each tag in this header
p tag
# Read the rpm header
puts "Checking header"
% ruby header-verify.rb ../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-2.1.4.el5.i386.rpm
RPM file version 3.0 (signed)
Checking signature
{"start of header"=>96}
{"end of header"=>440}
{:tag=>62, :type=>7, :offset=>200, :count=>16}
{:tag=>267, :type=>7, :offset=>0, :count=>65}
{:tag=>269, :type=>6, :offset=>65, :count=>1}
{:tag=>1000, :type=>4, :offset=>108, :count=>1}
{:tag=>1004, :type=>7, :offset=>112, :count=>16}
{:tag=>1005, :type=>7, :offset=>128, :count=>65}
{:tag=>1007, :type=>4, :offset=>196, :count=>1}
Checking header
{"start of header"=>440}
{"end of header"=>16055}
% ruby header-verify.rb ../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-3.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm
RPM file version 3.0 (signed)
Checking signature
{"start of header"=>96}
{"end of header"=>1380}
{:tag=>62, :type=>7, :offset=>1140, :count=>16}
{:tag=>268, :type=>7, :offset=>0, :count=>536}
{:tag=>269, :type=>6, :offset=>536, :count=>1}
{:tag=>1000, :type=>4, :offset=>580, :count=>1}
{:tag=>1002, :type=>7, :offset=>584, :count=>536}
{:tag=>1004, :type=>7, :offset=>1120, :count=>16}
{:tag=>1007, :type=>4, :offset=>1136, :count=>1}
Checking header
{"start of header"=>1380}
Magic value in header was wrong. Expected "\x8E\xAD\xE8\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00", but got "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8E\xAD\xE8\x01"
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Magic value in header was wrong. Expected "\x8E\xAD\xE8\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00", but got "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8E\xAD\xE8\x01"

Reading the 2nd header section failed because the signature header is actually longer by 4 bytes than I calculate. I cannot figure out where this extra 4 bytes comes from. All 4 bytes are zeros as seen above.

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I've read lib/header.c and bounced around other parts of the rpm source and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong or how librpm is handling these two different rpm files separately.

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The code I was reviewing was was here:

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If I test a bunch of RPMs, here is the result:

OK: ../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-3.0-8.EL.x86_64.rpm
OK: ../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-3.1-19.fc8.x86_64.rpm
OK: ../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-3.2-6.fc10.1.i386.rpm
OK: ../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-2.1.4.el5.i386.rpm
FAIL: ../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-2.fc13.x86_64.rpm
FAIL: ../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-3.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm
FAIL: ../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-4.fc11.i586.rpm
FAIL: ../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-4.fc12.i686.rpm
FAIL: ../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-7.fc16.x86_64.rpm

Looks like the change happened between Fedora 10 and Fedora 11, and CentOS 5 and CentOS6.

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Victory! The rpm mailing list was kind and pointed out that the 'security' header is padded up to an 8-byte boundary based on the length of the security header.


% for i in ../sample-rpms/*.rpm; do ruby printrpm.rb $i > /dev/null; file /tmp/rpm.payload | sed -e "s,^,$i ,"; done
../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-3.0-8.EL.x86_64.rpm /tmp/rpm.payload: gzip compressed data, from Unix
../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-3.1-19.fc8.x86_64.rpm /tmp/rpm.payload: gzip compressed data, from Unix
../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-3.2-6.fc10.1.i386.rpm /tmp/rpm.payload: gzip compressed data, from Unix
../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-2.1.4.el5.i386.rpm /tmp/rpm.payload: gzip compressed data, from Unix
../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-2.fc13.x86_64.rpm /tmp/rpm.payload: XZ compressed data
../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-3.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm /tmp/rpm.payload: XZ compressed data
../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-4.fc11.i586.rpm /tmp/rpm.payload: gzip compressed data, from Unix
../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-4.fc12.i686.rpm /tmp/rpm.payload: XZ compressed data
../sample-rpms/redhat-lsb-4.0-7.fc16.x86_64.rpm /tmp/rpm.payload: XZ compressed data

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