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Created July 19, 2020 05:10
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import data.finset
import algebra.big_operators
import tactic
open_locale big_operators
-- Each element of a finite set divides the product of all that set's elements.
lemma dvd_product_of_mem {S : finset ℕ} {x : ℕ} (hx : x ∈ S)
: x ∣ ∏ y in S, y
:= by {
use ∏ y in S.erase x, y,
rw ←(finset.prod_insert (S.not_mem_erase x)), congr, rwa finset.insert_erase hx
-- There are infinitely many primes.
-- (Literally, "there is no finite set of all primes".)
theorem exists_infinite_primes : ¬∃ P : finset ℕ, ∀ k : ℕ, k ∈ P ↔
:= by {
-- Suppose there were. Call that set P.
rintro ⟨P, hP⟩,
-- Construct n such that no number in P divides n.
let n := (∏ p in P, p) + 1,
have no_dvd: ¬∃ p ∈ P, p ∣ n, by {
rintro ⟨p, hp, hpn⟩,
have : p ∣ 1, from (nat.dvd_add_iff_right (dvd_product_of_mem hp)).mpr hpn,
have : ¬ p ∣ 1, from ((hP p).mp hp).not_dvd_one,
-- And now for the most difficult part of the proof: showing that n isn't 1.
have n_ne_1 : ¬ n = 1, by {
by_contradiction hn1, -- if n were 1, then
have : (∏ p in P, p) = 0 := nat.succ.inj hn1, -- the product would be 0, so
obtain ⟨p, hpP, hpz⟩ := this, -- some p ∈ P would have to be 0,
rw hP at hpP, exact ne_of_gt hpP.pos hpz -- but all primes are positive.
-- Now this number n has some prime factor p.
let p := n.min_fac,
have pn : p ∣ n, from nat.min_fac_dvd n,
have pp :, from nat.min_fac_prime n_ne_1,
-- But this is a prime number not in P, a contradiction.
apply no_dvd, use p, finish
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