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Last active May 22, 2022 22:08
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Starbound lua API
--- Stubs for entity.* callbacks defined in C++.
-- DO NOT INCLUDE this file in your scripts, it is for documentation purposes only.
-- Entity callbacks query and mutate the specific entity that is running the
-- lua script. They can be called from a _different_ entity using
-- world.callScriptedEntity(targetEntityId, "entity.*"), replacing "*" with the
-- name of a function defined below.
-- Specific types of entities (e.g. NPCs, Objects) define different sets of
-- entity.* functions - if a function is only defined for a specific entity
-- type, it will be indicated in the function's comment below.
entity = {
--- Gets a numeric id that can be used to identify this specific entity until it is unloaded
-- @returns Numeric (integer) entity id
id = function() end,
--- Gets the entity's current world position
-- @returns Table { x, y } representing position
position = function() end,
--- Gets the entity's damage team
-- Damage teams control which other entities can be damaged by this entity.
-- @returns Table (map) of: { type = <numeric>, team = <numeric> }
damageTeam = function() end,
--- Gets the entity id of the closest valid target entity
-- Note that "valid target entities" are defined as entities that can be
-- damaged (based on damage teams); and are players, NPCs, or aggressive
-- monsters
-- @param radius Maximum distance a valid target can be from this entity's position
-- @returns entity id of the closest target, or 0 if there is no valid target
-- entity within the given range
closestValidTarget = function(radius) end,
--- Determines whether the given entity is a valid target of this entity.
-- Note that "valid target entities" are defined as entities that can be
-- damaged (based on damage teams); and are players, NPCs, or aggressive
-- monsters
-- @param entityId the id of the potential valid target entity
-- @returns true if the given entity is a valid target, false otherwise
isValidTarget = function(entityId) end,
--- Gets the vector from this entity's position to the given entity's position
-- @param entityId entity to get a vector to
-- @returns { x, y } vector from this entity to the given entity, or { 0, 0 }
-- if no entity exists with the given entity id
distanceToEntity = function(entityId) end,
--- Determines if the given entity is in sight to this entity
-- Note that "in sight" is defined as not having solid collision
-- intersecting the line between the entities' positions
-- @param entityId the id of the entity to check for line of sight on
-- @returns true if the entity is in sight, false otherwise
entityInSight = function(entityId) end,
--- Stubs for global functions monster scripts can define, which will be called by C++
--- Called once when the monster is initialized
function init() end
--- Update loop handler, called once every scriptDelta (defined in *.monstertype) ticks
function main() end
--- Called when the monster has died and is about to be removed
function die() end
--- Called after the NPC has taken damage
-- @param args Table (map) of info about the damage, structured as:
-- {
-- sourceId = <entity id of entity that caused the damage>,
-- damage = <numeric amount of damage that was taken>,
-- sourceDamage = <numeric amount of damage that was originally dealt>,
-- sourceKind = <string kind of damage being applied, as defined in "damageKind" value in a *.projectile config>
-- }
-- Note that "sourceDamage" can be higher than "damage" if - for
-- instance - some damage was blocked by a shield.
function damage(args) end
--- Called when the monster's health has been depleted to determine if the monster can die
-- @returns true if the monster can die, false to keep the monster alive (with zero health)
function shouldDie() end
--- Stubs for global functions NPC scripts can define, which will be called by C++
--- Called once when the NPC is initialized
function init() end
--- Update loop handler, called once every scriptDelta (defined in *.npctype) ticks
function main() end
--- Called when the npc has died and is about to be removed
function die() end
--- Called after the NPC has taken damage
-- @param args Table (map) of info about the damage, structured as:
-- {
-- sourceId = <entity id of entity that caused the damage>,
-- damage = <numeric amount of damage that was taken>,
-- sourceDamage = <numeric amount of damage that was originally dealt>,
-- sourceKind = <string kind of damage being applied, as defined in "damageKind" value in a *.projectile config>
-- }
-- Note that "sourceDamage" can be higher than "damage" if - for
-- instance - some damage was blocked by a shield.
function damage(args) end
--- Called when the NPC is interacted with (e.g. by a player)
-- @param args Table (map) of interaction event arguments:
-- sourceId -> Entity id of the entity interacting with this NPC
-- sourcePosition -> The {x,y} position of the interacting entity
-- @returns nil, or a string describing an interaction response, or a table
-- (array) of { <interaction response string>, <interaction response config table (map)> }
-- Available interaction responses are:
-- "OpenCockpitInterface"
-- "SitDown"
-- "OpenCraftingInterface"
-- "OpenCookingInterface"
-- "OpenTechInterface"
-- "Teleport"
-- "OpenStreamingVideoInterface"
-- "PlayCinematic"
-- "OpenSongbookInterface"
-- "OpenNpcInterface"
-- "OpenNpcCraftingInterface"
-- "OpenTech3DPrinterDialog"
-- "ShowPopup"
function interact(args) end
--- Stubs for functions that object scripts can define which will then be called by C++
--- Called once when the object is initialized
-- @param virtual boolean that indicates whether the object is in placement
-- preview mode (true) or is actually placed in the world (false)
function init(virtual) end
--- Update loop handler, called once every scriptDelta (defined in *.object) ticks
function main() end
--- Called when the object has been destroyed and is about to be removed
function die() end
--- Called when the object is interacted with (e.g. by a player)
-- @param args Table (map) of interaction event arguments:
-- source -> The {x,y} vector from the object's position to the
-- interacting entity's position
-- sourceId -> Entity id of the entity interacting with the object
-- @returns nil, or a string describing an interaction response, or a table
-- (array) of { <interaction response string>, <interaction response config table (map)> }
-- Available interaction responses are:
-- "OpenCockpitInterface"
-- "SitDown"
-- "OpenCraftingInterface"
-- "OpenCookingInterface"
-- "OpenTechInterface"
-- "Teleport"
-- "OpenStreamingVideoInterface"
-- "PlayCinematic"
-- "OpenSongbookInterface"
-- "OpenNpcInterface"
-- "OpenNpcCraftingInterface"
-- "OpenTech3DPrinterDialog"
-- "ShowPopup"
function onInteraction(args) end
--- Called when the level of an inbound connected node changes
-- @param args Table (map) of parameters:
-- node -> (int) index of the node that is changing
-- level -> new level of the node
function onInboundNodeChange(args) end
--- Called when a node is connected or disconnected
function onNodeConnectionChange() end
--- Stubs for world.* callbacks defined in C++.
-- DO NOT INCLUDE this file in your scripts, it is for documentation purposes only.
world = {
--- Finds all entities in the given region
-- @param center Center of circular region to find entities in, or min
-- position of a rect if radius is a 2-vector
-- @param radius If a single numeric value, the radius of the circular region.
-- Can also be given a 2-vector, in which case the search
-- region will be a rectangle defined by a min/max position.
-- @param options Additional filtering options table, accepts the following:
-- withoutEntityId - an entity id (numeric) that will not be returned, even
-- if it is found in the search region.
-- callScript - The (string) name of a script to call in each considered
-- entity (only entities that support script calls will be
-- returned if this option is given).
-- callScriptArgs - Arguments (array) passed to the script named in callScript.
-- callScriptResult - Expected result of calling the script function named
-- in callScript. Only entities that return a matching
-- result will be returned. Defaults to true.
-- inSightOf - an entity id that all returned entities must have line of
-- sight on.
-- validTargetOf - an entity id that all returned entities must be valid
-- targets of
-- notAnObject - If true, no Object types will be considered. Defaults to
-- false.
-- order - The desired ordering of the returned entities, only supports the
-- value "nearest" which will sort the resulting entities by
-- ascending distance from the center of the search region.
-- @returns Table of entity ids
entityQuery = function(center, radius, options) end,
--- Entity query that only considers monsters
-- @see entityQuery
-- @returns Table (array) of entity ids
monsterQuery = function(center, radius, options) end,
--- Entity query that only considers npcs (humanoids)
-- @see entityQuery
-- @returns Table (array) of entity ids
npcQuery = function(center, radius, options) end,
--- Entity query that only considers all placeable objects (including things like bushes)
-- Adds the following options to the options argument:
-- name - Only objects with this (string) name will be returned.
-- @see entityQuery
-- @returns Table (array) of entity ids
objectQuery = function(center, radius, options) end,
--- Entity query that only considers item drops
-- @see entityQuery
-- @returns Table (array) of entity ids
itemDropQuery = function(center, radius, options) end,
--- Entity query that only considers players
-- @see entityQuery
-- @returns Table (array) of entity ids
playerQuery = function(center, radius, options) end,
--- Entity query that only loungable objects (humanoids can sit/lay on them)
-- Adds the following options to the options argument:
-- orientation - Filters results that match the given orientation, valid
-- values are "sit" and "lay"
-- @see entityQuery
-- @returns Table (array) of entity ids
loungableQuery = function(center, radius, options) end,
--- Entity query that only matches entities intersecting the given line.
-- @see entityQuery for valid options
-- @returns Table (array) of entity ids
entityLineQuery = function(min, max, options) end,
--- Entity query that only matches objects intersecting the given line.
-- @see entityQuery for valid options
-- @returns Table (array) of entity ids
objectLineQuery = function(min, max, options) end,
--- Entity query that only matches npcs intersecting the given line.
-- @see entityQuery for valid options
-- @returns Table (array) of entity ids
npcLineQuery = function(min, max, options) end,
--- Determines if an entity still exists
-- @param entityId Id of the entity to check
-- @returns Boolean
entityExists = function(entityId) end,
--- Determines the general type of the given entity id
-- @param entityId Id of the entity to check
-- @returns string entity type or nil if entity doesn't exist or isn't of one
-- of the following possible types:
-- "player"
-- "monster"
-- "object"
-- "itemdrop"
-- "projectile"
-- "plant"
-- "plantdrop"
-- "effect"
-- "npc"
entityType = function(entityId) end,
--- Gets the position of an entity
-- @param entityId Id of the entity to get the position of
-- @return { x, y } or nil if the entity does not exist.
entityPosition = function(entityId) end,
--- Gets the current and maximum health of an entity
-- Only valid for entities that have health (monsters, npcs)
-- @param entityId entity to get the health of
-- @return { health, maxHealth } or nil if the entity does not exist.
entityHealth = function(entityId) end,
--- Gets the species of the entity
-- Only valid for entities that have a notion of humanoid species (npcs, players)
-- @param entityId entity to get the species of
-- @return string species name (e.g. "apex" or "human")
entitySpecies = function(entityId) end,
--- Gets the name of the entity.
-- Note that the meaning of "name" depends on the type of entity
-- @param entityId entity to get the name of
-- @return string entity name, which will be (based on entity type):
-- Player,NPC,Monster: A name for the specific entity instance, e.g. "John Doe"
-- Object: The objectName value from the object's *.object config file
-- ItemDrop: The itemName value from the item's *.item config file
entityName = function(entityId) end,
--- Gets an item descriptor for the item held in the entity's hand
-- Only valid for entities that can hold items (npcs, players)
-- @param entityId entity to get hand item of
-- @param hand Name of the hand to check, accepts: "primary" or "alt"
entityHandItem = function(entityId, hand) end,
--- Calls a lua function in the given entity's lua context
-- @param entityId The (int) entity id of the entity to call the function on.
-- @param name The name of the function to call. This does not need to be a
-- global function - i.e. "entity.say" would call the "say" function
-- on the "entity" table (as defined in the target entity's lua
-- context).
-- @param ... (optional) Arguments passed to function
-- @returns The result of calling the function, or nil if the entity does not
-- exist or does not support lua calls.
callScriptedEntity = function(entityId, name, ...) end,
--- Determine if a loungable object is occupied by a humanoid (player or NPC)
-- @param entityId The (int) entity id of the entity to check.
-- @returns nil if the entity does not exist, or is not a loungable object.
-- Otherwise, true if the entity is occupied or fals if it is not.
loungableOccupied = function(entityId) end,
--- Determine if the given entity id is that of a monster entity
-- @param entityId (int) entity id to check
-- @param isAggressive (optional) If given as true, will only return true if
-- the entity is a monster and is marked as aggressive. If false is
-- given, will only return true if the entity is not marked as
-- aggressive.
-- @returns True if entity is a monster (and the aggressive flag was omitted,
-- or matches the monster's aggressive flag); otherwise false
isMonster = function(entityId, isAggressive) end,
--- Determine if the given entity id is that of an NPC entity
-- @param entityId the (int) entity ID of the entity to check
-- @param damageTeam (optional) If given, the (int) damageTeam that a
-- NPC entity must have for this function to return true.
-- @returns True if entity is an NPC and the damageTeam argument was omitted
-- or matches the NPC's damage team. Otherwise false.
isNpc = function(entityId, damageTeam) end,
--- Mark the given item drop entity as taken
-- @param entityId Entity id of an item drop entity.
-- @param takenByEntityId (optional) entity id that is taking the item drop.
-- If given, the item drop will animate towards this entity for a bit.
-- @returns The descriptor of the item taken, or nil if the item was already
-- taken, was not an item drop, or could not be taken for some
-- other reason.
takeItemDrop = function(entityId, takenByEntityId) end,
--- Gets the amount of light applied to a given position
-- @param position { x, y } position to get light level of
-- @returns numerical light level
lightLevel = function(location) end,
--- Returns the level of wind at the given location
-- @param location {x,y} in world coordinates
-- @returns numerical wind level
windLevel = function(location) end,
--- Returns the temperature at the given location
-- @param location {x,y} in world coordinates
-- @returns numerical temperature level
temperature = function(location) end,
--- Returns whether or not the location is breathable
-- @param location {x,y} in world coordinates
-- @returns True if you can breathe there, otherwise false.
breathable = function(location) end,
--- Determine whether the given position is below the underground level
-- @param position { x, y } location to check
-- @returns True if the given position is below the underground level.
underground = function(position) end,
--- Gets the name of the material at the given tile position
-- @param position The { x, y } position to check
-- @param layer The layer to check: "foreground" or "background"
-- @returns The (string) material name, as defined in the materialName value
-- of a *.material file. Or nil if there is no material placed.
material = function(position, layer) end,
--- Gets the tile modification on the tile at the given position
-- @param position The { x, y } position to check
-- @param layer The layer to check: "foreground" or "background"
-- @returns The (string) mod name, as defined in the modName value
-- of a *.matmod file. Or nil if there is no modification placed.
mod = function(position, layer) end,
--- Applies damage to the tiles at the given positions
-- @param positions List of { x, y } positions to damage tiles at
-- @param layer The tile layer to damage: "foreground" or "background"
-- @param sourcePosition The { x, y } position of the cause of the damage
-- @param type The type of damage to apply, allowed values are:
-- "plantish", "blockish", "beamish", "explosive", "fire", "tilling"
-- or "crushing". Note that "crushing" damage will prevent destroyed
-- tiles from dropping a material item.
-- @param amount The amount of damage to apply to each tile
-- @returns true if any tiles were actually damaged, false otherwise
damageTiles = function(positions, layer, sourcePosition, type, amount) end,
--- Places a tile of a specific material at the given location
-- @param position The { x, y } position to place the material at -
-- fractional values will be ignored, placing at a tile position.
-- @param layer The tile layer to place the tile on: "foreground" or "background"
-- @param materialName The name of the material to place, as specified in the
-- materialName value in a *.material file.
-- @param materialHue (optional) numeric (integer) hue shift to apply to the
-- material, if omitted (or nil), will default to whatever hue matches
-- the biome in which it is placed
-- @param allowOverlap (optional) If true, allows tiles to be placed even if
-- they overlap entities at the same location (defaults to false)
-- @returns true if the material could be placed, false otherwise
placeMaterial = function(position, layer, materialName, materialHue, allowOverlap) end,
--- Gets the vector between two positions, accounting for the world wrap.
-- @param position1 {x,y} position in world coordinates
-- @param position2 {x,y} position in world coordinates
-- @returns Vector (position1 - position2) from position2 to position1, which
-- will be correct even when around the world wrap.
distance = function(position1, position2) end,
--- Calculates the magnitude of a 2-vector table, or the magnitude of the distance between two 2-vectors.
-- Accounts for world wrapping if two vectors are given
-- @param vector1 Vector or start point of a line segment
-- @param vector2 If given, the magnitude of (vector1 - vector2) will be calculated
-- @returns Numeric magnitude
magnitude = function(vector1, vector2) end,
--- Determines if the given region overlaps a player's screen region
-- @param region { minX, minY, maxX, maxY } region to check
-- @returns true if the region overlaps a player's screen region
isVisibleToPlayer = function(region) end,
--- Check if the given position collides with solid and/or platform collision
-- @param position The { x, y } position to check
-- @param solidOnly (optional) If true, will only check for solid collision,
-- otherwise will include platform collision. Defaults to
-- true.
-- @returns True if the given position falls inside of a collision region
pointCollision = function(position, solidOnly) end,
--- Check if the given line collides with solid and/or platform collision
-- @param startPoint The { x, y } position of the line start point
-- @param endPoint The { x, y } position of the line end point
-- @param solidOnly (optional) If true, will only check for solid collision,
-- otherwise will include platform collision. Defaults to
-- true.
-- @returns True if the given line intersects a collision region
lineCollision = function(startPoint, endPoint, solidOnly) end,
--- Check if the given rectangle collides with solid and/or platform collision
-- @param region { minX, minY, maxX, maxY } region to check
-- @param solidOnly (optional) If true, will only check for solid collision,
-- otherwise will include platform collision. Defaults to
-- true.
-- @returns True if the given rectangle overlaps with a collision region
rectCollision = function(region, solidOnly) end,
--- Returns all the tile positions along the given line that contain collision
-- @param startPoint The { x, y } position of the line start point
-- @param endPoint The { x, y } position of the line end point
-- @param solidOnly (optional) If true, will only check for solid collision,
-- otherwise will include platform collision. Defaults to
-- true.
-- @param maxSize (optional The maximum number of collision positions to
-- return, defaults to no limit (-1).
-- @returns A table (array) of {x,y} positions (integral) of the tiles with
-- collision, ordered by (smallest) distance to the start point.
collisionBlocksAlongLine = function(startPoint, endPoint, solidOnly, maxSize) end,
--- Gets the type and level of liquid at the given position
-- @param position The {x,y} position to check.
-- @returns null if no liquid is present at the given location, or a table
-- (array) of { <liquid id>, <liquid level> } where liquid id can be:
-- 1 -> water
-- 2 -> endless water
-- 3 -> lava
-- 4 -> acid
-- 5 -> endless lava
-- 6 -> tentacle juice
-- 7 -> tar
liquidAt = function(position) end,
--- Creates liquid at the given location
-- @param position The {x,y} position to place the liquid at
-- @param liquidId The numeric (integer) liquid type to spawn - see return
-- values of world.liquidAt for valid options.
-- @param quantity The amount of liquid to spawn.
-- @returns true if the requested liquid was spawned, false otherwise
spawnLiquid = function(position, liquidId, quantity) end,
--- Removes liquid at the given location
-- @param position The {x,y} position to remove liquid from
-- @returns nil if there was no liquid at the given position or the liquid
-- could not be removed, a table (array) of { <liquidId>, <liquidLevel> }
-- if the liquid was removed
destroyLiquid = function(position) end,
--- Places an object at the given position
-- @param objectName Name of object to spawn, as specified in an *.object file
-- @param position { x, y } anchor position of the object
-- @param direction (optional) -1 for Left, 1 for Right (defaults to Right)
-- @param config (optional) Additional table (hash) of configuration options
-- that will be merged in with the final object configuration.
placeObject = function(objectName, position, direction, config) end,
--- Spawns an item drop at the given position
-- @param objectName Name of object to spawn, as specified in an *.object file
-- @param spawnPosition World position { x, y } to spawn item at
-- @param count (optional) Number of items to spawn (stacked), defaults to 1.
-- @param config (optional) Table (hash) of additional configuration values
-- that will be merged into the final object configuration.
spawnItem = function(objectName, spawnPosition, count, config) end,
--- Spawns a monster at the specified location with the corresponding flags
-- @param type Monster type as specified in a .monstertype file
-- @param spawnPosition {x,y} in world coordinates.
-- @param config (optional) configuration table (hash) that will be merged
-- into the final monster configuration built from the .monstertype
-- @returns (int) entity id of the spawned monster
spawnMonster = function(type, spawnPosition, config) end,
--- Spawns an NPC at the specified location with the corresponding flags
-- @param spawnPosition {x,y} in world coordinates.
-- @param species name of the species of the NPC as defined by the "kind"
-- value in a *.species file.
-- @param type The type of npc to spawn, as defined by the "type" value in a
-- *.npctype file
-- @param level The level of the npc to spawn
-- @param seed (optional)
-- @param config (optional) Configuration options that will be merged into
-- the final configuration for the NPC.
-- @returns (int) entity id of the spawned npc
spawnNpc = function(spawnPosition, species, type, level, seed, config) end,
--- Spawns a projectile at the given location
-- @param projectileName The (string) name of a projectile, as specified in a *.projectile file
-- @param spawnPosition {x,y} in world coordinates of where to spawn.
-- @param sourceEntityId (optional) Entity id that will be set as the source of the projectile
-- @param projectileDirection 2-vector direction for projectile to travel
-- @param trackSourceEntity If true, projectile position will be relative to source entity position (even if the source entity moves)
-- @param config Additional config options that will be merged in to the projectile configuration
-- @returns (int) entity id of the spawned projectile
spawnProjectile = function(projectileName, spawnPosition, sourceEntityId, projectileDirection, trackSourceEntity, config) end,
--- Gets the epoch time of the currently active planet
-- @returns Time since the epoch start (day zero)
time = function(...) end,
--- Gets the current day
-- @returns Days since the epoch start (day zero)
day = function(...) end,
--- Gets the time of day, based on the current planet's day length
-- @returns Time of day as a ratio, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0
timeOfDay = function() end,
--- Gets info about the current world
-- @returns nil if on a ship, or a table (hash) with the following keys:
-- name - friendly name of the world, e.g.: "Alpha Iota Cnc 6335 IV b"
-- handle - world identifier string, e.g.: "alpha:63052862:92521378:-8389600:9:7"
-- sector - name of the sector the world is in, e.g.: "alpha"
info = function() end,
--- Gets the general type of an item
-- @param itemDescriptor Descriptor of an item, could be a string (e.g.
-- an objectName value from a *.object config file) or a descriptor
-- as listed in a blueprint list (e.g. { "item" : "copperarmorhead" })
-- @returns (string) Item type name, mapped from config file type as:
-- *.item -> "generic"
-- *.matitem -> "material"
-- *.miningtool -> "miningtool"
-- *.flashlight -> "flashlight"
-- *.wiretool -> "wiretool"
-- *.beamaxe -> "beamminingtool"
-- *.tillingtool -> "tillingtool"
-- *.painttool -> "paintingbeamtool"
-- *.gun -> "gun"
-- *.sword -> "sword"
-- *.shield -> "shield"
-- *.harvestingtool -> "harvestingtool"
-- *.head -> "headarmor"
-- *.chest -> "chestarmor"
-- *.legs -> "legsarmor"
-- *.back -> "backarmor"
-- *.coinitem -> "coin"
-- *.consumable -> "consumable"
-- *.blueprint -> "blueprint"
-- *.codexitem -> "codex"
-- *.techitem -> "techitem"
-- *.instrument -> "instrument"
-- *.grapplinghook -> "grapplinghook"
-- *.thrownitem -> "thrownitem"
-- *.celestial -> "celestialitem"
itemType = function(itemDescriptor) end,
--- Log text to the starbound.log file
-- @param format A string to log, or a format specifier string.
-- @param ... Arguments that will be used if format is a format specifier
-- string. A maximum of 4 arguments are supported.
-- @returns nil
logInfo = function(format, ...) end,
--- Render a point that can be viewed when /debug is enabled.
-- Note that scripted entities are generally not updated every tick, so this
-- point may flicker if the entity's scriptDelta is greater than 1.
-- @param position The {x,y} position to render the point at
-- @param color The color of the point as a string (e.g. "red") or as a table
-- (array) of { r, g, b } or { r, g, b, a }
-- @returns nil
debugPoint = function(position, color) end,
--- Render a line that can be viewed when /debug is enabled.
-- Note that scripted entities are generally not updated every tick, so this
-- line may flicker if the entity's scriptDelta is greater than 1.
-- @param startPoint The {x,y} position of the line's starting point
-- @param endPoint The {x,y} position of the line's ending point
-- @param color The color of the line as a string (e.g. "red") or as a table
-- (array) of { r, g, b } or { r, g, b, a }
-- @returns nil
debugLine = function(startPoint, endPoint, color) end,
--- Render text that can be viewed when /debug is enabled.
-- Note that scripted entities are generally not updated every tick, so this
-- text may flicker if the entity's scriptDelta is greater than 1.
-- @param format A string of text, or format specifier string.
-- @param ... Arguments used if the format param is a format specifier
-- string. A maximum of 3 arguments are supported.
-- @param position The {x,y} position to render the text at
-- @param color The color of the text as a string (e.g. "red") or as a table
-- (array) of { r, g, b } or { r, g, b, a }
-- @returns nil
debugText = function(format, ..., position, color) end,
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