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Created December 6, 2020 20:33
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guillotina asgi server side python render with zpt
from . import templates
from guillotina.entrypoint import app as guillo
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from guillotina.component import get_utility
from guillotina.interfaces import IApplication
from guillotina.utils.content import get_database
from guillotina.utils.content import navigate_to
from guillotina import task_vars
import logging
import httpx
import os
logger = logging.getLogger("writing")
folder = os.path.dirname(__file__)
template_folder = os.path.join(folder, "templates")
template_folder = os.path.abspath(template_folder)
templates.global_init(template_folder, auto_reload=True)
app = Starlette()
async def home(request):
root = get_utility(IApplication, name="root")
db = await get_database("db", root)
tm = db.get_transaction_manager()
await tm.begin()
obj = await navigate_to(db, "v1/folder")
await tm.abort()
return {"param": "world", "obj": obj}
async def demo(request):
return PlainTextResponse("demo, hola")
async def calling_with_httpx(request):
# this uses a feature around httpx, that allos to
# make requests to an asgi app without network
async with httpx.AsyncClient(
app=app, base_url="http://localhost/"
) as client:
resp = await client.get("/db/v1/", auth=("root", "root"))
return JSONResponse(resp.json())
app.add_event_handler("startup", guillo.startup)
app.add_event_handler("shutdown", guillo.shutdown)
app.mount("/", guillo)
# run it: G_CONFIG_FILE=config.yml uvicorn writing:app --port 8765 --reload
# from
import inspect
import os
from functools import wraps
from typing import Optional
from starlette.responses import HTMLResponse
from chameleon import PageTemplateLoader, PageTemplate
class ChameleonException(Exception):
__templates: Optional[PageTemplateLoader] = None
template_path: Optional[str] = None
def global_init(template_folder: str, auto_reload=False, cache_init=True):
global __templates, template_path
if __templates and cache_init:
if not template_folder:
msg = "The template_folder must be specified."
raise ChameleonException(msg)
if not os.path.isdir(template_folder):
msg = f"The specified template folder must be a folder, it's not: {template_folder}"
raise ChameleonException(msg)
template_path = template_folder
__templates = PageTemplateLoader(template_folder, auto_reload=auto_reload)
def clear():
global __templates, template_path
__templates = None
template_path = None
def render(template_file: str, **template_data):
if not __templates:
raise Exception(
"You must call global_init() before rendering templates."
page: PageTemplate = __templates[template_file]
return page.render(encoding="utf-8", **template_data)
def response(
template_file: str, mimetype="text/html", status_code=200, **template_data
html = render(template_file, **template_data)
return HTMLResponse(
content=html, media_type=mimetype, status_code=status_code
def template(template_file: str, mimetype: str = "text/html"):
Decorate a FastAPI view method to render an HTML response.
:param str template_file: The Chameleon template file (path relative to template folder, *.pt).
:param str mimetype: The mimetype response (defaults to text/html).
:return: Decorator to be consumed by FastAPI
if not template_file:
raise ChameleonException("You must specify a template file.")
def response_inner(f):
def sync_view_method(*args, **kwargs):
response_val = f(*args, **kwargs)
return __render_response(template_file, response_val, mimetype)
async def async_view_method(*args, **kwargs):
response_val = await f(*args, **kwargs)
return __render_response(template_file, response_val, mimetype)
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(f):
return async_view_method
return sync_view_method
return response_inner
def __render_response(template_file, response_val, mimetype):
# sourcery skip: assign-if-exp
if isinstance(response_val, HTMLResponse):
return response_val
if template_file and not isinstance(response_val, dict):
msg = f"Invalid return type {type(response_val)}, we expected a dict or fastapi.Response as the return value."
raise Exception(msg)
model = response_val
html = render(template_file, **model)
return HTMLResponse(content=html, media_type=mimetype)
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