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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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use std::str::FromStr;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::io::stdin;
use std::io::stdout;
use std::io::Write;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
trait Game : Clone {
type Move : Copy + FromStr + PartialEq + Debug;
fn start() -> Self;
fn moves(&self) -> Vec<Self::Move>;
fn apply_move(&self, Self::Move) -> Self;
fn score_finished_game(&self) -> f64; // returns >0 if last move won the game.
// === How to play a game, if you're a computer
fn max<T, I>(mut iter: I) -> T
where I: Iterator<Item=T>, T: PartialOrd
let first ="max: empty iterator");
iter.fold(first, |a, b| if a > b { a } else { b })
fn max_by<T, I, F, M>(mut iter: I, score: F) -> T
I: Iterator<Item=T>,
F: Fn(&T) -> M,
M: PartialOrd
let init_value ="max_by: empty iterator");
let init_score = score(&init_value);
let (max_value, _) = iter.fold((init_value, init_score), |(v1, s1), v2| {
let s2 = score(&v2);
if s2 > s1 { (v2, s2) } else { (v1, s1) }
fn best_move<G: Game>(game: &G) -> G::Move {
*max_by(game.moves().iter(), |m| score_move(game, **m))
fn score_move<G: Game>(game: &G, m: G::Move) -> f64 {
fn score_game<G: Game>(game: &G) -> f64 {
let moves = game.moves();
if moves.len() == 0 {
} else {
-max(moves.iter().map(|m| score_move(game, *m)))
// === A layer of paint
fn input_one_of<G: Game>(options: &Vec<G::Move>, prompt: &str) -> std::io::Result<Option<G::Move>>
loop {
let mut line_buf = String::new();
try!(stdin().read_line(&mut line_buf));
if line_buf.len() == 0 {
return Ok(None); // user typed the EOF key, treat it like "q"
let line_str : &str = line_buf.as_ref();
let line = line_str.trim();
if line == "q" {
return Ok(None);
if line == "?" {
println!("options: {:?}", options);
match G::Move::from_str(&line) {
Err(_) => {
println!("i didn't understand that");
Ok(m) => {
if options.contains(&m) {
return Ok(Some(m));
} else {
println!("{:?} is not an option (enter ? to show all options)", m);
fn play_human_vs_computer<G: Game + Debug, F>(select_move: F, start: G)
G::Move: PartialEq + Debug + FromStr,
F: Fn(&G) -> G::Move
println!("{:?}", start);
let mut board = start;
loop {
let options = board.moves();
if options.len() == 0 {
println!("game over");
let s = board.score_finished_game();
if s == 0.0 {
"it's a tie"
} else if s > 0.0 {
"i win"
} else {
"you win"
let your_move = match input_one_of::<G>(&options, "your turn> ").unwrap() {
None => {
return; // user typed "q" to quit
Some(m) => m
board = board.apply_move(your_move);
println!("{:?}", board);
let move_vec = board.moves();
if move_vec.len() == 0 {
println!("game over");
let s = board.score_finished_game();
if s == 0.0 {
"it's a tie"
} else if s > 0.0 {
"you win"
} else {
"i win"
// computer's turn
let my_move = select_move(&board);
println!("my move: {:?}", my_move);
board = board.apply_move(my_move);
println!("{:?}", board);
// === The game of Pennies
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Pennies(i32);
impl Game for Pennies {
type Move = i32;
fn start() -> Pennies {
fn moves(&self) -> Vec<i32> {
let Pennies(n) = *self;
(1..4).filter(|x| n - x >= 0).collect::<Vec<i32>>()
fn apply_move(&self, m: i32) -> Pennies {
let Pennies(n) = *self;
Pennies(n - m)
fn score_finished_game(&self) -> f64 {
// === The game of Fifteen
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct BitSet16(u16);
impl BitSet16 {
fn has(&self, i: i32) -> bool {
let BitSet16(bits) = *self;
0 <= i && i < 16 && (1u16 << i) & bits != 0
fn with(&self, i: i32) -> BitSet16 {
let BitSet16(bits) = *self;
BitSet16(bits | (1u16 << i))
fn wins(&self) -> bool {
// A bitset is a winner if it contains three distinct numbers
// that add up to 15.
(1 .. 8).any(|i| self.has(i) &&
(i + 1 .. 9).any(|j| self.has(j) && {
let k = 15 - (i + j);
k > j && k <= 9 && self.has(k)
impl Debug for BitSet16 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
(0..16).filter(|i| self.has(*i)).collect::<Vec<i32>>().fmt(f)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Fifteen {
red: BitSet16,
blue: BitSet16
impl Game for Fifteen {
type Move = i32;
fn start() -> Fifteen {
Fifteen { red: BitSet16(0), blue: BitSet16(0) }
fn moves(&self) -> Vec<i32> {
if {
} else {
let Fifteen { red: BitSet16(r), blue: BitSet16(b) } = *self;
let used = r | b;
(1..10).filter(|i| (1u16 << i) & used == 0).collect::<Vec<i32>>()
fn apply_move(&self, m: i32) -> Fifteen {
Fifteen { red:, blue: }
fn score_finished_game(&self) -> f64 {
if { 1.0 } else { 0.0 }
fn main() {
play_human_vs_computer(best_move::<Fifteen>, Fifteen::start());
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