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Created April 1, 2015 02:18
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Implementation of the Harris Corner Detection Algorithm
function [ response, corners ] = harris_corner_detector( image, varargin )
% function [ response, corners ] = harris_corner_detector( image, varargin )
% response = harris_corner_detector( image )
% response = harris_corner_detector( image, sigma )
% [ response, corners ] = harris_corner_detector( image )
% [ response, corners ] = harris_corner_detector( image, sigma)
% Sort out the inputs. Parse inputs based on the syntax, this way sigma can
% be defined.
if nargin == 1
sigma = 1
elseif nargin == 2
sigma = varargin{1'};
% Set the inputs.
% Make sure that the iamge is a double.
image_in = image;
image = double(image_in);
% Minimum points within the image to start running the filter over
min_coord_point = 10;
% Define the first set of points for the iamge to go over. These images
% will be referenced again and reset to a new variable value once they are
% evaluated by the variable Sigma.
y_origin = min_coord_point;
y_edge = 255;
x_origin = min_coord_point;
x_edge = 255;
% Find the minimum and maximum values as they pertain to sigma. Sigma is
% pre-defined in your function call. This is the step in which the values
% are evaluated by sigma.
c_origin =x_origin - sigma;
c_edge =x_edge + sigma;
r_origin =y_origin - sigma;
r_edge =y_edge + sigma;
% Reset the variable for organization sake. It variable strings started
% to get unreasonably long if left the way they were.
r =min_coord_point;
% Bring in the filter here that Carl references on the slides. This is a
% basic edge detection filter, generally used and widely used for edge
% detection.
mask_filter = [-1 0 1;
-1 0 1;
-1 0 1];
% Take a line of the mask filter from above to be used as the X vector.
mask_x_vector = [-1 0 1];
% The same filter applies to the Y dimensions of the image but reshape
% using the tic operator to serve as the new Y vector.
mask_y_vector = mask_x_vector';
% Use the convolve filter function to move across the image from the
% pre-defined origin point. Make sure to keep the 'same' var
IDXx = conv2(image(x_origin:x_edge,y_origin:y_edge),...
mask_x_vector, 'same');
IDXy = conv2(image(x_origin:x_edge,y_origin:y_edge),...
mask_y_vector, 'same');
% Assemble a basic filter to run over the image. This set of equations takes the
% equations that Carl and the forums provided to find the general
% equation and turn it into a matlab function to run here.
g1 = (-mask_filter^2);
g2 = (2*sigma^2);
g3 = (sigma*sqrt(2*pi));
% Preliminary variables defined, now run the math
g4 = (g1./g2);
g5 = (g4./g3);
gaussian_filter = exp(g5);
% Use the colvolve function again to perform the 2D convolution of the indexed
% R values and indexed C values
A = conv2(IDXx.^2, gaussian_filter);
B = conv2(IDXy.^2, gaussian_filter);
C = conv2(IDXx.*IDXy, gaussian_filter);
% Displacement for the points on the sides. Upon advice from Carl, use
% either 1 or 0.01 for the K value.
k = 0.01;
% Run all of these values through the noise reduction formula provided in
% the forum. I wrote it as a separate function to make the code run faster,
% also to make it easier to debug.
[ R ] = noise_reduction_sigma(A, B, C, k);
% Take the maximum value of the value R that was found using Carl's equation
% and assign it to the new variable.
maximum_Range_Values = max(max(R));
max_size_values = r;
% Important step, take the eigenvalues of each of the determined values for
% A, B and C. This is what allows the points to be mapped by finding their
% relative distances across the filter. The eigen matlab function was used
% to save time, it was also ok'd by Carl to be used.
eigenA = eig(A);
eigenB = eig(B);
eigenC = eig(C);
% Re-classify the variable r back to its original call name, for better
% organization during . I wrote two sub functions here, one using the
% ordfilt function to insert each of my values
overall_size = r;
[ filtered_area ] = order_operation(R,overall_size);
final_R_values = (R == filtered_area)&(R>0);
[ R ] = harris_computer(R, final_R_values);
% Note that the variable 'lowercase r is recycled here'
% This was a huge boo boo on my part, never going to do that again but it
% was easier to leave it since it made more sense in my head than changing
% it to something more obscure, after all of this time referring to rows
% and columns as [r, c]
[r,c] = find(R);
corner_points =[r+x_origin,...
% Begin indexing the loop to run the algorithm over the entire image from
% origin to end.
idx_total =size(corner_points,1);
for r =1: idx_total
% Run through the rows
corner_points(r,2)) = 256;
% Run through the rows
corner_points(r,2)) = 256;
% Run through the cols
corner_points(r,2)-2:corner_points(r,2)) = 256;
% Run through the cols
corner_points(r,2)-2:corner_points(r,2)) = 256;
% Find all of the date for representing
% I chose the variable U and O because every other row x col letter set
% has already been used.
[U, O] = size(corner_points);
number_of_corners = U
corners = corner_points;
% Display the response, which now is just a map of the points over the
% corners.
response = imshow(R, []);
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