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Created August 17, 2023 01:55
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How to work with me

How to work with me

Working Style

How I like to work

Deep focus time in the morning followed by more relaxed afternoon/early evening.

I like context and scope but the flexibility to chose the direction and approach.

How I work with others

Async messaging is key.

I like non-work related topics in the non focus time, it’s nice to hear random topics from the rest of the team.

How I like to give and receive feedback

I think it’s important to have a middle man when it comes to work feedback, this can be as 360. In that cases (when there is a middle men) I believe on anonymity.

But in a personal level I like the direct constructive feedback. I’m aware that it’s difficult to get this feedback so I tend not to give it unless I really know the person or you ask me for it. In the other hand I really appreciate when you ping me (individually, not in a group) and you give me your sincere feedback.

How I react to stressful situations

My delivery mode kicks in and I work more efficiency. That can cause the lost of vision in some edge or corner cases. If the stress reaches the not healthy level, I start to feel the first stages of burn out. This situations barely happen, I tend to talk with my manager to fix this problems before it escalates.

How I react to conflicts

Over-communicating and over-questioning to clarify all points of views.

What I value

To put it in a word it would be challenges. That can be interpreted as a project where I need to learn a new language, code pattern, framework or architecture. The room to grow and the flexibility to choose (aligned with the company vision and needs) the battles.

Daily life logistics

I like to work from home but I’m not against of meeting on person if it’s needed. For an onsite meeting to clarify logistics and vision on a particular project or a team building meeting.

Otherwise I prefer to work in my setup.

It’s best to communicate with me in slack messages. I love async communication for questions or minor topics. If you see that I don’t respond you It’s provably because I’m working on a priority task. if my respond/help is a priority on your work, please ping me again and release the priority level. As I mention on the schedule sample section, it’s more provable to answer you right away from 14:00 to 17:00. Please avoid messages of “Hello” without any body. I tent to forget that messages since there is nothing to say but “Hi there” 🙂.

For project alignment/hotfix discussion/… I prefer a google meets call of not more than 45 mins.

Schedule sample

🟢 10:00→11:00 🟢 14:00→17:00 🔴 11:00→13:00 🔴 17:00→Next day 🟡 13:00→14:00

I usually star my work day at 9:00/9:30 with a super focus time in the morning, around 11:00 that is 2h long. At this time I’m really bad at responding messages.

At lunch time I don’t like to pick up the phone so you can expect some delay on my responses at that time. I’m not a strict person when it comes to lunch time. I’m really flexible If we need to schedule a meeting or work on a feature/hotfix.

When it comes to coding I’m more productive at the focus time in the morning or after 17:00, that’s why I like to have meetings either from 10:00 to 11:00 or from 14:00 to 17:00.

Things I can help you with

I love problem solving. If you have any questions about coding (any language really), pipelines, how to exit vim or financial topics I’m your guy. I don’t like to brainstorm on things I don’t really know or fully understand the vision so in that case other team member would be better suited for that task.

I really like discussing topics about code structure, architecture or pipelines. I think I have a good peripheral vision so I can see edge/corner cases that we may not see at first.

Things you can help me with

I tend to be a perfectionist, I spend too much time in the research phase so having strict but long deadlines will help me to focus on the task. At the same time, sometimes I underestimate the time for dependency projects, so if I’m working with you and I have a blocker on your task I would really appreciate you give me a realistic + 20% of time you may spend on it.

I love direct and constructive feedback, you can always ping me individually if you have any suggestion.

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