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Last active April 30, 2022 18:32
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  • Save jorgedfbranco/9583f2ce94a57b135ad9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jorgedfbranco/9583f2ce94a57b135ad9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
--all searches over the entire repository instead of only in the current branch
- git log --oneline (compressed, one line for commit)
- git log --grep <regex> (searches for commits with the given regex expression in their message)
- git log -Smysearchstring (searches for all the commits that contain any change for mysearchstring in this branch, that is, it looks at
files contents, not to commit messages.)
- git log --pretty=format:"%Cgreen%h %Cred%cn %Cblue%s"
  - git log --pretty=format:"%<|(20) %Cgreen%h %Cred%cn %Cblue%s" (with column)
-git log master..<feature> (gives us the history since our <feature> branch forked off from master!)
-git show HEAD@{2013-02-25}:./version.sbt <- shows the file as it was on 2013-02-25.
when using log, use the -g to look through the whole repo, not just the current branch. this includes dangling commits.
- git diff <commit>^! (shows the diff between <commit> and its parent)
git diff --staged/--cached (to --staged looks at the index/staging area)
Listing changes:
- git status -s (-s for short one liners for each file)
Cleaning the current directory:
- git clean -df (-d to include empty directories, -f to force any actual action to occur. --dry-run/-n may also be employed)
History rewriting:
- git reset <commit> (moves this branch's pointer to <commit>. leaves the files/modifications introduced by later commits on the
- git stash -u (-u includes untracked files)
- git stash --keep-index (only stash stuff in the index)
- git merge --no-ff <commit> (no fast-forward)
- git push --all (pushes all the repos branches to the remote repository)
Remove remote branches
- git fetch --prune (updates the local remote branches to match the deletions from the remote repos)
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